Behind the scenes & a channel update with Fozz & Dave
A short channel update and chat over a cup of coffee with Fozz & Dave the camera man.
We talk about where we have both been, what we have been upto & ask what you would like to see!
Also if anyone wants to check out Dark Cleo Productions the company that Dave is involved with go check out below sites.
Facebook -
Twitter - @DarkCleoPro
Google - +DarkCleoProductions
Tags: Bushcraft,survival,ray mears,bear grylls,camping,how to,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Scenes,Channel,V log
Video Transcription
yeah Bree one little trustee book Bosh box right let's get fire going in this monitor my time on it so it's dead stuff while anything else is wet is going good look rostrum venomous five dock wet today they're gonna get a pro on the go and today with no keep the watch and sealed bottle doesn't need to be back I remembered everything wow I'm actually get a real coup for to this coffee day cough it will cook coffee hold on T I've got team yeah time in black one cop it that's what I said dinner kinsel coffee what's up milk average coffee so go
firebox now we've got some videos to dump your today so apologies that we haven't been around a lot but we were we'll update you on why in just a moment I've got this going yeah won't you being fast audiences are asking I broke my wrist day I like you yeah I don't know how I did it I think I'd it rock climbing managed to break my wrist and I've been ultra busy with work so we have much chance to get out said Rock farm it means all day in a cupboard or something like that so yeah been a bit been a bit busy so that's why we've not been around much and but it has given us plenty of time to get stuff planned and what have you so well one of the things that we wanted to ask all you guys for all the viewers for is some ideas for what you'd like to see we have got ideas for stuff that we want to do but really what we want to know is what what you guys want to see what kind of stuff what kind of videos you like to see any how to's any little projects or anything like that anything at all really if there's anything that you guys would like a video on you know please shut up please leave ideas and stuff in the comments box for this video cuz that'd be really it's really useful for us because the knowledge is all there but coming up with ideas for stuff is actually quite challenging at times and it's difficult to work out what the viewers want and really you know we're doing this for you guys to see so what I say it is we want to give the audience's what they want yeah this is my p album thing I keep telling him give the audience what they want but yeah so if you guys have any ideas anything you want to see anything at all even if it's stuff that I don't know and part the purpose of this channel list is to get meat learning new skills as well so you know any suggestions whatsoever as long as its water craft or survival or camping related and do shut up do you put the suggestions up there we'll take everything on board and you can even email us at Forrester underscore bushcraft at at UK I'll put that that email address in the descriptions box and and any suggestion we get if it's one that's if we do a video on something that someone suggestive you know we were all credit the suggestion
the video you know we're not going to take credit the ideas so yeah that that some of you guys could do for us and the subscribers a cry now it's absolutely fantastic well I'm just under one-half hours which is she's really brilliant i don't think the other thought would get this far redid we're pretty arrested for us then because when we started out it was mainly just to kind of put my skills a little bit but now it's more about what you guys want so what have you been up to Dave Dave got a little project he wants to tell everyone about oh yeah well my project of India a bothersome is a Darkling of productions which is a gaming company that me my friends of setup I'm doing lots of game related things on YouTube we've got a facebook channel i like to call it nerd stuff yeah nerd stuff yeah far did not know at all he doesn't run around forest dress up in different closets or pretend to be a goblin but such things that we like to do so yeah it's been that's been busy went to london film comic-con did you meet you that's also look I met celebrities it was amazed and real celebrities yeah we didn't go down there just to meet celebrities bears a Bruce Lee bonus yeah we're actually down they're demoing board games and card games are on little section with quite successful yeah outlets of name-dropping summer and their head got we got a group for got to chat with out in their head that was awesome he's a really good guy Bradley's got a fork album should be over now check it out doors about that black bears Clapton exactly and the air is on it got to meet Jason Mears from gents aren't Bob honest yeah it was cool he's a typical all-american likes is herb's George era met George a Romero zombie guys have to go crit ya fingers on this thing I created kick the king of jungle the godfather of girls on there's gotta perform graph of it imma got a group for and private vault with them which was pretty much that I love my life yeah if anybody watching this is interesting that kind of thing I love you are a few comments on different bits and pieces do get over and support these guys working really hard at doing a good job and putting it astounding a lot of effort into what is they're doing so you know please do get over and show them a little bit of support also coming up for reals we have got the play Manchester in October which the eleventh and twelfth wats over we've got a large demo area and a bit of stage time as well so we'll be on stage Fitz days time we've got a few little projects are doing for that are you gonna be doing the stage well no matter you are I don't know about that we don't think well Garfield little thing put it you want to stay that's why me personally on the stage where we begin stage the acts together and stuff like that so as I got a few ideas that I want a lot of Campbell work no you yeah well I yeah dude cum a worker i'm a social media guy so if you ever talking to anyone on social media generally me I'm a social media guru dark Leah that's one of my jobs yeah board games cretin ball gets rolling in a mix of creating a ball game which I can't actually say all is yeah she's it's super soft top secret super super actually silly top secret VIP he give us any hints about it so I popular computer game that's gonna be creating into a card here actually what it is you know on it yeah you told me what it is your thought is oh so I don't tell them what it is we're just got your sap dog are no it's not meant to know and I even people in darkly oh no it's not super secret even I don't know you're making American it I don't ever know American it's that exclusive oh my god a secret super secret yeah so yeah have a look at that we got our little competition going on this week as well to win some tickets to come to us conventions Oh check it out it was a lie yeah get just get over and support them I think I will find them doing some stuff before support me fusion of the channel and that should be that's gonna be a bit of fun we interesting but italy's gaming bushcraft meets gaming what could possibly go along that their new game is you got to get out of your rooms I certainly don't now and again so yeah sort of general channel updates for this place is what we're back now and summer has been really busy for me because this isn't this is my job as well and it's been a very very busy time so I'm really sorry we haven't had many videos up and over the summer summer months but things are in motion now we've got a lot coming up today we're going to be looking at fire kits brew kits got a couple of kit reviews book reviews and also I've got a few kind of larger projects coming up which they kind of i'm not sure how we're going to go about doing them yet but there's a few things that i really want to do like i'm going to do a tutorial how to make folding books or and if you don't know what one of them is you know we'll be finding out soon and hopefully bit of fishing videos as well we're hoping to get out and do a few week long camps as well test some gear that way and so we're kind of way up in the stakes a lil bit which is why we're asking for ideas and stuff from you from you guys really cuz you know it is all about what you want to see we're here to kind of novices help teach you guys well the novices want to learn they haven't learnt already on forest of bushcraft channel yeah yeah cuz were still novices so you know we're always look at the new stuff to to try out and any suggestions about the channel in general you know we don't always open to feedback and thankfully now a lot that feedback is Stan's starting to filter through few people are commenting with some really useful feedback which is really really cool right so you guys really it's a big thing for us to know what we're doing right what we're doing wrong things help people appreciated yeah so in a moment we've got some videos to film but have a brew first it's been a long long walk to get here hasn't it been a long talk us at least five minutes today it's my little pack our said six myself I do need to clean so yeah the other thing as well as I apologize i've not been responding to comments and stuff on the channel and i'm going to get on top of that as soon as possible the reason i haven't been responding this because i haven't been near a computer very often and obviously i can't for some reason i can't reply on my phone when I'm out and about so that's going to take me a while to get to what please you know rest assured I will be and I will be replying to those immediately as I can't is watching not replying I'm watching watching yeah well get a brew on the girl have a chocolate bar I'm going to talk about brew kits today Ricketts reports on yes and I actually agree there is a really important you know that silly chocolate kit we'll talk about that in the video I'm not giving any spoilers if I haven't given any activation I'll cover says very important is why I am shut up hahahaha research very important really doing a secret away right shut this boiling water out what I've just boiling it's clearly the pot haha why didn't say that it's not even up for a brimming business you stop flirting with me give me damn bro now that enough water therefore i know it's clean the pot day i was one that's what was worth enough man the Beast I'll go there with that water la coupe venti No
the trouble i see no Roddy no this is what Jesus they also my fuzzy thing life's not that difficult through there haven't I like or clean pots in Tucson a bit of it good great sasa poor girl hits us right bear grylls is it cackle okay gone let's drop to get everyone look this well full bottle of water we actually might get a brew today else both got my Bush box or burn anything a cameraman we don't be a well
I'm not Jackie pretty good the cup is all about Roxy this is it in a mall mug we get your brew kit if you ox I've got a lid on the top about four quid lid the lids really useful when you camp as well cuz I always knock my cup of tea over a cup of cup of coffee / absolutely fantastic this scouting mugs are you supporting Scouts she's a good good cause and yeah really good bit of kit that remember more reading the message on top of it scouting really endorse since nineteen oh seven really in Darcy's so what were they doing before then did you exhibit it exists no were they just stuck in a house I didn't love it didn't exist but everything exists there was no Scouts before 1907 that what came first wilderness or scopes well gonna stay huh well I they like to stuck inside alike up Lydia that's why I safe there let's go in it ah they were Scouts idiot but what Lourdes got the Scout me you don't want the scouts are know what this is what this Scout me like a month ago my boys ago and explore in it or somebody you know checked out locations and things but I suppose it depends on the context I'm talking about just nineteen seventies count to get right Young Lud's outlaws on it do you want you honestly not know this yeah hahaha I'll saying they go outside explore and then go all with scopes or do the girl wets discounts and go outside yeah I mean what what wait what came first the scalp they go out and then afterwards what next day they went all not me Oh scope of the bigger you are the winning does let's make the scopes and go outside yeah which one the second one that you said what is Linda Lou's indoors lose born every China scales and an old baden-powell set it was calculated Vinny oh god bless paying us at some point back sanel theater district pithos finish three got to binary fast
oh it is definitely good to be back out again every time years well it's just a stupid to get into early autumn air so the temperate to talk a bit with dive a few weeks ago with then it did that weird British thing that does wish gone warm again then you don't if you live it live living crazy countries like America Austria the things makes them yeah you don't actually get this but yeah in England we have like a winter from like july to august let me have a one-week some very long weeks on the sep tember and then we usually get one in October or November for you have one day year where it doesn't rain there and then the rest of time it's just a book to God real it's great we have wavery it's brilliant natural way but mostly rain yeah yeah well its web really prefer that site living and what it doesn't rain everybody panics everyone if it snows y'all know oh yeah if it snows the consi grinds to a halt people crash their cars off cliffs a strange living in the country that actually has different weathers remote with free go everything ya have it changes literally is that the entire of brittany just like open arms panicking constantly oh my god it's sunshine oh I got a little spritz array the best thing is people dwell when it's raining and then well and when it's cold and then it's sunny in the moment it's too hot yeah rock my friend came up with by when he was in an outfit on your mind about this out you don't need your eyes sorry that comes eyes yeah but so a bit more on the modem into what and someone said your mom when it's hot anymore when it's going Iman all the time but I point it out well that's in fact incorrect but he doesn't mom when it's pretty not more when it's Wharton I and whether I you and it's alright bicular so impatient
do you love this push box though it's great in it Greta kicks out awful that eating it it's all right so this is standard procedure on were filming first thing we do is get free one yeah well when it rings what I thought that one and I'll never ever not hear about it I did bring water just managed to spill it on in the back he did you can you walk through it by then free stock and then proceeds to pay all out which having games leaking down the legs it's not wonderful it's just mostly pull it along down or something that will get in a brutal nice piece why he's quiet today don't walk this let's say no title there's nothing open something not just us yeah another chili mountains yeah I think that's what we're gonna do a compass wall outlet yes next week so camping if people are interested comment right away and we'll just do a cab generic can't visit video you know what you get up to on camping and different bits of peace so be some you know will be for me some how to's and kip user stuff while we're out there but you know people are interested in just seeing what we kind of like a day and click on camp or down lighting camp is like no shuttle there's no a few people like that kind of thing you're trying to gauge responses we don't want to do boring video basically bot lafin stick with a forest a Norse Celtic where are you going to find another stick yeah yeah got on camera an actual emergency you covered ourselves in modern where my life scoffs I didn't find all the staff set go they've gone there too again again we don't talk about
alright so
so it
I wraps by a book could be a hole in it yeah what will be a house by it positive topicals it was there we go rock his up it's going on back it up some ok
for the last time we had these look like a drop of water each gel strongest coffee maker and our tari I wouldn't I want to say tarija take medical oopy modern believe it pelicula suggested I like my show look
kill yourself do be very back end of a stick
step the most useful thing in any book smugglers repertoire of equipment broom stick and all blanket still still still really absolutely okay sorry I've got on there there you go
sorry arm
want to give up stuff if stick where I go to fight us take a little longer if I stick we're not crap on it
why get the old wife in it so we'll get ella no we'll get we'll get our brew down us will get set up and then we'll get some earn some proper videos film for you so hopefully were going to get back to film in quite a lot quite a lot of videos and getting them really started choosing a Friday again if we can obviously there's a lot going on for both was it the minute but will do as much as we can we're going to try and basically back logging videos to release rather just release them all at once because that beam it a bit rubbish unless you know that's what you want them to do you know don't we don't we don't wanna yeah I've got a marketing point with it for a marketing term we don't want to saturate the market we don't saturate the market say what input what I'm learning marketing sip of this dark clear is she's what that's what the deal is what Dave files everyone knows views don't know what the bloody ones Jesus is why we're here don't you tell her what we want we tell them that they're well but if you've got anything you want to know if you've got anything that you want us to tell you that you want to suggest if you want us to tell you what you want last exactly that's the one yeah you're not the boss crafts that these peoples is their first bushcrafter that they need things happen I am the woods glue perfect if it not tell Apollo odds both you are deja need
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
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- Bushwalk and a chat
- Journeys | Scotland Day 1 | When things go wrong!
- What I keep in my Fire tin
- out takes part 1
- Latest update!
- Camp fail - a lesson on being aware of your suroundings!
- Out and about
- How to; Store cordage
- Video response to Forestwalker111
- Winter Warmers - Pine Cone Candle
- Making Videos | Day pack load out
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #2 make a chair
- Chicken hatches at school
- Thank you!
- Cloud timelapse
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make a very simple cooking rig
- Processing Horses Hoof Fungi (Fomes Fomentarus) into Amadou
- Kit review; Bushbox XL
- Scotland Trip | Looking back
- Stoat vs rabbit
- Iron Maiden - the trooper Live
- EVEN MORE Stoaty footage
- Pigeon sleeps
- Recommended Kit: Ridgeline Trooper backpack
- Journeys | Scotland Day 4 | Journeys end
- Recommened Gear| DD Super Light Hammock.
- Kit Review; DD Bergen Rucksack
- Ten things you can do with a wool Blanket #1
- Channel update 03/15
- Wagon and horses fire
- How to get started: Foraging
- Book Review: Ray Mears Wild food
- A stoat eating a rabbit that it killed
- Enclosed tarp configuration using two hiking poles
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make tongs from a stick
- The Bushcraft Show 2016 | A review
- How to collect Fatwood
- Fozz Breaths Fire
- NUMBER ONE! on a windy day.
- Fire Craft | The upside down or 'Self Feeding Fire'
- Journeys | Short walk around Anglezarke
- How to tie a timber hitch
- Should you baton with your knife?
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- Kit Review ; Craghoppers Bear Grylls mountain jacket
- Natural Tinder Options
- How to set up a basic tarp and hammock sleeping system part 1
- Review of the mora companion
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- Bahco laplander folding saw reveiw
- Quick tip | improvising with a Trangia meths burner
- Kit review; Swanndri bush shirt
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- Kit Review; Gerber BG multitool
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- The elder tree in summer part 2
- Basic Fire lighting
- Fire Craft | Tinder pouch contents
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- How to make home made firelighters from cotton
- My Bushcraft Belt Kit
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- Kit review; Shires Country boots (charlbury boots)
- FS7 II competition | The Bowdrill, Fire from nothing
- How to Set up a DD tarp with an open front
- Pine needle tea
- Tarp configuration | For use with a Long Fire
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #6 make a stretcher
- A day in the woods
- Bushcraft; Getting started
- Recomended gear; BHK Bushcrafter
- Vlog/channel Update autumn 2015
- How to tie a Taught line hitch
- How to take down & pack your Hammock & Tarp
- how to; Use a knife correctly
- Bushcraft Skills | Winter Warmers: Making a small fire for a brew
- Figure of eight
- How to hang a ridgeline
- How to make simple cordage from nettles
- Wild Food | Wild Garlic
- Bushcraft Skills | Prepare a fish the Traditional Alaskan way
- Kit review: DD Camping Hammock
- Tarp shelter #1 Single pole tent Style
- Kit review; DD frontline Hammock
- Bushcraft Skills | how to tie a siberian hitch
- How to; Make charcloth
- Recommended gear | Klean Kanteen Reflect
- Tarp Set up | Open fronted set up
- Geting Started in Bushcraft: What is Bushcraft?
- Review of the DD 3x3 coyote brown Tarp
- Wild Food| Jack By the Hedge/ Garlic Mustard
- The Bushcraft Show 2017
- How to set up a tarp for ground sleeping
- Review: Bushcraft & Survival skills Magazine
- Gelert folding pick & shovel Reveiw
- Winter Warmers: Introduction
- how to set up a basic hammock and tarp system part 2
- Kit review; Everest Down Sleeping Bag
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- How to tie a square lashing
- How to identify and find Pine resin
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- Kit review; Gransfors bruks Hand Hatchet
- Bsuhcraft Skills | how to tie a shear lashing
- Creating a camp; building the frame for the shelter
- Journeys | Scotland Day 2 | Exploring ancient ruins
- Journeys | Solo bushcraft camp
- Wild Cooking | Nettle and Ramson Soup
- Overnighter In ancient woodland
- Bushcraft Skills | How to tie a diagonal lashing
- Wild Camp | Peak District
- Kit review; Sealskinz waterproof socks
- how to make bannock mix on a campfire
- Shoutouts/reccomended channels
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads part 2
- The Elder tree in Summer
- Recommended Gear | Compress Lite Jacket by Craghoppers
- Kit review; Ben Orford Crook Knife
- A quick update & a couple of shout outs!
- Wood Craft| How to carve a whistle
- Bushcraft Skills | Sharpen your knife in the field.
- The rowan tree
- What I keep in my backpack
- How to make a mesolithic pit oven
- Lake district photography trip : part 1
- Horses Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius)
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- Journeys | Solo Day hike | Bowland
- Woodcraft | How to carve a tent peg
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- Winter warmers: Making a Wreath
- Journeys | Scotland Day 3 | Bothy
- Tip: Pre-collecting Birch Bark
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #7 Make a hammock
- How to use a fire striker (ferrocerium rod)
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- Kit Review; Gelert Apollo Stove
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- Walking with Pigeloss
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- How to tie a round Turn & two half hitches
- How to Tap a Birch Tree
- Collecting cottongrass as tinder
- A short hill walk
- How to Tie a clove hitch (part 1)
- Kit review Gransfors Bruks Wildlife Hatchet
- Swedish log stove
- My other social media
- How to: Make a spoon
- Simple fire lighting
- 10 things to do with a wool Blanket #5 Emergency shelter
- Lake district Photography expedition part 2 (the worst video i've ever shot...sorry)
- How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark
- Birch Polypore or Razor Strop Fungi
- Getting started in bushcraft: Fire
- What is bushcraft - in my opinion
- A few Uses of the shemagh
- Building my camp & spending a day there
- Recommended gear : Life Systems 'Trek' first aid kit
- Reccomended reading: Collins guide to Trees of of Britain & Europe
- Recommended gear : thrunite Ti3
- Kit review - Gransfors bruks small forest axe
- Kit Review DD Action Pack
- Channel Update 2017
- Winter warmers: Brew Kit
- how to tie a 'Prusik' Knot
- Bushcraft Skills | How to use bramble as a withie
- review of the hultafors crafts man knife
- Bushcraft Skills | Fully enclosed tarp set up (3 meter x 3 meter tarp)
- Bushcraft Breakfast | VR to zed Outdoors
- Reccomended Gear; Folding Saw Sheath by Paul Dore bushcraft
- Recommended gear | SuperLight Tarp
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- Getting started in Bushcraft: Tools for bushcraft
- Wild Food | Nettle Tea
- How to identify the Silver birch tree
- Lake District Wild Camp
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- Recommended Kit | LK 35 Rucksack
- Sweden Canoe Adventure part 4 | Wildlife
- Kit Review | Luxe Mini peak II
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- A walk up Blencathra via Sharp Edge
- Fjallraven Vidda Pros | Are they worth the money?
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- The best way to use a Ferro rod / Fire striker
- Kit Review | Osprey Talon 33
- A hike in Snowdonia (2015) | When I met Brian
- Campfire Cooking | Simple Thai Green curry
- 7 Day hike across the Cairngorms | The Uks biggest national park