Throwing a BK2?


Possible to Throw a BK2 well? A short video from my last trip. Follow on Facebook:

Tags: Throwing a BK2,Throwing a,Throwing BK2,Throwing,BK2,Knife,Russia

Video Transcription

one question would it be possible to throw BK too if you had to for some weird reason maybe just for fun like mouth even a her lanyard let's check it out

I'm throwing off of this light ma you put your right hi for this fly is pretty alright can't say yep ex-city quite decent throwing knife the sure surely lens heart sure pretty cool actually wondered about this for quite a while so hopefully see you next time here on the Russian forest and time to head out of here check the links there's links in the description to the videos for you with the mobile phones and all and if you want go like me on facebook i will appreciate it and yep see you next time in Russia

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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