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Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video I'm here at the bushcraft show 2017 and I thought I'd like to bring you guys along and the way I want to shoot this video is that one to be a bit more specific this year and I want to take you through more journey the bushcraft show and show you some of the stools very specifically that I enjoy the most and maybe talk to a few people along the way as well and get feeling and show you guys what the bush stuff show is all about because I think there's a persona of this show in particular there's a lot of trade thought it's all a bit marketing and it's all about selling products but it's absolutely not there is so much knowledge and so much skill being shared at this event and that's what it's all about for me so I want to take you around and meet some of the people that are masking big fans on myself obvious so show you some of the gear that I like as well and the song my favorite stall that I like to browse and peruse and blow things from and we'll see how we get on so I hope you enjoy this journey and come along for the ride so Thursday we have Dave Watson the owner of woodlands available graphs and absolutely master of the bow drill and hand drill anything friction fire related this guy's got it down to a three and I always enjoy what she's demonstrating they're really it's an automatic downward pressure Rob and the smoke will come out now so I'm wanting to work off okay in fact just a really high like that I'm now going to slow down and slow down some more but the smoke come in here I'm in control
I've got suitable equipment so okay
she's a basically what I'm doing at this stage is I'm drilling to get the full diameter of the drill embedded into the base cream the reason for that is if I cut the notch out as if by magic the drill appears
absolutely okay like a vocalist okay lots of member it may look pretty very emphatic in efficient so now what I'm gonna do is some long drawn a place oh this bloke I can flatten that back okay so you can flatten it go in now and what you really after is it's a sharp edge both sides so usually for school yeah I polished that out there like yeah we passed it and down here is where get it I use it to say first that yes excellent yeah yeah the back for scraping dark rock telefilm a telephone call Camry in fact I'll go as explained earlier gray actually I was having website is there calculate a speed at asleep when they're hunting so like actually close in and attack their prey more accurately that's amazing thank you also subscribe to my youtube Island of rock you know fitness and DDP yoga I'll give you water plug then we settle down to listen to a talk from Paul currently discussing wood splitting with several different acts types you'll all I'm a big fan of Paul currently and easy sauce around bushcraft so your analogies throughout the video there are several places where I'm listening to Paul correctly or his team from frontier bushcrafter almost say or absolutely fantastic of what they do if ancien argue yeah shoulder throat yep yeah we're going to or a drop knee we're going to do that that's a more efficient tool and universe split not your stuff but the general-purpose actually still do a very good job that's not going to do it very easily so if we're making a television program I'd get another bit now and we cut it so slick usefully there you go like that maybe just cuts it up don't be the first couple they fail I would I'm a bushcraft hero next contract the bit rot in place is destroyed but with them notice I'm dropping it here I'm not doing it from back here got that swing a lot of counterbalance with a handle it's all basic stuff for everything else is built on the basics into the pieces very small portion and linking that is flat school that's a bottle spoon battle specialized dies cool do something entertaining or education matter retain it yes good obligate me ask ice cream some questions like Robin done like yeah what you think are you doing book on a screen a question which is your favorite school when I serve with one loss is one I Mac I like that I like this not for the twist
but I do like one slightly doing a little bit I mean I'm not very good at doing the actual chicken out of it it's that screen flip out to the side bun Wow I don't know I don't quite only never saw our favorite food [Applause]
massive fan of the band that's about to come on now and it's qne home so we all settle down the whole group of us and everyone has been practicing the songs the last 12 months so we really gave journey home a good show and it [Music]
all behind the walls of all the county la la
howdy cowboy song he [Applause]
way to me [Music]
bushcraft if you learn the right words first if you learn the right trees first the analogy in this case we can apply to plants fungi to get the biggest bang for your buck from those first few so how do we get there and we get to that list and we get to be 25 you should learn first well by asking the right questions is how we do it asking the right questions so we can ask the question wish peterhall we do now we are going to the Fowler we are going to the Tanner I don't know why I got it I'm going to go to sweat house melt all let's go yeah how did it work let's take our clothes off come in with a I'll hold this yeah I've got a fire got to get the back in a minute a lot hotter in here today I think some firstly water here and first we are not going to warm up and without first leaves and take the steam out of it the steam is called low so you can smell the parsley oh that's very not healthy toss a little pillow Lulu yes three this week
oh yeah know that I cock I thought so is it oh yeah I saw your mother you Tokyo just hearing the fight as you say Brian is a little bit more awake now I feel better already
yeah I am oh it's a feeling yeah you can just again like this right I dare you go the song lyric Lola then you come come around around and that's it alright sure got any fights again what you smell it yeah it's like everyone agrees it in this is to miss it the real Bristol this is like it's like a shot of espresso experience let's do it so when you're at the blush crush on you really wake up get somebody to show your face in it shall be Fator only way i wake up in the morning this with others of the TV so that was survivor fini finish soreness on a little bit days you could use the marvelous experience these are the is the soreness hot rocks i birch leaves birch water and they also really pretty often packs as well very nice packed a squall a little cot and jacks also look at a nurse as well oh god oh so here we are at the front a bush craft store which is mine and Peter's favorite race for interruption we've done a couple of courses within there so they've got the the winter hot tent here settle and then you've got right gubin over there and you go right Goodman's
kitchen in here brings back terrible memories of the river space only jokin and then there's a shelter here which we helped set up in a couple of days ago we help we help you guys build this and will help me set this up reload those banners and then Henry one of the guys that works for Paul is giving a Rob & peeta a little demonstration on dental care when is in about and then I go over until spoons and a little bit of conversation about sharpening knives what are you doing I'm just sharpening up a couple of couple of knives really forming the simmers on the new carving demos yeah when you're doing the dropping sessions the brilliant sessions that's going to be a car passed one stage about how fast three people can just rip in a kind of distance harmony really and it sort of delays because they're one of them I one of my friends were saying that he wants to do a bit of carving with someone but he doesn't want to kind of commit to like an hour or two yeah and I said I'll head over to spoons because it's just dropping you just just come in were your eyes you can say five minutes quiet you can stay for a whole two hours and with this carving really what ever ever you want and I can help out as much as I can and I put all about landing yet chest knowledge got big a little bit further up the ladder with a carving hopefully it's good to me when that wave hit the boat like that the dog fell across suppose it's above the course you can call it they get discount on the next core engine I've fallen in simply has been sat on a seat sunrise I've just gone over the side now that's once in black because immediately become a kilometer a bit so the month of the weight we can carry on the portal cruise fine and because the boats soul I actually would probably take a sack an appointment and then we have a fine demonstration from mr. ray Goodwin regarding portage in canoes and packing your canoe for expeditions sometimes I mean Emily were very interested in so we soak that up and then we got right to give us a quick demonstration on a better way for mean anything if the canoes together it's something we had been struggling with [Music]
alright that's a lot easier to get it up there - ok - put it down we'll reverse the process drop that oh I think we're on a long portage we can swap over now I can take off that take their take that way
yeah okay okay so here we are it's always been Louis offered possibly one of my favorite traders in terms of noise maybe encumbers work leather work being a fun for many years I'm gonna take you inside I got maybe like to speak about a little bit and show you all the stuff that off so first off we have these beautiful bushcraft blankets oh yeah me and we bought one of these earlier today actually I think it was this color we bought so absently particular actually look and then we've got the old booking apps you would have seen the famous I was a lifer Brian hat that was bought it from here two years ago nothing
sin was got all of the lowest level so it needs us with some new pouches that were designed this year we've recently brought in gun pouches look at those earlier perhaps you love the branding of Benedict
oh look about this I am absolutely in love we've been offered noise it is the one thing in bushcraft that I want and I have pretty much all the kid I ever need and I haven't bought any kit for a very long time there and bought a bed off acknowledged is something I would absolutely love drone and one day I will save up and and make that purchase I don't you know I'm not so much thank you one day yeah that's exactly what Huntington laymen one day yeah one day and I don't they are gorgeous and what you were specially made a lot charlie have a look at immediate sort of safety is the fact that the healer the axe will actually make contact with the chopping block so you're preventing going too deep so I'll just rest it on there you'll be a bit careful of this hand and then we could put a few Nick's in and then we can start working back to that they will swap once I get something that actually very interesting while they're actually making this video it forced me to sit and watch some of the demonstrations that I typically wouldn't watch due to the fact that I kind of thought and pretty much knew what they're talking about and didn't want to waste my time watching it again but some of the things I watched I actually learned a lot from and it's interesting here which you forget a flick up of ears and there it really kind of reinstated with me some of the basics that I've kind of lost over the past couple years so I'm going to start rehoming those skills and really maybe want to stop practicing the basics again so that's what we're going to aim to do the next problem
so overall the bushcraft show 2017 was definitely the best one yet in my opinion and it definitely had some something to do with the fact I just had all my friends around me and it was just such a positive loving atmosphere and we had such a fantastic time all together but not just that I got to meet a lot of old faces I got to make a lot of new friends and meet some people that haven't had chance to meet for several years and I just got chance to catch up with everyone and overall it was just a wonderful experience
I thoroughly enjoyed myself so thank you to the organizers for doing it and I hope to see you all there again next year in 2018 for another fantastic show
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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