Survival Cooking


Survival Cooking on the Siberian Log Fire. How i cook the main meal from my Survival Rations Pouch. Facebook:


Tags: Survival Cooking,Cooking,Survival,Bushcraft,Outdoors Cooking,Outdoors,Russia,Camp fire,Fire,Taiga

Video Transcription

yeah if I swept lightly I can walk on my own tracks now without snowshoes which is pretty awesome but they're still like a little bit more than 30 centimetres or more than a foot of snow left so if I step out here for example whoops we are still up onto the knees today we're going to look at how I cook my survival rations in this pack I have a video up on could put a link here but I had several requests on how to to cook this and how to cook that especially the buckwheat of course and so on so let's get on with this but the mean we're gonna cook is with the can pig meat the dehydrated soup and buckwheat this is the three ingredients in the main meal the soup here it's awesome natural there's no GMOs there's no strains e-numbers or anything just like meat rice and spices but we're going to cook on the traditional Siberian log fire we're going to do use the traditional Siberian pot hanger sister

this works overtime I've been here with traditional Sabine and Hawk fire here is awesome to reignite in Anniston here carry my cup so for the food will take whoops take a cop upon feet it's gonna make a lot of food down the back way into the can see is this really super fast and super food food take the soup here you will how it looks like here this is awesome it's really good stuff put this in also for popping it goes like this one cutout cup of buckwheat 2 cups of water if you boil that on a low boil at about 10-12 minutes all the water would have been absorbed into the buckwheat so we take 2 cups of water for the buckwheat then we have the soup the soup says it's for dried soup for 4 persons and for 4 persons you'll need to 0.9 liters just about a leader but we don't need that much we don't wanna look like a running soup so fun soup we take also about a cup boom we're gonna use it traditional Siberia pot hanger system here I have two sticks looking like this just put them yeah

this can also put them apart everyone why do we use the Siberian part hangar system cause the ground is still frozen of course food is not ready and of course but it's boiling this is so far what it look like it's a good idea to boil these soups and buckwheat on a relatively low boil this pouch will keep me running for three days to up to plus six days I don't really believe in a like specific three-day kid or two day kid I mean I can have everything in this for about a week on the survival diets but still be able to perform and so on and that's what I think is important I mean I tried once to get lost from camp in the mid summer and I was I was not even 100 meters away from the camp and I couldn't find it but I was very happy lucky to see a little bit of smoke from the camp fire and so on so I found my way back anyway but I had nothing hunt me back then and it was not a nice feeling everything was in the camp that was really really bad so yeah I know you can get lost I mean I I know a look for the camp and I must have at some points I must have been like 2030 meters from the camp or something but you know when you walk around and try and find something you get turned around and it can be really really really difficult in summertime in a wild forest where there are small plans with leaves and I mean you cannot see anything there really so this is one of the reasons I carry this kit so it should principally be ready let's take a look at it and it have not burnt to the bottom what we have now is a little bit more than half a German basket full of food and the buckwheat in the soup would of course make a fine meal by ourselves no problem now we're gonna go to the staff the show here stop the show so of course this can't pick meat let's take a look at it I've stored this for about a year this is just meat meat and fat and it smells awesome this is just boiled pig meat with spices nothing else and this is all some stuff you can principally eat it straight out of the cabbage this is one reason it's awesome survival food if it's frozen in the hard winter just open the can put it on the fire and heat it up we got a target in here we had a survival mode here so we're taking everything we can get I always do in the forest this when I'm open the cane and so on I put it on the fire I do it because it burns out all this scent from the from the pig meat or from whatever been in the from whatever have been in the in the can and it will not attract predators if you are the same camp a few days and you collect your garbage now just mix in let me pick meat and this mix here now we have almost a full journal a skill that is a lot of food as I always say in a survival situation your brain is the most important tool you have then without food and water the brain doesn't work I mean it's not even awesome it's double epic awesome so there was a survival durations cooking and go and check the links and I hope you liked the video thank you for your time and see you next time here in the wonderful Russia

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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