You Matter


I hear from people who feel filled with anxiety and fear in a world that can seem out of control. This video helps us to overcome feelings of hopelessness by showing us how we can make a difference in our daily way-of-being. If enough of us make small, incremental changes in ourselves and the world, we can begin to impact the "flavor" of this human experience. Note: this is not about hiding your fears or not admitting your anxieties. Rather, it suggests that we can alter our inner state based on our media intake, our attitude, and habits of thinking. If we make these changes in ourselves, they reach out and change those around us. Those changes may sometimes be too slow to perceive, but if we persevere, we will see larger changes take place.

In this video, I suggest four human traits as ones that we can cultivate in order to change ourselves and the world. COMPASSION is our ability to relate to others. Not feeling sorry for them, but putting ourselves in their shoes to more consciously understand the challenges they are facing. LOVE is our ability to look on others with the same feelings of warmth and connection that we would apply to our spouse, children, or those dearest to us. CARING is putting that love and compassion into action -- finding actionable ways to step up and make a difference in the lives of those around us. THOUGHTFULNESS is remembering in each moment to not get lost in our own dramas or in a state of autopilot, but instead to be mindful of our mental activity, break free of our cultural hypnosis, and act in a way that is in line with your personal integrity.

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription



I don't pay a lot of attention to the noodles but I do know that there are things going on in our world right now that can seem pretty scary and it struck me the other day as I hear from many of you that a lot of us are harboring anxiety fears about things that we feel are out of our control and we look out of that world and we can feel like there's a few key players and they could blow the world into smithereens and the rest of us just get to watch as our world and our lives evaporate today I would like to share with you a very important message and that is that you matter I know there's a thousand voices in our culture that tell us otherwise even as one hand and we're told pursue your dreams and and try to reach for greatness on the other hand were sold this idea through advertisements that tell us that we basically suck through news that continues to foster this feeling of helplessness and hopelessness inside of us that really you don't matter

you're just one insignificant player in this world drama and you're so insignificant that essentially you don't even count

that is not true you do matter I'm not saying that just to be feel-good today I'm gonna tell you how you matter and how you can maximize your power to shape the world in every moment of your life I know some of you may be thinking that there are there are certain people in this world that wield more power and have more potential to create change in the world than others we might be thinking of presidents or great speakers or the mother teresa's of our world that have done something to make them to itself stand out and thus they can create great change that may be true at the same time we can't lose sight of the fact that every single one of us is changing the world around us in every moment this is not New Age stuff maybe some of you believe in a collective super consciousness that we're all part of but even if you're a very rational thinker consider the internet and how that connects all of us and consider that every social interaction that you have leaves an impression when you talk with someone you change them in some way if you are fearful and you talk to them about your fear you pass on that fear and they might that night be really starting to feel a lot more frightened than they would have about the way the world is and they may pass that on to their spouse or their children and that spreads

Matt is the key understanding that every time we interact with the world we're creating change consider this giant human drama with nations laws television shows marriages that are blossoming and breaking with Wars there's a thousand thousand aspects to this drama but this human drama it needs all of us humans for it to continue on and what that means is that every single human is creating that drama that unfolding drama and it's not created only by the presidents in the generals and the TV stars it's created by you so here it is this huge human drama and each of us is playing a part in the question that I think is essential that we all ask ourselves in every moment of living is what are we adding to that human experiment think of it as a giant pot of stew what ingredients are you adding in and you have the power to add your a little bit of ingredient today into the human stew what are you going to add if I'm watching these news programs or certain speakers that are saying the world is ending world is ending everything's falling apart be ready for the apocalypse and that fills me with fear and anxiety then in each moment that I interact with the world I'm adding fear and anxiety into that stewpot and if you've ever gone through a grocery grocery line at the grocery store and interacted with the clerk behind the counter you know that your attitude what you bring to that interaction has a huge effect on their state of being go through there and be in a sour mood and say something a little snippy to them you can ruin their whole day look at them find something that you truly appreciate about them and complement that ask them a heartfelt question about their life and you might open them up and blossom them in a way that changes their whole day and notice again this is so essential that we understand this but that person behind the counter they're gonna go home and they're gonna take that seed that you plant it and they're gonna share that because if they come home in a pissy mood cuz you were really rude to them that's gonna affect their family they're gonna be pissed off because their day sucked and then they're gonna say something snappy to their husband or wife and that's gonna get everybody in a sour mood it's gonna affect the children what you do matters and I will say that it matters more than most of us think what if today instead of being filled with fear and anxiety and adding that to the student

what if I am filled with compassion love with gratitude and when I interact with people I tell them they matter I tell them that they're cared about I tell them that I believe in that and their potential your potential to blossom out into your best selves and when you do that you are going to change the world you're gonna be adding a different ingredient into that stew pot you're gonna be adding compassion you're gonna be adding love you're gonna be adding thoughtfulness so the question is today well I tuned into some of these new sources and some of these speakers they're gonna fill me with fear and then I'm gonna spread that or am I going to wake up in the morning with a gratitude practice am I gonna look at what's positive in the world what I can effectively change instead of just sitting on my couch and and worrying or complaining and I'm gonna step out and I'm gonna see my elderly neighbor that could use a hand raking the yard or maybe just could use somebody to talk to you today or I'm gonna see that kid across the street that just sitting outside and looks really sad I'm gonna go exchange some words and tell him something that inspires him he changes his day where around me and I reach out to others and change them in positive ways plant seeds of caring and compassion because what would this world be like if more and more of us started planting compassion love caring thoughtfulness and we plant that seed we put that ingredient into the stew and it starts to change the way the stew tastes and every time we put a little bit of that in it spreads out to others around us just by being we change the world how am I going to be today what ingredients what flavors am I gonna put into the stew pot of the human experience

I want to say that I do believe in you I know that every single one of us holds vast potential and there are probably a lot of forces in your life that are holding you back from being your most best self but a lot of those influences are more under our control than you think what kind of media are we in taking do I move my body today and thus create a flood of positive health and chemicals into my brain that shift my mood am I gonna choose to look at the challenges that I'm facing and fall into despair am I gonna look at those challenges and rise up to meet them these are the everyday questions we get to ask ourselves and I know I know that you have it in you to look at those questions and to make choices that are gonna add awesome things into the stewpot of the human condition tomorrow I'm gonna do my utmost Canton I'm gonna do my utmost to add the best ingredients I can into the stew pot and I'm gonna ask all of us to do the same thing everybody that watches this video do this same thing at the best things that you possibly can into that human stew pot and watch what happens see if that spreads around you and it will and then tomorrow we all do this the world is gonna be slightly different and the next day if we do it again the world is gonna be slightly different and we don't have to live in fear anymore we don't have to dwell in anxiety we can know that we are changing the world in every moment through our every interaction all it takes is enough of us doing this making these positive changes in ourselves watching them ripple out around us and we can change the world this is what I would ask myself this is what I would ask of all of you tomorrow let's make the world a little bit more of an amazing compassionate loving caring thoughtful place

thank you for watching if you're a regular watcher you know that I have a patreon page and that is how I continue to support this work I have a vision of moving more and more to doing these videos kind of full-time I would love to be putting these out more often help me out by becoming a patron I am extremely grateful for all of you that are supporting me and I would love to have you be a patron this [Music]


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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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