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how to make bannock mix on a campfire


how to make bannock mix on a campfire using mess tins.

Tags: Fozz,Bannock,Mix,Bushcraft,camping,cooking,forester,forrester,wild camping,hammockin

Video Transcription

right guys so our meat is in the pit oven cooking so what we're going to do to put us on while that is cooking is I'm going to show you how to make some panic Mix final mix is really simple to make basically it needs self-raising flour water and whatever else you want to put in it so today we're going to make a sweet Banat mix because it's nice and it's sweet so really is the first thing you do is you start by cooking a bit of flour in the smallest mestan that you've got I'll show you why in a minute but you want to use a smallest one so you get a nice little pile of flour in there and then you are a tiny bit of sugar to sweeten up a bit and then I'm going to use some trail mix which is just like raisins and nuts and dried coconut Chuck a bit of that in for yourself and it's really nice top ballot mix and have some chocolate chips in there as well okay so look as you can see that's all in the ready to be mix that's your basic ballot mix so you can pre mix this if you really want to quite a lot of people do premix it but I prefer to just make it by eye when I'm at my campsite and then all we do you've got a bit of water don't add too much to start with like I have there and then once you put your water in give it a bit of a mix so when you start getting messy to get your hands and the mix up into kind of dough to get absolutely filthy now I've added a little bit too much water there it's not a problem if you do end up finding you've added too much water or too much flour you just add a bit more of the other so if you add too much flour you add a bit more water and if you've added too much water you send a bit more flour dries it up a bit just keep mixing until you get the dough really I'll put it with water no problem we'll have a nice big bucks to go around since we all like it so much and that's add quite a bit more to get off my fingers very messy doing this fun don't worry about getting messy because the wet flour and stuff literally just rubs off your hands when you're done now if you've not got any self raising flour what you can do instead is just add a pinch of baking soda that kind of acts as a rising agent for you so when you're using your self raising flour don't really need the baking soda but quite a lot of people still put it in it's really up to you it's the beauty of ballot mix is you can just make it to taste you can make it however you want it there we go so mixed all that up into a nice silent kind of fist sized ball that's a little bit too much flour in there now without too much just mix it all in it okay so once you've got your fist sized ball ready give your hand another level rob a bit of the mess off so you can work then you get your larger mast in which is why you have to make sure you make it in a smaller nest in and just place your large one over the top and what that does is it forms a kind of oven for you which is nicely used to work with you get your handles together so you can hold it it will close the fire here and then all you going to do with this then is shove that right in the end those try and make sure you've got some on top as well as underneath so that it cooks through properly and then you leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes give it a bit of a check in the meantime just to see if it's done and then we'll come back in a min and we'll see how it's gone all right guys so the ballot mix has been in about 8 minutes now the fire got pretty big so we took taken out early we're going to see how would it edit that policy feels like it might be still a little bit dull we in the middle just cut it open and have a look oh that's what ah maybe another minute or so in this a little bit doughy in the centre thought it was too good to be true right so I'll just recover it Sherlock Sherlock in another couple of minutes and then we'll give a taste test

okay so we're going to try again with the ballot mix and just gonna fill out the fire now careful if I hurt myself last time let's drag him out and he's the age old method of using my jumper to grab all of the handle smells good yeah that's much better that is edible so let's try a bit all right guys so we've taken the ballot mix out for a second time as you can see we've already sort of started digging into it to make sure it was cooked through as you can see it's nice and fluffy in the middle there it's not doing any more and it's really cooked through and the chocolate actually the chocolate is quite a good indication because that's melted so that means that it's heated all the way through so I'm just going to try a bit of it see how we are it's a little bit burn on the bottom works been set on the embers but what are you going to do

it's good for you anyway so let's try it mmm - the hair that is bottom what do you think Dad I think it's absolutely fantastic mate you know how munching on mobile as well that melted chocolate is here amazing I love it how we've we've had several attempts at this and we said we're going to leave it till after dinner to cool down but it's just not happen does it no bannocks just too good mmm all right well is it a minion by far the best sort of camp food you can have it's so simple it's really lightweight to curry kind it tastes great it's got everything you need full of cars it's more sugar full of energy and it makes you feel better because it's warm and chocolaty

thanks for watching guys

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Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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