My Bushcraft Tools
Just a quick look at the tools I use when I'm out in the woods and the upgrades I'm looking to make to that load out in the future!
Small Forest Axe:
Bushcrafter FLat Grind Knife:
Rough Rider Penkife:
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Tags: bushcraft,outdoor,hiking,outdoorlifeofbrian,nature,camping,wilderness,travel,vlog,lightweight,outdoors,axe,knife,tools,tomohawk,bucksaw,homemade,laplander,battlehorse knives,blind horse knives,rough rider,wool blanket
Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video so today I'd like to go over my bushcraft tools I haven't really gone over my kind of kit in a year or two so I thought it'd make a nice video if we're just going to go over the tools I'm carrying when I met on my bushcraft troops and I met today with my good friend charlie we've bare just a little over nighttime we're just spending the day out here it's lovely woodland and yeah so let's have a look at this this kit so typically you have three types of gear you have your heavy white gear you have your medium weight gear and your lightweight gear with the heavy weight gear that's the kind of stuff you can be carrying winter it's going to be big books oars your big heavy felling axes stuff like that medium white you're kind of being your Hansel's and your small hatchets
and then lightweight you're just kind of going ready pendulums and stuff like that so I'm going to go through everything that I have and I'll explain kind of when I use it when and where I carry it okay so I thought I'd shoot it under the top simply because it's a little bit less windy and we've got the wool blanket down so I'll show you what I've got so I've got six six tools here and I'm not very tall heavy person when I go I don't tend to carry that much stuff and but I do have a little little array of things I do kind of change in the net as I go on different outings so we'll start with source first then we'll do axes and then we'll do noise organize that Brian there you go so the typical one everybody has is the laplander now mine's very worn very worn down I've kind of it's pretty much silver there the black is kind of all going off it but M it's been a good saw I tend to carry this on most outings if I'm having a small foyer if I'm backpacking I don't carry at all if I'm going out for a longer period of time where I want to have ease of FOIA and I want bigger logs I'll carry a slightly bigger saw but I'm going to change the sail I'm going to go for like a silky saw maybe next it's nearly at the end of its life and I'm thinking I want to try what those longer blade itself is saws or something like that I'll shop around but I'm carrying this in a canvas sheath that I'm aged a very rough canvas sheath and never bothered to get a leather one for it I don't know why but that just holds it nicely and it's miss cheap to make it this has took me a couple of minutes to make so yeah that's the luck blunder next up I need to make a little bit of space here two seconds next up we have a slightly bigger up slightly bigger saw don't always carry one of these in fact it's really a do carry one yeah but I've only actually recently made myself this and we used to carry Jordans on our outings that we used to go on but anyway I made this canvas sheath for it this is my books or by the way if I haven't already noted ladies can we shoot for it I have two different types of air colored canvas which is quite nice with a strong popper on there in the top there's a piece of cordage for the books obviously and then you've got the three components that you need pop it over there got the book saw in such a way they'd say if I can do it he says
sorry it's cuz I'm using it today I built the bookstore in such a way that it disappears and going back into itself let's quickly build this just to show you the very simple build talking about half a day to do it's a great little thing they'll just carry a piece of paracord with it 450 thread it through one side thread it through the other there is a loop or the one end of the cord what you kind of do a bit of a trucker's hitch on just to put a little bit of tension to it Bank a half hitch in there so I look at the camera I'm trying to look what I'm doing it hot - half hitches and you're away and then you have this little piece I don't know the official term story but that basically just gets the tension there you have it that is a solid 21 inch saw so if you're going through some a hard wood like oak or ash it's a little more difficult to solve through especially with a small lock on a hand saw like the backhoe this absolutely tears through it and you can really show up in the year you can reach up on the blade as well which is noise see that's my saw and it has a lovely lovely leather canvas sheath to go with it no two axes I only own two axes I am shortly to start a project and the new one I want to make myself a larger axe I want to make the handle myself first actually ever bought and it was one of the first bushcraft items I actually ever bought was the the typical old scared what was it called there Grand Falls Brook small forest axe it's been with me now for four years comes on it called all the camps with me I don't really take on diet days out and so be honest I don't really use it that much anymore because I'm not very big into I've kind of learned ways of getting around having to split wood down and so the only thing I really stood for was carving but it's got a table stuck they love the sheath which came with it she's actually recently show up and go shopping for the day and I made myself a leather neck for it because I do actually have a few chips because I didn't know about that before yep no more chips for me on that one see I carry that it's a nice little kind of backpacking it's big enough to fit in your backpack put in anything more or won't carry it because it's things about 1.2 kilos this is I don't own a hatchet I've never felt the need I'm going to hatch it button a large racks I would like so I'm gonna I'm going to buy myself a new elack's head of ebay and I'm going to make myself my own rocks and logs that's Calibri cool room that's kind of my next project I'm looking forward to doing next up I have a tomahawk
simply because I like throwing a tomahawk and I bought this from woodsman's
which means tools I think it was called the bushcraft show one year the sheets pretty cool because the the sheath is a belt loop as well and you can where you attach the sheath to your belt and then you can pull it out like that it's a very simple bearded tomahawk but I think it cost me 40 pounds and I bought it to pretty much destroy it and you can boy the new shuts for it for a bill and then it shafts are about ten pound but I bought it to throw it it's rusty it's not that sharp and I just throw it around and lastly brutalize it but its just a cool wax I really really like it it's not very good for splitting it's not very good really got a woodwork and it's just fun in the woods that's all it is funny in the woods and to fascinate you just tie it together so yeah don't retard out and kind of take that on days out and me and the boys are out and which one of some of the systems similar to the catapult really just another thing to want to have fun with so yeah that's my tomahawk I thought I don't on a bigger acted on a smaller axe is something I need looking to do it but I've got this for I've got this for four years down the line I've never really felt the need for one so hey-ho my knife I only own one and full-tang blade that might surprise some people because I know a lot of people are big into the noise and I only have one and I actually didn't pay for this knife and got given giving it by Kevin Hennessy some of you might remember his channel he had kind of gone off the radar a little bit Noble and Catholic girls gave me this surely before we moved to Idaho and and the idea was he got sent this by blind horse knives while he lived in England and then he moved over to the States and he wanted to leave it in England and because that's way it was meant to be so I was taken over ownership of it it's a three inch blade and I think it's carbon fiber handle it's a flat growing knife and this was the first flight one I've ever owned around a couple of scanned the noise and I've sold them since I've got this one I do actually prefer flat growing knives now compared to and compared to ask Andy and I really do like this knife it stay with me and just a solid little blade and I've moved away from the four inch chain the four inch handle sorry the four inch blade I do like the 3 inch blade now so that's a blind horse nor it came with the blind horse knife sheath I added my own dangler onto it I do think the dangler function is really good it just it means it's on your hip but it's movable so when you're sitting down this stuff it's not getting the way and it's also about an antler handle and fire steel on the side be a really big fan of this know if I do actually write it and I just like a simple is I'm really into my simple looking equipment and there's no kind of swell or anything on the blade and on the handle it's very straight it's got a little bit of a coil in there for for your index finger it just works really nice I don't treat it the best you know a battery it's got a lot of stains on there and stuff but it's the way I like to have seen my tools like used and you know worn so yeah that's my only fault and blade and again I don't take it that much em nowadays I don't take that many tools and very much into and getting away with bare minimum so kind of train myself to not need it but I do really like that blade I really do and the next next tool or the final tool is my pen knife very small pen knife for doing small minimal tasks its mob to my everyday carry pocket knife
it's a rough rider' blade and it's got three blades on there got a large blade slightly smaller blade and I like a utility blade I use a large blade for and food tasks I use the smaller blade for wood carving and whittling tasks and then I use the utility blade for kind of cutting rope and stuff like that I do you want to try this Oaks I've seen a slightly larger a Florida blade which has got a few more extra components and it's a little bit more robust a little bit bigger I do like that what I would do like the smallest of this book I think I am going to try to ever get a slightly larger model so yeah those are my tools only six tools I don't anymore I honestly don't that's all I have but erm going forward I want to replace not replace what I want to get make myself on your axe and maybe yeah replaced a small small air pocket knife so I hope you enjoyed this video I'll leave a link in the description for all the tools I carry so if you're interested in them look at the process see see if you'd like to purchase of yourselves and that's kind of all occurring I'm going to do a little day video later on everyone's of the knocks and replace the key things but the meat that's what I've been running for the past four years and worked really well and before which wanted to post this video just before us on the changing table see ya other than that I hope you enjoy the video thanks for watching see you again very first hello game people so hope you enjoyed that video it's what I've been meaning to make for some time now and tools are something I hold quite dear to me are really doing enjoy a good tool however like I mentioned in the video it's not something I've been using very much of light so I'm gonna kind of get back into it and I want to get more into the crafty side of bushcraft because it happened in a lot of hiking and as I've liked all of the links the tools that you see in the video will be in the description so if you'd like to have a look at that you can do if you do like those style of videos where I am editing The Woodlands doing Bush graph then take a look at the video that's on screen this is a series that I did a couple years ago now where me and my good friends Bill Jordan and Matt we all went to Sweden for a week so that's a full series 7 days and that's day 1 there and we just paddle bushcraft carve you name it we pretty much do it on that trip so you go check that one out it's a really good day kind of bushcraft style gel series to have a look at other than that I hope you enjoy the video thanks for watching I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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