New Camp Part 1


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Video Transcription

hello hello guys no this is not one of my older videos it's actually from now we're in the weekend after the last Saturday and we got weather from the north and got done with a 10 12 centimeters of snow so now the trail we on last time I've been turned into a cross-country skiing trick anyway that's how it is now we're here we were last time this open space behind me and spruce smallest proves area in there so I think we're gonna do now is to head in there and try and scout out the area where the screws in the stops and birch forest begins to an head in there maybe we'll head up there later to the other campsite oh do a song here we have a moose trail quite evident long ago oh we're gonna make a camp and video here today see several trees birches have crest down here and anyway that should make a good spot here the several reasons is something to sit on and also this would provide some cover if I should run into some angry whose parents or something like this so as you can see found myself a nice little spot in there not bad at all so I'm gonna set up a chair and I think one little thing we're gonna do his homie most likely a little boring theme wanna know but I will just make a little bit about fire I think because I have a maid to me the video recently where he was not able to make a fire with a Ferro rod and some parish park and there was all sorts of things going wrong there and if he finds out who it is then I hope we will not take offense of anything is that's not but in my opinion you cannot go to the forest regularly and not be able to make a fire when you have bargain if a-rod and there are several things things going wrong and was not done right and so on and so forth so obviously he was like not the only one so i'll do a little bit about it again and as some of you might notice at some point is that today I make it share from from live tree that's not really that much dead standing around and then you of course have to think a little bit when you do that and you can see nothing there's no harm done and doing this type of forest saplings everywhere but anyway you can do is you can look around and see here's the one I've been taking this three trees and they will compete for the same efficient and sunlight and this and that's how I took the shortest of them and in that way you are doing the other two a favor so I make another fire video and so on it's not gonna be a video of how to make a specific file or anything like that but it's just some basic principles because the video I watched them was the principles that was completely utterly wrong of course not my job to tell anybody what to do when they go into the forest but go to the forest as overnight and all this Dublin you should know how to make a fire without men made fire starter such as we go see everything is made medium one knife and Ferro rod and blah blah blah but singular warning because when you are here in nature doesn't matter doesn't have to be wild wild nature then you out in a place where which comes to show oh crap gonna hit the fan in some way then there's only the way of Allah survive is how strong you are how smart you are so that's how this you should be able to make a fire fast it's very very useful thing

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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