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A Signal Fire That Could Save Your Life


Demonstrating A Signal Fire That Could Save Your Life. This method is for deep snow conditions. This is I learned in the Army and it's used all over Scandinavia. For this demo i have scaled the size down a little bit to save on my precious Spruce trees.

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Emergency Flare Gun Fire: https://youtu.be/hL39DeLBkzw

Tags: Survival Fire,Bushcraft Fire,Emergency Fire,Survival Tactics,Survival Skills,Bushcraft Skills,Bushcraft Kit,Survival Kit,Survival Gear,Signal Fire,Fire Lay,Russia,Survival Tools,Bushcraft Tools,Survival,Bushcraft

Video Transcription

hello everybody and welcome to Saguaro Roger welcome to the country of Awesome wild nature so what are we going to do today today we're going to take a look at how to make a signal fire dignify us a pretty awesome because they can save your butt if you are in trouble but it's of course important to to know how to make one and that we're gonna take a look at today so hang on what a beautiful day almost no wind minus six or eight spring is here Sun is high in the sky is warming and so on to awesomeness soon my frozen paradise would be a muddy hill there wasn't much nicer split should work

now the frame and the platform is done as a saline mania video good so like a silky gone boy hero any other silky sauce or sometimes say I should be in the top five of your kid list on a good survival kit together with food which you should rank almost at the top for next time here we have a big pile of tinder like twice bruise lots of birth park this place is we're gonna ignite the fire because wind is coming from out there and here I actually prepared it to light it with a small pencil flare gun if you also i almost have a lot of layers of course if you carry a pencil flare gun I usually carry like five or ten they don't take off myspace you put the little flare thing here to light it and it will light a little light very fast you can say ah flare why don't just shoot over there because in the day like this you might not be seen but that's all the theoretical discussion the important thing is lighted them fire it's a signal fire I learned in the army and since I most of the time anyway have a plan with what I'm doing then it's also a good opportunity to spend some of the materials are already harvested so they just don't touch just laying around you know

it's a pretty boring looking signal fire so we cannot dress it up a little bit so an important thing isn't cause also if you're several people then you will always need a guard at the signifier of course this is able to fight us to light the fire fast when a heavy snowy weather or something just run to your signal fire lift off the lid boom because normally you would use a lot more screws powers that i have been using normally this will be of course covered almost from the ground up with spruce boughs all the way around and you only have the tour there or the hatchet where you can open everything is clean light the fire there and off you go let's get to it this is way online and then I think my dogs will be coming and joining us soon the one thing you cannot first do with these signal fires is it will make three of them and put them in a straight line I put them in a triangle and then you just have your guard to run the boom light light a light and an airplane should definitely see your helicopter something should definitely be able to see that this is not a normal fire let's light it off see how goes you have prepared a little platform for the birch bark and Ferro rod close to the first part here and of course if it was a real emergency you will have to have a fire going all the time or you'll have to have some other way of lighting this fire very fast you

I'm sure this is going to be more visible than the flare in the daylight that's four things you were there was a signifier that could save your life one day because that is what signifiers do once again we're done with another video thank you for your time check the links in the description and please like and share and all this funky stuff and there's always get out of train get it done see you next time here in Russia

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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