How To Tie Your Boots Like A Pro


- How To Tie Your Boots Like A Pro, And Other Good Stuff :)


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The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature. Here is no room for "TV" Survival.

Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival.

So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

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Regards, Lars

Tags: Survival Russia,Winter Survival Shelter,Survival Gear,Winter Survival Camping Skills,Survival Knowledge,Wilderness Skills,Wilderness Survival,Wilderness Living,Busshcraft,Bushcraft Survival,Survival Shelter,Bushcraft Shelter,Ranger,Army Ranger,Russia,Siberia,Taiga,Essential Survival Equipment,Shelter,How To Make A Shelter,Military Training,Survival Tips,Arctic Winter Shelter,Winter Camp

Video Transcription




hello guys welcome to survival Russia and Denmark today it's very windy as it always is out here and also have a lot of showers this video is going to be about how to tie your hiking boots or mountain style mountain pool hiking boot style of boots like a pro well as usual it's also going to be about a lot of my stuff and I'm just out hiking with my phone of course because the swamps and and channels and canals and all sorts of stuff everywhere but you most likely can see we are between forests and swamps and Phoenix and so on so forth let me have my backpack then we have my pole I just want to show you something real fast here because some people do not understand the destructive nature of the hawk this is a whole country so yeah you see where my my backpack is hanging there it's an old rubbing tree and it's pretty thick actually remember when this tree was still alive a few years ago but it's not anymore but it's not alive anymore they don't like it any longer so they move over to the next one there's some fur here and stuff like that and they sharpen their teeth and rub their bodies and so on so forth and they like this resin here so what some do is that they actually take some old motor oil or something like this right and you can paint the trees with them and they really really like that or you can use try for that matter it's only one of the ways the hog is really destructive kills a lot of trees when the sweet does not give off any resin any longer as I say they move over to the next one and there's another one over there soon a tree so in an area with not that many spruce this is not so great hawks of course awesome in nature we plow the ground and they thin out the trees and they do a lot of cool stuff game trails go in here 1:01 over here this is a really small area talking to you like this stuff here a little creature a larger creek out there and fuse and the swamp in here that is why the pole is really awesome little bit of a short stick with this or okay guys we've taken refuge down here because now I'm actually gonna try and teach you how to tie your boots right all the bouncing type food or hiking food no short roof like this this is very very awesome especially if you have the higgs Mountain boots that I have and you wondering why other why the shoelaces the original shoelace is so short

yeah let's get on with it because the thing we're gonna have a mega shower very soon I'm actually out scouting for some shelter material for for tomorrow I learned this from Stefan from survival Deutschland he's a really awesome guy and he is a really really skilled mountain climber and special force soldier we are first make sure that your heel is will seated in the back of the boot of course if you have the hooks here on either side will of course bring your boot lays down hook them and then bring your boot laces up as normal can you make and you make one knot here and another one so you have a two times around so you can see now that I'm very wide not that's going to lock pretty nicely you can say normally you would of course take your bootlace and bring it up like this right you see it rides pretty high it's not ready awesome so for this method here you will take the boot laces from the from upwards and bring them down and across here so they were sort of like also lock here and then tie them normally

what's happening here is that this final knot it rides lower so you have more flexibility in the angle but you also have a tighter more supportive no other what you can say in the front of the booth here that's pretty awesome it works really really well really will now start to rain so guys check out the links in the description and the sub share subscribes the browser flag and all that good stuff until next time get out and swing get it done see you next time here in Denmark thank you for your time guys

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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