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Survival Snow Shelter. Patrol Shelter


In this video i show how to make a fast, comfortable Survival Snow Shelter. This military type Shelter is for Patrol/Recce. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Moscowprepper/1406284822976324

Tags: Survival Snow Shelter,Survival Snow,Survival,Shelter,Army,Patrol,Russia

Video Transcription

and all that guys welcome to Russia welcome to awesome Russia awesome North beautiful weather today we're going to take a look at another survival shelter another military style survival shelter which is ideal for these conditions and much more comfortable as a Sholan part 1 if you haven't seen it you can go and look at it but this is a really cool night shelter so hang on and let's get to work by the way in the comments section of part 1 i've got some questions about why i was compacting such a large area and thus different the quiz answers to their it's cold but one is that I want to make at least two or more shelters here but the other thing is that I can stand here now without snow shoes on and they're in my winter camp in the forest down there I also made a huge area to you know just like a working area where you can cut wood and chop branches of sticks and this and this and that so that's why I've caught on a little bit it should be like 60 70 centimeters wide and these conditions I have to do the perfect for this shelter so we will start to cut out the section by section or bit by bit little bit caught slaps out of about Twitter 10 swill centimeters thick like this it of course depends on the snow I'll think you're gonna make them if and when you run into some problems but always use your snowshoes to support your blocks but basically you get the idea here got the blocks caught the blocks and you put them together you can see I cut them a little bit there there then we're gonna put them together sometimes it can be good to cut a little shelf in here but not always if the snows too soft down here then it's not really needed then it's just gonna crash the snow is a forgiving material to work with so hang on in there and let's get this how awesome shelter done very useful to be able to walk around without shoes I had some snow problems over here so the plates were breaking up so that's why I'm taking this know the place in a low price and that's why it's a good thing to prepare us for some reason snow is much better over here there's like a few rules of what you can say about snow shelters one is you can only use snow for the roof you cannot you can use your top or whatever but put snow on top because that's the whole idea is the roofing slates it doesn't leave the heat escape you know another rule is like it's never gonna be less than minus 10 in a snow shelter not doesn't matter how cold it is outside but nobody will be around minus 3 2 plus 2 3 is what it looks like on the inside so far and for the ones of you who want to attempt to make this type of shelter I just gonna come with a few fast tips here so hang on when you cut your slaves or plates make a channel on the side so makes easier for the place to to slip out when you put up the slabs here you can support the rear with a broken blog or something so but i'll slide out and then support it with your knee support it here with your knee while you put the other slab on when you're done try and seal the gaps and so on so that's the finished shelter and don't mind the trans-siberian railroad down there sounds like a bloody up fault but it's not well anyway we just need to cover this shelter with snow boom with loose no so are you gonna make overnight on this shelter let's see so like the video it's awesome time to click the subscribe button and check me out on Facebook if you want to know what's going on besides the YouTube tough here and thank you for watching see you next time in the corner

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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