Campfire Chronicles #24 | The Roadtrip Episode Part II
Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas sit down and talk about their time in the Southwest, and take questions and comments from Patreons. Also, McDonalds food is devoid of nutrition.
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Sony A7s ii -
Panasonic GH5 -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Panasonic 25mm f1.7 Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto BeFree Live Tripod -
Moza Aircross 3-Axis Gimbal -
Virtus Knives -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, Robby Huang, and Thomas Sinard
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2018
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud
Video Transcription
welcome to campfire chronicles episode 24 we are starting over after some malfunctions but the first thing I want to start off is showing some pictures from our patrons so if you don't know our patreon page has a community tab where a lot of people can share like their thoughts their pictures things like that and yeah we're gonna show them here and overlay some quick thoughts about them and right now we'll or we are looking at William McKeen's picture is a junction lake in the Rocky Mountains it looks very beautiful kind of a Alpen landscape that I know I it almost looks like glacier yeah yeah it's like that Rocky Mountain landscape but Asian like I feel like I've heard that name Junction like yeah maybe not but the it's kind of interesting how the clouds are rolling in right over the top there and it gives it like an eerie feel to it does that look like the series to you because to me the Rockies somehow look unique yeah though the Rockies are definitely very unique from it's like the Rockies have more its have more grass and more deciduous deciduous trees there and it kind of gives it much more of like a picture look yeah well well the Sierras are definitely rockier which is ironic yeah and the second picture we are looking at today is way off the trail which is from Monongahela National Forest not far from tee Creek which is where we had one of our episodes yeah and very ferny looking for it kind of reminds me of Allegheny yeah actually that's very true Allegheny was covered with ferns yeah and we still haven't had a episode with you in the eastern US
so you ever had an episode with me since I got back we well Shawnee I guess maybe a Shawnee Algonquin are the only two I've flown out here here and those were I mean Algonquin definitely was but it wasn't a hiking episode indeed so we are back and I want to start off the discussion by talking about this section of the road trip like the southwest portion not the actual episode right now but just our actual like personal experiences behind the scenes kind of and you were talking about Las Vegas yeah so this is not the first take but we were talking about how Las Vegas kind of
I don't know if people really noticed it too much but lost the part of what we did in Las Vegas Scott in a sense cut out in between the episodes because we didn't film and that was because you know carrying a camera and a tripod around in Vegas never really know what the rules are with filming like Thomas said or just things like that and we were really tired so but we did talk about like how we gambled a little bit and yeah so so me Andrew and Robbie sat down to play blackjack and that was a really good experience because the people were actually really friendly and like really open to help us and I think if it was just me I actually could have won some money but as a net whole we all lost money I mean that's just pure Lloyd it's not skilling but didn't robbie buy you in dollars so no I'm just saying I'm his in like we each got like thirty third of it to buy into the game as an individual I would have made money but as a whole we ended up losing like fifteen bucks which is unfortunate so yeah for me I put some money into a slot machine and I got 25 bucks and then I lost all 25 except the two and then I took the two and got 16 I said that's it we're done I'm gonna go buy sausage burritos from here onto the rest the rest of the joy it's funny how that like fast food was such a I mean like we ate really well but also just fast food coffee if you mean by ate well in terms of we ate healthy we did not eat healthy no we ate like kings as well yeah we ate one healthfully but it was a lot of really good food like Kings is maybe too strong but like we did eat tasty stuff but no they I liked coffee from the fast-food places was such a ubiquitous part of that experience and the morning sausage brioche for McDonald's 300 calories with hot sauce that'll get you going today with the Copperhead well it started out like in the beginning of the road trip it would be you and Robbie getting the coffee because you guys were the element to got up early and then later towards the road trip as we all started getting more and more tired and we all started getting up later and later we would all just go out and get like iced coffees and stuff yeah that's good times that yeah I think like one time so in the episode we were getting my
food one time I think you and Thomas a you two left to get coffee or something oh yeah I wanted to go get just like a constant Starbucks this is in I don't know
wait you guys wouldn't kind of Mexican food we were no we just no no oh we've just gotten it and then I went to go to Kroger which had a Starbucks and you came with me mm-hmm you know one thing that strikes me about the Southwest is just like the fact that it was windy all the time oh yeah cuz like that was the case both at Monument Valley and in Tucumcari - in Cary in particular yeah and I don't remember but I were both they were both really windy I think - Tim Cary was more noticeable just because we have that Marianne with the smaller pens well I just know that the metal how round is it that's workable can't you just buy like can you buy the metal poles separately guy you can't you sure I'm almost certain that you could probably buy well you could take it to an REI right well I took it to an REI hoping to buy the little what I call them the things that you stick around the pegs huh and I said I miss I misspoke and I said the shoot the support rods yeah I said I'm looking for the rod or something like that like we don't sell those well but I REI is is generally pretty good about their stuff so I feel like if you went there and said like my things bet can I get like this fixed or something but anyway so that's that's something else
not a sponsor for REI but let me do it or anybody really yeah I people often think we are in like now guys you sold out to whom yeah we've sold out to mother nature
anyways so we've got some questions here yeah let's let's get some comments and questions yeah um so first Jason bourgeois is the stand-out part from him for this most recent episode was how stunning the landscape was that's yeah I think so iconic one of the things I said I think it was towards the end when read to Tucumcari is to come carry to carry see I always thought it was to Tim carry I thought that's what you guys are saying to none in common or somehow I don't know yeah like like that my become car your Tucumcari but okay um well when I swim I was watching the video I saw you guys look at the sign I said Tucumcari or whatever and I was like oh that's what it is yeah but I think I think it was during the part when we were camping there when I said one of the things that really stood out to me was the Southwest the scenery and just like the environment is something you don't really see anywhere else in the u.s. except for that part and since that was like basically my first time really going through that area it was just wild to me how different it was just constant flatlands deserts and then just rocks jutting out like huge like rocks during on the ground is crazy but it was very beautiful I remember when I was on the finder Park expedition like three years ago we were driving from Colorado to Albuquerque actually to fly out of there outfit court I remember seeing all the cliffs and like how colorful they were and it was just like it was mind-blowing and we saw a lot of that on this and it never got old like she's never yeah you know you grow up and you read about the great American West and you definitely paints a picture in your mind and I gotta say traveling through it it lives up to that expectation yeah you can you can totally see how they would have seen that Arian been like this is like this is what's gonna be iconic you know yes because it is it's not just like how it looks its how it feels too because it's just so fast and like you just really feel like you're rugged and out there like that's I don't know that's a few ending kept getting into Monument Valley yeah okay so James Blackburn says that and by the way James Blackburn is the person that we feature in the Albuquerque section it's a local and he says one of his favorite sections of part two is when we split up for the hike in Zion yeah I here's a question for you all do you want to go back eventually and do the opposite hikes no no wait really yeah no I do I go back and do the Narrows all the way to the wall street okay yeah but I have tar seeing what they did in angels landing
no desire to go at least to the part with the chains I go up to the part before that but I don't think I'd go all the way up to literally where Angel's landing was that's too much for me I would do it your I would do your part if I had the right gear so yeah if I had the rubber pants and oh yeah that would be that would totally be doable at the very least if I went back and did the Narrows I would I could do it without the rubber pants and everything but I would 100% bring a hiking pole that was the big thing that I feel like I missed out on because once you have that you feel a lot more stable and steady and you can you feel like you can move more someone was saying that the Narrows is a lot warmer in the summer I mean which makes sense but like the actual water - yeah but I think I would want to do angels landing just because it like it's I'm really scared of heights but that would be awesome to experience I think it was it was something else Sam Marwan says west of the Mississippi is so much better than the yeast in terms of natural beauty in his opinion or in their opinion curious as to what others think now I just took a road trip from Ohio to Maine mostly because I wanted to see the New England mountains and I'm upset you took that without me we talked about this man I know we can so I I hiked Mount Katahdin which is the terminus of the Appalachian Trail it was beautiful it was absolutely beautiful but there was a caveat it wasn't the same yeah they were mountains they were gorgeous but they weren't like it didn't like play your heart in the same way when you see those snow-capped Tetons or the clear waters running through the Rocky Mountains or Mount Whitney up top through the Alabama hills you can't be dead I mean I would say that I agree in the sense that everything I've always seen when I go out west has always been more impressive to me but at the same time part of me wants to say that's just bias because I live here and I'm used to everything that I see here but it's just it just that's just how it feels like you know Yosemite Yellowstone the rocky series California everything out there is just so unique and so beautiful so it's just hard to say see that's interesting I was actually kind of talking about this on my live stream a couple days ago and I I think it really does have to do like with where you grew up but for me it's like the West is like this amazing exciting majestic place to go and explore and the East is kind of like the shire in Lord of the Rings and it's like it's very it's it's not like blowing your mind but it's also just it feels like home in like part of that is also because like the plants are more familiar and stuff but it's just like a familiar landscape and it's really equally appealing but in a different way mm-hm and yeah I don't know I feel like I forgot what I was meant to say but it's just like so different and I'm really curious what people who grew up out west think having lived out west for four years one of the things I missed most about Ohio was how green Ohio was and how went but how diverse the animal life was out here mm-hmm that's true listen to the birds and that is actually true in terms of the greenness because although that this is gonna probably be in part three but I'm dead definitely notice as we drove up from Texas you could visibly see how much it was getting greener oh yeah by the end it's just like green grass and full green trees on the side of the roads yeah just rain a stall trick so uh oops thus Anwar says no that's what we just did what we just talked about set down back says incredible episode love the discussion of Native people in Chinese rail workers seeing the country has it made you feel more connected to the land and the people man that's a difficult question to answer I think for me like something that I feel is that as you're directly because you're not just flying from point A to point B you're actually driving all across the country you really really get an idea for how all these different cultures are blending together in communities so like with the Southwest it was a lot of like people from Central and South America but also like indigenous people and it's just it's really interesting to see those cultures blending together and then yeah yeah I would say that's that's how I felt too and well for me what's stood out stands out in my mind is the diversity of the environment and ecosystems that you see as we drove across and with that you also see the diversity of the people change as you go through that you know as we drove so although I didn't haven't really thought up thought about it too much or dwelled on it but I would say that yeah I guess you could say I feel a bit more connected to the land in the sense that I feel a bit more familiar with everything
mm-hmm the only thing one of the big things that I kept thinking about and this might just be because I was raised with a very euro Eurocentric education in mind but I kept thinking how on earth did pilgrims get from east of the Mississippi out to California by way of you know transcontinental passage yeah so it's so rough it's so rough in you know you're sitting there like I'm I can barely go gas station to gas station without getting my finding a drop of water 10 years ago and you're in like an air-conditioned to vehicle yeah 60 miles per hour
yeah yeah I thought about that and I always hear the conclusion of that Star Wars book I thought about John here too and you know he didn't necessarily go across the country but I do kind of just wonder like what would you be thinking if your whole life you lived in Ohio and then you decided to move across the country you're like oh you know for the last 30 years I've seen nothing but green and I've never seen a picture of the Southwest be like I feel like you're just be like oh my god just constantly but at the same time you know you are at the risk of so many factors out there and you know whether that's other robbers people trying to kill you dehydration dehydration wind you know disease leaders at some point so you know it's it's a it's hard to appreciate that when everything out there trying to kill you
so drill cases were there any places you wanted to stop and see along the way but didn't have enough time to go yeah I think that there is definitely a lot of places like if we had more time I would have liked to go through like Utah and hit up like um I was a brace oh yeah right snatch I would have loved to see arch arches these were the list of places that I wanted to go and was on my first itinerary by the way my first itinerary we would still be doing the road trip brain we're really are you know like four months yeah I don't know why like the time has flown so quickly like I still think it's like June or something but we got it's almost like I said we would have stopped by the Grand Canyon Bryce grant arches Mesa Verde Great Sand Dunes we would have gone down to a road trip map would have looked like what was the Carlsbad Caverns down south south western Texas wait how long would that actually have been though it would have been probably added on next
weaker to look at Wow what was he what was the other one southwestern Texas's a big big man big bend all right that was was that it Oh area 51
oh that would I would have been a possibility Gila Petrified Forest would be another one horseback riding so really somewhere in there just randomly horseback sizing doesn't matter where I wrote these down I didn't actually like research and say okay well this is a company we can go no these were all ideas Wow yeah it's like it's like we we still make some distance on the horses we just have someone like pulling the cars behind us it's like well we traveled ten miles on the horses time to ya know Mesa Verde I feel like you all would have really enjoyed it's just so cool but I can't even imagine how worn out we would have been at that yeah even if we had just added on like five more destinations four or five more destinations like Wow we would have been we were done yeah by the time we get natural which is a good segue into the next question from Alex Testament which is did you encounter any difficulties or challenges filming an episode focus more on culture and people than on nature and the backpack and slash hiking process that's actually a really good question that's not what I thought it's gonna go but hey if you notice I I'd say if you have an idea now go for it if you notice this episode was definitely very different than anything else you guys had done before mm-hmm I credit everyone else besides me because I do get credit I didn't do a link between the plan the pit yeah but you know it was definitely more of a experience on culture than it was hiking sure the first part in Zion was hiking and we're always trying to have that nature component but after that we talked about how this area used to be part of Mexico we talked about the Native American to talk native-american struggles then we go into Albuquerque right Albuquerque and we talk about some of the you know the foundings of that go to stores and then we head and I actually watch after the credits we talk about route 66 don't know that no and that actually might be the next part because that's the morning of in Tucumcari okay that's when we sort of talented and we were supposed to talk about green versus red chilly a little bit more there was some of that in the credits yeah I feel like so in the public release of episode we might actually shift some stuff around with the Albuquerque scene so we'll see how that turns out differently but um to to also in regard to Alex's question in terms of difficulties are challenging any challenges filming this I feel like we didn't really feel out of our element in terms of filming because when it comes to filming when we're camping or when you're out in nature or when you're just in a new place it's all about that natural curiosity you know you go to a place and you want to soak in everything you want to enjoy everything and just look at everything so when we go to places just having that inquisitive nature and helps us just naturally want to film these things and then I mean on top of that though having you know really helpful and great people like James Blackburn and then um in the later ones you'll you'll see the state partners and oh yeah I mean I guaranteed Albuquerque would have been completely different for us if we didn't have if James hadn't been there to like show us around and and tell us about the history and of the place and things like that we would have seen a lot of the same things but I feel like it would have felt more like we were just tourists yeah two thoughts come up for me in terms of editing I actually don't think it was that different from editing a normal episode partly because we've also done some like past videos an episode that deal a little bit with culture but in terms of filming I'd say one challenge like like you said with the people that we knew is really easy get them to talk on camera they were happy to share all this information but I would say that there's also like people that we filmed that I wish we could have had more from them but like we didn't really want to take up their time or like get to in their face well like like James and the state partners that are both YouTube right there they're comfortable with the camera but like Mark at the tent site in Monument Valley it would have been so cool to like hear more have thought his thoughts and stuff but we don't want to like take up all this time and yeah but yeah so oops so South says hey guys love to the episode hello to everyone who just joined by the way uh-huh James Blackburn says you guys had a lot of interesting meals at you cross the country what were some of the highlights along the whale or along the way so shall we talk about the entire road trip with this yeah let's talk about food let's just talk let's just go through and talk about a favor no I mean in terms of like should we just focus on the Southwest you know just Southwest okay yeah all right so oh well one thing that stands out I know what Andrews gonna say the fry bread yeah yeah yeah the fry bread so fry bread is like a Native American food kind of came about because of like government rations and stuff but it's basically like fried bread fried dough I mean it's it's in the name is avery yeah it's a ver it's not sweet so we had that with some like vegetable and me stew it's like I don't know it's really good really satisfying but what made it really cool is like eating it at the Navajo capital especially since it has this like connection to their history and their story yeah hmm well my favorite meal I don't think well it's not in the episodes I can't mention it yeah but in regards to the parts that are out
I haven't stuff I have a runner up well Olli do you have anything oh yes I do those McDonald's sausage breakfast now let me tell you yeah now we're doing three about how one dollar menu there are 300 calories but let's not promote McDonald's on our pocket he's loving it I think my favorite was when James Blackburn took us to Albuquerque's El Pollo Loco na komm twist Jason you know where they filmed that and we got to try this is why I wish we had more of it the difference between red chili and green chili mmm and that was just so good how is just you know you really could taste the difference yeah and the and and that's such a staple of New Mexico that you literally see it on their license plates you can get a custom license plate with a green chile or a red chile if you're one or the other and it's it's a big it's like that OSU Michigan rivalry oh yeah oh yeah like for lovers of one type of chili I've got to give a shout-out to the trek tacos not a side note actually you know how they always give you tacos with two yeah you know why didn't you say it was cuz like in case the first one breaks or something actionable I actually asked my coworker who's Mexican and he said it's because since corn is like their bread essentially they give you that because it fills you up oh so it's like just the tacos you know like if you got three tacos you look at him you're like oh this wouldn't be enough food see I always like all the stuff that falls out of my taco but use this I'm sure I'm sure that's also like another purpose but okay so in terms of my favorite meal one one that actually stood out to me was that little I think this was on the trip was the little burger place we stopped by was that later which no that was way late I was later you're talking about the one in like Kentucky or something oh like the really small oh I'm confusing that one with the employer look of one week the place we went to F in the morning of to Tucumcari oh that diner yeah I can't I would have to say I'll play look at them I actually really liked those burgers and the spoiler mono sorry
it's oh yeah I'll point you look was a real place employ local oh boy locally is a real price most points are modest is the fake place and breaking bad twisters is the real restaurant that they film Breaking Bad yeah okay so green or red chilli green hmm I'm gonna go green I think just do they have more flavor I think yeah I think I liked the green chilli better well red is spicy I know both Darryl Anderson says hey guys loved both Road Trip episodes question a lot has been made of how difficult it was for all you to be with each other day after day was it really that bad yes no further okay for the most part no I would say friends wanted for being stuck with each other literally the entire day it wouldn't have been as bad as you changing my answer to yes yeah no no up up until this up until road trip part two like everything was great I think it was really just started we started getting on peoples nerves towards the end yeah well we mentioned it earlier but Thomas and I had already been together for like yeah yeah so it's like the dynamic was look I mean like it's not like we were mad at each other or anything like we were big green and stuff but there's always the self-awareness of it and we would always laugh at that yeah but at the same time there were still moments where you kind of just like okay I gotta like switch it up it's not like it's not like you were mad or upset at the other person you just wanted variety except once when I was legitimately mad that you were taking I'm gonna say three hours to get the fire going inside it did not take three hours okay like it took 45 but it's like 30 minutes man answers defense and not in this defense it always takes them for every good I always get annoyed if you watch the episode
and him making the fire has about 80% of the Epis no curious ix well i was just actually a faith andrew could start a fire normally or quickly if they didn't have to film every little my new process that is a big part of it edge that they're like okay i'm feathering the stick okay now I'm gonna put the sticks on the fire okay now I'm gonna spark okay like as much as everyone else in Adventure archives might not understand that is actually really entertaining to watch for a lot of people it's like preparing the set and example makes it it's kind of in the same no I that you guys are convinced that everyone knows that that was a Breaking Bad scene where I tell I'm telling you Breaking Bad isn't as popular as you think it is I don't know I somebody who worked in television I can tell you right not everyone is gonna get that in fact most people aren't but most people have some sense that Breaking Bad is a TV show no no okay well please if you disagree let me know I am actually really curious to hear everyone's thoughts why do you have so much trouble scrolling it's this thing okay Sanwa r says well Thomas that road trip sounds great Luigi morini says made a home in time always missed the live stuff up glad you can make it thank you for joining us thoroughly enjoying the road trip so far thank you Seth says James will like this my house was built in the 1750s and as I'm laying here lights just came on by himself I uh get out yeah I don't know what to say good luck well yeah I need a young priest and an old priest CP virtual company and you know yes Earlham says uh I don't know what to ask because you guys are like in the middle of something oh yeah let's see oh yeah so yeah this isn't really that road trip related you guys have still have a regular job or you become full-time adventure archives your full-time currently your full-time adventure archives I work as IT graduate school yeah so Apple kid says the fry bread looks delicious I need to try it someday uh yeah you know it's funny cuz I had had fried bread one time in Columbus and I feel like it was actually kind of different I'm you can't go wrong with fried bread it's bread
it's like a mole berries up the radio and concert oh wow oh okay they were in Columbus just a few days ago well good to see you Jonathan mulberry sweet Alicia and mulberry says you guys have been slain the new episodes thank you so much do you guys camp at Watchmen or South campground South South grammar how come I well I was about to ask why don't I know that but it's just like well for me in my head since we looked at that map constantly because we were taking the bus as I was like okay campgrounds down oh so it must be south campground we were originally yeah uh-oh he's talking about Radia yeah okay so South says he likes my bushcraft so thank you so I'm glad you appreciate that I don't I don't dislike Andrews Bush guy I just wish that when we got to a campsite and we're hungry and we're cold
it didn't take 30 minutes to get a fire stir well see this is why we're taking this camping trip this night so for those of you who don't know we're all going on a camping trip really soon where we're not filming just so just don't rekindle our friendship to appreciate what makes camping great without having to film it any news on the AAA t-shirts stay tuned yeah this is short-answer San Marcos is Breaking Bad is probably my second favorite show after Seinfeld good taste good taste
oh but he agrees with Thomas he says most people have heard of it but but see people have heard I never watch not a lot I had heard of it like you've heard of it you don't know okay I know meth is blue I know somebody wears a hat well I think the big thing here would be at least like overseas people because maybe it's not as popular over there welcome Elaine Lilly McKean by the way okay so someone named videos says hey guys I've been really enjoying your latest videos around the west coast I'm located in the Bay Area thank you so much Alex testman says the vegetation you touch on the similarities and differences between eastern and western plants did anything surprise you about the flora you saw in your trip across the Southwest so I got really excited when I saw cacti yeah I don't know why I was like oh there's a prickly pear well it was like so well because I haven't been in California for like two weeks and I just been seeing them all over there was one cactus I saw but I didn't see the entirety of the trip afterwards as they had round they were completely round and really long spikes I saw that the first place we stopped at the Alabama hills I took a picture of it I don't know I didn't take a picture of it I should have there's there's one flora that really makes an appearance I know what this in the next episode but it was definitely prevalent in this episode as well mm-hmm go ahead yes I was gonna say the scientific name but it just popped in my head the tumbleweed right yes yeah which actually that was something surprising is how many tumbleweeds there work oh yeah like cuz I you watch the cartoons and you think like one rolls across every hour yeah but it's like like five a minute or something there is a god of tumbleweed out there and he was smiting us it was really satisfying to like drive into them though and they were just smashed oh yeah I had to pick one out one piece of tumbleweed got stuck in my grill for the entire road trip there was one moment where I pulled it out cuz I like serious yeah I was gonna be like Thomas look this is still in here and you're just like no like I wanted to keep that in there and say I didn't know that and that's the piece that's above my toilet right now the other surprising thing is in certain parts of Zion there were there were some vegetation that really resembled I mean is basically the same kind of species that you'd see in an Eastern force because it was like adjacent to the river and there's a lot of moisture there even though it's in a desert environment
videos also says my wife oh wait now there's something else oh man this is going really smoothly video says my friends and I have been on several of the same trails that you went on such as Ventana flats and angels landing Darryl Anderson says you should do two fires one for the camera one real fur off camera that's what we're gonna do now me and Robbie are gonna be off to the side using our lighters and our tinder tinder joints and Angie's gonna be up there when she but then you don't get the real relief and also the pain I get the ruie the does not be eaten food like an occasion like now I've made this dough here is you're gonna start this fire for 30 minutes but I've already got what started over here James Blackwood said he actually did two episodes of Breaking Bad in two episodes of yeah also don't were you saying that actually um I love working on both of those shows for New Mexico those shows are huge there's even a tour in the RV do I remember seeing the Flyers for that - definitely yeah definitely in New Mexico
yeah sure that's big yeah I remember going to one of my neighbors and saying oh yeah have you started if you watched Game of Thrones or does he like does my neighbor's son watch Game of Thrones oh does he watch Game of Thrones oh he doesn't play video games oh man he never heard of Game of Thrones and Game of Thrones is so much bigger than Breaking Bad yeah chef Dominic says the editing has always been excellent but I think even more so it has become super cinematic but Jay domes which films I'm not sure but he's a video said just wanted to tell you guys to keep up the good work thank you so much William Kenan says any particular theme for this stream so William we're kind of focusing on these Southwest episode right now yeah we've mostly been taking questions and stuff but yeah questions of comments for you we've got a 26 viewers that's the most ever for a patreon stream yeah that's true I didn't think we would get a lot because of I guess yeah I don't know I guess maybe well whatever huh video says would love to do some more interesting backpacks around here such as The Lost Coast Trail in Northern California yeah did you watch our our trip to Point Reyes yeah you should check that up that's as close as we we've gotten but we definitely want to go back to the west coast and do some more like a full Episode on fixer would be awesome oh it's a step which films are shows of them are the most influential in your style I know uh parts unknown I feel like it's a really big influence that is a great show partly I'm really sad that Anthony Bourdain passed away but you guys have anything there's not hope you do parts unknown was big I liked if I had if I did the show my way it would be a historical documentary and nobody wants that I always say Ken Burns National Parks America's best idea yeah I can't say I would I can't say that I actually would have influenced or style so it's really hard for me that answer that question videos says his wife wants to ask why do I wear jeans when I hike that so one I only did that in the early episodes but to also I am my whole thing is like what matters most is your attitude most of the time like it's better to have better gear and in certain situations you will need a better year but in general if you're just hiking in the woods like you can tough it out this is the this is the rule that I keep telling Andrew Safety's first then enjoyment then comfort comfort enjoyment kind of intertwine that yeah but jeans will not make me unsafe if you're if you're hiking outside in the winter and they could froze right yeah but that's that was the exception situation and that's safety so yes but a situation where water but like if that's actually what made me switch from just wearing like adidas like gym pants to what I wear now is because after Wayne I noticed how even though those were relatively lightweight for like hot weather I just notice how long it took for them to get dry and how much water they held so I was like you know what I'm gonna get something so that I can wear it uncomfortable in hot weather but if it rains it'll dry off like in an hour but chances are like in the early fall or something it won't be a life-threatening situation I'm not saying go wear jeans I'm just saying like you can tough it out and also jeans were
originally designed as like an outdoor pants for like farmers and stuff this is my understanding at least like its rugged and able to withstand like wear and tear I mean don't get me wrong it's not the best thing but you want the real answer it's because Andrew really doesn't care enough to go out and get pants for camping well actually so it's not so much that I don't care it's just that like for a lot of a lot of time my attitude was like I want to make do with what I've got and I want to reject like having to buy all the stuff and don't get me wrong like good gear really helps but my attitude overall is like go with as little as you can make do with what you have
yeah safety though safety if you do about Whitney M jeans you're gonna hurt hmm okay so Erland is asking if our friends are aware of it venture archives they are I feel like some of them watch it more than others that like we make sure they're aware so who's going to be Yoko and come in and break up the adventure archives crew that's I don't know how could we know that at this point right it's just gonna be ourselves us us as a whole is the Yoko honestly um also welcome up trail 71 yep so this is kind of off topic so I won't dwell on it very long but I've I've always thought that you know if you're gonna get involved with someone they should at least share this passion with you you know right like if if you were to meet someone and they had zero interest and the fact that you go camping and film this YouTube channel and never talk to you about it then it's like why like what's the point they're like this is like it's such a huge part of our life and it's such a huge passion like yeah like force them to watch your videos all the time it's like wow I'm just saying like I don't think a relationship would last if they didn't care about that hmm that is something that was such a huge batch knit part it's like I don't think they have to care about it that's not a discussion yeah we're not going anymore into that I disagree of course you disagreed yo go Johnny says have you guys been focusing on recording more episodes or just on the edit means so far just the editing but we are getting around to planning our next filming trip so stay tuned for news on that and also are you caught up on Westworld I'm not no but some of the music was inspired by that yes okay so video says some of his friends have been on the Point Reyes trail it's really beautiful very true Jonathan mulberry says now that you've been designed how big is your desire to get back in a few days or even a week I think twice in the past year I mean I'd like to go back but it's probably not gonna happen that soon but no but is he specifically saying Ziya yeah cuz if it's lion I mean I'd like to go back but just the logistics of planning a trip and it's yeah the lives been a lot going on for all that self okay let's see yeah we are struggling to catch up so uh yeah I don't know what I don't know what these message retracted czar if you're trying to post a link then the YouTube chat
I think automatically removes those um so Alex actually said he appreciated the more slightly casual approach and it makes it more accessible thank you yeah well that's the thing is that you can notice from the beginning of our videos how an inexperienced we are basically just like even if you just look at our deer or not clothing how inexperienced we are and we've definitely grown and learned a lot more and some like in the bottom line is that when it comes to you wearing jeans or whatever it's it's preference like if it's not really a hindrance then it's mostly preference I will say though we have gotten a lot of flack on reddit in particular for our mistakes and they said you know their cinematography is beautiful but I don't like watching them because they don't teach good hiking practices like what like what's a good hiking practice getting taking the wrong trailhead in Shenandoah that that's life though I mean you can't just assume okay not going on the map let's let's not I'm dwelling I'm active yeah people have like given us criticism for being like using Google watching this show right there this podcast right now gets it though like they get what we're trying to get at and it's not yet like butter hold on I have to get this off my chest if you feel that you are so good at camping that you can criticize others then you have better have have better had a perfectly a perfect history of camping and never made a mistake okay because if you have never made mistake in your career of hiking then maybe you can go and criticize people but what we're showing is the true nature of hiking mistakes happen you have to learn from them I mean why do you think survival shows became a thing it's because people were like oh well it happens if I get in this situation because that happens what girls exist I think we're see we've watched plenty up there girls we know what her name is um okay so rant over okay so I think that we should talk a bit more about the trip yeah wait did you skip a bunch of questions there was some but I mean I think we covered most of it yeah yeah so let's let's talk about I mean how did you feel because I remember in Monument Valley you were finally starting to feel like a little relaxed no is the opposite oh really in minor Valley I was like I'm getting so overwhelmed right now it's I've been doing nothing but driving and I had done all this planning I'm like this is finally the time that I can sit here and relax and I was just so tired in Monument Valley that didn't come out and enjoy you guys because I just needed my own alone time because I was for me it was a little tougher because you guys were going back home I was leaving the home I had made for myself with everything in my back going to a place that you know has a lot of uncertainty for me so the interest of that was kind of the realization I'm out of California and I'm not coming back anytime soon okay see I thought part of your stress was also like worrying that the plan wouldn't come together and we'd be upset but it was a lot of things you can't separate one thing as a cause but moving across the country even my friends starting a new career having that career actually be school and not knowing what you're going to do and then you know you're I'm leaving my friends behind these are you guys are my new friends and you know we're already kind of you know getting used to each other and there's a nice braid and then you spent like the next two weeks at our house basically yes we did take like a week break took a week yeah but no see it's funny because I thought part of it was you worrying about the plan and I was gonna say like and that was it - well because I was gonna say like you should not worry about what we think of your plan because we're just gonna be happy clams no matter like the bar for us is so low and like you're so meticulous with planning these things that it's like guaranteed that we'll be happy but anyway yeah um I don't know Monument Valley for me was just like such a incredible place to be because it just felt like you were in this ancient land like with the stone like mesas and everything I feel kind of bad cuz when we got to mine your Valley I felt extremely tired that night so I didn't get to I feel like I wasn't able to appreciate it as much as I could have because I remember when we got there all I wanted to do was lay down on that bed and I did like I well I did for a lot of the night I did I came out you know towards the end when you had the fire but I did go to bed early and I slept a lot that day welcome Matt Williams um one thing I say I'll say is that I really wish I had been able to get up for the sunset that you and Robbie caught sunrise there yeah the Sun right cuz it looked amazing like that just it was only for about two minutes and then after that it just became pretty overcast it was only that two minutes as the Sun rose up and I was I would have done that if I haven't gone to bed so early how did it feel to bypass the Grand Canyon on the road trip this is Jonathan will be um actually for me at least it wasn't a big deal because we talked about it and we basically came to the conclusion that if we had gone to the Grand Canyon the time we would have spent there when really have done injustice so I would have much rather skip it and like plan a separate trip to go there and really appreciate it rather than just make like a you know two hours stop there to just kind of walk around the rim and not really but to go back and actually hike it someday that's a standalone video though oh yeah well yeah I think you can actually back back to but that further that's also really hard will Emma Keene says I'm sure you'd be happy until with Thomas's plan until II drove you to Mexico by exit or something that wouldn't happen that happened with me what no I said that would happen yeah um so yeah I don't know I think one thing I want to mention really quick is Tucumcari just because like we showed so little of that because that was our intended ending of the episode but you had actually bought a guitar in Albuquerque mm-hmm and we're like oh at least I was like I know how this episode needs to end and you had come up with a really cool ditty and we recorded it and then afterwards we actually made a final version of the song and overlaid it mm-hmm I like when we do that but but Tucumcari for me actually it actually sticks out to me for some reason because for me there's something weirdly appealing about these like random small towns that nobody has ever heard of and it's like such a seemingly mundane place compared to everywhere else we've been but to me it just felt really cool like being in this middle of nowhere which is a single point along this entire journey and like it's still a part in the road trip you know I don't know if you guys get what I it no I don't think I felt the same way okay because well sorry I just want say that was just where we camped right right there wasn't do we didn't see anything else there technically really but yeah so I feel like that didn't really stand out breakfast breakfast that more custard oh you know who you were saying about Kentucky that one spot in Kentucky that's true yeah yeah I just like those random little spot like that's the appeal of erosion to me is that there's really big significant locations but there's also these little smaller areas that like don't seem as important but they're still part of this entire thing connecting everything what did Ford say in Westworld you know why do people keep coming back to the park of his west world it's because people keep discovering things that really babe mmm Jerry discovered and that's kind of the appeal to is you know you can go to the Grand Canyon millions of people have seen the Grand Canyon that year mm-hmm you go to Tucumcari and you're like wow I feel like I I wasn't expecting this and I feel like I've found something you know I can go and tell people I've discovered something and it's also the experience like it's not just the destination like the physical location but also the experience you have is unique yeah and like with us and Tucumcari it's like we had this random campsite like kind of near the road but it's still really cool because it's just so windy such a unique thing funny story about Tucumcari that night was Robbie we slept in Robbie's meeting and just left and Robbie's tent again but we took the extra effort to actually set his tent up properly which meant we oh yeah the Rope supports and tied down like the extra sides so actually even though the wind was blowing really strong and like the tent was shifting it actually stayed up perfectly fine the whole night so we when we woke up and toss it told us about how like house 10 was like caving in we're like oh it was happy we did not have that problem you had a tree blocking your wind oh I didn't have a I should have done that um earlene dong says what I really like about adventure archives is how realistic their videos are another Travel Show that I get really good inspired his adventures oh no I'll have to look into that Alex testman says regarding the trip has experience of glamping with a bed and everything made you soft will you be able to go back to regular hold plebeian sleeping on the ground yes this weekend actually actually these plebeians of their tents they need to hammock it out oh yeah like a real like a camping hammock yeah okay I did not know that um what I will say is that actually I think they both have appeals and I loved that like glamping tent but if anything that really reinforced how much I love being in the wilderness and just like taking a journey that is purely hiking through the wilderness roughing it kinda honestly I think it's less about the like if if we could have had a place like we had in Monument Valley at every campsite I don't think it would have diminished you know the experience of camping and hiking because like you said it's it's about where you are and taking that in like like if you're talking about glamping as in like driving up to a place in an RV and staying at the RV than know because that I mean we always we don't want it we don't how do I say it for us getting out to that place is what we really enjoy so regardless of whether we're sleeping on an air Matt or we have a tent with a bed in it estroux you know that's sure the night's sleep will be better but it won't diminish any of the way we enjoy it the place for me I think it's important to get a variety whether you glamp sleep underneath the stars go in a tent or go on an RV you know it's important to experience as many different ways as possible in whatever feels right at the time mmm so I would love to be able to go out there with a you know SUV and have a camper on top and sleep and just sleep on my car at some point oh yeah yeah the ability to like just go out and whenever you want with like your car and just sleep there that would be great too because sometimes you just want that right yeah
about variety Jason bourgeois says he really enjoyed Brian's guitar playing at the end of the episode thank you Matt Williams says what is one thing about backpacking that gives you the motivation to go to that next trip soon um the lack of content I would say well the motivation that gets me to go on the next trip is I just eventually get that desire to want to go on one I just love how it makes you feel because like like the road trips was super fun but the backpacking there's a aspect of it that's like kind of not fun but in a way that makes you feel like rejuvenated like you're hiking you're breaking a sweat but it makes you feel really good so I that's my answer uh yeah so totally McKeen's is would you ever sleep on the bare ground with just a wool blanket like I remember Matt yeah absolutely like our forefathers yes you do mm-hmm David key also says that he likes Thomas's Eliot ventures okay yeah Matt Williams exactly it's the same feeling you get after a workout it's like the endorphins are running like backpacking is very much this like experience of reliving what it's like to have a really healthy lifestyle
mm-hmm but I will save the roadtrip episode I I also really like because there's just so much different things to see mm-hmm so then you know we're kind of coming up on time hmm I got three questions for you guys what was your least favorite part of the Southwest and just the Southwest what was your favorite part about the Southwest and then the third question is what are you most excited about the next episode without giving too much away mm-hmm and we'll take turn we'll take turns answering one question at a time then so least-favorite mostly so yeah just make the most excited just answer Lee's favor for now okay Tom at the episode or the actual trip just the Southwest no I know but I mean life's just a Southwest experience that we had the experience okay hmm when Andrew took 45 minutes
the fire going in Zion because we were very what we didn't show was right so we we drove from Vegas to Zion we hiked the mountain you guys hiked the narrows we got back we met up together back at the campsite and what we didn't show on the episode was we actually then left the campsite to go to a grocery store where we spent another 30 minutes at the grocery store I forgot about that needed then after that we drove back into the park which is again another like 10-15 minutes back into the park and then we get there and then you start filming and recording yourself doing the fire so we really have anything at this pen for like 12 hours this is it's fine because in episode I say that I get hungry pee and it's actually true like if anything I feel upset if I eat too much but when I'm really hungry I actually feel kind of good I mean there's a certain limit but well Robbie Robbie had already tapped out at that point because I knew we were hungry I bought two it's good bread to cast to Flatiron steaks like two full keV well yeah I hope you taught me learn to eat it was like I was like cuz he just ate a whole fine now if now we're not gonna be a Leah Christmas ate this loaf of bread and this thing is it gonna stay and panders gonna take another three hours to get this stupid thing so anyway please favorite part was that whole the funny thing was too is that we bought the fire sticks after the issue and Alabama foothills yeah and then you never use them yeah no I use that use the lit you like you like to use the sliver of it you're like I'm only gonna use a sliver because it's cheating if I use more it's like I was like Danny and you just use it we bought it just use it so my least favorite part of the Southwest experience I would say would be one losing my boots because for some reason I left them oh right it's camps like but I also got a hole in them anyway from the Narrows but you could have gotten them and I think two would be like just constantly having chapped lips really yeah I think so yeah I had chapstick you know that right no I mean I would use it but it would still get chapter Leslie and also bloody noses I had a lot of footing okay funny suds hey why did you tell us no yeah yeah no I feel like we've talked about at least one point no we might have he was in the West in Vegas I was like he took we were showering after we just got into Vegas and my nose took the shower first in our in our room he comes out of the bathroom but the tissue in his nose and like if you see blood in the shower don't worry and I was like what like I got a buddy they're like well why don't you wipe it up anyways they're truly brothers uh-huh so what's really serious mmm
I mean you don't have one that's fine well I would say my least favorite was Tucumcari I that isn't to say that it was bad it's just that I feel that was the least memorable part for me that's actually like it completely monster frisbee no that's like a very logical answer because see all I remember is getting to that campsite when it was dark not knowing where to camp so he just chose this dinky little campsite which was it was like the whole place is empty but and then just sitting in the wind and then sleeping in a very windy tent
I mean that is all was okay next question was your favorite part hmm for me okay for me it was just like the campsites especially as I on like the Zion was really fun even though we were all bickering is really fun and really hilarious and also a monument vally the tent site there I just remember feeling really I just feel bad because this was like opposite of yours like Zion was great you know we were all making fun of times like Bonnie a valley was great I was all relaxed and like I just remember feeling like oh wow this wasn't there but I just remember thinking wow like this is incredible and I'm just sitting here in the evening taking it all in and so that's my answer for me it was Antelope Canyon I had seen that like you hear and see about it constantly and then to actually go there and just literally be like this is exactly what it looks like in the pictures it is it's not exaggerated it was crazy like there's it's so unique yeah on a side note the reason there's so little footage is because there's apparently a rule right yeah it's like there's some weird rule but so what's your thing waking up and driving to make time to have the way to have a $1 sausage burrito for three plus pays you where's Ronald McDonald and what did it do with Thomas like is he there like he's like peeking in through the window seriously how much the drive just driving at all one of the goals that I had was I wanted to make the entire drive Los Angeles back to Ohio by myself and I loved every iota of it being able just to put your foot on the pedal go as fast as you want and drive and weave through the desert and looking through all that not taking a single and I loved riding with Thomas so you know that's not being able to sleep without any guilt I was gonna say Thomas that's like the sort of godsend in a friend group because like he's the one person who really likes driving that's yes I mean that's by all means like the nine-hour drive that we did the next in the next episode from Tucumcari down to Austin sure I will say like the driving in the Southwest was really easy though because the scenery was constantly amazing yeah next question what without giving too much away pretty most excited to share about the next part of the road trip the last part of the road trip so he lent it to like one word or something there just a couple setting out of a couple lines I'll start
some ancestral distant ancestral food of mine mmm me it has to be two things one involves a hot bubbly bubbly tub and the other involves a not hot and not bubbly body of water and some paddles me I would have to agree for me it has to do with some canoeing and the meal afterwards yeah oh yeah how's it good man that was a great portion of the road trip it's great though because like I feel like each roadtrip episode has gotten successively better like and just more interesting stuff I don't know so this is gonna probably be the most unique mm-hmm the next episode is probably gonna be the most unique thing we've ever done I think you're all in for a treat yes and there's a lot of good variety too yeah all right so I think that's about does it I do want to scroll through some quick questions and see if there's anything and I was yeah okay all right well thank you everybody for joining us on the live stream thank you to you who is watching this on the youtube channel right now for real like we really appreciate your viewership we appreciate all our supporters on patreon as well if you want to watch the episode right now go to and also we're gonna show a blooper teaser at the end of this podcast but that's like the bloopers and commentaries are really great and I think you're gonna really laugh at the bloopers from this one because there's this you can see we we couldn't fit all of it in the episode but you get to see even more of our like bickering the bloopers are you know people are always like oh you guys are so much like are you at all what you are in real life from the episodes I said no watch the bloopers are a you know less of our experiences together yeah yeah so I don't know that's pretty much all I have to say but yeah thank you all so much for watching any final thoughts no all right
remember to like remember to subscribe share it with your friends sign up on patreon and here is the blooper teaser enjoy
kind of a sucky sucky fire you got to make sure we clean it up all right - well you know just worried going out of the next thing
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy | Summer Camping Wild and Herbal Medicine and First Aid
- Yosemite Out Thursday!
- Introducing 360°Sync for Yosemite
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 13 // Questions and Answers
- Why is Andrew Flying to Colorado?
- Adventure Archives Trailer
- Zaleski State Forest | Ohio Backpacking, Bushcraft, Hiking, and Camping
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 4 // A Million Storm Troopers in Akihabara
- Dolly Sods Wilderness | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in Monongahela National Forest
- Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 7 // Awesome Japanese Shrine
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- Military Prismatic Sighting Compass by SE - Review
- China Vlog Day 6 // Gone Fishing // 2017.4.26
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #1 | Yosemite & Thomas's First Camping Trip Mishaps
- How To Make: Flatbread and Chinese Chive Pancakes While Camping
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- 360°Sync | Yosemite VR 360 | Adventure Archives
- Sierra Trading Post $200 Gift Card Giveaway & Yosemite Teaser
- Backyard Plant ID | Part 1/3 | How to Identify Edible and Useful Bushcraft Plants in the Summer
- Mt. Baldy | LA Blizzard Hiking
- China Vlog 9 // Eating Brains at Xihu (West Lake), Hangzhou // 2017.4.29
- Adventure Archives Channel Trailer | Journey, Anywhere.
- Cooper Canyon | Angeles National Forest Hiking and Backpacking near Los Angeles
- Find Your Park Expedition Teaser Trailer
- Hocking Hills State Park | Winter Hiking in Ohio near Athens, Logan, Hocking county
- Return to Japan Vlog Day 9 // Mt. Kumotori - The Long Road Home
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- Adventure Archives Trailer #2
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- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #13 | VIDEO PODCAST | Talking with Thomas
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- Edible Trees | Foraging a Wild Flower and Leaf Salad in the Spring | Bushcraft
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Solo Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in the Smokies
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- Great Sand Dunes & Mesa Verde National Park in 4K | Colorado Hiking | Find Your Park Expedition
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- Behind The Scenes - Dolly Sods Bloopers
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- Robby's VLOG // T-1 Day to Japan
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- China Vlog Day 14 & 15 // Old China, New China // 2017.5.4-5
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- Channel Update and Suggested Channels
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #3 | Our first Camping Trip & Answering Listener's Questions
- People Eat Weird Foods from the Wilderness
- Mt. Waterman | LA Hiking
- Identifying Spring Wildflowers | Foraging for Edible and Bushcraft Native Plants in the Eastern US
- Germany in 4K | Early Release available NOW!
- China Vlog Day 1 // Flying into Shanghai // 2017.4.21 Friday
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- Hiking Wind Wolves Preserve | SoCal Wilderness Hiking near LA
- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Dolly Sods Winter // Forest Dots
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping
- Channel Update (Andrew)
- Gear Review - Rab Alpine 45 Backpack - Ultralight Backpacking Gear
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- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Morgan Monroe // Credits Bongo Jam
- China Vlog Day 4 // Paddling a Metal Canoe // 2017.4.24 Monday
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #08 | Learning from Our Experiences
- Germany in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping the Palatinate Forest
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- Mt. Whitney in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Mountain Climbing the Sierras
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- What's coming up for Adventure Archives?! 2018
- Pictured Rocks Teaser | Early Release Available NOW!
- Outdoor Vitals Summit 0°F Sleeping Bag Review
- Pictured Rocks in 4K | Fall Camping, Hiking, and Bushcraft Backpacking in the Upper Peninsula
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- Adventure Archives Livestream 3.20.2018 | Episode Preview
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- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
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