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Bushcraft Skills | How to make a very simple cooking rig


In this video I show how to make a very basic cooking rig. nothing overly elaborate or elegant but it works just great!

Tags: YouTube Editor,Cooking (Award Discipline),Food,bushcraft,wood working,campfire,Ray Mears (Author),outdoors,Survival Skills (TV Genre)

Video Transcription


hi guys so I've got the fire going just ready to get our brew on but before I actually put the broom on I thought I just show you something really useful it's one more on there something I find really useful which is how to build the most simple cooking rig that I use there are slightly more elegant ways to do this where they've got adjustable bits on and put for the purposes of today what we're doing we're just making a broom we don't really need to be adjustable too much so what we start with is I've collected two green pieces of wood which have these forts on a short one and a long one and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put on my short one on the 24 pieces just going to put little spikes only just enough to push them into the ground making sure that the spike is off to one side the reason i put the spike off to one side is all wood has a piss in it and that's the softest part of the wood so that soft part is your point is parts just put block really easily so I just put the point over to Long bit over to one side like so okay it's going to come to the camera and show you that pit how done that point so if you can see here this is the pith and we've got a full circle of that there which means the outside which is the harder part of the ward is what's forming our point and I've done the same here as well that means it's not going to break when we push it into the ground so that's the small piece now for the longer piece I need to put my point on the bottom end again I'm going to put it off to one side just like so doesn't need to be a massive point the grounds quite soft then as well as all this i also have a long thin piece of green wood which I've just cut down and look than anything with it that's all it's got a bit of a knot notch at the end over that simply where the axe caught it and I don't need to do anything else with that so to make our cooking rig we start by putting the long piece into the ground and making sure now that our pot can hang off there comfortably just I'm not asking to put it on I'm just going to test it so that's a little bit high so I'm just going to push it a little further like I said you can't make these adjustable but it's easy enough for us today to just do this move that along a little bit then our short piece just pushing to the ground I'm not sure whether you can see there's some bits of peace in the way here but at the end of our stick we just push that short piece in over the end of the stick and that will hold all of this in place so this part will actually take most of the pressure but that these two stops in follicular that's plus pretty sturdy you can see that bend in just a little bit in the middle earth and then to use this we simply power pot on the end it's like so now with this one I think I might just put a little notch in this just flatten that straight bit off because it is a bit round well that's easy enough done so I just pull out there whoops wat not end off just to give it a nice platform to sell pop that back in like so I've way hanging the plateau put on the end and now while we've got to do is get our fire hot enough to boil that because we are the moon foul on court on here ok thank you for watching you

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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