Natural Tinder Options


In this Video, Fozz of Forest Bushcraft takes a look at a few readily available natural tinder options. THe Tinder demonstrated in this video are the tinders that are available in the most abundance. All of these tinders can be used to get a fire from a small coal or spark making them extremely valuable to any one trying to light a fire.

Tags: YouTube Editor,Fire,bushcraft,survival,adventure,outdoors,nature,wild,tinder,camping,primiting,education,forest school

Video Transcription

all right guys what Wednesday is I'm gonna be having a look at some natural tenders that really abundantly available to you when you're out in the woods today I'm not gonna be taking a really exhaustive look at the tenders are available I'm going to look at the most commonly available ones too and the most readily easy to find readily available to find so the two types things we'll go using today have a couple of different methods of lighting them usually with a Ferro rod book you can kind of mix it up a little bit and use some different violating methods for this but for the purpose of the video I am gonna be using a Ferro rod for the most part to get this going a little bit of char cloth as well so let's have a look at the Tinder's that we've got so the things I've got here I'm going to very quickly go through the mill I'll take you through the process of lighting them we've got the obvious dry grass really easy available particularly if you're near kind of agricultural land when things have been cooked but you can also pull the stuff up from meadows and things particularly later in the year and it's dried or you can pull it off when it's wet and dry it over the space with Dave you've got a nice sunny day for it we have some dead and dry Bracken fern leaves which is absolutely everywhere it grows completely across the UK all kinds of environment and you just gotta find dead stuff usually if it's summertime it's usually underneath the living stuff just make sure when you're collecting this you want to make sure it's really dry so you're aiming for the stuff that's been up off the ground or has not completely fallen over when when it has died we have a little bit of birch bark which is the only thing I'm not actually gonna like today because the process of that is quite involved and I've already done a video on that which I will link up for you and in this video we have a little bit of thistle head thistle seeds and we've got some Rose Bay willow herb or fire weave seeds there for you these two will take a spark really easily this one can be refined to take a bit of a spark at least you I'm going to use a piece of char cloth to get going I'm just going to take the process take you through the process of doing that so first of all I'm going to have a look at the Rose Bay and the thistle seeds before getting taken a spark so the first natural turn we're gonna have a look at lighting are these thistle heads okay let's bring them to the camera a little bit closer and hadn't a video on how to identify these

some slightly better quality video on it I'm not going to go into how to identify this now if you do want to if you don't have that identified please check out the video on that I'll link it up this section of the video for you so really easy this just takes a spark from a feral rod you can also use a coal extender if you're doing a friction fire lighting or bulge or violating which we're going to do some videos on in the very near future but for the time being we're going to do the really simple getting it to take with a fair rod now this stuff it burns very very quickly so I kind of scrunched up a little bit it's kinda like a flush tuned it will literally burst into flames and then almost instantly go out it can be used as tinder but it is quite a difficult one to get used to you have everything ready to go really quickly so if I was doing this I'd have some really really thin slivers of birch bark or something ready to go with that or some thin slivers of fat water but birch bark probably going to be your best bet for that so let's get this lit and there you go you see how quickly it instantly instantly goes and small as away there's a bit left in there so I can just open that out again and get it going it's like a flash tinder it's very very quick that's the first one and that's the thistle heads okay so the next thing I've got here I put it in the lid of my my tinder box just to give it a little bit extra support they're still slightly harder to get going and well this is the Rose Bowl willow hair but I've left some of the seed pods in there deliberately to get a slightly slower burn on this so you can collect it in that way it also makes me much easy to collect if you're trying to filter all them out you're going to be there all day with it this is a really good one you can click to absolute ton of this by the side of road scrub land anything absolutely really abundant stuff so I throw a spark into this and hopefully it should go straight away so yeah this is the rosemary willow herb you can see it's a slightly slower slightly slower burn than the thistle which makes it a little bit better but this is also called fireweed tradition that's been used kind of throughout the ages to get stuff going but again it burns out really quickly you need a fair amount of this to actually get your get your fire going you need your kindling ready ready to go so that's the two that will take a spark directly so we're going to move on to now the let's just pop them out we're going to move on to the two that I'm going to use char cloth in okay as I said I'm not going to have got some birch bark here but I'm not going to show you how to use that because

slightly more involved process and a few ways of doing that which I've already got a video on okay so the next thing I'm going to demonstrate for you is the dried Bracken and what I'm going to do is I'm going to stick a bit char cloth into this I'm gonna get this going for you again go to make sure you can tell when it's dry this stuff and just by feeling it we just take a little bit of practice but I'm gonna get this going using just a small amount of char cloth because you do need to put a coal on em Brussels in this stuff won't directly take a spark or to demonstrate that see throwing sparked since there and that's not getting going so I'm going to use one of the char cloth and they've got blow a bit of life into that fire so we'll demonstrate that for you just now so char cloth my tinderbox only gonna need a tiny tiny amount now the important thing with this is you've got to make sure that your bundle is pre prepared and ready to go I'm normally I probably use a slightly larger bundle illness but since it's just for demonstration this small bit will do and again you can use fern and Bracken for this doesn't matter that you know the differentiation between the two at this point doesn't really matter you just sit and fire to it so let's get the char cloth going

cup like that there we go that's the dry brush and going using just a bit of charcoal for years and you get a really really good hot hot blaze off that straightaway just really come back on there you go that's this going and it kind of gives you a nice kind of basic set of coals to get yourself started so pop that out and I'll show you the same with the dry grass which is pretty straightforward it's the one you see the most you know most main thing to think about when you're using the the bracken is make sure it's getting plenty of oxygen to make sure you've got all your stuff ready well now and we'll have a look at the dry grass for you now so again the dry grass we're going to make a decent tinder bundle with I've got quite a lot for this it's gonna make quite a big fire the main thing with the dry grass is you've got to make like a kind of nest out of it first to make sure it's nice and tight so if you ever done any friction violate and you will have done this so I'm just gonna hold it here and it's really good to get this kind of round bit at the top with the hole in here for the the coal to sit in sorry about that this is the round at the top and this is where the coal is going to sit and I've kind of got like a little loop at the bottom here and I can hold on to while I'm blowing it and it gives me a really firm thing for walked in this around so again I'm going to pop a little bit of char cloth in there and then I'll show you this getting going so my try cloth is just in that little gap that I've made and probably won't make it on the camera but it's just in here so I'm going to throw a spark into that now and we'll get this tinder bundle going hopefully don't let's not let we're going to walk to get some real oxygen into that all the way through and there you go you get really really good really good flame out of the fire this burns intensely hot and you can see the smoke turns yellow that's when that sex is about to ignite whoops that is very hot and it's very very smoky as well so it makes a good signaling fire so yeah there's a few options available for you and for your boom badda me natural tinder the dry grass is one of the best I'm not sure whether you can make out like yellow smoke but when you're doing this if you look like yellow smoke that usually means that it's about to ignite so I'm gonna pop this out now with a bit of water because I have dropped it a little bit close to that stuff it's very very smoking this is really really hot the dry grass is one of the better ones I hope this video as always has been useful to useful to you I hope you've learned something from it and please drop me a comment any suggestions I know there's a lot of other natural Tinder's out there I'm going to have a look at some of the tinder fungi as on what I can find some but do comment do subscribe let me know you think thanks for watching guys

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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