Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
Andrew explores geology and rock formations like concretions and shale cliffs on an evening dayhike local to Columbus.
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Panasonic GH5 -
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Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
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Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Panasonic 25mm f1.7 Lens -
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Manfrotto BeFree Live Tripod -
Moza Aircross 3-Axis Gimbal -
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Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
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Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, Robby Huang, and Thomas Sinard
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2018
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud,geology,ohio geology,ohio rocks,rock formations,ohio fossils,ohio concretion,local ohio hikes,columbus hiking
Video Transcription
on a brisk early autumn evening I decided to revisit a beautiful park hidden away in the outskirts of suburban central Ohio
shale hollow park with beautiful streams and wildflowers this place one of the preservation parts of Delaware County is a natural sanctuary amid its developed surroundings
so this park is only a few miles from alum Creek State Park which is a place where a lot of people go to go boating and camping with RVs and it's a really cool place especially in the summertime because there's a beach there but at the same time you get out in the woods over there you find a lot of like invasive species like honeysuckle you'll find litter sometimes and so this is kind of a breath of fresh air for me because there's just all these native species everywhere there's a big healthy forest full of like oaks maples and it's just nice and quiet and clean in fact there's a good amount of native species just in this area so for example right here we've got some milkweed growing and you can see the really distinctive pods which all the seeds will come out of down here we've got some solidago canadensis or common goldenrod you see this a lot and it starts flowering with these really beautiful yellow flowers this time of the season and I mean right here we've got Sycamore I've seen some dogwoods growing nearby just really beautiful area but once you get off of the road you can find the real treasures of this park for that I was headed onto the trail to a specific area here mushrooms grew from the damp soil and gentle strains meandered through the forest floor
I hiked in that the dark and cool forest taken in the fresh air around me and then stopped to admire the flowing Creek it was striking how clear and calm the water was as it trickled across the stream bed though these streams seems small and insignificant they're part of something much larger so we've had a lot of rain recently and because of that if you look around there's mushrooms everywhere in fact this pine tree right next to me has some sweetest mushrooms growing in the litter and all that rain feeds into the streams that run through this park and those streams eventually feed into the Olentangy River which is a big landmark in the city of Columbus and that of course eventually goes to the Ohio which feeds into the Miami and into the Atlantic Ocean and it's cool to think about how just rain that collects and these little divots in the ground in these tiny little streams eventually feeds all the way to the ocean like everything is really connected and you really get a sense of that as you're walking around here but the other thing about the streams is that the erosion from them causes some of the most distinct characteristics of this park which are the 20 to 40 foot shale walls or Bluffs that just sort of surround this whole area here and it's really beautiful that's its shale that's really thin and brittle and it kind of breaks into little pieces in fact they had a sign describing it as potato chip shale as you look at this cliff over here you see how all these layers of shale are just stacked up like almost compressed leaves almost and they create this big mighty wall but it's the erosion from the river that bashes into the side of this wall and erodes it so sheerly on one side while creating this more gradual landscape on the other central Ohio is often thought of as a flat fun exciting area but in reality there are a lot of fascinating things in this region the local geology is surprisingly intriguing for such an unassuming part of the world and for a better look at that geology I decided to follow the path leading to the stream bed so it's the shale on the ground and in the cliffs to my right that give this park its name shale Hollow and this is all hiyo shale a sort of brittle shale that makes all these little Hills in an otherwise relatively flat place and again it's the stream erosion that causes these shear cuts out on the cliff that make this place so distinct and when you're walking around you'll find pieces that are just like unreal like they just have such sharp straight edges they almost look like very geometric and man-made and it's so interesting to me to see how the rocks fracture in such perfect straight lines but almost more interesting that it's probably something right behind us over there let's go check it out [Music]
so at first glance this perfectly round object might look something like a abandoned World War 2 bombshell or something like that but this is actually made naturally so this is what's called a concretions
it's kind of like a geode but when you crack it inside instead of crystals that are fossils inside scientists aren't exactly sure how the swarm but the main theory is that in prehistoric times when Ohio was covered by an ocean a sea creature like a fish would die its body would drop to the bottom of the ocean floor and eventually you know little waves and currents would tumble it around in the ground until it accumulated sediments in sort of a spherical shape and has more and more sediment settled as the oceans went away and land took over this sort of sandstone sphere was formed but yet if you were to crack some of these open you'd find something inside most likely sometimes you don't really find that much but oftentimes you do find a fossil and as you're looking at the shale walls that you'll actually see some that are embedded in the wall and it's so interesting seeing like the different layers and they mahou at different times an animal's body formed into this concretions and also just looking down the creek
you'll find some shattered pieces line in the water too so even though it's a small part this is a part that I have a lot of fun memories with just because there's so much natural flora and like so many cool things to find really cool geological formations and it's interesting to think that this is just like such a tiny not very well known park just outside of Columbus and you sort of wonder like how many places like this exist in the rest of the world everywhere I go there's always some random small town that nobody's heard of and they have their own sort of Park and you go to the park and there's these amazing rock formations hidden in the woods but it's just everywhere you go there's something cool to find and I don't know it's just interesting to think about how there's so much treasure hidden in all these different places around the world and there's probably so much of it to uncover like not just in the US but all around the world I mean who knows what sort of amazing trees or rocks or whatever else there are to find imagine just how many fascinating places there are hidden away the world over even the humblest places have unique landscapes and landmarks it's a good reminder to not judge a place until you've made an effort to experience it on a deeper level
thank you so much for watching be sure to LIKE and subscribe and join our patreon community to support our videos and get cool rewards today's featured patreon photo is from the Adirondacks taken by Ryan real [Music]
About the Author

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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