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10 things to do with a wool blanket #2 make a chair


The 2nd video in the 10 things to do with a wool blanket series. In this video Fozz of Forrester Bushcraft demonstrates how to use your wool blanket as a camp chair. This is one of our favorite uses of the wool blanket. this chair is incredibly simple to construct & is very comfortable, with the added bonus of being warm in the winter months as the double layer of wool keeps you insulated from the cold air around you. Simply this is by far the best way to sit around the campfire on a cold night.

Tags: YouTube Editor,bushcraft,survival,campchair,camp chair,warm,Fun,comfort,life hack

Video Transcription


hi guys what we're gonna look at today is number two use of a wool blanket okay so what will be show you today is how to turn your wool blanket into a proper suspended camping chair okay so I partially share lashing so I've got a nice cross piece there which is leaned up against the tree with two pieces of the stick by inside the tree to make it nice and stable I've talked the sticks ever so slightly into the ground just by pushing them into the soft ground those are really sturdy they're not going anywhere

it's nice and strong so I've got my wall blanket here I've got another little section of paracord I've also got a stick which is a little curvier than I would've liked but we're deciduous forests there's not much straight stuff around but it will do the job that's to ensure that it will go across the very bottom of your your a frame with a bit sticking out either side you'll see what that's for sure so what I need to do first is need to press the brank blanket to return into the chair so I'm gonna open it up completely so it's a rectangular blankets

and then what I'm going to do is along the longest edge so these are two short sides

besides that don't have the blanket weave on them the long side I'm going to fold it completely back on it so like so it's neat as possible and then at the end where it's not folded just at this side I'm gonna concertina fold that all the way along doing it as best as I can to not fold this side so they will get folded but it all sorts itself out once the chair is so stuck here and I bring this in like so just fold it that way that way working towards the middle trying to keep that open and again roughly the center which is where I am now the same on the other side yeah

one last bowl so I've now got a big bunch of folded fabric at this top-end junk I know I need my cord I need to tie this or and absolutely tighten this up as I can now I'm gonna make sure that I leave a good gap between the top and where I put the cord to stop it all from sliding out what's the chair as being constructed the whole lot bring that under now you really do need to pay attention to getting this tight the first couple of times I tried this the cord wasn't tight enough and the wall fabric actually slipped out really tight each time take it around a few times give it a nice surface area to grip onto and then all I'm going to do is put a few half hitches in there just hold it in place and again I'll put a link up in the video some more up here I'll have the tight the round turn and two half hitch got essentially what I'm using okay now saw to be tight enough just click order and I need to take it over to my right give you any clear indication on the what what length you need your cordage here that's really up to you depends on the size the poles using how high you've got it there's quite a few different factors the only way to burn in mind don't forget the power cord 550 paracord does stretch when you put weight on it attention taut line hitch here again not I'm not going to show you it now except in the video so I'll link that in so

carry on with this and there you go okay so we've got that nice and securely tied there and as you can see this knot sorry this piece of cord with tweaks but not is putting up directly behind the big bunch of the blanket and that's quite important off to the side it's gonna make the chair kick it's not entirely essential just make sure it's all really tight so the next thing is I need to get my stick as I said it's a little bit longer than I would liked but I think actually once this is in because it's got this nice curb and it's going to be quite quite forth so I've now bought the the end at the top with two N's mats and then the fold a bit of the seat

it was the first time we tried oh the whirlpool or once it up around it doing so that's nice and spread out there yet when I get in this I hope I have tied it all properly we've done this a couple times but I should now be able to sit in there quite comfortably brilliant that is so this isn't going anywhere watch your head on the poles that is really comfortable and actually I can kind of pull it around my soul was a little bit that it's really really warm yeah that's really comfortable actually that's pretty good so this is really useful because as I said previously on the other videos wool blanket isn't going to get biomart so it's not going to get a little burn holes so you quite comfortably do this by next to your fire so you don't have to use a tree you can build a proper tripod for this and it works exactly the same way but unlike the smaller versions of this the the ripstop ones you're not gonna get burn holes in it and then at the end of the day if I wanted to I can take this hammock chair down and use it as my sleeping bag or my undercooked my blanket lots and lots of different users really comfortable and added bonus to this in its cold season it's winter or autumn because you're sitting in wool you're actually insulated but not all the colder that is behind you and it is really comfortable like really really comfortable there's nothing better than having a decent seat when you're on campus

so there you go that's useful number two for the wall bank you turn it into a chair

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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