Silky Saw. Ultimate Survival Saw?


Is the Sliky Saw(Pocket Boy) the Ultimate Survival Saw? I think the "Silky's" are a bit overlooked. Great cutting performance and it can spark a "ferro-rod" and spark a flint too. With a few tweaks it could be even better. Follow on Facebook:

Tags: Silky Saw Ultimate Survival Saw,Silky Saw Ultimate Survival,Silky Saw,Survival Saw,Russia,Ultimate Survival

Video Transcription

hello guys so what I'm doing this morning I'm testing yet again the silky sole pocket boy 170 clearing out some brushes and small siblings and isn't worth around the con dear and it's raining it's not raining so much night right now but have been raining and it of course gives me opportunity to test the rubberized grip and see how the blade holds up for getting weight and so on so let's get on with this so awesomely sharp so me and silky is getting somewhere almost cut everything down to the corner even I did too cheap so many times into the ground this seconds with the t-bone so again this draw principle is very nice and I'm not trying to do it as fast as I can with Willis silkies or strike a Ferro rod let's try and find out goes very good so interesting question comes in my mind or came to my mind can the silkie soul strike sparks from a flint let's see


it will and pretty good too with the sock dude I was really really hard

see if we can actually light a piece of Java with it there you go and even some of the Guru's say that the stainless steel can't very poorly can make sparks from from a flint this sure can not as good as one of my broken files or old files but surely works the thing part of the co answer is this very thin spine on the saw you can see this all pretty force in CEO goes Oh

big-nose ember with stainless steel they go birch puntal here love in the wind here Oh

okay so fire one of the cool features with these types of reverter section or drawing cunning while drawing type of souls are that I think you have more control that is one awesome thing because safety out in the woods and you're far away from everything this is a good thing so this pocket boy 170 is the smallest version I think that they make what they make larger versions and quite a few actually but I hope to be able to test out in the future and as I say they're quite overlooked everybody seems to have level and us and this and that and yeah that's of course fine but having tried quite a few Souls now I'll say this this is silky so this anyway it outperforms any soul I have tried what I think the manufacturer of silky here they should venture into making a dedicated push craft so I'm also and I would be happy to give them my input on what I think should be more features and a soul so all of this cut with the pocket boy 170 and I mean all of it not some of it all of it

pretty cool little so that's my review on the silky soft pocket boy 171 years of uses this ball washer Finland Germany and for many many purposes this so just rocks really I mean it's really really good and I'm impressed and it doesn't seem to have lost any sharpness since I started using it whatsoever that's pretty wild to think so see you in the next video bye maybe I'll link to some videos relating to this I will and subscribe and all this stuff hopefully I can soon go to the forest and just camp

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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