You Can Do Tough!


You can do tough! Our culture encourages comfort, but what happens when we question that and explore what waits "just off the beaten path"? Share your stories of your own explorations! =)

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Tags: Kenton Whitman,ReWild University,Human Rewilding,personal rewilding,mindfulness,how to,bushcraft,survival,wilderness survival skills,how to survive in the woods

Video Transcription

deep down inside you already know this but still gonna say it you can do tough the last video I did it was about what would be the one item you would bring along on that survival adventure and one thing that I heard from a fair amount of you is boy you'd like to try to do something like that but you wouldn't have anybody to do it with so why cuz it's so easy to just stay inside of our comfort zones we have these bubbles of comfort that we hold around us and it's just so tough to get out of those comfort bubbles right and the funny thing is that even if we have learned to do tough so you know maybe you just you go out and you take on these really tough survival challenges there's probably still a place in your life it's places in my life where we have our comfort bubbles and we try not to go outside of them maybe it is social context it's it's approaching people that you don't know maybe it's public speaking maybe it is engaging in new ideas and trying to you know break your own paradigm so whatever it is finding your place and going outside your comfort zone because here's the thing we all know that outside of our comfort zone

they're huge gifts for waiting for us that's where we grow and this doesn't mean we have to go extreme and just go wild but if there's a place so if I'm if I have really trouble approaching people and striking up a conversation and I know that's a fear place for me then I also know that there's some kind of gift waiting there and if I can just try it I can just tiptoe in right I don't have to suddenly become a huge extrovert but if I try to approach somebody and just give them a compliment or you know ask them a question kind of a heartfelt question I start to open up doors and I start to break down those walls of fear inside of myself as I do that the world opens up in these amazing ways now here's my question for you and my challenge for you is is to look at your life and see where are the places that a you know you can do tough where's the where are the places that you you're strong you're fearless and then more difficult to look at where are the places where you do not feel strong where you feel fearful and what would happen if you just stepped into those places a little bit again it's just like tiptoeing in don't have to go crazy here but what if you try approaching somebody on the street and talking to them what if you would try a new kind of food what if you would try that night out in the woods even though you know you're gonna be cold

what if you try a cold shower in our culture we have learned to walk a pretty narrow path in that path is well trodden each of us has a path that we we walk down and we sell them step off off of it just off that path there wanders waiting for us it's just like out here I go for a walk in the woods and I always walk the same path then I'm gonna start to just mentally also walk that same path and they tend to just stare at the ground and not not explore my world if I step off that path that can help to engage me again and start to say whoa what's around there what's under that log what's over that rise and that's that spirit of exploration that spirit of adventure that is waiting for all of us just off the beaten path so remembering to believe in yourself you can do things that are tough even though it looks scary to venture off the path a little bit you can do it you are strong you're intelligent you're adaptable you're creative and when you do this you start to believe in yourself in a new way and cool things start to happen remember just baby steps just a few steps off the path see what happens thanks for watching my friends talk with you soon

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To aid and inspire you on your personal re-wilding journey, ReWild University brings you videos on edible wild plants, tree climbing, natural movement, ancestral skills, and much much more!

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