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Camp fail - a lesson on being aware of your suroundings!


Payed a visit to my camp... im probably going to move it!

Video Transcription

so you guys may remember a while back I built myself kind of a semi permanent camp and you might be wondering why exactly is I haven't been back there I'm back there today filming a video just to say merry Christmas to everyone and i'll come back to my camp to find this as a fence I built and write exactly where my temp was is this rather hefty brunch which just come down in the storms so I am very very lucky that I was not asleep in my camp when that happened you think is can't quite work out with a bit of oak compliment is open it yeah it's not small it's not a small bit that's a really chunky bit of oak losing that on it does it come from cat sitting there let's come from right there all the way crashing down so pretty much cool with that so if you guys been wondering why I have not been back to my little camp that's why I think we'll move this camp these trees look pretty healthy however I'm obviously wrong was actually two branches come down these big old oaks mean the pretty old oaks dub permission after people but there's quite a big wood but this is the kind of nice flat bit so i'll probably do let's just move my campers away meanwhile way away from this big pine it's still alive still know a shit then probably into this kind of other flat region over here and not underneath any of these big branches though I don't think so you go everyone was wondering why I've gotten back flat camp that's what it is well heigh-ho these things happen live and learn so it's all about anyway over out

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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