Campfire Chronicles Podcast #17 | VIDEO PODCAST | Favorite Seasons and more
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In this episode, we ramble on about our favorite seasons, and then talk about some other non sequitur stuff
Sony A7s ii -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic GH4 -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2017
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud
Video Transcription
welcome gentlemen this campfire Chronicles episode number 17 today we're going to talk about seasons I'm talking about seasons like weather seasons or our episode seasons the distinction between seasons and our episodes makes no difference
yeah well the thing is because I was recently thinking about how we should be starting a new season actually oh well I guess Whitney is gonna be the new season season forward yeah actually we're gonna be putting Thomas in the intro yeah actually Thomas I don't know if he wants this aired publicly but he might be coming back to Ohio Oh soon well bleep that out if he doesn't it's like it'll just be I don't know if Thomas what's aired publicly by okay so what's your favorite season oh I already know what ours are I don't know what yours is yeah it's definitely not summer so I was just too hot too many bugs I don't have to say fall probably that's my second deer I feel like fall is everybody's favorite but Oh spring spring spring yeah winter for me I was actually that's wise debating between either fall or winter because winter is just like there's something about it yeah yeah yeah no especially it's what all the good holidays are yeah although technically Thanksgiving is in the fall but I always actually Christmases even it's only like five days your fall ends technically yeah I just in the year 2017 that winter starts on December 22nd or maybe it's a different day every year well 21st 22nd I feel like that varies you know and the funny thing is I feel like a lot of people don't like winter because you know what the winter blues are right yeah yeah yeah I feel like since we're a bit more like okay with going outside in the winter and stuff because like I love going out and walking in this you know when it's cold just put on a whole bunch of clothes and like it doesn't I feel like the winter blues doesn't affect me that's why I could say winners my favorite season I feel like it like I was talking about this with Jess and I was like your favorite season bola and we're like does this mean if it's like the ideal version of the season because recently we've had several winters where there's like no snow at all and I feel like when it's all drab and oh yeah yeah when it's just cold and there's it's just gray and it's kind of snow yeah it's like what's the point of it being this goal that there's no snow MIT right now it's autumn but like the leaves are kind of a sickly green oh that's us that's what I was debating is like because winter I only like winter when it snows yeah because that's what makes winter winter yes I've been cold but with autumn at least you get like usually very nice weather yeah you don't get any bugs I love the transition seasons just because like whether it's autumn or spring you have this feeling that like something is gonna happen like something new is gonna you know it's sort of like exciting no winter is by far the hardest season to live in it's just I love the holidays and like the feel of it yeah like you can stay inside guilt-free yeah you know I just want to play video games [Laughter]
you can't go anywhere anyway so that's actually what I love about when it's winter and even there's a big snowstorm like well I'm staying in there yeah no one could say otherwise there was two or three years ago where there was the polar vortex that came through and hit the Midwest I remember you and I we played Monster Hunter 3 literally from like the time we got up and so like 9 o'clock at night yeah because there's nothing to do is just well it's literally it was like a state of emergency yeah where I was at and you weren't even supposed to go to work or anything if you didn't have this awesome school um was I gonna say oh yeah no I like winter and fall just cuz there's no bugs but I was gonna say the summer has summer always been this hot and muggy like I feel like it I don't know this year was particularly hot well I mean no it's there's been plenty of summers like this ok if that's what you're at well cuz as a kid I remember it being really hot but I don't know if that's just because I like handle the heat worse back then no cuz I feel like every other season has sort of gotten warmer well this summer was kind of it was like weird because well we went to Germany and we got sick there like even though it's hot usually we can handle that
like but I think being sick made it really worse flowers for us and then the Eclipse trip that was really hot that was yeah that was just bad location bad timing but then you guys went to Whitney but that was basically not a summer weather yeah well actually because one of the campsites it was just barren like above the treeline it's barren and the sun's just like coming down on you and it was so I don't know is like hot it like felt like your energy was being drained oh yeah like that's such a such a vague statement but it would really felt like ya know when you're at that elevation especially I don't think there's no cover from the Sun and I think it's more intense are you yeah I don't know well I think mmm I don't know it's just people always seem to underestimate just how intense the Sun can get at sometimes yeah like especially when you're in a situation where like there may be cold weather or like a cold breeze but the Sun is constantly shining on you you don't actually feel like you're and you know being affected by the Sun but you're still being you know burned by the Sun all the same so yeah you can get sunburned on cloudy day yeah it's funny because I feel like whoa recently I feel like everyone's answer for their favorite season is autumn but I feel like summer just in general like in society as this is the ideal season and I think a lot of that must be shaped by like school or something yeah why I think it's also it's like when people plan their trips and stuff yeah yeah because when we ran the Zumba studio in the summer we'd get no business like it would just drop off the roof it would probably be like half the amount of business that's weird but like as soon as January first was like the best time for people exercising good I think I like it this summer people go out and do things what they bring a flick Oh was each body I was gonna say just maybe if we were more like conscientious about where we planned our trips in the summer I can oh yes we'd like went to like Canada or something yeah yeah - kind of like even out the weather I think it'd be better because this summer was just like it was hot and muggy and bugs and I was before we've gone in the summer without any yeah care about like we went to
and it's ooh in the height of summer it was fun yeah yeah yeah but magnitude man to Island was like the weather was really nice then no no I mean he was in the middle of summer yeah yeah it depends where you go like I feel like when you go north or when you go west where it's like more alpine it's it's cooler and but revered for gorge actually I don't remember it being hot like I know it was hot in the woods but when I think of it I don't remember it being that bad it was the set well only the first day was really hot that was September yeah oh really yeah oh okay yeah it's the beginning of September I remember the first day it was super hot you were kind of sick and weird no I was I like got four hours of sleep and it rained and I remember you put on the rain jacket and you're like man I just wish I could take this away that's right so the places we have gone to in summer I mean like you said was Manitou and the sand dunes I remember that that was totally fine yeah it was still fine that thing just this year was kind of hot yes the timing that we went on the trips like to happen to be super I mean it's it's been 80 degrees for the past month like several months like even up to today this is this week yeah middle to late October and it's still in like the high 60s 70s yeah yeah so I don't know I don't know if it's like one of the Nino's Nino's [Laughter]
but so yeah now that we've exhausted the season I guess we could talk about the trip that we're about to go on yeah pictured rocks picture rocks that was supposed to be a canoeing place but now you're telling me that is just no so here's what it was way back when when we had a voting thing like a choice to vote on that said we had Algonquin Boundary Waters and I put pictured rocks because I thought that was the canoeing one but as I was saying I all right I'll rail is the one you can actually canoe it pictured rocks you can kayak in the lakes but yeah so are we doing that we can't because the seasons so unless if you own your own sea kayak the only other way to do is by renting it or like taking one I think most of the stuff up there like the the guides where like you go out with a group of people and at this point the weather is too cold they don't they don't do those things that like usually like around Labor Day or end of September is when they stop doing this so unfortunately we can't kayak on picture on the lake but we'll be hiking along the lake so we'll get to see a lot of the things that kayakers would see have you guys ever packed yeah yeah just said the back of Torch Lake so I'm curious if you guys prefer kayaking or canoeing hmm because I canoe or a kayak twinsen it's it's they're just two different things because kayaking you mean you're usually by yourself so you have to rely on yourself to move and things like that but canoeing is like more laid-back yeah so I think I think I guess I would say yep for canoeing because it's kind of like you can do things at your own pace yeah I don't know why I like it seems so arbitrary but I way prefer canoeing well yeah also kayaking you're pretty claustrophobic and that yesterday you have to I don't know you guys have been in the kayak where you kind of like kind of so you'll write around you yeah it's really uncomfortable to sit there for a long time
canoe is so much more leisurely inland yeah yeah like plus canoes are just designed to be leisurely kayaks you can take them on you know rougher waters yeah you don't see people like racing canoes those like canoe trip canoe paddlers oh really yeah there's like they were like a tuxedo and they canoe to music and they like do all these weird cause right yeah it's like a Portlandia skit about wait so that was real about a real yeah yeah they were like what kiddin what two things could you put together a absurd no actually I was gonna say the the last time we've been in Michigan was like I think season y wow that's true yeah Manitou
yeah I guess that's the only place we've gone though in Michigan right yeah yeah which is hilarious because it's right there yeah and there's no reason for amazing wilderness I think by the time we always decide to go there it's late in the year and it gets really cold and stuff or something I don't know whether you okay I was think we should go there for the winter because probably get some snow up there oh that's nasty yeah man it's you know a lot of those skits now are like 20 years old that's like the component skits that I reference are like 20 years old now or almost and they're not even relevant oh man so what do you guys gonna do differently for this trip if anything like have you are you bringing out some new food to try or I am actually I'm gonna make steamed buns buns is funny yeah I honestly I mean usually Andrews the one who's always trying to do new fancy stuff so I feel like if I tried to do something too would be kind of redundant and a lot more effort than it needed to be so I usually stick to like my status quo I'm gonna be bringing my hammock though looking forward to that uh-oh you know I am I am gonna read this foraging book that I have because it talks about acorns and like how to look for good ones so if there's any oak trees up there oh I'm gonna try to see if we can do something we could make oatmeal oatmeal acorn acorn meal hey Corey yeah turn it into flour and stuff yeah
Alfie aesthetics did that in one of his videos it was incredible like you found some like wild berries too and put them on top of that is good I'm going to see if we can get sandwich press for the mini stove at REI because I was I don't think we've talked about in the pocket well no no I was just gonna say cuz so you're saying a sandwich press for your mini stove so if I can't really picture what exactly what you it would be like it's like a square with a long handle on it or yeah it's just like a little square well at least in the manga so there's this camping manga that we found when we were in Japan and I bought it and I was reading the other day and I was like man she's making this sandwich like she has this little it's like maybe this big right and then it opens up and then you put it on top you just put it directly on top of a little stove like that and then it has the press so it's not exactly like okay yeah very heavy thing no I don't think this Tong had one those for like the backyard campfires right right right you can get like a huge one or whatever well I've seen one where it's like you know how like they have marshmallow sticks well they have one where it's like you clamp the sandwich into the end but I was just singing like a hot sandwich with like cheese one time me and Thomas went to Hocking Hills this was like when we were both single so like we're decima know why you have two most single and desperate so like we were like where should we camp and he's like let's go to the youth campground because we're youth and we can meet up the only other campsite that was taken was like 20 boys got that one camera but he had those big like sandwich maker things in them in the morning we were making eggs in a basket you know like you put the whole oh yeah for some reason he was like oh I probably don't need to put a hole in the bread and it just like turned out tear through the bread yeah that's good yeah well you were talking about you wanted to do some more hot foods yeah I think like I was trying to think about what makes for a satisfying meal and it's like last time it's just like the food has to be warm or like hot you know yeah like if you're just always eating frozen leftovers you just keep eating and eating yeah well yeah you're usually you're usually the kind of person who brings like really easy
yeah it's but not like things and they're all easy but not I could drink we could get like the like the soup that I usually bring oh if we brought one and we actually all like we shared it we would be pretty good well you gave me some like leftover rice Cerrone type of girl oh I have it with me actually
okay oh and I also have a this really elaborate ramen I think it's a Korean one that helped my buddy AJ move the other day and you just had a bunch of stuff in his kitchen is like here you want this and it goes oh yeah we got some ramen - actually we can bring that that's gonna press some gnocchi no I always say no ki but but it's probably more so talk about the steamed buns cuz for people who don't know what those are yeah yeah so it's like it's Chinese bread you take flour some yeast so it like Rises and you mix it in a dough let it rest of it and then you steam it with water
well obviously and it just rises up and it's like it's like a cloud it's like eating a cloud well the what's the translation because I want to know the traffic it's like translations funny Oh Mentos oh there's like literal translation
well the literal characters means something head oh yeah I don't know what mod means but yeah it's like it's really fluffy and it's like if you were eating a bread roll except there's no crust on it yeah yeah yeah and I'm gonna use cake flour for most of it because I think that's supposed to make it like even softer now we do know from past experiences that Andrew and I pastry pastry type baking things hasn't been very successful it's been successful it's just messy because they're all zones turned out well the calzones yeah tapioca crepes the second one turned out well but those are different those are like you just you can just put them on a pan but like I'm talking about like when you guys tried to do that corn the cornmeal the cornbread oh yeah I forgot about because but this that but that's like requires baking yeah no I mean this is so this is steaming I've actually I've got that I can show you the device really quick let me go
yeah I can't seem to find it Oman probably means it's like noodles the flower I guess maybe it's a flower head I don't know somebody who speaks Chinese please leave a comment somebody who is actually fluent Chinese like text your mom see this is the the thing you used to steam it looks like a little UFO looks like apertures oh that's what you're gonna steam it in yeah so you drop that in there I feel like when you make them you should make them a bit smaller in size yeah yeah actually this is surprisingly big like I made ones that were this big like three of them or something
wait so you put them in what is yeah you just sit him on there and there's water underneath what pot are you gonna use that big one I have the yeah oh wow no that's great dude yeah yeah I work well you should just um make the balls of dough ahead of time no no you gotta do the whole process I I think people understand how you make dough though it's like it's the principle of bringing something non-perishable well but it's just it also you know I totally I totally understand what you're saying but it's just like if you said I pre made this dough beforehand it's more fun I know I know I get what you're saying are you saying if it was if we were going for practicality I mean I would not bring a camera but see as long as he's doing it and I don't have to worry about it yeah I just let the Bears look my Joey fingers oh so we were talking about that earlier we need to find well maybe we could combine the pumpkin stuff with the Monto oh yeah we're filling inside of this oh I think we should do that um the graham cracker to bring some graham crackers crumble add in the pumpkin so yeah I explained what your idea for that was oh well we were since its fall we were talking about something you know autumn like and Robbie suggested something with pumpkin and then they started talking about like a pumpkin pie type thing yeah so I figured why not just bring like a bunch of graham crackers that are crumbled up and you can kind of like use that as sort of a
crust for like a pie I think I'd be pretty good because I you can't really go wrong with that well what I was thinking was using a billy can and then you put in like some sort of crust layer then a pumpkin layer then a crust layer of pumpkin layer oh if we did like a pie we'd need like some sort of you could easily just get some little tinfoil muffin cuts and just cut them and stack them would be easy to bring and they just make little tiny little pumpkin tarts or sometimes people like use clementines peels do that clementines Oh Clementine peels yeah yeah that's really interesting because then you get like the orange will need nutmeg and cinnamon yeah pumpkin spice actually that'd be cool they're making a desert Bugsy so the powder is a Mentos that's filled with the breading is the actual bread part slightly different isn't it no it's the same it's the same bread and everything it's just that the bow instead of just like a ball that becomes plump it's like you roll it out and then wrap it around the dough so the bread is kind of more lean consistency yeah
dude the Manto we had when we're in those work yeah yeah see so I just made mentos recently it's kind of like it was as a firmer kind that you're kind of used to but I'm gonna try making it only with this like cake flour cuz I think that's supposed to make it fluffier so we'll see how it goes is it gonna taste like cake no no it's it doesn't mean like sugar stuff in it oh it's literally like flour for baking a cake but yeah but it's supposed to make it like poufier yeah so on another note about this trip I'm actually looking really looking forward to it not just cuz you know that we're going up and camping but the fact that the last two of our trips have kind of fallen short of expectations yeah because we went well exactly because I didn't go to Whitney but I'm sure it was just like it was pretty Whitney was a tough for you guys yeah it's like this one after being sick in Germany and then the nightmare that was shot
like this is gonna feels like it's gonna be nice you're gonna have no bugs like perfect weather like a nice trail ya know it's like I felt like nature's been trying to kill me recently like a climb that mountain I got altitude sickness that we did Germany we all got sick and then we did the Eclipse in like this chiggers and tics were biting us and it was hot yeah and then well whitewater rafting was really fun but that was still I was really tired speaking of whitewater rafting since I didn't go I wanted I wanted you guys is like first-hand thoughts about the whole thing it's super fun yeah like it you've done before I've done almost essentially the same thing I think yours was a bit more extravagant and I think you had like I think you did you guys went up to class 4 Rapids yeah yeah so I think ours wasn't class fours like class 3 is the highest bell but still is like you guys had like alcohol and like you the food you guys had was crazy yeah like we had good food but you guys had like so much well what I said is super fun like I wasn't even thinking - that bad yeah yeah yeah but like just doing the rafting I before we did it I was tired yeah I was not looking forward to do this because we scheduled it right after Mount Whitney but as soon as we started just as soon as you get on that water it's so much fun and it's also like it's not a lot of work no yeah the guides doing all the hard stuff which it's the for those of you who haven't done it the guides they give you instructions that are very clear it's like forward one yeah and then it's everybody goes one paddle one stroke for it it'll be like back to it ever does back yeah how did they differentiate between left and right back right back left did you say back right - or what I don't know I don't know that part either but somehow he also differentiated between left and right only she's really fun like when you hit the big waves and then it's later like you know how like at events and stuff do you feel sometimes like you're supposed to cheer for somebody you know I don't feel like sure this is not that exciting but then you actually go over one of those things you can't help but cheer at yeah there's like a scene in the video we did where we're just whooping for like watching it is just like I was like okay so when you went was isn't this summer right yeah I went in the summer was the weather like cuz it actually wasn't that bad I mean of course your whitewater rafting so you never really feel that hot it probably wasn't as hot as for you well yes it's funny because it was it was hot there but it was kind of nice because it's like such a dry heat that you get wet and you just dry off immediately to hit land I remember it being a little humid but it was still really nice like the weather was really nice and I did have a question though you guys do you guys just sleep out in the open on those the wood yeah yeah so they have like these big like what are those called the planks planks yeah the big place yeah and then they just had sleeping mats that you put out like you're like gym mats basically they actually specifically were like don't bring tents yeah yeah well yeah I think cuz because it never rains there and they're like yes said something about that I think maybe that was when they were when he was planning that yeah some people I think one or two people brought tents just for privacy or every but you really don't need it yeah and the stars were amazing - yeah yeah that's those uh time lapses are really awesome yeah it's always exciting for me to watch a video that I'm not in yeah because usually it's oppression yeah cuz usually once you go through the trip it's fun to watch the video even if you when you go on the trip but after you go through and you're sitting and watching what we're doing a watch through and editing and stuff like that you you kind of know what's there yeah but like I'm super looking forward to your guys Whitney video just because I want to see all that shenanigans with the wag back I just gonna say it's also like when we do the videos where we split up we were talking about um if Nicole has time like we could do split up episode with me and Nicole and you and Andrew Myrtle or vice versa so I was thinking we get some other youtubers because like we said we're gonna do some scrambled oh yeah could invite other youtubers and mmm I mean that's just one idea yeah cool because last time we talked to scramble though we're like you know we gotta do a trip together and he was like yeah I always talk with other youtubers I'm like let's let's do this and it never happened I was like okay I'll make sure it happens it's just really hard to coordinate I mean it's already hard enough sometimes to coordinate with us well it takes one person being dedicated to it yeah like as long as one person's dedicated to it it'll eventually happen if nobody's dedicated to it yet it doesn't happen it's just a little easier for us because we're always within communications reach yeah yeah it's like we send a message and then five minutes later some may at least respond well and now there's the balls rolling yeah we've done 21 episodes yeah it's like let's do an episode it's not let's do an episode for the first time all what's gonna involve why do you guys get this thing where you say okay so like the the last example that's happened to me is my mom and I sometimes will get hired to do be like party starters or we'll go in and do like a little ballroom dance lesson one time we did it for a like a bachelorette party one time we did it for a wedding or something and then just recent one we did it for a wedding okay so like a month ahead of time my mom was like okay somebody wants us to do this are you in it's like a month from now and I was like yeah okay and I was all excited to do it then when the actual day rolls around I'm like I don't want to do this at all why did I say yes to this and that happens to me for like any type of thing like that or like somebody invites me to a party oh my god but then when I actually go it's actually fun oh yeah yeah oh yeah I feel like it's just sometimes you're just kind of settled into its all about the inertia man yeah yeah that's what I've been thinking about a lot mostly because my inertia is that a standstill a lot of inertia is that a sandstone talk about 4:00 p.m. rolls around and you get out of your bed no I'm just kidding but um no I just say I can relate to that I mean I've only seriously planned three trips man - Germany and this one and it's like when when the test is just sitting in front of you you're just like ah I'll just look at it you know the next day but then once you find like like eventually I just start pulling up all the websites and I just leave them open on my computer and eventually like all the resources there and you kind of get the ball rolling you're just like okay we can do this route we're gonna stay here we're gonna go on these days and then it comes together really easily and I get that done faster and it's just like you need that inertia I will say a lot of times when people ask me if I want to go to something in advance I usually do not give a committal answer because I'm always it's a 100 percent I'll always says maybe well in it and a lot of work it's like I feel I feel that that's kind of how life naturally flows where you're just like well I don't know what I'm gonna be feeling or thinking in that moment yeah but at the same time it is also nice to kind of force yourself to go and do something you know I was just thinking about this the other day you know how like somebody will be like oh I'm not that social of a person I don't really think that there's many people who aren't social I think it's that the way that society set up now is that to be social you have to actively go out of your way to do it yeah if we lived in like small communities where everybody was always interacting you'd have natural interactions just like when I'm over here editing like their lead will just like be randomly doing something and we'll start talking about some topic that's when like real conversation has yeah yeah but can you imagine if I was just like yo guys tomorrow at 3 p.m. I'm gonna come over we're gonna talk and have deep comments what is wrong so I like just the way it is now it's so hard to have spontaneous conversations because you're not interactive you know for me especially because I work from home I mean you know yeah but it's totally true because like especially and I had talked with this actually with taya because she comes from Berlin where you you know you take public transportation and you like everything's within I mean you walk everywhere yeah but like in America she was talking about how it's so different because just to go somewhere and to have to ordeal hang out with yes in your car like drive 20 minutes just to hang out with a friend or something and it's it's just like when you think about it it is a lot of work and some people just can't get that motivation was feeling let's just get it go yeah yeah you know another thing is I feel like a lot of places where social interactions happen it's like you're not only it's not it's not only like a natural interaction with each other but there's also like not much of an environment to interact with I mean like sometimes there's but like I feel like the best sort of conversations happen when you're doing something with people and yeah stimulating you that's how I've always okay so you guys probably know this because you know me well but I don't care to go to bars I don't care to go anything any place like that because it's like I don't not really like a social drinker and usually like clubs and stuff like that this loud it's really hard that quiet elisa's yeah but it's just like for me the time where I'm most feel most natural to interact with someone is where like if I'm in a situation where I don't know how to explain like if I wasn't at like an event and I know that these people that are also at this event we share a mutual interest yeah so it's easier to just you know naturally strike up a conversation you already have this mutual link whereas when you go to some random place you just kind of like kind of have to like brave yourself and go into this yeah I just I feel like a lot of the way but actually that's one thing I think that's really good about phones like people like to be like oh yeah we're always on our phones blah blah blah and like well there's really no natural spontaneous social interaction that you can have an outside of either random occurrences when you go somewhere or work in school yeah like when you're at home you say that see the same three people you can have those interactions all the time and like if you're a four-person household whatever but the with phones I can have a random spontaneous conversation with anybody like who actually has so that's one positive and it's also like the the manner of interaction on her phone is kind of
like less pressure because you don't have to like yeah respond immediately that's that's basically how I grew up because it was like when I grew up I was had a really hard time like I was really shy so I had a hard time interacting with people if I was nervous around them I was like everybody but well I know but like I know but like so in terms of like social life like a snowy I asked my first girlfriend out over Internet messenger because it was easier for me to be more natural you know like you didn't have to have that face to face I definitely had that experience and yeah yeah and it's like that's basically how I viewed like lived my whole life is that when you in I don't know how to say it but it's always always easier to interact through like a phone or through a messenger that aspect of it I I don't find the best like I am I feel like we need that practice to interact as direct human means the issue that I have is that our society is not set up for it anymore
yeah it's like we're so segregated and compartmentalized that that an interaction doesn't happen all the time so it doesn't become just like walking and talking
that is why bars are wreaking it's like social interaction area though because the alcohol yeah but I feel like okay this is getting into something else I guess but I feel like I feel like the way society is it's kind of like people have developed this mindset of not wanting to interact with people yeah even when they're in a situation where they could like I recently saw this article where they wanted to change the way bus seats were something so that they were like curved so that people would be facing each other and they'd be a little bit more inclined to talk and a lot of the reaction was like oh this is terrible I don't talk with people on the bus and I think it's like I don't think it's that they that that's how they are and they just don't want to talk to people it's just like they're in that mindset where this is a natural place to interact with people why do I want to do that well I mean it could be it could be but I feel like the other issue is that there's so many people now that even if we had some had the mindset of like I'm interact with more people it still doesn't feel that comfortable because like just if you look at like human civilization from what I've read the groups that like villages and towns they only ever got to a certain amount of size before you just stopped being an area like handle and they have to like create another town because like we're only built to handle a certain amount of I think hundred gathering tribes were like two hundred two hundred fifty people or some yeah yeah so like when you're like when I lived in New York City for example you constantly saw so many different people and so many new people and you have so much stimuli all the time that it was just overwhelming all the time yeah also creeps ruin things that's true because there's been a lot of times where I was just thinking like why don't people just spontaneously like compliment someone or or just say something nice to someone yeah yeah and then the thought always comes to my head like well maybe they'd just be like why are you talking to me like in the first place because people have that mindset of like just don't talk to me yeah yeah I saw this I saw this mean well I don't know if it's a mean take what doesn't mean there's this thing of a there's like this guy talking about how he's gonna go on a first date with someone from like the tinder or something but like he was like yeah I bought like flowers and chocolates and I put on a nice shirt and reserved the restaurant and blah blah and she didn't even show up and it's like well your first problem was like putting all your eggs in that basket before you even knew who you were mean so I don't know that guy's like so is he a creep or something no well it's just related to all thing like why don't people go out of the way but it's because like some people just they go they crossed the boundaries I guess but it's like such a fuzzy thing sometimes but it's just it's just kind of funny when you think about it that in today's society if you just try to be a genuinely nice person there will be people out there who just think you're being like weird and have like outside intentions it makes sense because like sometimes that's like somebody's been so nice and then there it turns out they're trying to sell me something yeah yeah I'm like
but maybe not sell me some but sometimes it's like they're trying to sell me their religion and I'm like that yo dude there's a there's a go group in Columbus that's like this I don't want to get too much into that but there's a every story I've heard of people who interacted with him it was like yeah they were like super cool super nice and then suddenly like drop this yeah faint on me it's like so have I told you about I'm like dude you're such a nice person
um what was I about to say ah crap oh yeah and also I feel like everybody has like a different tolerance level like for what they're willing to like what type of conversations are willing to have with a ginger yeah but I will say that if if a large amount of people think like the way they do on Seinfeld we're doomed
like people over think interactions to that degree it's like man everybody's crazy I feel like sometimes people do think about it like that but then they're also a little self aware of how they're over thinking about it but actually I was gonna bring up sign for a different reason because I remember the episode where um I'd like Jerry or Elaine's boyfriend gets like super close with Jerry's parents yeah the whole like just like her boyfriend is like taking Jerry's parents out like like museum tours and just like why like why is he's so nice to these random people he yeah and that's the whole thing it's just like why not I can't so yeah is about it being questioned well I mean I think the other thing is is like it's kind of hard for us to like fathom just having weird relationships like you're friends with somebody who should never be friends with just because it's not it's unusual not that it's wrong or anything that that would be one of those instances but why are you friends with there your girlfriend's parents that's like that episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Malcolm is going out oh yeah yeah he starts dating a girl but then he ends up like closer with the family that's subway the girls like are so are we going our way it's like now you just go ahead so she leaves anything so we really got off about the topic of any sort of camping yeah that's okay so house tells the rest of your life good I think we're almost caught up on all of our patreon emotions yes yeah so for people who are patreon people dig in the commentaries bloopers postcards but we were really behind we got caught up on all this is this will be public though I'm a believer are we posting this tonight are we gonna try to yeah okay okay if you're watching this in your patreon supporter who's eligible for shout out make sure you get your shout outs in to us soon I think it Thomas I don't know I'm dizzy I think guys are for the Whitney episode that's not for this episode is it oh yeah disregard everything we just said we'll look at oh yeah I don't know you can send us something so well I mean we still have technically 20 minutes left to talk about whatever we want the only guy was gonna say something related to that last dog but I can't think of it now so well I can add on to that his nice little more say about the other thing is is that sometimes you're just not in the mood you know like well I'm on my a-game and I'm like you know I'm the best version of me but then I can reach the talking to people and socializing and interacting with people is the easiest thing in the world yeah and it's so much fun and you're like me I just want to go say hi to that person they strike up a conversation but like when I'm not feeling good or like when I've got other stuff on my mind or whatever it's just like the last thing you want to do is talk to some stranger and be like dude I yeah that's it this is something like you need both sides need to recognize the social cues if someone like comes up to me and it's talking to me and I'm just kind of like like they have to recognize that if I'm not interested in the cops yeah then to break it off yeah don't make me have to say like listen I don't want to talk right now or you know here's the question for you because I'm curious of you to do this because when I go into a social situation and I'm trying to read the social cues I always err on the side of they don't want to interact with me too much what it is you talk about social situation you tell my grocery shopping no like social situation well either I don't know like you're just talking with someone like for example a friend that you're not super close with it's like I'll just be like like I don't want to bake basically I tell them I'm like by the way if you need to kick me out at any time just let me know it's like I'm like I don't want to friggin sit there all night like while they're waiting for me to leave because I've had that happen and I'm just like what is happening yeah I fight I think I find myself and less social situations than you are well I was gonna say if you even had that in your mind then you will never do that to somebody you will never overstay your welcome if you even you know yeah no that's the thing though that that's kind of why I do that
yeah why don't even if you didn't say anything it still wouldn't happen oh yeah something you're actually conscious of yeah there are people who are just not conscious of that and they just cannot read so in Japanese I don't know if can you say read the atmosphere in English they say that like read the situation read the situation yeah in Japanese is literally kooky which means atmosphere and yo May night which means can't read they say that for and they say K wife as Anna breathing why there's some people who just cannot read that like look man I'm tired I want you to leave my house ya know that type of thing but I think if you had that in your mind but yeah so like I it depends on I will never like over talk somebody if it seems like they're not interested you know but I've had that happen to me many times or people what you like you know if you're in a social situation like specifically your example Andrew and you're just sitting there and you have to say to someone or if you want to say to someone that's like yo you need me to go just kick me out I feel like at that point you might as well just go right yeah well sometimes it's harder to read the reason I do that is because so often it is just like such a guessing game and I'm just like might as well just be upfront you're not gonna hurt my feelings if you say okay I'm gonna leave cuz like I feel like a lot of people at least I do like I'll avoid saying that if someone's overstaying their welcome just because I don't want to hurt their feelings so it's yeah it's nicer to get that out and open sometimes this the way I feel about that and I haven't had that situation such a long time but the way I feel about it is like why would how can somebody think that it's okay to get their feelings hurt when you're asking somebody to leave yeah you know that's true
like why do why is that even a thing you know it's like I had no there's you have no right to impinge on my time just because you want to impinge on my time yeah yeah it's a funny concept because it's like it's you're in like my place and I'm ready for you to go so I shouldn't feel guilty in any respect to ask you to leave but yeah for some reason you do I'm a slightly related no I'm sure I was thinking recently about how back in the day if you were hosting someone at your house it was kind of like you were going out of the way for them but these days I feel like with my generation at least it's like if you have people coming over to your house they're doing you the few no I totally totally agree because because you don't have to leave you yeah yeah no whenever my friends come visit me and I feel guilty about this so Ryan and Nicole I feel totally guilty but like I usually go to the gym with Ryan every weekend and he always comes here and I always feel like he's doing me the favor by coming here he comes and hangs out at my place I'm like man I'm so glad I didn't have to drive maybe that's more with like really close friends or something but it's just like oh I'm so glad that I don't have to but but what you're talking about is kind of more like a casual situation yeah like if you were like hosting an actual get together then yeah I would feel like you know if I had three or four people coming over then I would feel like I was doing the favor because you know I had to get my place ready for them yeah but when it's just like oh you want to come hang out want you come over here then yes we got a neighbor who she the first time my mom and I my mom and her hung out together my mom went over to her house and then at just some point and I say well I'm tired everybody's gotta leave oh it wasn't like a mean thing or anything was just like okay everybody's got to go and it was just like that simple so I feel like if you approach it right you can make it work you could do the whole Bruce Lee and babe just just go maybe that's why you feel kind of rude when you ask someone to leave cuz you're saying they're doing the other favor by coming over so now you're like well yeah yeah you come over now you can just go [Laughter]
this is totally off the hook but I was thinking social gathering house party and then I remember I went to this one house party it was like this guy hosted it and it was at his parents house and they're out of town this was like like a few months ago so it's like not one of those nights I did it but we were all drinking and then how old is this guy no no his parents just happen to live near where everyone else oh so it's just like a good house so I wanted to use it we wandered in this dark room just saw like dozens and dozens of gallon jugs full of some sort of liquid like what is this and the first thing that I can't thought of was like trailer park boys which by the way John Dunsworth r.i.p he's what the in that show they always like they pee in jugs and talked about this joke that's the first thing I came to my mind I was like no so I guess it was rainwater but like someone told us it was tea and I was like that's not like gallons of tea just in case has the completely non sequitur it was very [Laughter]
weird I have social gatherings whether it's easier to host some owner oh right yeah so my one friend my best friend Brennan I'll go to visit him he lives like 30 minutes away like solid thirty minutes away from door to door so I'll go to his house but the reciprocation is is that he feeds me I do the driving I get a good reception I mean I think that's what maybe one way you guys can alleviate that have that little fridge over there soccer my please help yourself some chips that is one thing I miss is like candy bowls what if you go to your like answer grandma's house or whatever oh I got a perfect segue into how we can bring this back into campus not that we need to be on camping but the how do you guys feel about interacting with people at campsites Oh like other is this like a perfect microcosm yeah that's kind of like that's relating to earlier where when you're in a situation where you know everyone's kind of like like-minded it's a lot more easier to just naturally interact with these people yeah because you have this point of interest that you share so you know you at least you can discuss that and then from there you can kind of like you know learn more about this person you know ninety-eight percent of the time you're interacting with someone really cool when you're camping - yeah yeah Gears of War kid there is a war kid talk about Gears of War kid okay actually but the one situation that did come to mind was this is like back in high school one of my friends our friendship was kind of rocky for various reasons but we went over to his house and here's like really into the game Gears of War we're here just like so into it so I was there for a sleepover and eventually like we're playing if I should I get way too tired at likes
or am or something I fall asleep I wake up used to play I'm like well I think I'm gonna go now and he's like okay I'll see you later he's like still playing the whole time as I'm like slowly backing away like well it was a good hanging out I thought he was I thought he was like the type of person who like you have one thing in common you talk to him that's all they'll talk about because they want to connect but they don't know how to like just make regular small talk so they're like go always going back to one well that you have together no no I feel I sometimes feel like that when if I meet someone and they're like really into like some video games yeah something I feel like sometimes I'll just kind of fall back I'm like talking about like when we were talking with uh Hayley she was talking about like a destiny and stuff like that like we would talk about like her or work in the music industry but then we kind of like fall back I can't kind of fall back Oh video games and stuff it's just sometimes you just feel more natural talking about that I mean that's different that's just talking specifically about another campsite situation that I remembered was a while back in Yellowstone like our first trip there I remember I had to go like it was at one of the car campsites or whatever and I had to go to the bathroom so there was like a campsite next to us with an RV no one was outside they're all in the RV and I like cut across that to go to the bathroom I come back at Thomas was just like a polities like did you just cut across their campsite I was like yeah I don't know it's just it's weird because I I feel like people interpret those sorts of interactions differently cuz yeah to me it was like these are people camping they're gonna be cool with me doing this and it's like they're inside anyway so it's like it wasn't even an issue to me yeah everybody's got different yeah levels will higher strong the most
we're totally tomatoes so Thomas somebody just suggested it was Charlie Joe actually suggested that we make a commentary about one of the episodes with just Thomas doing it but an episode where Thomas isn't in it full Thomas commentary like it looks like they're having fun there Thomas because he'll just post that campfire chronicles YouTube page without notifying us like a piece of paper all the different grievances he has event on March 3rd 2016 and rusev love you Tom [Laughter]
About the Author

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- The American Southwest | Zion National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley in 4K
- American Southwest Roadtrip: Coming August 1st!
- The Deep South in 4K | Canoeing the Bayou, Hiking Texas, and Exploring a Plantation
- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
- The Paw Paw Festival | Trying Pawpaw Beer and Food, Starting Friction Fire, and Throwing Atlatls
- Natural Hotsprings, Mono, and Convict Lake in 4K | Sierras Rt. 395
- Canoeing the Mad River in Ohio 4K
- Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hiking, Camping and Canoeing Disaster on the Manistee River
- Mt. Katahdin | Hiking the Maine Appalachian Trail at Baxter Peak 4K
- Wildcat Hollow Trailer - Coming Dec 1 - Early Release available NOW!
- How to make a Bushcraft Wreath using Natural Materials 4K
- Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Jacket Overview/Review
- Wildcat Hollow 4K | Ohio Backpacking, Hiking and Camping in Wayne NF
- Hour Long Campfire 4K | Virtual Fire for Christmas Holiday with Natural Sounds