Adventure Archives Stream Archive | 5.15.2018
The public stream we did on Tuesday May 15, 2018 - thanks everybody who attended! If you missed it, don't worry - we'll be back on soon enough :)
Tags: great,game
Video Transcription
it's not been charging I know you said green just not testing one two one two test test one see watching Daniel Farrell can you see if they're sound let's say can you guys hear me let's see can we hear ourselves testing one two testing one two yeah wait is there an echo well yeah we're all here we're all here that's why we're doing the live stream haha wait do you want me to do this with you yeah post on Facebook so people on Facebook so hello Luke hello Clara the unknowns how are y'all doing hey it's Thomas we've got a new episode finished it technically can go up oh no it's already out for patients right now we got early release trailer that's ready yes we're about to let's just sit the let's put it out there yeah yeah what yeah early release trailer we'll go out right after this that's the preview for the next episode yeah Andrews got a new phone Brian's got a new phone - oh yeah it's like we're finally in metal do they know like how difficult it was to get ahold of Andrew and it still is yeah at least the reason now isn't because his phone's dead constantly need to turn my son pop out trap yeah dick let me see if I can make it bigger oh I can make it much bigger good okay so we don't have a goal for today's stream but if you guys have questions feel free to ask let's talk about the road trip though we talk we go sighs road trip we can talk about whatever
let me see when was the last time we actually posted oh I guess if you've been following my blog then you know what we've done on the road trip but as far as the channels gone they don't know anything on the road back for another stream I see so Point Mugu that was on the road trip or right before yes you went together right exactly yeah yeah um Point Mugu was actually after me and Thomas is short california road trip that we took before you all got out here and it's a hike in Malibu in LA basically super steep but you go up to the top of this peak you get to see the ocean this nearby Air Force or Navy base beautiful Hills
so check out that site video if you haven't yet yeah super fun it wasn't the battleship no and that's my that's my own fault because I specifically asked Tim Lawson who had visited you know he's part of the Navy and he gave me the right answer I wrote it down and then I just said it wrong and that will be I mean forever immortalized and your defense like a battleship a cruiser and destroyer are the same thing so Johnny casino thank you so much for your kind comments excuse me Thomas Thomas the only one that can grow full beard
yes well yeah between me and rune Thomas he's got the most lush and full one and when me and Andrew grow beards they look terrible I was gonna say I don't know Robbie I am utterly incapable me Andrew and Robbie we grow the same amount of Harris
I'll grow the sides hold on I'll grow the back and actually grow on yes I cut my hair Daniel Kang man you're like two or three months late Jandy has yet to find time to watch the new episode well thank you for being a patron I'm glad that if I sell you Harry says talk a little about your video gear do you still use the gh Bible let's do this one first oh sure yeah so let's answer John's question here he says Andrew how did you get started with combining photography and backpacking adventures so this is I think this is all of us essentially so any of us can answer this is what I mean well what it started out with probably the first time we went to sleeping bear Sandhya's and we took cheesy pictures of ourselves and then we turn those pictures into like a home video and [Laughter]
that's when we just started doing it then it gradually grew it's funny how much that looks like a civil war here too like the Abe Lincoln years ago one Muppet I don't think you still use the GH five what is the deal with focusing we still use the g h5 g h5 has great focusing you just say it has not as good auto focusing is like oh yeah it has terrible auto focus has great manual focus but the auto focus are real bad so you don't use it through your beautiful beautiful bearded maybe the weather here is hot and muggy today nice and stormy and rainy because we tried to film stuff right yeah of course of course the day we're filming outside like half of the day it needs to storm so James King bets desire to break out a paraglider from the top of something dude I feel like we felt that before breath of the wild even but I will say after playing that I kept looking for korok rocks I think I saw your comment actually James on our video I can't remember if I actually finished typing my comment before I hit Send but yeah I did comment on or I did read your comment and I was thinking I constantly think about it and actually make a lot of comparisons to playing breath of the wild now when I'm looking at scenery and stuff single mom comment about it's hard to be a single mom when you have no kids and you're a dude are we going to Gettysburg that's that we that's like a Maya from reddit I seen that one my my desire to go to Gettysburg is very strong and I have a plan
and all I need is to do some more research on how to do my best to historically hike but without actually like I can't I don't think I could do it historically completely accurately but we can definitely try and I love it'd be so cool to use some of the equipment you have but that you're willing to not even call three how you guys want a filter water do you still use a pump filter if not I'm interested in if you use Sawyer as a gravity filter we use a pop filter yeah we use that in pump filter yeah hmm what was the hardest hike and why and poncho actually Andrews girlfriend is here so yeah the Smokies I would say do you also use the camera gear for scenic shots and things or is one the manga man are the four of you gay or what why your girlfriend's never appear on the videos respectfully none of us are gay Andrews girlfriends actually in the apartment right now and his other his side's girlfriends right there we're good christopher Williams will we ever go to arches oh okay oh yeah yeah no questions about where are we going we love those questions we'd like to go everywhere but it's always the same answer we'll go there at some point they're not that we don't want to answer them it's just that you're better using your question on something else where where won't you go Mount Everest definitely not Mount Everest Iraq I guess how about a field full of ticks that's kind of who's the brains Thomas what says who's the brains in this operation I'm not here this is a this is a scenario I am NOT the most creatively mister person let's just do it like this and we'll just hit get them as they come if we miss some okay yes if we miss your question just repost it wait Jackson County that's where air streams are from you'll never know if seams are from somewhere in Ohio but is it water bladder I think all of us are what pretty much converted to water bladders at this point I do carry like to carry a Nalgene for when I'm cooking and stuff because it's just much easier to have to pour water out of there have you ever shared sleeping bag nope well make two sleeping bags into one like if you attack Owen zipper to be sure but there was the time when we were at north manitou oh and I was in my tent and Andrew was in a tarp and that that night it's stormed like crazy okay so this is a it's really complicated how this ended up but I've given my sleeping bag to Robbie because your girlfriend was cold right yeah so I was like oh it's hot enough that I can just sleep through the night without a sleeping bag and then it's stormed that night the temperature my Faldo like 50 or 45 degrees and then i literally had to get out of the tent go over to Andrews tarp across the field and wake him up and be like I we need to like do something because I can't like fall asleep
so we basically stuck our ear messiyah then we just had to open his sleeping bag up all the way and kind of use it as regular blanket someone says I'd love to see a girl's perspective on backpack and if you actually watched the what is it Allegheny and New River Gorge episodes Brian's friend Nicole is there and she is a girl Tim Lawson is that same thing awesome yeah yep oh yeah bad back I think a hammock is so much better to sleep in amazing quality of sleep by the way Tim hopefully you have a good speedy recovery yeah oh I'm very sorry Tim I I misquoted you in the mouth in the point mugu the point mokuba that's my fault that's uh you know I I deserve every comment that we get about Heaven's a destroyer and not a battleship Oh real quick I saw one that we can actually answer Luke lately asked he's 23 and can't rent a car you actually can rent a car because we've done that before you just have to pay actually yeah yeah you're under 25 you have to pay extra fat madam asar thank you for joining us I'll say I say one thing about renting a car under 25 if you have USAA insurance you can rent a car for on if you're under 25 no extra cost I'm Monica thanks for watching and thanks for catching her live stream Russ Mike for DSLR rode videomic pro Rylan Valerio said he had a dream that we film in an episode in his house without his consent but the food we made food and we were generally nice how did you grow such a sexy beard just go in front of the mirror and you know I'll say I used to just grow it all the way I didn't know how to trip it at all and now I've gone to barbers and they like I've interrogate of them every time how did you do this what are you doing and so now I'm starting to try and do it a little bit more on my own but I still go to a barber now and again just to make sure that my lines are even today was 386 you actually might enjoy one of the road trip episodes because we do do some hiking in Texas NES or SNES SNES no question
the library just so much and yes is great but the games are just like slightly too primitive yeah this has that combination of retro but still good enough to actually still play today it's okay I was just saying it's like whenever you know how a lot of India games are pixel art right if it's the pixel art where they try to like appeal to the 8-bit style appeal speech much less than when it's like a bit more fancy pixel are like SNES style anyways I like that here here's one for you guys major nerd pie asks who is the most talkative during a group during a trip the most talkative talking because I think I have my answer well if we're talking about in front of the camera it's usually Android Robbie yeah just in general on Academy and general definitely the two of you get off camera only I guess can be me too yeah has a lot of the most quits to say about about random things if you ever get a chance to watch one of our bloopers which are on patreon which you should check out by the way nice picture Bragg here but I make up about fifty so I'm either wearing outlier pants did you go to outlier NYC they sell a bunch of really expensive clothes and then the other one I've been wearing recently is the Westcombe pants and Westcombe is some brand that sent us a bunch of clothes to try out there they used to be part of some other big one that you recognized like at an ekala or something like that and they branched off to be because they were exporting all their stuff to China while Westcombe broke off and said no we want to keep everything in Canada okay or something like that that's the pants I'm wearing right now our outlier it's an outlier climber pants what our Sanwa one asks what are some of your non travel related hobbies I used to do a lot of drawing and art I like growing vegetable gardens I'm currently doing effortlessly that's got nice lots of stuff going in there like when I walked in there it smelled I wish one of your hoppity great house I wish one of your hobbies would be cleaning up for me my to some of my hobbies are playing guitar and I like to play Magic the Gathering that's the two major ones I guess I like I'm really in a Star Wars kick right now so when I'm not hiking or cleaning or doing school stuff then I'm trying to catch up on all the Star Wars all the Star Wars is Sam work knows all my hobbies so it was much harder the study and wild plants has been going decently but I do need to focus on that a little more this season Sir William McKean I would say that right now yes plans for the solar eclipses but that's so far ahead that I mean it is passing through here which is super nice yeah it's gonna be here where we are so that I guess basically there's no way we couldn't do it and afford thank you for your comment that's the one yeah yeah yeah Lost stars I think is one of the best books to have come out since the new Canon it was one of my favorite ones I made them listen to part of it on the road trip back I don't think we finished it though and Brian and I finished it it's good it's my favorite besides thron ron was pretty good TM way 84 I wish I could give you a better answer because I actually had a problems with my boots recently they got a hole in them but I also let him he lost them I left them in Zion National Park somehow I'm really absent-minded but uh so in my case I'm gonna have to get a boot replacement but if you wanted to find out more I would actually I go to like REI or a similar company and just yeah the people there I bet they'll know a lot even if you don't end up doing it there if you're talking about just the rubber part then I guess it depends on how much your boots cost and if you think you've gotten enough out of them and and what sort of hikes you're gonna be doing like super rigorous mountain mountaineering I'd given you a pair or something that's a major nerd pie does funding for troops ever get difficult
not really because most of the ones we go to are like really close and she's asked money and ramen noodle money you know I think the pricing long-term though we would like to do more but we can't do more than maybe one or two a month because we're you know we're using yeah well the money we have from the channel to go funding so that's why we can't only do like a couple trips to the west or yeah so what I'd say is it's not difficult to fund the trips it's just that we don't do the trips because we we're not sure if we can't fund them yeah it's like it's not like we're gonna go do a trip without making sure we have the financial right oh all those like but ones out west we're only possible because of you guys all over your support yeah so so like more support we get we want well we want to start going whoa hey show hiking with Sean how do you hiking with Sean Wow Shawnee National Forest how do you all feel as snake encounters on the trail yay or nay her poor run she would just answer it yeah okay so okay so recently I was in Manistee with Nicole and I can tell you in the cold feelings on danger noodles are that she does not like them every time we saw they were just garter snakes and every times we saw them she's kind of freaked out I think I'm still an a though just because they're much more difficult to avoid then say like a bear you know there's very specific ways on how to avoid their attacks and how to act in a bear attack but if a snake surprises you because they're in the tall grass then you know so I probably at least keep my distance I wouldn't like run run okay yes so when I moved to Southern California I had so many rattlesnake encounters in the first year of my I kinda I don't know why I kept on going after that I was so terrified but after my first two rattlesnake encounters I got a lot more comfortable and I when I saw them I just knew how to keep my distance I wasn't freaking out yeah to the point where I started to be a little bit more adventurous and I'd hear some like not I heard I'd hear some rustling and some leaves I'm like oh what's that let me check it out so I go and I'd like go through the grass and I hear like a stop rustling and then all is quiet suddenly I'd hear oh and then there's a benign I'm on video there and I just run out of there that's the wind wolves preserve video yeah and I was just terrified from there and then after that I just started hiking smarter and I go into the mountains in the summertime and avoid the really hot places where the snakes were and then in the wintertime I just go where it had moderate temperatures so I go to the desert and I go along the coast was the best thing to do real quick there was a common question from David tyre sorry David Tyler eyes they're a great way for me to contact you via email send us a message on our Facebook page we check that regularly and we'll be able to talk to you more about that and thank you for being a park ranger that's fantastic to get back to Sean's question I almost stepped on a copperhead in River Gorge one time ever since then and senior rattlesnake encounter I was kind of I started having nightmares bad but I think the big key is just to avoid them walk around them and keep an eye out for them and also if you do get bitten by a venomous one just stake as calm as possible didn't have someone get help I will say during the road trip when we were canoeing and you mentioned water moccasins I don't know dude water moccasins in the bite I think so well well you mentioned them and when I suddenly became aware of the fact that there could be safe I was very nervous during like it became way more nervous while we were canoeing about getting really close to like high the high reeds and stuff yeah we're just checking to see the sound quality is low for everyone uh I feel kind of wait the same way about spiders as I do for snakes and that I don't want to interact with them but when I see them I'm just like okay I'll keep my distance because you're gonna go little things and like as long as it like the only thing I'm scared of is ticks that's just because it is easy yes yeah it's not from like deep Wow it's more of the oh yeah this is a crippling disease yeah I've decided like any bug if a bug does not kill me or give me a Khurana disease or crawlin orifice I'm fine like I'm I the ticks used to freak me out cuz it's a spider dangled on her skin but if it weren't for the disease I believe I don't let them dangle on me obey like whatever no yeah the one no spiders are a little bit too much for me I can take one or two but what happened in Shawnee that was something else but we were we were it was like that scene out of Indiana Jones where he just climbed through the spider webs like this omens of dead butterflies from that was the most extreme I've ever experienced spiders know just like wildlife oh he did humidity even more than the Bayou well we went canoeing yeah well I think it was partially mostly time of year yeah cuz we went like a height of summer like everything was blooming you know and as a warning to you guys apparently and me and Robbie think about this something similar but apparently there's supposed to be a lot of ticks this year right so be careful we're going out there bringing the permethrin the bug spray check check yourself yeah tuck your pants in yourself Ryan Valerio says what have honey and milk came from the other source like if you were like getting milk from honey combs that that would make milk a lot grocery yeah like honey would be fine still but any chigger encounters possible well Shawnee might have been chiggers we don't really know we don't want to risk yeah I'm sure Shawnee was chiggers like I'm 100% for triggers and my tics usually when I see triggers were like bright red right no no you're thinking of concrete triggers you can barely see them and then they itch like crazy that bar going down at the tubs yeah so it'll keep them at the top chat it's depending on how much they donated and and then once the bar goes down it'll remove it from the top chat thing when you boys gonna ban life it up van life I would I don't know like hitting out a van to live in no no the things we were thinking about doing for the road trip was renting a I got like a big bus or like a small bus or a big fan and throwing everything in the back the problem is I got all my stuff anyway and so it would have been just a regular car ride with all my stuff in the back
Farrell jr. asks any water ventures kayak / canoe yes I think we are definitely thinking of water adventures well we had Louisiana right yeah yeah just a small adventure but definitely wanting to go to Boundary Waters or maybe I'll write also we've talked about Manistee River once they reopen the loop and for some reason I assume for some reason I think canoes are just way better than kayaks Vince said Robby always jokes at Andrew and Brian's apartments messy but I don't see it that's because only this was just cleaned off right anymore okay the reason X yeah well first of all we clean that off but the reason it actually is better here than normal is because Andrew was gone for the whole has three days it's messy it was when Andrew went to LA early to hang out yeah Thomas I cleaned the whole place and Andrew messed it up in two days you build your own care have you ever all been in an actual fight with each other so like actual fist fight no not even close
and even like I would win plus like no in like an actual just like fighting with you shot it's never escalate it's like a full-on fight yeah it's always just like bickering and we laugh about yeah we've never gotten to the point where it's like I never got mad at you after his ion oh yeah yeah okay no I was gonna say the one in Louisiana where Robbie snapped at you and they all started crying oh yeah yeah because there's like you wanted to go film the area and then we're like okay give us like 15 more minutes and there's like five minutes that passing again okay you guys ready andronicus thomas what is actually wrong with like stormed out we all just started cracking up we were laughing at just how predictable wheel yeah we when we got back from the road trip Andrew Knight had spent literally a month at the hip in a car in the apartment in a tent whatever it was together and so we took three days and then I was like okay let's start getting back to work do all this stuff and answers like I need I need a few more days I think me and Robbie would survive better than Andrew Thomas together because we would just mean I'm just quotes and simply yeah yeah that's always something we ended up like it was not nearly as bad as we thought it was gonna be hey it's for golf hey how you doing welcome oh I didn't know superjet had a 15 character limit I just kind of thought 2020 in Chile and Argentina Dan maybe well that's weird some people have like a lot walker like Sal South Duluth what do you guys ever do some horseback backpacking in the West um we have talked about that from time to time I don't know what the logistics of it is with with regards to filming and things there's some horses that are trained well let's just put it this way if the opportunity arises we will would definitely do it if anyone if any of you happen to own a ranch anywhere with horses and you love our stuff and you want to invite us we will make the drive we will fly down if you can teach us and help us play Ashley Kino la Rocha this is the perfect time to try the fire techniques it's good time to go out beautiful weather Andrew oh the hair chin scruff yeah oh yeah now there's something I thought you were still doing though this is just the extent of my facial hair James Blackburn we promise is rock candy it looks like something else but it's definitely rocky no no we don't have that yeah Thomas thinks this looks like other drugs yeah so this is a hot green hatch chili pepper flavored rock candy made by the same lady who made the props for the Breaking Bad meth at least in the first couple and James Blackburn helped show us around so yeah you get a chance check out James blackbirds channel mad props to him he's a reenactor and actor he's just a good guy Thank You taro for watching the video
who's spring um that's not a talent it's like a curtain and that's mostly to just kind of like stop all the heat from rising to the loft because it gets really hot up there I used to know is James Oh Thank You DJ Genki we might take you up on that one day I James we might take you up on that one - you got we're gonna raise some horse packing I want to see Oh DJ kinky we actually passed through there I don't think we realized that you were from there until later
I knew yeah we drove by that I'm like we talked about the name of visit Roper oh yeah like the I'm here are you John mulberry hello welcome glad yeah you're you're working too hard for them anyway Ryan Villarreal asks a good question about who would you cast as yourself for like a autobiography I would just have to go with Keanu Reeves just because I look like him like I couldn't pick anybody else what Steven Steven young that won him just tear a shirt off and see you later self Steven I don't know Ian Griffith I've already said that you look like him who's the other guy everyone says he look like oh yeah like Mad Dog he or something it's like a weird name yeah potato I've heard um armie hammer yeah that a navy maybe wrench I think he's the one who said it would be the Sun died from big trouble in Mulberry thank you so much nice I don't know what that means still but mr. Greeley said Danny DeVito inspect my gadget 69 what up that is so funny expect my gadgets in old school let me give you just real quick talking serious here I would recommend checking out Salim Bob's or Salim on shoes they're a little on the pricey side but I love mine I didn't he didn't take too long for me to break them in their water they've gone from top of Widney to Death Valley to Yellowstone to Algonquin there I feel like the biggest factors make sure it's fit yeah yeah I would say well thank you Tim lost him lost and thank you a question a lot think of your comment really quickly to address Keith use question I use Keene brand and I'd never heard of them before I bought them from REI but I actually really really like them and they they're still they're still getting me through a lot of trips so maybe can check that Jonathan I'm just joking I know what that means brings up a good point he says just having 50,000 subscribers is really a shame you need more viewers I suggest that everybody go share our videos and read it and read it and your favorite outdoor forums let me tell you a quick story there's a fantastic kid out there who goes and films his own hiking he just brings a GoPro and he talks about what he's feeling like in the tent he got to the top of the front page of Reddit and now he has 80,000 subscribers I'm sure yeah oh you're talking about that kid that was filming a selfie tent during the blizzard somebody posted his video when he had 600 subscribers yeah are like 200 subscriber now he has almost maybe over a hundred thousand I will I will say though that he doesn't get the views he has a subscriber they doesn't get the views yeah and I know that's being viral and I'm not trying to put him down he makes no movies but I'm just an awesome yeah that's that's the power that reddit yeah tumblr and like the ability to go share things yeah really quick since Tim lost meta superjet he says no question just wanted to say the last video was excellent thank you so much thank you so much Tim Lawson again thank you so much I don't know if we mentioned this but we did hang out with Tim Lawson nationally in Nashville and you treated us some Hattie B's really good chicken actually I was surprised and if you want to see Andrew eat the hottest of hot chicken oh yeah that's a special on patreon so on
weekly update one of our weekly updates we posted a video of me collapsing so just go wash your face yeah yeah I put a little bit like a little teaser on this and it's gonna go in the like a clip if it's gonna go in the floor so the meetup will definitely still happen we will reschedule it and it's gonna happen in probably Columbus I said we do it before the end of May but we might not do it before the end of May but we'll definitely do it before the Industrial let's pose this question Memorial weekend better or worse than a regular weekend for you guys I say worse but it's just it's my birthday okay what's the story behind a scoop logo and Jennifer thank you by the 7-meter
oh that's actually interesting let's answer that really quick but let me just say Nathan lot we actually are hoping to connect with Joe Rubin and some point actually we would love it if you guys could like send him leave comments on his videos and harass him no don't do that
like maybe suggest you do a little incentive we know I did tell you I did tell Joe and I have the beer okay yeah we're gonna send because Joe is having having a new kid on the way oh we're gonna send him some congratulate congratulatory beers oh sweet so from Ohio from Ohio they're gonna be Ohio local beers so we got to figure out the logistics of that but congratulations to Joe roping out on that okay so so the scoop logo basically when halo one came out but that was that was the height of what I was like the beginning of online gaming so Robby created a clan called the Skoog clan and the Skoob was essentially he's called team scoop it's called team Scoob and the Skoog is what we called it when you got stuck with the plasma grenade in Halo so when Halo 2 came out we adopted the little logo of the Master Chief helmet with the sticky grenade stuck to it so that's what the little comet is and then yeah I don't know why we continued using scoop productions for the videos yeah I don't think I think we've stopped using it since but what is the organ of network though the origin as I was it was me and two other friends were at my one friend's house having a sleepover we played halo all night and at some point my buddy Josh was invisible with active camo he killed somebody and he just he didn't have words anymore because it's so late at night he didn't even see my school gooo and we are like Scoob I don't know it just came out and then every time we threw a grenade at somebody dude we just started we kept saying Scoob ooh and then when we threw a grenade is somebody we said Scoob ooh and then it became school that's like the opposite of we just did at the beginning because just we did but we haven't done it for a long time we should do the handshake oh yeah the helmet and this is the Scoob getting stuck to it thank Jennifer thank you someone earlier that's our favorite Indiana like I'm gonna say Morgan Monroe just cuz it's off-trail but they was great too yeah Scoob ooh I cut my hair months ago now all right it was like February something James King when you say OTR do you mean Ryan Ghost or cert different one
Nathan crook says that's gonna watch my normal shows during my break but this is much better you are incredibly flattering thank you so much I recommend herbals from warped wing Brewing Company in danger totally good even from a non beer drew I've never had a date in beer I don't think yeah I gotta try that out I wanted to do a Matri let's have a BYOB stream next time yes Oh everybody BYOB well I'll talk about what we're drinking I want to recount a story really quick um what am i over me one of my friends said that they went on a date for this guy who was like a super hipster and he she went to get a beer and came back as over drinking she's like oh uh blue moon and he's just like scoffed and was like a typical
yeah that's why he taken my hair elsewhere that's funny because like when I started drinking coffee more I always like and I would put like sugar and milk in it I wonder if there's people out there who's seeing me like do that I think I'm like man ruining that coffee like just gonna enjoy the coffee the way I want all adventure archives that man is back no no that's a different one yeah this is gotta be the city I think they just forgot just so you guys know we'd love to go everywhere yeah so we can't you if there's a recommendation right feel free to send it to us we'd love to go everywhere I will say kind of on the docket for me I plan on making a trip to the east going to up to Maine through Vermont and did we talk about that yeah yeah yeah I think so we want to make an adventure archives trip I've always talked about when you do an East Coast
road trip and I think we mean you and I talked about it during the road trip and I think I might go and just I got a lot of friends I want to go visit too and so I might do some hiking there North Carolina Asheville is it Asheville yeah it's Asheville I don't know Asheville what Asheville North Carolina Oh Mitchell I think which is the highest mountain east of the Mississippi that's another place I'd like to check out ooh christopher Williams said I will make sure to thumbs up a comment on Joe roba news channel about collaborating everyone here should do that thank you Wow I'm Joe's next video thank you so much Chris Williams also Chris Williams I love your comments on the patron AJ thank you so much for the anthology so much looking forward to what's in store for all four of you on your next trip thank you yeah yeah we hope you enjoyed you so much I've been a lot of hiking and camping in New England through the Canadian Maritimes if you like some itinerary William McKean said don't don't what I don't remember sauerkraut is horrible according to Nathan lot Nathan just haven't had my sauerkraut baby
adventure archives after midnight likes Thomas's videos in Cali TM weighty forces Thank You Thomas for sharing the resting me many videos ago hello you so much why do you like that I don't know how well I've explained that indifference you know I'm pretty sure it's Tim V adventure archives after midnight it's gotta be he wrote it like it's Tomas Tomas his videos in Cali this is the same Tim V we visited yeah yeah it's gotta be Tim because I well when I said it he was like he knew who is in the closet oh it's probably the sheet there if you're talking about the sheet that's there Wow if you're talking about that that's just a painting I think I think I might go I think I might hike Mount Katahdin in Maine as just like my own time wait is it cap Katahdin or yeah DJ Genki I was actually just in Charleston I don't know how far that is from Virginia Beach good yo bear yo man or Charlottesville um in regards to like everyone talked about Maine and stuff i I've really this thought came to me one day but I really do want to hide somewhere in New England at least a few places in New England City yeah that's literally one area you don't have not touch yeah the Catskills yeah Daryl sablon asks have you guys hiked the Tahoe area there we have we hiked the ty we're now there will be a cool site video Catana it's so funny cuz we did a hike right before gonna ha Tahoe that's super springy and then Tahoe was all snowy but Darryl Anderson Darryl Anderson so much Darryl wait it's young there also our brother from Japan oh he's in Japan right right he sent us all those goodies you're like we got some Darryl Anderson tofu yeah no that was from
expedition Ashlee where is the Bourbon does they mean no the Bourbon trail in Kentucky my Azran baby oh yeah let me know I'm gonna do all of that I want to give a quick shout-out to my friend Josh and Liddy Libby cuz they actually give us this tee I wish I had brought it on Seneca Creek but this is tea made with like naturally grown mint and all that and we're gonna take it out in the next episode but Darryl Anderson tofu has made me think of it Thomas is officially back yes I've been back now for just just under a month and now we're well we have no I'm not gonna say that but we have a video coming up with an announcement about how we're working on the channel soon Rudy's rift is gonna be fantastic are you talking my baby Becky Ashley Ashley is my friend by the way
Rudy's refuged soon some someday soon DJ ganky home long is a patron he's been like a patron since the very beginning yeah I'm going on why Nathan Kirk asked when y'all gonna hide on the moon you guys know LeBron James is on TV right now
Nathan Kirk but the moon thing was alive that's funny we had no idea LeBron James is on TV right now like NBA playoffs yeah I wouldn't be the only person who had any chance of knowing that but I didn't even know that give a quick shoutout to expedition research let's see who sent us a bunch of stuff sent us like these tea kettles which we have six of them so we're thinking about maybe doing a giveaway for a few of them he sent us a bunch of interesting ramen which will be our departure for my mom and he sent us these Sawyer straw stores which I do want to try it Liberty Leslie thank you so much thank you so much they'll realize that means you got to get a new pair yeah seven bucks for a new Pharaoh Pharaoh it is wearing thin i I actually have where's the really nice one no I've got it I've got though oh my my bro one of us could get in you yeah you really know real quick this has been asked a couple times I can answer this is there a camera you would recommend for bigger beginner videos I actually always recommend the canon t3i it's not the best looking camera but you need it for super cheap getting used its got it if you get a use got to be like 150 to $200 but it's like a DSLR you can we used it at the beginning like up until thank you Chris Dolly Sods winter that was the last episode we used it so it's not that's not 4k but you know you're basically sleepy City Nights thank you so much thank you so much top cool one you know we were just talking about how we want to post more and make more stupid videos like that maybe we can post some old stuff to patreon or I don't know by the way actually says perpend trail is a distillery in Kentucky so what was my first starter Pokemon Ryan Griffin grass pokemon always DJ DJ griddle boy what's your first starter Pokemon mine was Charmander pokemon red that's true it wasn't it was yours black soy's no grass pokemon always meant oh yeah both my leech seed you know I just think I just think they had a problem with people my parents had a problem with people who are just always down looking at there's game boy that's just a real Cades Cove yeah have you ever seen movie 127 hours at the farm yeah that scares me I did just see I'll answer that a second I just did the Guru did you see that oh I've gotten so many recommendations to see Maru I know it's on Netflix Netflix I do want to see mountain-climbing movie really cool or ooh or maroon okay are you I gotta talk to talk Calhoun about the new Red Dead Redemption cool one I am a cool one that was about more sense really excited really hoping that's gonna satisfy that itch I'm gonna have for the West on my screen but I think I'm gonna just end up being sad because not the real day you JJ co1 we're just reading them as week yeah well yeah well we're gonna go if we miss your Kannan please just repost the comment you know the victor I still haven't seen the 4-1 stuff but we've seen lots of comments about those especially in are you seventy good Brian please rank the order of the for view in the following best physical shape wealthiest most annoying most faith Center Robbie's best fishy best physical shape yeah Robbie wealthiest maybe after I can finish most annoying already most annoying it's a tie between you you put them together and they form a Voltron of annoying most base centered we all believe in the faith of greed oh we are all about I just want to say you guys are awesome and clearly becoming my favorite youtube channel in your videos are relaxing incredible produce thank you Mike gives back thank you so much can I take credit for introducing you to carne asada absolutely not you you found out tacos on your own yeah wait oh the fries though what's that Ann isn't helping the smother no I don't think I've ever had a carne asada fries yeah Thomas Vince Romero getting you a shout out where there doesn't get enough credit for this video Oh appreciate it yeah Thomas puts a lot of effort in his videos I think she always said that Rob puts a lot of effort into editing like no I only started doing that recently because it used to be Thomas would shoot edit do all that stuff so it takes a lot to force yourself to go out yeah I can I can actually film so the fact that you did it at all well thank you James King I don't know if we have connected with cindex Arizona but that's something definitely that we're considering it for the future Greg bets what's up Andrew best field guide for mushroom oh um so for mushrooms I like the Audubon guide but the early with mushrooms you're always gonna have stuff missing plants I would suggest Newcomb's wildflower guide there's also great foragers harvest and nature's garden our two great ones about edible plants trees I don't have a great recommendation I just have a look ohayo book but do the wave guys don't start that sort started and then back okay that was more like a like a I was like a yeah a ripple where are you going next
have we thought about where we're going next yeah a little bit yeah I'm Cumberland National Historic Park probably yes I think we can probably call that yeah we make one more post yeah they basically voted but it's a it's a done deal now Cumberland Gap I'm rooting for Gettysburg Boundary Waters maybe Iceland what's that noise Daniel II we don't but I don't know once it becomes legal where you know and it's more sure why not right I can tell you does is a Liberty Liberty Leslie says I'm a philosopher inspires hikers to look at plants thank you so much Nathan I'm from Indianapolis Kanye is a modern day philosopher hiking Sean I I would agree that I just left California we Deming obviously we definitely do more hikes because of YouTube in general I think I think because of this channel I'm sure reading comments every time you laugh and like it my sings but yeah I feel like being doing this challenge really added a lot to our lives in more ways than one it's hard to say in very big part because of the people were meeting in the comments instead yeah someone Chris I think earlier was asking do you guys consider yourself pros I think you definitely would in the filming Department yeah because I do yeah professional
awkward sugar that's the first one I just saw oh no I just saw this fun WS blue says funniest moment back back and he said everyone has to answer like a command it's gonna be I mean that is English sir 10th when Robby screamed at me twice
like subconsciously just waking up from a night terror yelling at me for no reason
the time I brought 40 pounds worth of extra clothes I think a lot of interactions we have our yeah because I know there's times where we just start laughing super there's a lot of times where Tom I was robbed and I will throw out a Simpsons quote and then we'll start laughing yeah and then they'll be like I don't get it we've got like these Venn diagrams of things we can quote and only sir we don't have anything that everybody yeah yeah it's like you and Ryan are Simpsons Simpsons Brian and I are Seinfeld Seinfeld Brian and I are brick and mortar voice one two three Rick and Maureen speaking your turpitude configuration another an a-frame yeah so um when we were in Shawnee with the fairly noisy stuff I put part of the tarp on the ground we've done a diamond pattern in the rain you and I oh yeah that wasn't Daleks house actually I feel a to maintain are you well I will say I think a frame is the best during bad weather because it's just stable and your sheds the rain didn't we do something like that didn't we pretend to be like or was that during I did that in Ikea they were like wooden bowls oh oh sorry wait a little bit do you guys recommend for hiking Zaleski I'm hiking for the first time in three years and I hear it's a lot of uphill
I'm gonna be honest we did not heikal the last game I feel like we didn't touch on a lot of it yes IKEA video I got lost in IKEA the other day the first time if my mom is like shopping for some furniture and we went there and then we asked somebody and then we're like ok we'll try to go out we literally went in a circle come back to the same lady we're like we can't get out I don't think so I'm gonna answer I don't think Zaleski's that bad so I would say 35 I mean I usually with water my packs are usually around between 30 to 35 and I that's less than what I had it so let's give me first is so I would say that's more than fine I'm gonna answer a DJ Yankees question have you ever been offered a sponsorship or would you be open to one by outdoor clothing or ten company thoughts on product endorsement we kind of have a strong stance on we don't really want to create reviews because we don't find it fun and not a whole lot of people find it fun the only time we would ever really take an endorsement or be sponsored if it was a serious endorsement or sponsorship ya know where it you know they're picking up the tab on everything they're hoping they're actually becoming the producers and also it's something we believe in yeah yeah you know we're not gonna probably just like I wouldn't I wouldn't let well what's the like I wouldn't want to sponsor Holmen because I don't like their stuff I don't think they're you know being I have I don't know if I've ever seen a good lightweight clear tarp but that is kind of the reason I sleep in the carpet so I can scoot over a little bit and look at the Stars sponsor partner fly extra talk cool one no nobody has lost anyone that is a big thing in these parts I think like just the Midwest Oh Zach I saw the Portillo's next IKEA and I wanted to try it out because I've heard it's really good but there was like a line going out of the drive-through so I said nothing Sleeping Bear Dunes would be pretty high up though especially Manitou Island justanswer yeah actually yeah I have a lot of good memories for Sleeping Bear Dunes just because of vacations we took there one that's where we started the cheesy pictures which eventually led to adventure archives yeah here's a good question from rogue which one of you wrote your theme song and any bozo so okay I don't know but the theme song started out so me and rod were trying to come was something and then Brian doesn't a guitar song yeah actually same fly yes still have it and it's this like really bright something dude me and Robbie really liked it as soon as we heard it but we wanted to make it a little minor key so it's like more of that dark adventure sound yeah and then we got it and I played the flute on that Brian you weren't you guys in Indiana yet did that so you're like Brian can you record something like this you played something on a keyboard I'm like okay yeah and then uh after season two we added more to that electric yeah yeah I think and then marimbas do you guys if we have tongue well Robin we're gonna rerecord it we're gonna have we've recorded it's not gonna better quality right but we've all decided that the the intro or our intro music we somehow got so lucky on the first try and came up with something really great memorable and that really sounds good and so we weren't gonna change it I really like kind of what Game of Thrones does each season they change it just a little bit it's obviously most of it really I think they do they just do they tweak it a little bit well I don't know if that's true but every every role will have the location they emphasize certain instruments more oh during other seasons make it grander and greater and grander oh here's fun fact if you played the smash brothers for theme song yeah and then listen to our theme song very similar and I think what happened was that I was subconsciously channeling that because we were looking forward to that game at the time oh really yeah James Blackburn I think I did something to the ranch at some point playing on collabing with other backpackers youtubers yes absolutely you loved the guitars
what GPS do we use do you know what it is it's spot budget bushcraft thank you for your comments about the Indiana visuals by the way thoughts on hiring editors to push more videos and focus solely on backpacking or a thought of losing control of your videos yeah yeah we have talked about this in depth and and that's actually something that we're now working on is because we're all here now this is something we're gonna work on on a more day-by-day basis rather than doing it part-time yeah which is something we're going to talk about very soon Ryan Villarreal asked tomato or tomato it's actually pronounced Thomas potato or Coulter Coast Trail in Maine grab the loop trail as well have videos on Eastern oh it is did you know that potato bacon eggplant aubergine okay yes we'll still tire with them oh I've seen that yeah how you know that french fries or chips sort of Howard I think I have seen some of the stuff at least from my self-reliance for sure Oh Chris Metzen loves the electric guitar and the theme cranks is tele up to 80 for the intro thank you so much yeah its 9:58 guys will go for however longer but if you got final questions get those questions answered and also so after the stream is over we are putting up the preview yes and if you do want to watch the full episode slash adventure so let's really quick just talk about patreon I know it's talking about but we do have I like talking about do you have some good stuff in there you can watch Andrew collapsing on the ground
well spice Williams asks what our five-year goal is so that kind of relates to patreon anyway so we don't have a specifically five-year goal yeah nothing specifically five-year but we'd like to view we'd love to I guess in the next year or so hit a hundred thousand subscribers
cuz once you start hitting those numbers then YouTube views start to become you know we get to start getting more we start getting more income from YouTube which is pretty unsubstantial right now yeah you know we have fantastic fans fantastic viewers the views while we might seem like we have a lot we really don't have enough to start paying for it on themselves which is why patreon is so important to us right but also on patreon that's why you know we do release a lot of you because there's fun stuff yeah like you get weekly updates yeah weekly updates if you want to chat with one of us just one on one we have live stream live stream every week every week with somebody new see if you want to talk to Andrew one on one or one on however many not that many either it's maybe 13 it's very few yeah we usually get anywhere from like 15 to 20 be 20 people and Smulders i extremes create an intimate
I just blue pers commentary and we we started putting people's pictures in our videos from the trail yeah one quick thing it's if you guys ever want to like jump in the patreon check everything out you can always do $2 jump in check everything out watch the rent latest early release and then after you get charged for that month you can always cancel so you don't have to like be committed to it or anything really WS yeah someone's asking if we could get up yeah WS blues so we wanted to show you guys a sneak peek of the video of the next episode and the stream but we couldn't get the software going where it lets us good handled no no we have something right as soon as we're done with this dream we're gonna publish a yeah I'm just saying he said for the stream faithfuls and I said we'd like to show you during the stream but we just can't we don't have the software working where we can like literally show you what's on the screen right now I couldn't get open broadcasts yeah program hey I got a quick question for you have you ever considered making a video in angels landing I sure have and I have you can go to my vlog channel by searching Robbie Huang on YouTube there's a video called angels landing Zion National Park or you can stick around for a few months it will come out with
you'll see Oh which will be contrasted by Brian and ice hikes through the Narrows yeah William King William thank you very much yes William thank you so much so you know we're working on it love to be working on it Banff is high on the list let's just put it that way okay Steph law for anybody who doesn't know so when we come out with a new episode we always release it to patrons first so they'll get it two or three weeks early so those are people who go to adventure they pay $2 they can see the episode early then we always release it to the public on usually the first of the month so all of our stuff will always be public free on YouTube it's just early for people who are patrons so don't ever worry that you're getting locked out of like real videos the full episodes we wouldn't want to do that anyways because we won't you like yeah we like like if we liked it too Paige found and why would we only want five hundred people watching this video we worked so hard you know the only thing that we really keep on patreon is the behind-the-scenes stuff so if you want to see me goofing off if you want to see us giving kind of our honest opinion on an episode what we did right what we did wrong basically a DVD extra yeah further question the next episode
that is early released right now will be out June 1st right yeah yes and then I saw another question that got repeated does it get annoying to go back and get the camera after certain background camera shots these guys do it the most you sometimes I turn around and I'm ready to go get it and then they just like I got it it can definitely be so actually I'll say that my first time filming by myself in Manistee or doing the majority of filming there were times where it would get annoying just cuz it's like you you know when you when you're hiking you get in today right so you're walking forward that something you realize have to go back up and get the camera especially if it's I know not though it sucks talk cool and I think Robbie likes basketball that's about it I kind of used to like bass bass okay Chris Madsen is $2 to become a patron it's only you're only charged every time we release a full episode right so that's usually like one and a half months every one and a half yeah but we're trying to get it up to one every month you get a lot with the $2 and then beyond that you get more stuff but yeah I think that I think the commentary is pretty cool ws Blues do we plan on doing merchants yeah but the commentary is really fun do you plan on making any merchandise oh yes we do yes so our current plans is yes we will have t-shirts we had some design we avera I'm designing some we want to have one design kind of representing each person and then one like design as a whole for the channel we're kind of going to build logistics of that but we should have something on the committee oh okay you heard them in June guys that's my that's my job DJ Genki thanks so much for joining us have a good night I don't want to send people away but I am gonna post a link to the trailer because we did promise some yep live streams this hasn't gone public yet but it will go public very soon so it's never sink oh sorry never sink outdoors is the patreon channel has thomas hashtag on sensory never sink we actually have had patches as a patreon incentive at one point so you could see a return of patches eventually yeah yeah for sure let's check my caddy uh-huh could one of the rewards be assigned love note from Thomas Thomas got it um you know just every item will come with that but every t-shirt will have it john Maitland's thank you so much time to be a subscribe let's go discover we're glad to have you thank you so much thank you so much John Maitland's army just like it comes with the bag with a hole in it it's like a cardboard box with like the paper stuffing inside and it's like a rock it's got like moss rock and like water no it's a box and there's nothing in it alright well I have posted a link to the trailer for the new episode go ahead feel free to check it out we're gonna release that publicly probably the next ten minutes after we end this livestream trailer the trailer yeah yeah so go ahead and check it out there if you like what you see please consider joining patreon it helps us out you know you know we're starting to go a little bit more full
I'm on this so every bit helps us produce more videos full time and also you if even if you're signing up for this episode you get to scroll back and see the other behind it's an embarrassment of riches okay I just wanted to use this mm bikes rule yes this will be archived on our channel so you should be able to rewatch it james king you're not you're not you don't need to do patreon we just feel like it's you're going to mention it but if you do one merchandise like I said we will hopefully have some stuff I think it'd be cool to get some merchandise at it there anyways for real that we do appreciate all your support whether or not you oh yeah if you just watch if you just subscribe and you watch that's yeah that's like yeah and coming in to talk is great favorite non sonic Sega games Panzer Dragoon if you don't have one you're a private eye trade crime metrion sonic sega game oh come oh come on no idea he was he was born after the great Tendo sega war the new Seneca Creek episode an episode of broad with Thomas yeah definitely definitely yeah it's about time venture archives had that because I would wear an edge with a jerk I tell you enough suits I'd love that lightning round okay lightning round yeah let's do it Mother's Day episode next year we do if we can muster it sure why not did we do anything special for I went to Mammoth Cave with my mother and my brothers family well I actually I'm hoping to have a cooked dinner at home I I took my mom to a lovely vegan place in Louisville Kentucky so how offer lightning round ask us questions that are yes or no answers yes or no lightning question lightning round but really quick favorite overall movie I think it's Princess Mononoke for me Bellanca strict Street Fighter 2 character favorite overall movie office space because I can relate to that so one of the Rings returning the King's Truman Show Sarah no I just pepperoni yes let's say the question about doing longer trips yes or no yes okay
is this statement true yeah yeah tree and playbook from no no yeah no Thomas will you marry them inspect my gadget 69 if you tell me who you are we'll talk well you've got to inspect this gadget first crab walk out of the tent watch black mirror and only hobbies because it's so small yes black mirror a little bit yes eventually yeah eventually yes the subscribers won't know what their meaning of life 42 would you ever through hike possibly yes probably not eventually coastal sailing trip will die Japan yes Robbie Glen Japan your future hopefully hopefully beef chicken or pork yes Sweden why not definitely Sweden thought you talked about on land yes Chicago Chicago yeah sure in different I like the food and I would love to tour Japan yes definitely on Japan hammock or chop do I have Brian yes yes it's um Tennessee asymmetrical bottom entry hammock if I can consider a vintage Jamaica no
pistachios yes in our control maybe Minnesota yes am I scared of Thomas yes upgrade your gear no I like where my gears right now right above me yes do you guys have girlfriends we a no because I am Utah yes we did boxers or briefs yes who are cons the adventures boxers who are cops response to breeze so tasty bugs okay only one dress to watch daily vlogs Henry Kwan we have actually I've actually proposed this idea of maybe having a second channel where we have more kind of behind-the-scenes type vlog videos just for fun
very early in the idea process but it has I have talked about it we need we need to make more videos on a regular basis before we start doing that I'll pill hiking in the rain in the snow yes I understand that pineapple and pizza yes no yes also no Andrew choosing what's ingredients are all I can in the Smokies in the rain yes until I'm doing it
pooping in the woods yes I can - you know New England no favorite patron yes where's Greedo why's Guido Guido is with us at all times warmer skin trips yes chicken-or-egg well that's stupid clearly it was the chicken the chicken come from the egg oh I see what you mean saliva or India Oh an ab workout no it's probably a butt workout it's the T minor tikka uh so yeah we got three tickets hammock or tent Tom I'm gonna rinse our own rinse my god you don't want that trouble of owning oh just in general MMORPG uh destiny doesn't he also knows your screen continually getting more yes flux okay yes blood culture Cylon or Blood Gulch Blood Gulch yes okay so we're ten fifteen is that a good ending ten fifteen rage two trailer have not seen it yet I never he played the first one
okay no for Japanese beer yes for German beer yes for both no yes for both yeah oh yeah okay I'm gonna say no because I like nice and lighter beer yeah I'm gonna go with no just because I'm more familiar pizza and beer mica yes we actually me into Robby all have one now I love it whiskey whiskey Oh second one with an E ever thrown a controller yes maybe I don't remember that's trying to get the scarab gun oh I made you throw a controller playing smash it to you you just gonna watch III yes yes yes sorry we don't we don't sponsor REI in any way but I've always had good experiences your support Oh Sapporo kimchi two extra toppings more pizza tonight guys Indian or Mexican food Oh Indian or bath or centipede Beth's right Oh God spider that the shaved head or long hair long hair okay that's pretty fun okay everyone has to take a shot before the two minutes alright somebody gonna take a double for me hey again James Blackburn coming way to nice little guy yeah you know what I will take one of those this is a gin and tonic for that shot Robby why did you go sleep in short I'm gay waste time okay this time did you say something about how like it never really Andrew Chris Metzen Washington Thomas wagon to arm-wrestle winner Thomas wrestle anyone here would you are a twin enormous you would really yeah I'm gonna tell awesome really best would you do this again with shots that's you know for patron livestream yeah that would be okay great idea that would be a great X okay next livestream we're gonna have a themed livestream so it'll be like a pizza party would be why didn't you talk about this on your live stream hype it's a party BYOB we're gonna have a good time okay next next patron livestream even if it's just me I I'll be I'm gonna come up with a game where I take a shot of something when the comments do something I'll think of it every termination that's great you'll play bar time are you actually gonna be in town Ashley if you are let me know all right well I'm not taking a shot but what is it was do you know her and yeah Oh James Blackburn when we were we're in that looks wait greener they used to be yeah albuquerque albuquerque new mexico james Blackburn showed us
we stop shower this is a hot green chilly candy hard candy I guess so I'm gonna try say it's chili flavor every quit smoking cigarettes we never started Lupin's at monopoly it gets accused nobody's ever finished a game Brian wins at every game though yeah ninja and Ashley make sure you call or text me when you're in town like think of it like hot chili jam it yeah there's fun if you think of it like oh thanks so much Farrell junior seven ten fifteen Swedish assault with licorice no bill burr fan shirt okay so no thoughts oh you want in part on people besides slash adventure go there sign up check out lots of stuff see the episode early I I am actually gonna do that further I think I'm up for the next livestream on patreon write this comfortably next Monday technically yet so I am gonna have a drinking game for you all and me to play so be there or be square two more minutes WS blues ones two more minutes alright you've got to Matt's thoughts I love doing these live streams yeah I'm so glad everybody who participates in these live streams thank you so much it's really there's no quote cougar Yellowstone any mosquitoes do suck yeah what else would I be doing I'd be watching TV am I really doing anything i watch that scene Sony I got one final fine everybody go to youtube and type in Robbie Huang in YouTube find my vlog channel is all right yeah yeah not a blog subscriber you should check that out there's always lots of stuff you don't see in that bus yeah check out his stuff and if you haven't yet and if you want to see where we are alive in the moment I would say go to the adventure archives Instagram page or go to my own Instagram page I post a lot of my own hikes there that's the only time I'll ever dab in my life I'm not happy don't go to our Twitter maybe one day we'll resuscitate it oh my my Instagram is grievous guy 64 grievous guy 64 but make sure you check out Robby's a lot more effort of all the past you take in life make sure that some are dirt it is good Ultimo Tarsus Arnold Schwartzenegger before a game of chess ought to be back I'm gonna have to agree with camp someplace yeah there's a sink I didn't realize you were here have you heard of phone my brother my brother and me the two of the people work at polygon but one of the hole yeah whenever he does dabs he's like thank you so much TM way 84 thank you so much cool okay so yeah we've gone two minutes over home tube just arrived what's next guys alright so in the pipeline in terms of main episodes we've got road for road trip coming up after seneca gets released publicly we don't know where we're going for our next main trip but we were we're very likely to do Cumberland Gap historic national whatever oh nice there's a John miracle okay sweet
robbie one thing we all have to stance okay we're gonna dance it out guys thomas won't join you for this well let me make sure - home is Ohio except the adventure our kind and then the viewer town like drops back here alright guys thanks so much for joining the livestream thank you so much for all your squirtle your views thank you have a great night that's that's you did that's a 500% more dabbing than we needed in this I can move what you do when it's slippery it's alright are you still alive okay that's it I guess we're still ours now we know I only slept over I'll see you guys later I'm joking around yeah yeah Robbie is a you're the best dancer out of all of us I didn't know you can move back though did you know I really had it myself you're not from stop says we're live in we're still streaming live which is like the board I'm on board no it's still go no it's still doing all right rod top yeah my way I'm dancing here
no you have to press one of these things oh my god abort pull one a lot of toys oh you have to hit here bye
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- China Vlog Day 11 // Two Fools at a Chinese Wedding // 2017.5.1
- Connection with the National Parks #findyourpark #contest
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #9 | Prepping for Mt. Whitney
- Adventure Bushcraft: Winter Stroll & Pine Needle Tea
- New River Gorge in 4K | Bushcraft Backpacking, Camping, and Hiking Glade Creek in the Spring
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #12 | VIDEO PODCAST | Beer and Fire
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 10 // Meeting Yoko Shimomura!
- Sequoia National Park and Beverly Hills in 4K | California Roadtrip
- Allegheny National Forest in 4K | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping Pennsylvania
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #2 | Andrew's Disappointing Camp Trip & Our Dream Travel Destinations
- Backyard Plant ID | Part 3/3 | How to Identify Edible and Useful Bushcraft Plants in the Summer
- China Vlog Day 7 & 8 // Yiwu, Where All Things Are Made // 2017.4.27-28
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #16 | VIDEO PODCAST | Our Gear
- Snowy Mt. Baldy | San Antonio Falls
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #14 | VIDEO PODCAST | Q&A
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 11 // Pizza Hut in Japan
- Mesa Verde National Park in 4k | #FYPx pt. 2 | Outdoors Hiking in Colorado
- Los Angeles Cave Hiking | Cave of Munits
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 9 // Conveyor Belt Sushi
- North Manitou Island | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in the Sleeping Bear Dunes
- Best Natural Tinder Sources | Identifying Tulip Poplar Tree for Tinder & Friction Fire
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #4 | The Secrets of Our Filming Process and Bryan's Smoky Mountain Story
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 3 Part 2 // Alleyways, Nooks, and Crannies
- Adventure Archives Trailer #3
- China Vlog Day 12 and 13 // Chinese KFC and Movie Theater // 2017.5.2.3
- Madventure Archives
- Hoosier National Forest | Best Indiana Hiking, Bushcraft, Backpacking, and Camping
- How to Tie 3 Essential Knots for Bushcraft and Camping | Tying the Ray Mears Tarp Knots
- Tarp Camping Tips: A Quick Adventure Course
- Bushcraft Foraging | How to Cook Edible Wild Milkweed Pods on a Campfire in the Summer
- Japan in 4K | Hiking, Camping, and Backpacking Mt. Kumotori in Tokyo, Japan
- About to board the plane to Yellowstone
- Homemade Bow and Arrow
- Great Sand Dunes NP in 4k | #FYPx pt.1 | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in Colorado
- China Vlog Day 2 // Ancient Chinese Village // 2017.4.22 Saturday
- APOCABOX Unboxing | Survival, Bushcraft, and Prepper Gear & Tools Subscription Box
- Full Episode coming May 1st! Early Release available on Patreon right now!
- Our Camping and Backpacking Gear and Camera Equipment
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 11 // The Adventure Continues
- Solar Eclipse 2017 in 4K | Total Eclipse in Kentucky
- Behind the Scenes - Winter Camping at Mohican State Park
- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Zaleski // Knockin' On Nature's Door
- Daniel Boone National Forest in 4K | Bushcraft Backpacking, Camping, and Hiking Clifty Wilderness
- Asian Food for Camping
- Into the Wild: A Legend of Zelda Tribute
- Adventure Archives Live Video
- Cereal With Strangers (Upcoming full episode music video)
- Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy | Summer Camping Wild and Herbal Medicine and First Aid
- Yosemite Out Thursday!
- Introducing 360°Sync for Yosemite
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 13 // Questions and Answers
- Why is Andrew Flying to Colorado?
- Adventure Archives Trailer
- Zaleski State Forest | Ohio Backpacking, Bushcraft, Hiking, and Camping
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 4 // A Million Storm Troopers in Akihabara
- Dolly Sods Wilderness | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in Monongahela National Forest
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 7 // Awesome Japanese Shrine
- Soundtracks for Sale on Bandcamp
- Military Prismatic Sighting Compass by SE - Review
- China Vlog Day 6 // Gone Fishing // 2017.4.26
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #1 | Yosemite & Thomas's First Camping Trip Mishaps
- How To Make: Flatbread and Chinese Chive Pancakes While Camping
- How To: The Best Home-made Gear to Keep your Feet Warm While Camping
- 360°Sync | Yosemite VR 360 | Adventure Archives
- Sierra Trading Post $200 Gift Card Giveaway & Yosemite Teaser
- Backyard Plant ID | Part 1/3 | How to Identify Edible and Useful Bushcraft Plants in the Summer
- Mt. Baldy | LA Blizzard Hiking
- China Vlog 9 // Eating Brains at Xihu (West Lake), Hangzhou // 2017.4.29
- Adventure Archives Channel Trailer | Journey, Anywhere.
- Cooper Canyon | Angeles National Forest Hiking and Backpacking near Los Angeles
- Find Your Park Expedition Teaser Trailer
- Hocking Hills State Park | Winter Hiking in Ohio near Athens, Logan, Hocking county
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 9 // Mt. Kumotori - The Long Road Home
- Mammoth Cave National Park | Backpacking and Canoe Camping on the Green River
- Adventure Archives Trailer #2
- Sierra Trading Post Unboxing // Red River Gorge Preview in 4K
- Hiking Mt. Wilson via Chantry Flats | Sony a6300 4K Footage
- Santa Monica Mountains in 4K | Sandstone Peak | LA and SoCal Hiking
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 7 // Mt. Kumotori - Start of the Hike
- Monongahela National Forest in 4K | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping the Tea Creek Trail
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #13 | VIDEO PODCAST | Talking with Thomas
- LA Hiking | Topanga State Park & Eagle Rock
- Edible Trees | Foraging a Wild Flower and Leaf Salad in the Spring | Bushcraft
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Solo Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in the Smokies
- Like our videos? Support us on Patreon!
- Great Sand Dunes & Mesa Verde National Park in 4K | Colorado Hiking | Find Your Park Expedition
- Backyard Plant ID | Part 2/3 | How to Identify Edible and Useful Bushcraft Plants in the Summer
- Behind The Scenes - Dolly Sods Bloopers
- New River Gorge Early Release out Now! Public release Aug 1st!
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 8 // Star Wars the Force Awakens Opening Night in Japan
- Starting a Fire in the Winter with Natural Tinder
- Robby's VLOG // T-1 Day to Japan
- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Hoosier // Memories of Summer
- Dolly Sods Winter | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Winter Camping in Monongahela National Forest
- China Vlog Day 14 & 15 // Old China, New China // 2017.5.4-5
- Morgan Monroe State Forest | Indiana Backpacking, Bushcraft, Hiking, and Autumn Camping
- Channel Update and Suggested Channels
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #3 | Our first Camping Trip & Answering Listener's Questions
- People Eat Weird Foods from the Wilderness
- Mt. Waterman | LA Hiking
- Identifying Spring Wildflowers | Foraging for Edible and Bushcraft Native Plants in the Eastern US
- Germany in 4K | Early Release available NOW!
- China Vlog Day 1 // Flying into Shanghai // 2017.4.21 Friday
- China Vlog Day 10 // Lianzhou Underground River // 2017.4.30
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 8 // Mt. Kumotori - The Summit
- China Vlog Day 5 // Climbing Xian Hua Mountain // 2017.4.25 Tuesday
- Hiking Wind Wolves Preserve | SoCal Wilderness Hiking near LA
- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Dolly Sods Winter // Forest Dots
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping
- Channel Update (Andrew)
- Gear Review - Rab Alpine 45 Backpack - Ultralight Backpacking Gear
- Panasonic GH5 vs. Sony A7sii
- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Morgan Monroe // Credits Bongo Jam
- China Vlog Day 4 // Paddling a Metal Canoe // 2017.4.24 Monday
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #08 | Learning from Our Experiences
- Germany in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping the Palatinate Forest
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #17 | VIDEO PODCAST | Favorite Seasons and more
- Fall in the Sierras in 4K | Parker Lake Near Ansel Adams and Yosemite Parks
- White Water Rafting and Camping in the Sierras with Kern River Outfitters 4K
- Mt. Whitney in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Mountain Climbing the Sierras
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #18 | VIDEO PODCAST | Thanksgiving, Food, and More
- Solar Eclipse Camping | Shawnee National Forest in 4K
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #19 | VIDEO PODCAST | Resolutions, The Channel, & Live Q&A
- Highbanks Metro Park | Columbus, Ohio
- What's coming up for Adventure Archives?! 2018
- Pictured Rocks Teaser | Early Release Available NOW!
- Outdoor Vitals Summit 0°F Sleeping Bag Review
- Pictured Rocks in 4K | Fall Camping, Hiking, and Bushcraft Backpacking in the Upper Peninsula
- How to Choose your First Camping or Bushcraft Knife
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #20 | Stream of Consciousness with Robby and Andrew
- Creative Camp Cooking: Cajun Stuffed Potato | Backpacking Trail Meals
- How to Prepare for Mount Whitney (& Wag Bags)
- Adventure Archives Livestream 3.20.2018 | Episode Preview
- Saddleback Butte in 4K | SoCal Mojave Hiking in Los Angeles
- Hoosier National Forest in 4K | Winter Camping, Hiking, and Wilderness Travel
- Campfire Chronicles #21 | GUEST Podcast | Becca Pollard from Keep Wayne Wild
- Winter Camping at Hoosier National Forest Early Release Out Now! Public Release April 1st!
- Meetup! June 3rd Announcement
- How to Tie 3 Essential Camping Knots | Prusik, Trucker's Hitch, & more
- Campfire Chronicles #24 | The Roadtrip Episode Part II
- Eat Your Lawn | Identifying Edible and Medicinal Weeds in your Yard
- Campfire Chronicles #23 | The Roadtrip Episode
- Vasquez Rocks & Satan's Den | Desert Hiking Los Angeles 4K
- Campfire Chronicles #22 | Hoosier, and How We Each Experience Nature Differently
- Winter in Lake Tahoe in 4K | Snowshoe Hiking & Sunset Cruise
- Big Sur to Death Valley California Road Trip in 4K | Part I
- Seneca Creek Snowstorm 4K | Blizzard Camping & Hiking in West Virginia
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hammock Camping and Hiking Manistee River Trail in Michigan
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- Point Reyes near San Francisco 4K | Camping & Hiking Coast Camp
- The American Southwest | Zion National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley in 4K
- American Southwest Roadtrip: Coming August 1st!
- The Deep South in 4K | Canoeing the Bayou, Hiking Texas, and Exploring a Plantation
- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
- The Paw Paw Festival | Trying Pawpaw Beer and Food, Starting Friction Fire, and Throwing Atlatls
- Natural Hotsprings, Mono, and Convict Lake in 4K | Sierras Rt. 395
- Canoeing the Mad River in Ohio 4K
- Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hiking, Camping and Canoeing Disaster on the Manistee River
- Mt. Katahdin | Hiking the Maine Appalachian Trail at Baxter Peak 4K
- Wildcat Hollow Trailer - Coming Dec 1 - Early Release available NOW!
- How to make a Bushcraft Wreath using Natural Materials 4K
- Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Jacket Overview/Review
- Wildcat Hollow 4K | Ohio Backpacking, Hiking and Camping in Wayne NF
- Hour Long Campfire 4K | Virtual Fire for Christmas Holiday with Natural Sounds