Camp, Fire, Food, New Chopper


How to make a fire in rain? Watch Cam, Fire, Food, New Chopper. Follow on Facebook:

On this trip i also try out a new awesome chopping tool :)

Tags: Camp Fire Food New Chopper,Camp Fire Food New,Camp Fire Food,Camp Fire,Camp,Fire,Food,New Chopper,Russia

Video Transcription

everybody welcome to Russia a warm Russia day in the forest gonna have a look at a few things and listen that hang out at the camp so cui camp we also chew testing out a new chopper over there

it's a freaking monster Wow time to build a fire it's going to be a fire for heavy rain which I unfortunately not have on chem so I'll show you how to day to make very effective fire in rainy weather but of course need some birch bark

we're in boreal forest only we'll have cause use bruise and birch but I'm sure that this method I'm just going to show it's going to sit almost any kind of water fire all this patterning many times really really overrated this twigs are gonna make plenty of heat and Ember for this to burn for fire in the heavy rain first just make a little a little fire lay here and then use make sure that your ignition source here would be off the ground so what is our problem our problem is that it's raining and we don't have a lighter or anything like that

it's raining as Hill and everything is with all the branches and tweaks and the grasses are with and we only have our chaga flint and steel what the hell do we do what do we do we of course have our flare because you should always carry a flare right but we have somehow lost our pen a firing mechanism too bad so what do we do we of course had a lot of fun now with our flyers and stuff with my flares anyway I'd like to show some real-life applications or applications where they are actually quite useful because they are quite useful for many things so what we're gonna do is first we have the little disk here of birch bark we take our little flower thing black ignition side upwards and then of course have to stand there when everything is ready we will take this big picture / piece of birch bark here and put on top of everything so preventing the rain from entering to the player unit now we of course have to light our chart there you go and you are not having the Ember down on the thing yet it will burn down eventually

but with Java you have relatively good time so now we put this piece of Java on top of the flare you have to be careful with this stuff put this on top here put this over here and it looks like this and then we just have to wait so here we go smoke is coming out in there for 10 to 15 seconds now your smoke coming out I think something's gonna happen you have no fire going now just take all your wit speaks for the one with all this nice boobs pop sure is gonna help gonna make it burn and we will not need any by turning and splitting of woods because you only have to work more from splitting your wood oh we can start out testing the pitfalls here like a one shop let's see how it does against a semi dead purge I say semi dead because not that dead purchase of course not the hardest wood you can find this relatively dry pretty good I'll say so it'll be time to get something to eat now and head out of here not too long time so we'll try one of the new Danish combination meals here Crytek called the real field meal 530 calories you just add boiling water let's see how it goes there are many clever and fancy ways to boil your water but you can also just put it on the cold a pretty pumped meeting by now well needs a few minutes more and we'll make the taste test a little pitbull here is actually not mine but friends here from Russia borrowed it to me and asked me to test it out so that I'll do let's see if it can pop through this one and how long time is going to take I'm not going to show you the whole length but I'll tell you how long it took and then the food should be ready also now it's not going to be a speed test by the ease of use tests

took like three minutes or something so here's what the Danish rations Sweden saw what she can look like it's not bad at all not bad at all so hopefully see you next time here on the Russian forest and time to head out of here check the links there's links in the description to the videos for you with the mobile phones and all and if you want go like me on Facebook I will appreciate it and yep see you next time here in Russia

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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