We Messed Up! - Scotland Bushcraft Trip Day 1
So it has been long overdue for me and Peter to get out on a proper trip together so here it is, Charlie also came along as well, gaining his skills and quickly becoming a strong member of this new team! Enjoy!
Check out Peters channel for his videos of the trips and other great content :D
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Tags: bushcraft,outdoor,hiking,outdoorlifeofbrian,nature,camping,wilderness,travel,vlog,lightweight hiking,outdoors,heavy weight,traditional camp,scotland,road trip,bushcraft trip
Video Transcription
like a good size sheet ready and anyway of late when I've got machines away punished again some dusting and ended up straight away
the best the best way to get the good sheet is like is to pay me off a dead form content here or I'm a dead planet and are they shove in your pockets dry out
notice the front of us have no stake something yet started it wasn't we're just not ready charlie it just wasn't ready Brian put two more sigh I was out that way to my house like young bushcraft bill burr on that and then I came to this bitch Theresa set new to me that's yours that's your YouTube holiday yeah must got no mo ho there you going I'll start living camera correct i'm right well song what weird place for called is that in the middle of nowhere in this one house old guy did it this shot is like it's an outdoor shop on an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere but i'll link the shop in the bottom of my videos it's a really good job oh because i think i don't know whether they're still doing it used to get 50 different fifty percent discount just go to the shop he said do not always in many online shopper yeah tamarac but the last is not to film inside today because they're filming something apparently hello people and welcome to another video so i am here with a couple of friends i will introduce those in a moment and we're heading up to Scotland for a couple of days and we're going just passed dumfries and just say that got away forest there's the room there's the route we are currently we're just under three hours away and and I'm here with the one and only foster bushcraft again right and we've got this mom go to the back alright Chuck Norris that's the real trick now Charlie's coming on again you prolly remember Charlie from previous videos like wilderness gather it will miss gallery hey if you don't know Peter is you should for establish craft link will be in the description and before I forget so enormous we get to do yeah I forget to do it's a little engelmann tubes link will be in the description for triad Peters channel and we handle the Scotland yeah the first two nights we're going to be camping by the shore near the sea and we've got quite a lot planned actually going to see if we can do some kind of fishing and we're going to do some and harvesting of we're after we're going to try get some razor clams razor clams and I want to get some tacos and what sauce so we're gonna do some kind of harvesting around there see what we can find and then the third night we're going to drive north for a few miles and we're gonna do a little bit of a hike out to it a body and hopefully well too long and we're gonna swim the Nixon the Fallen eyes and above it we've come pretty heavy white just chillin come pretty heavy weight actually we've got all the heavy canvas gear but it should be pretty sweet i bought this claim with my video about the people you're gonna complain about the amount of stuff you brought but it's deliberate like we don't we set out to do a heavyweight kind of a large additional gear so it's pretty sweet I mean this is going to be this is kind of one of the first heavy way comes as I could on this year mean I've done a lot of hiking this year so am yeah it's pretty sweet I'm not too dry for a Jane Milner drive so thank you defeat him to do the driver so my car's reciate ollie it's later small tribe here's got a new kiss hey Kiki call you Charlie will now please got a new air four by four where you got it's in this an extra all columbia columbia x-trail thing yeah so we're gonna hit roll now back on the m6 and take a job if you can't you're working for the money and you're lucky you forget a half it's nothing new people there just the same just trying to take the strain nothing off to nothing game same as you how you are yes
up in your face you tryna get your own place just a very small someone used to you fix my phone on me Darla this is so we all know like they were just smashing through
in some pretty much traffic on the winter
so going into traffic around we need to end employers hold the job my son
so Jesus is apply damn man we need it down
I photo shoot discuss is always every about leaders
we want to keep a shot she's go see some salesmen it you want men to be the one that doesn't forget stuff forget stuff are loose okay so little update and it basically Peter's got his new diesel car and he's put petrol in it so now we're stuck here soon we've cool they call green flag out what Peter as m and a long been white vinegar they're gonna be here in like prob about 20 minutes half an hour so yeah bit half an hour white and we'll back on the road they were probably gonna be set up at the dock yeah we're gonna add a line in Sweden within them suspect we take this long to get to Scotland but what were the annoying thing is like we're so close now we need to be where like we just walk we can't know were you even continued no mate its Scotland oh so technically we can come anywhere there is a private number of that fence like I'm not even joking the symbol honestly there's some words over there we could probably comfort level it is so yeah mmm so much for the bushcraft yeah no we were just saying it's times like this where you were you know it's funny these are these are the adventure you're going to remember let stress out yeah I'll move it it happens part of the city i'll say similar to when we did the when i did the lake district camp and we ended up sleeping the car because you just quit for it to come these things happen so well it's well yeah really though it's more your preparation you're always comes in like so my preparation for an incident like this is I've made sure I've got breakdown cover I've made sure that my phone is fully charged I've charged up on the way down you've got all that kind of stuff good food Duffy yeah it's very good so nothing to worry about really here to assist in the dark but I'm sorry I'm pretty experienced the thing is cool thing about the dead the hammocks is though like the public office I your weapon my hammock is really easy to set up in the dark I'm going to hang it in the trees that don't one yeah i forgot my webbing shot some hammocks oh yeah he always forgets getting so any good to know would it be all right he's suppose about that the inexperienced what exactly is not forgotten anything is not everything called our problem it I follow me I don't think about anymore yeah which one is holly like a secure for two weeks I've everything around I'm Palermo English winner let's go guff about everything you let me show the guys are our boot admin come here we go nice you really you're just not ready for this you know I thought I came prepared for this adventure but this is something else seriously if you're if you're conscious of mass if you guys are compulsive disorders now's the time that you really need to look away from the camera this is sensitive footage okay right horrible visible museum mass street we've got osha's Costa cafe is it the valix jumpers maps boobs coax a stir-fry pops is again everything show the pitas fire steel fire steel collection go on down here in case in case peonies to start a fire when the car that's one down here did you follow me this slide in compartment is not only one but this this to know guys eat a fish soup on my stills to our head always to know what I think this is this is the weirdest thing in the world they're not mine so Rob if you're watching like just in case we need to see what acts is gonna happen next we've got some rules guys above anything this is this is times like this it becomes a spiritual journey and runes is where they could come into importance yeah this is system a stone or a great time and I've got a map of the lake district as well kinda like this though it's got every eventualities although yeah base if you need toilet there's a toilet in the car
I don't know what to believe anymore wait so we've got a coal truck we did you just said to go drain it but voids are total I want to get told backwards very open this whoa obey has no salt or something like his cum tube
greenside pays for it the pain for the fuel is uh what green flag paid they pay for it they pay for the whole thing nobody said yeah happy days sweet so basically what they do is the drain in it and then green and then leave like pay for 10 years of your fruity smell you disobey Singh oh happy days and then sends our way they're taking it to the depot like that day like are far away oh we go again in the back of their truck then yeah mom well this is there this is in cycle haha your office either be right well I was 10 things like I really felt the tempers exact thoughts about security late I sound legend is literally like practically thought the tank Vigo is a boss that guy's that guy is a bus true but here's the man oh please hello me loving you holla side continued on a 745 for half a mile well you may be how are you leave it all you want patents
no jobs for we live all's good surely now you're like a hobby from the hobby hey did it like a bopha see we have not ever realize we are heading now to camp what is it like one kilometer there at one it can be one kilometer to give you half on its basis when we find some work all right like go right here amazing that you've all of them let's rock and roll I'm thinking it we try and get on the ok so we've chosen our spot Peter's over there just sayin up atomic Charlie's over there sort yourself out I'm over here I've got the old fossil froster up back with me because I comfy to all in confited winter camping gear in the lk and always forgot my webbing straps Mohammed so i'm waiting for Charlie to give me I Republicans on key so I can set it with some paracord its Melanie my only option then we'll go and get the food out of the car when we set up if you've still got to tearing it where ya on with the show okay so we're all set up Charlie over there this DD top chollas on the ground aren't you I am indeed I'm under there in my hand and see hammock but also the DD top on this song is a bit bigger because we're expecting some strong for some rain and then Peter over here you need Hennessy self and Hennessy top your boat to get this way
oh no disaster whatever done sorted don't take his time I'm not getting my oh shut up all night nice
okay folks we are I've just come to a test go to grab our food it is currently withstood 60 97 degrees barley and so it's not too late actually like we are running late well we should get after you buy I'tikaf easy so it's not too light and we've just got some muffins to keep us going we got quite a lot of food oh yeah we bought our theories for you kreo food then we passed on too bad that's around like 12 queen is shaky yeah and along with the extra petrol but let's take it like the moment okay should be of off-roading we do know where we are this is it a boy meant to come this way yes my stitch will go to the road I was sick I was quality you should send any went off the cliff use my cockpit taught me that ok I'll give Brian Sonic's service I was always Charlie like more prepared to those for everything we people good him or not that is it like here's one I made earlier I'll make these another well but a channel of us we want all just everything in this at all of this fucking as well yeah we carried upward sweeping back to do you want a situation where come on you're not do justice the camera is this is a tall god Brian thumb the struggle go Frodo one dia see what we do commitment to the videos all night when we were hiking the light district we're coming down some others cuz most stupid idea you know you slip just yeah I'll sleep with grub the tree my feet just fell off on me Phil on the back head here rock I was alright but if not me about so what was going on oh yes mate this is a great absolutely oh my I'm just holding on to the speak yeah I'm going on oh my god oh he's just not even usually it's just like oh I'll make it feel yeah he's a professional I'm telling you oh you do like lima don't you yeah yeah you all make it something fun I stick it you torn up let me go to you make a video go tell you my dedication hell I put myself through with some of the videos that I've done like the film Andre it's been like the middle wind up studying a river to get a nice shot the beach olive scale go go go go go guess I'll push set the sword in the fucking work judge so here's the career of people shoulder yet come focus loaded up it's we've done a lot of things we have got far too much food but we must catch I'm really very much than not enough there isn't it that's what i was thinkin oh boy hit to this hey Soph under here with rear wheel we actually got the hennessy hammock on the grill you on the quilt and undercover so this is the water birth water-resistant light blue blue layer underneath of this boy foam mat comic on top so we're gonna test this out tonight see a way it does a mytab listen put them all back you guys I got to call bullshit Tessa there we are expecting snow for the morning so it's gonna be pretty interested
so hard to find skies blue but so okay folks so that is the end of day one and we've had a very fun day if we didn't exactly go to plan for mouse box for them yeah it was very productive and we had we've just had a really good laugh along the way and see it all really pleased more quite tired now and so having an early night it would you a storm in tonight so we're quite a wall hunkered down and got ready for that to come in and we are expecting snow for the morning to that be interesting and hopefully just now we're all kind of looking forward to if it does and but yeah more shall be interesting I hope they get down on the beach and see if we can find some clams and mussels and stuff and even get a nice seafood lunch on the go yeah so yeah look forward to tomorrow day two so until until that video comes up thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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