Scouting For Wolf Tracks And A Path To The Northern Forest
- Scouting For Wolf Tracks And Trying To Find A Path Up To The Northern Part Of The Forest.
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The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature. Here is no room for "TV" Survival.
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So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.
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Regards, Lars
Tags: Survival Russia,Wolf Tracks,Scouting,Northern Forest And Woodlands,Boreal Forest,Food For The Outdoors,Taiga,Siberia,Outdoors Clothes,Bushcraft,Outdoors,Survival Skills
Video Transcription
hello guys welcome to Samara Russia it's Saturday it's awesome as always and we are heading up north in the north part of the forest where me and Sergei were a while ago there are some rumors most likely very reliable rumors that the pack of six eight wolves of the animals we're standing here the powerline trail or what we can call it look like this if you can here we have the and it's a little bit further away then you would actually think haha but it sounds really loud because I know leaves left on the trees well anyway we're heading off there to see where I can spot some wolf tracks and so on and you know just get the feel of the situation get up there maybe find a campsite or something like this for for later in the winter yeah we we see how far we go I will get back to you when we are crossing there's some chance of your own railroad because I know that this all you might find that interesting
that's the trance appear on railroad and the it's actually a little bit difficult to cross out there but we'll try that's right we will do it but his big trends out there course makes it not so easy we have to wait a little I can see that means I have time to find my little bridge because we have a train of their most likely a freight train if it's a small freight train it could be one of my friends driving it actually what is lost it's a long one alright guys so I made it we're coming from over there and I made it through this wall of young poplar but you can see what I did was that yeah I went across did it railroad track of course and I took my compass because it's overcast and compasses are always great anyway when I end up this part here I looked what what I reckon am i heading an hour of course heading straight north almost I know I have to hit the deal bit north waste anyway that's a good thing to do
also I took a note on the mast up there because they always have numbers and I'm in the two 8282 number for me for this trip for this area it's of course not necessary to take all sorts of precautions and they read the numbers on the on the power line masts and poles what we call them but it's just something I do on autopilot and yeah that's just how it is basically we're gonna head off that direction no other ways and we're gonna hit a big forest field and then the forest real forest is up there
that's where the real forest at I'd say except for the occasional small village that's forest more than 1,000 kilometers in that direction yeah we can still hear the transparent this here opal a long distance but something funky happened actually I did not even went 200 meters into this little built there and I was turned around I did not knew that of course but I heard the railroad and I found out that my railroad works the railroad was on my left and it should be in my rear right so out with the compass I was heading west and not north that was not so awesome but this is how it is intense forest and this is why compass is very very important we're gonna hit up there all right guys so now you can move legacy we are on a very old logging road as far as I can see on the on the poles it's from 2009 old enough I'm looking for another like him fire pelt going north the fire bill leads up to me and say Oh Sergei was the other day or like a week ago how much is this anyway I'm looking forward and I know where it is sort of it's on this logging road here but I'm not sure that I have headed too far west so I'm gonna head back east and I see if I can find it and see what happens because mmm we do not have that much like lift but it would be a major success if I could find this I've been there before from this side here but everything is very difficult in when the forest changes to its white coat so yeah I'm gonna hit up there and see what we can see all right guys so I just been out there east and doesn't really look like there is anything there and this whole of like looks right I only been here like two three times maybe more but it's quite a few years ago so let's try a hike down there are a few hundred meters hike in the forest see what looks like see you that's the northern passage this is not this is just a regular locking through it's right here somewhere what I cannot find it at the moment so now I spend all the time and I have to head home now so basically this video here is developed into sort of like fine how I find my way around in the forest and so on so forth don't worry it's not a real navigation video there guys time to head out of here because the light is fading and then I've been here as you can see quite a few times so far I'm not been able to find this northbound logging trail I found two small ones but not the right ones now I have to head out before it gets too dark and it gets dark pretty soon maybe too soon actually so yeah I'm gonna try and find my my tracks because I actually come from in there somewhere but I've gotta try and find my way out through the same with the same facts of course then be awesome so here we are guys I managed to make it out of the maze there with the compass I I didn't manage to find my old tracks back here but as you can see there actually that's where I went in as you can clearly see and I came out down there so I'm pretty happy with that because it's always funky and tricky and all sorts of things when you are in the forest and hiking what you can say then this is gonna be dark soon and all this good stuff you start so it's a compass right the chosen rights to the direction and it's a printing tool here interfering with and so on so forth so then we have a little compass rose pointing north then we have the homestead so we have the power lines then we have the railroad and there we basically headed in this general direction here so well I'm using my compass for is to to find out semi just where's North and South because locally is down there you can say I'm heading north and back home is South the railroad down here is sort of like yeah I cannot miss it because it's nine ten thousand long right so if I'm in any trouble I just know I have to head south south south south then I will be on the railroad right we're on the railroad that's a good question well anyway I will be on the railroad generally in this forest here all the logging strikes they go on a grid on north-south so what you can say is I'm using the compass to to jump between the the older logging trails there right but the distances here they can be greater and smaller and forest is very very dense and there's a sit down there without compass is almost impossible actually to do so it's very very important to carry a compass so a good thing is that if you have a GPS or access to one or something like this borrow it or take it with you but hike on the compass only make the Cape here GPS track you and then you simply just start with your with your compass and then you can see during the way what am i doing and that's actually a very very interesting exercise and very very useful so guys this is not the most exciting video of arum ever made but it also took a little bit longer to get here than I calculated and so on so forth so unfortunately I did not find that track but it's there we just have to go and find it and then we can head up to the rivers and the campsites of their way where they what I can faster say is that the reason why I really want to get out of here is that the pack of 6 8 wolves they're not so awesome in distance forests here here they lay they take people and that they do and they do that every year so this is no joke to be here after dark for sure but in order to find my way around in the forest and all that good stuff in there it's also very needed to pay attention to detail and so on because right now I'm on the way out of course and I'm backtracking my own tracks and that can actually be not as easy as it sounds even that we are in snow and you can see um well I couldn't find my tracks before I was like where is this but on the way out I remembered this this tree here this spruce and I remembered and that of course means that I must have had approached from that side because I actually came from the other side of this for some weird reason so yeah not a big deal but I wind over here find my own tracks because it's a rather important because my tracks needs out so a very specific spot where I can actually cross the channels on the both sides of the railroad right so yeah but being out a lot I have actually sort of like taught myself to take snapshots when when I'm out of details of this and that so so rice please take the links in the description and subscribe and subscribe
so there's a bike and all that good stuff until next time guys get out Shane get do something awesome and see you in the next one
About the Author

Survival Russia
The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.
I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!
Get Out and Train and Get it Done!
Regards, Lars
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- Best Mid-Sized Saw For Survival & Bushcraft 2018 [Silky Ultra Accel 240]
- About Folding Saws 2018 [Silky Saws]
- Arctic Forest Shelter V2.0 Reality Of Survival (2018)
- Solo Overnight At The Frontier Camp. Work And Planning (2018)
- My Russian Bulldozer DT-75 [2018]
- Mini-Crawler Offroad Trip In Tough Terrain 2018
- Turning A Victorinox Into A Real Survival Tool (2018)
- Best Outdoors Adventures 2018 (Tagged By Reallybigmonkey1)
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- Setting Up A New Camp Site (Wild Forest) 2018
- A Real Survival Tool (Reality Of Survival) 2018
- How To Make Natural Insect Repellent 2018
- The Mini Crawler 2018 Ultra Light Tracked Vehicle
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- Backpacks: Budget Or Name Brand?
- Abandoned Soviet Prison Camp 2018 (Metal Detecting The Deep Woods)
- Metal Detecting An Abandoned Gulag Labour Camp 2018
- Individual Water Filtration System (Russian Forces) 2018
- Cooking In Bear Country 2018 (4.5 Liter Backpack Pot)
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- Off-Road Buggy Repair (Why Is There Always Something?)
- Making A Road For The 1st Time 2018 (Wilderness Homestead)
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- Mini Crawler Expedition (Sneak Peek) And Q&A
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- Wet Weather Survival & Outdoorsmanship 2018
- Why This Survival Shelter Is Awesome (2018) Questions Answered
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- Extreme Off Road In 15 HP Tracked Vehicle 2018
- The Best Way To Build A Fire In The Rain 2018
- Winter Trip With Extreme Climate Expedition Tent 2018
- Awesome Fire Starter 2018 If Used Correctly
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- Most Important Winter Survival Tool 2019 VR To Survivaland
- How To Make A Survival Backpack That Actually Works 2018
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- Epic Frozen Winter Wonderland 2018 Strix The Owl
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- Bulldozer Winter Startup 2018 Driveway Winter Work With DT-75
- Solo Winter Camping On Survival Rations 2018 Siberian Log Fire
- Winter Camping 2018 The Frontiers Camp
- Primitive Siberian Natives Pack Frame 2018
- Behind The Old Iron Curtain 2018
- Real Russia 2018 Inside The Local Village School And The Stores In The Big Settlement
- The Survival Guide 2018 Signal Fire Hack
- Tracking The Tricky Snowshoe Hare 2018 1st Trip After The Injury