Campfire Chronicles #23 | The Roadtrip Episode
Andrew and Bryan talk about the first episode featuring the California portion of our roadtrip, while taking live questions and comments from patrons.
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Sony A7s ii -
Panasonic GH5 -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Panasonic 25mm f1.7 Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto BeFree Live Tripod -
Moza Aircross 3-Axis Gimbal -
Virtus Knives -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, Robby Huang, and Thomas Sinard
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2018
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud
Video Transcription
hello everybody welcome to I don't even campfire chronicles I'm gonna guess 12th mine chronicles whatever the number of money 77 yeah if you're watching this on YouTube which no one who is 25 it's actually 23 is it actually yes I don't know I'm gonna check way based on what okay well anyway well I just kind of recall we did the last one yeah no I remember said was like 23 and that was actually whatever so before we even start I want to show off this little willow whistle I have and it's it's a I've done this before but basically like to carve a willow whistle you have to take the bark off I'm just gonna have the pictures on Instagram but yes the problem with these is they shrivel after like two hours anyway I'm not sure what you'd use that for it's just a fun thing it's something I've wanted to make a video about for a while but even William McKee knows what oh wow we should we should get our viewers to just close in okay so there's 12 12 patrons watching right now so for everyone who's watching this on YouTube we are doing this currently live streaming to our patrons yeah so this is gonna be our first live podcast and for anyone who's watching it live the quality of it will be a lot better afterwards but the reason we're doing this is so we can take your comments and your questions while we talk about yeah our just everything but yep can you give me that water another cup a new cup well come on I was reusing the same one for like several days so I think um what we're gonna focus on today is basically the episode and like just talk about the road trip yeah yeah so I talked about the road trip on my live stream but I didn't really didn't really answer questions
so as I kind of talked a little bit about my perspective of the road trip I guess we could well one thing I wanted to fill people in on was like the fact that Thomas and I went on a mini road trip before you guys even got out there so like I flew out to LA on March 20th and you guys didn't get into like what April 9th
wait what 19th right no that's when you yeah yeah you were like April 1st or something are you sure it was either like 20 days before after you got out yeah it was either early April or yeah anyway sometime but uh so so a lot of the side really really bad with remember people will be like oh when did you take this trip and be like yeah yeah and I keep telling these guys like we should just remember what they like write them down yeah well I II have it Oh for some time for some reason the first time I suggest that you guys just waved it off like now we don't need to worry about that it's like people always ask us what time we're going on these trips no that's true yeah anyways that's a different story
so anyway um some of the side videos you've seen like the the one where Thomas and I went to Point Reyes or Tahoe and snow shoot there that's that was from when I was out there earlier and then we didn't actually show this in the episode but you flew in so you and Robbie flew in and we stayed at night I did we go straight to no no we flew in and then we remember we ate at that the bear the sleep oh yeah oh right and we stayed at night out of motel and we stayed yeah but that wouldn't have been very interesting to start out the episodes yeah because there was already the scene from driving from the motel to the actual trailhead actually that kind of caught me off guard when I watched it because I was like I thought they would have put you know us yeah I mean cuz I guess we did that with Yosemite I don't know yeah we we originally did just because I mean we usually show that stuff but it just was too much stuff and we were thinking about we might still do this for something but like releasing a sort of like prologue video that shows you guys flying in maybe we'll like release that as a patreon video or something but
so yeah so onj heart-to-heart said I watched the episode again and it's just the patient of this livestream so it's pretty cool yeah Julian says so did you visit Yosemite with Thomas during that time before the road trip no actually um I think Thomas and I were considering doing that but he actually went alone before I flew out there I think me and him were actually gonna think about doing another mini road trip before you guys even flew out in addition to what we had done but how is that even possible like we still had like we actually still had about a week's time after we got back from that I feel like you guys have been so exhausted for the trip that's I mean yeah that's mainly yeah okay so dawn um but yeah I know so let's let's start by talking about what your impressions of the road trip itself was like not the episode but just actual experience of the road trip it's basically California but all of it - yeah I guess where these questions are what we talked about it's gonna be more focused on the first third of the trip I guess considering that's what was in the episode we just released I would say right off the bat like the road the first third of the road trip really set my expectations because or met my expectations because everything about it was just really cool like there was just always something really cool to see every day and so we started and Alabama foothills I guess you could say was technically the start of the road trip yeah yeah well actually after Big Sur so Big Sur ended up being a big disappointment it was it was really cool while we were actually hiking there like the rain and the weather actually made a little super cool is beautiful but as always whenever you're camping and it's constantly raining it always is feels like a miserable experience when you're out there we we were kind of worried that doing too many roadtrip episodes would make people a little I don't know turn them off or something but so we actually wanted the Big Sur thing to be a standalone episode but and it's actually funny because I I think it was actually funny because if we had tried to stick it out and Big Sur I feel like it would have showered a little bit the beginning of the road trip because yeah so going up to Big Sur and it raining all the time and then deciding that we were gonna go back and having that really enjoyable experience eating the charcuterie and just just like yeah mood because we didn't have to deal with that and kind of made the beginning of the road trip a lot more enjoyable I think yeah it was kind of disappointing at first that we couldn't finish the backpacking trip but like just when we were sitting on that shore with like the ocean out there that was such a calming moment in liya yeah really set the tone okay well let's take a couple questions set down back what's up buddy how mad were you when you saw the betrayal of tan pants and Robbie with the tuna and the bread we kind of already anticipated it but the real the first betrayal so it was it was three betrayals the first betrayal was when we climbed into Robbie's ten we realized how small crappy away yeah see that's the thing okay that's cuz I feel like Robbie and Thomas are like the skinniest like the I don't know definitely Robbie is the lengthiest right I just feel like you and Thomas are comparable yeah maybe me I don't you three are all compared I just whoever has a list like I definitely have the widest right set shoulders yeah and I feel like we should have arranged it in a way where we each had a normal amount of space I didn't want to be at Ellison we're AG Don Thomas so much about that Richard yeah even though it's like a phenomenal road trip yeah so let's see you guys were so funny with your tent odd well I don't know we even portrayed it properly in the episode but we were laughing so hard during that scene yeah yeah that was just in the top because I guess we had nothing else to do so we're just cracking up probably getting a little stir-crazy it was actually it's really funny cuz when you watch the episode you can see what's going on between the two cents but when we we were there we had no idea exactly yeah yeah we just imagination well there's like um a scene where you see Robin he's about to eat the sandwich she's like bone Appetit but to us we were just lying there just out of nowhere we always whenever we would play like Halo back in the day we would always hear him like laughing like that through the headset yeah that was great oh so Seth Dom back says also with your philosophy style and recent road trip I'd highly recommend the book zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance actually I think either Robbie has read that or he's at least looked into it but yeah I should I've heard that book a lot I might look and do it but uh also for anybody who it so anybody who's might be watching this on the patreon page click the actual physical link to go to youtube so that you can see the chat and participate in the chat yeah yeah I don't know if that was ever made clear because we started embedding the video on this page and some people didn't know how to interact with us didn't know how to chat with us or ask questions so yeah so after yeah yeah weed after watching it afterwards though I mean I knew as I was hiking down that the scene the scenes and the shots were beautiful yeah but watching it again in the video it was crazy it was it was almost exactly like Wayne in the sense that the fog actually and and oh yeah the plane did you fell you didn't or something for some reason when you got fog like really thick fog it makes the colors pop so much yeah it's like the moisture or something yeah yeah so when you were actually hiking did you notice that or was it only afterwards that you really well well I remember when we were hiking up I did notice how bright the wildflowers were like the the Indian paintbrushes and the the yellow ones I forget what those were called hmm yeah I don't they were really like they were just so yeah yeah it was weird it's like look you see I think I definitely noticed that was beautiful but part of the problem was my glasses kept getting like foggy and misty and like it's hard to see yeah but that's just like the reality of camping with glasses someone commented on our video and recommended we use round oh yeah I know Robbie's old tent has a ground sheet like a yeah footprint ears like weird thought process about it and it probably make would make more sense if I actually had one and set it up but whenever people talk about like a footprint or a ground sheet for a tent I just imagine rain dripping down the side of the tent landing on this ground sheet and then just kind of condensing underneath right in the bottom of it yeah I could see that you'd have to have one that was like underneath the tent completely or underneath the tent yeah or completely covered by the rain yeah but see Robbie's rain fly for some reason does not cover the entire time hmm it's a weird well it's like the bottom part of the tent is made of the waterproof material but it's still like so thin that the rain leaked through so like we literally had I would say like at least a centimeter well half a centimetre what I don't know there's a distinct pool of water and like I had brought my down jacket in to keep it dry and put it in the corner and it was just completely soaked through things were definitely getting wet and not getting yeah like it wasn't just like a little bit moist it was like completely soaked you have to be sure to check the ground sheet under this innit okay so you tuck it under - I guess that makes sense Jason bourgeois is with the variety of landscape on the trip did you guys have some idea of how you were gonna film it or do D utilise past experience to set up shots ie so it really felt like um [Music]
Yosemite in the sense that yeah I could see that we were well usse M&T in the sense that we were always basically the views were always on ones betrayal you know and we would constantly go well for the whole thing though for the whole trip well oh is he talking about the trip yeah yeah like the entire time you sent my big sir yeah well you know we just kind of we win with the flow I I will say there were some moments where when we were filming it felt like we were sort of just getting shots that looked good and like not really knowing how we piece it together later one of the big advantages of this is that we didn't have to worry about how much distance we covered because we're driving most of the time we didn't really have to worry about batteries or SD cards because we yeah nothing so basically we had a lot more freedom to just film literally anything that looked cool and everyone was able to like if someone if two people were driving the other two people were just filming constantly so two had a lot of footage to thoughts about that one is um so you weren't here for either of these but the Colorado hiking video with the finder Park one and the Kern River video those two were sort of like I feel like those gave us some experience and how to film this sort of thing because those are not strictly backpack and they're like you're going to different locations so many different things and then piecing it together but I will say like one problem that I notice is it was so hard not to film while you're driving at least like in the southwest portion doesn't begin yeah yeah in this episode yeah before we hit like Central Texas because just everything was so beautiful but yeah but but then afterwards you're like I'm gonna have to sift through all this footage but it looks so cool and I want to film it but and not only that but you end up with like ten clips of the same thing yeah yeah like ten clips of this really long straight desert road and it looks cool but it's like yeah you can only show that so many times before people or like this is the same thing yeah or or like tumbleweeds going by yeah yeah which we those we kept trying to capture you'll see that in the next episode but oh yeah I guess that wasn't the next em hmm so Don says rnj heart-to-heart aka Don says I know you're trying to trim weight but if you are anticipating rain why not carry okay so like that's actually string it just between
you can enjoy it so I think I suggested that actually for some reason I think I had it in my head like oh this will be an easy backpacking trip I'm not gonna bother bringing the truck like so I think part of it was because Thomas was instilling in us this idea of like okay when you come out to LA don't bring anything redundant that you could just use cuz like I didn't bring my usual rain jacket that's why I'm wearing a yellow one which is actually Thomas's because he's just like I want to save as much room in space as possible so I sort of in this mindset where I'm like well do I need to carry a tank and a throw Thomas under the bus but we've been on way more backpacking trips than Thomas and I think we should just trust our instinct instead of going with what Thomas says well it's like for the road trip I get it what and he didn't specifically say not to bring the tarp it's just for some reason I had it in my head that like I know but I just feel like we should just go with our thoughts yeah yeah no bring the tarp you don't you know it would have been great though because we could have set it up and stood under it outside I'm putting it on the record that I had literally talked to Andrew said we can use your tarp to set it up like a little roof and we could sit under it yeah food under it and he did not bring him yeah I don't know why it was just like a lapse of judgment maybe like the sunniness of LA just lawless into some weird sense of security I'm gonna just reiterate if you are just joining us or anything like that we are actively answering questions as we do this podcast that's not just a podcast we're taking questions live so anyway um while we wait for more questions in the comments I think so let's let's move on to the next part of the trip where we actually went out to Alabama Hills Lone Pine well well let's talk about the charcuterie scene okay because I don't know if it was clearly conveyed in the video how we ended up doing that like how we ended up just sitting at this place eating charcuterie but we had gotten down to the car and Andrew has started some weird obsession with charcuterie and it's still going on well so the reason I had bought this stuff in the first place is cuz like I always want to make cool things when we're out backpacking and you know charcuterie we were at this random store it was like a weird mix between a hardware store and a grocery store but it felt like a Home Depot with food yeah it's really like they've got like they've got the department stores where it's clothes and stuff and food yeah and they've got like whatever this was but they had like so they had canned doma fees which are like the stuffed grape leaves
they had like thinly sliced meats but it wasn't refrigerated like you didn't need to refrigerate it until you opened it and then it cured meats yeah and then we always bring like a block of cheese and that's like three essential parts of charcuterie I was like none of this needs to be refrigerated we could just this like not really perishable for a long while this is perfect for making something fancy while backpacking but obviously as it turned out we didn't get a chance to eat it on the actual trail and so yeah we so this we kind of it was kind of like our post type meal yeah yeah I guess it was hiked was cut short I didn't think about that because we we said we found this little cafe thingy buy this right by the shore the weather had cleared up got some beers round 8 we had beers so we bought beers and just enjoy the weather enjoy the scenery and it was like this big patio with like the ocean view it was so idyllic yeah so yeah so yeah which was the plan originally anyway yeah yeah which actually in a way it also helped out because it gave us extra time on the road trip to do stuff that's true honestly I think well it's hard to say because I feel like if we had done Big Sur it would have been great but we've also been so tired it's hard to judge yeah I would have felt oh so actually so we stayed a night in LA at Thomas's place and while we were he his apartment is like this big square they meet in the middle there's like a courtyard with a pool so we were just drying everything off like on the fence around the pool yeah we literally had taken almost everything out of our packs yeah thrown them over the around the pool or set the mock sleeping bags tents clothes yeah Matt's like literally every jacket yeah everything and we were like tossing stuff in the dryer once it was dried enough and yeah I think like the landlord at one point was like you have to make sure this is all cleaned up and really yeah well obviously like we're not gonna leave it being stolen
yeah but we're eating like soggy snacks - snacks that got soggy so soggy gummy snack
soggy whatever the heck yeah Jason bruised Ross's Andrews always thinking outside the box regarding food I like that thank you I'm glad someone appreciates it he thinks outside the box and inside the camera Don says I like Thomas and his butter snap pretzels yeah he's a good pretzels yeah I just don't like pretzels in general I don't know why I like the big chunk ones that are like covered in powder but anyway yeah yeah we're gonna do another podcast and that's not a right yeah yeah because I think there's a lot of variety between the four of us you know we should probably make sure we don't spoil too much about the episode while we're talking about a trip Wow whatever it is I guess yeah because people won't have watched this yeah that's true but I mean we've talked about our route yeah they're not gonna it's different from watching it'll get people inside so you can - which I forgot to do this at the beginning but if you do want to watch the episode this is not for anyone watching live but go to and we shout out the patreon yeah but well I mean Oh anyways um so yeah we spent another night but they didn't they saw this wasn't the vlog but I don't think it was in the episode yeah but at some point okay so Thomas had actually put his tent up on his little tiny balcony to dry off and the balcony faced in fact oh yeah yeah yeah and he set it up on there to dry and then at some point over overnight it had blown away and we woke up and he couldn't find it and then it had turned out Robbie found it next to the like apartments garage but it apparently had blown up onto the roof over the roof into the garage and so like we woke up the next morning and we were like what where is it and like I had mentioned to Thomas he he kept saying that it must have blown into the courtyard and then the landlord yeah that's what we were thinking because he because the landlord had mentioned something about our stuff being left out so we're like maybe he like got miffed or something and I don't know yeah but it just little completely overhead I was so crazy and it was and there's also stroke of luck that we actually found it and it was still there I think that night Thomas went clubbing with his room he did like one last time Thomas went clubbing has his roommates came back at 2:00 in the morning and then passed out in the kitchen or in the kitchen oh no I do remember that no actually yeah he passed out in the GUI like did he have a blanket or anything no he just fell asleep on this I mean it's like your last night in California I get it I pride well I was tempted to go out but I was so exhausted I was like no there's no way yeah I'm not okay well I mean I wouldn't have gone anyways because I'm not a big ya guy I mean especially the club they were going to you would not have liked it I don't think I would have enjoyed any question for you Andrew oh so Donn is asking if I'm a member on bushcraft USA actually I am I just um I have not browsed it in a long time for some reason I need to get back on that Seth just said you guys just hit an anniversary and now that Thomas is back can you guys talk a bit about how his whole process has changed yeah so I think you know I mean I think just like the fact that we're able to work with him face-to-face helps a lot helps to have them out specifically with Thomas I think so I wait we don't have to we can it's hard to say because it's only been a few months since he's been back technically and he's already and he's been gone for like half a month on something doing something but he we have tried to focus on being more consistent know exactly what he's okay he said well what take aways you've gained from these adventures oh okay well so I will say the whole see he's talking about the whole YouTube journey oh well when I said when I think like take away both from the road trip and from YouTube as a whole is just like well the thing that immediately comes to my mind is like how cool people are because right yes because whether it's you're talking about the road trip or like the meetups we've done or just like interacting with people in the comments like it's amazing to see how many people there are that are like really cool who like are willing to support something like this and just ya know it's just super nice - yeah it's like there's two things that I've felt like I've concluded after some years of doing this is that one I'm still not tired of camping we're gone yeah doors II things if anything I I need it yeah yeah yeah and then also to like you said it's awesome it's always awesome to see how this kind of stuff brings people together and makes people interact yeah I remember when we first started getting some comments where people were like oh yeah this has really inspired us to like go outside for the first time or it's like helped me through a hard time I was like blown away I just did not think we had any sort of comments yeah I thought it was just gonna be something fun to watch while you're like you've got cabin fever but yeah so anyway so after that night in LA we left for Alabama hills that was a very unexpected thing for me yeah so this was your first time skate yeah well first of all the experience the meal and we had in lone Pines and experience in and of itself and I think will release a separate video of the restaurant we went to because it wasn't just like a typical meal we went into that restaurant we felt like we were family and it was just awesome it was just an awesome way to have that day kind of wrap up and then when we went to Lone Pine or Alabama with foothills is it Alabama hills around lovely Hills I think just hills yeah I said this on my stream but the rocks yeah like they had melted yeah yeah like they put normal rocks and then they just melted over time and it was it was so crazy cuz it was flat but then you see out in the distance these round rocks kind of rising out hmm and then just in the distance a whole huge mountain did you remember any of this from the Whitney episode or oh really that's good yeah yeah it's funny those hills are like so like smooth looking and like they just look weird and like cobbled together and yeah there's actually we didn't get to go there but actually me and Thomas went there like a week and a half before you guys came out on our like little mini road trip and we were thinking of camping there too but decided not to but there's an arch that you can photograph Whitney through and you'll see that's in the episode that we haven't released yet or the video we haven't released yet it is yeah there's a little side video the Eastern Sierras one we haven't put it out yet oh yeah yeah yes I don't know it's cool like what do you think at the town that's what I want to know to like the town was cool I feel like we didn't get to explore it as much as I wanted to because I think we were all just a little anxious to eat and then kind of go set up camp hmm the day was kind of doing Wendling but it definitely had that I don't know how to explain it but it like it was like I know it's not like an old-timey town definitely had it this yes connect from modern society it's like some kind of in a good way it's like that feeling you could imagine like an like a duel happening like an old-west like yeah that's it really is like a very rustic kind of like it feels half touristy town half just like a genuine Old West kind of town yeah it's really cool but but it's funny cuz those hills when you look at it from where we were it looks like like half of the horizon is the hills and then half of it is like the mountains
we're like a third and then the third is the sky yeah well once you're on the mountain those hills are what it feels like for me it's like someone saw these mountains like you know I just want to see these mountains every day and so these just found it to town right there yeah yeah yeah it's kind of out of Miller nowhere but all right William McKean says I will say that your guys's channels definitely compounded my interest in the in the outdoors discovered at two years ago that's awesome and I whenever people comment about that kind of stuff on our channel I always say that it's the thing that I love hearing them yeah yeah either we inspired people to go on their first trip or we were able to provide them with the feeling of being out there doing it like a time of need if they were like injured or something or like this where we where we just make people's interest grow hmm where people who may have explored a little bit outdoors are suddenly spurred to to well pardon the pun be more adventurous yeah yeah NJ hearts heart Brian you said on your way up there why didn't you hike it Whitney Whitney here oh um well first of all there's a a conflict in scheduling and secondly I just the idea of client hiking up a mountain just really didn't appeal to me at that time I actually in hindsight I feel like you could it would I be without doing yeah but just for some reason I just didn't feel it in me yeah no I I was really worried about it but we the preparation versus like kumatora and another thing is because when Thomas told us the timetable that he wanted to do whatever yeah yes the original timetable which was getting up at like 2:00 a.m. and then I was like nope I'm out you like if you if you're gonna make us if we're gonna try and rush this whole thing then I'm not gonna do that because I know I won't enjoy Whitney is always gonna be there like yeah I actually don't think it was not necessary to wake up that early like I don't because his so his whole thing was like the snow was gonna turn slushy and that'd be hard to walk on I almost thought it made it easier to walk also when they got back and they told me about the wag bags I was like so um while we talk about the next part of the trip I'm actually curious to hear some of the people who are watching live what are what are your thoughts about the episodes like what's something you took away from the episode after you've watched it and also if you've got any questions about the episode like things that maybe we didn't show on camera or things we you would like to have expanded let us know any questions or comments about that so it specifically and we can address that but in the meantime so yeah after after Alabama Hills after eating the Chinese food we stayed the night head up was that was a great way yeah start the trip the stars were us okay let me ask you this before we continue talking what do you consider the start of the road trip that's a good question I feel like it was the I think just leaving LA is what I considered to start Big Sur feels like a little prologue to it or something you know
but yeah so Alabama Hills was it was beautiful we so you consider like actually being there as the start like like that's when it really we spent there and the following day was like that's when I really hit because it was like now we're on our way out of California you know yeah yeah I don't really know how much or much what else I can say about the Alabama foothills or Alabama Hills because there's really only so many words you can yes how amazing it was it's like at some point you just you have to kind of experience it you know because there was literally nothing hindering your view of the sky yeah yeah the big thing I don't think we've ever been anywhere that I really had as much sky's sky exposed the other cool thing is like you can climb up on a boulder or something just look around you and it's all just more of these hills and like mountains and just for miles and miles yeah but yeah that night sky that was a really good start to the trip too
there's just seen all the stars out and that's the weather was like perfect yeah Thomas slept on a little cot outside which is kind of funny did you and Robbie both sleep in a tent or I know yes okay cuz I slept I put my tarp out on the ground and I just slept on to happen me and Robbie slept in is him okay yeah that was fun that that was a great night I I will say regarding the episode I wish we had gotten a better shot of us all sitting around talking like I don't know what I remember didn't get a fire started
no but I remember Robbie specifically setting the camera he's like that's probably gonna look really bad and I was like that's leaning my head why don't why don't you set it up again but I was like I don't want to which do you want to defend why you couldn't get a fire started now I'm not ice I still say that the wood was damp and I'm like I don't know why it was damp but it was damp and we could not I mean like cuz I feel like we got a good flame going and it just wouldn't cash
and I didn't really pay attention to you starting the fire yeah because there were if I remember correctly there were moments where it actually ignited and we were able to catch the like feather sticks and a flame would develop but then it would just like go out I feel like the real test would have been if we had actually used like a piece of fat wood or some paper yeah yeah caught and then stayed burn once we got the fat wood which I think was in Zion that really helped but uh but but at this point but at that at the point where the injury actually finally gave up and actually let us contribute it was way too late for a fire yeah it's just like whatever
all right so NJ heart heart says I appreciate that one of the things I love about your channel is that your hikes are not usually heroic yeah I don't like people can hike however I can camp however the way they want but for us I believe our mindset is that as long as you're out there and you're enjoying it it doesn't matter where you go and how far you go and how fast you do it it's just yeah my whole thing has always been like I'd rather really deeply explore a few miles of a place than like well okay so like when you're hiking a lot of miles you you still kind of experience in an intimate way but like I'd rather go to a national park and backpack a few miles of it then like drive all over to all the key sites like it's worth doing that it's worth doing that and obviously that's like what a lot of road trip is but and I can see how like long-distance hikers enjoy oh yes it's like you also get this kind of endorphin rush and then when you're so exhausted at the end of the day it's so great to set up camp yeah like an but we're always exhausted anyways cuz we're we we may only hike three miles but where we're standing there really is like probably twice that amount to when we're going back and forth yeah but yeah I think there's like different styles of hiking up different appeals so like long-distance hiking it's like it is kind of fun to add up the miles but yeah so dawn says your trips are a great weekend one or two nights yeah I feel so accessible to me and that's what inspires me to get and doing
yeah Esther says I really appreciated you talking about the Chinese railroad workers in the Chinese Exclusion Act I'm glad you appreciate it that you know it's like a I don't like to be too heavy-handed about stuff like that a lot of times but I also think that you know that's there's a good quote that comes to mind mmm it's like I I don't know if this is exactly how the quote goes but it's something about like learn the history lest you be doomed to repeat it yeah and it's always important like okay history was my worst subject at school and I did not like setting it but it is very important that humans as a whole understand the history of humankind and everything that happened because that's how you learn like I mean that's how you learn that is literally yes just like our our hikes hmm we don't just forget everything we did on a previous highway aren't mistakes we make grave mistake and learn yeah we learn from them and that's how humankind needs to view just everything I think my other thing is I I think it also just adds to your appreciation of a place when you learn the history so like to me it's like well I don't know because I don't think if you go to a forest and you don't know the plants you appreciate it less but I do think that if you know the plants it helps you appreciate it in a different way I think there's like a richness to that and the same goes to history and like kinda like um when I talked about and how we all appreciate nature in different ways yeah yeah yeah some ways like you can you can you know enjoy identifying plants or like you could go someplace and really appreciate the history or culture that's free as a place and the US has like such a deep history connected to nature like Native American history like immigration is just all of it like the Appalachian like mountain mega I mean and certain things that you know maybe people may not even think of like like the Oregon Trail and Gold Rush yeah yeah like but even that is a very interesting chapter in America's and I think it it makes it more interesting the when you're in that landscape I mean if you think about it in order to be able to go to California and appreciate all that stuff we have to we have to recall the Oregon Trail right because that was essentially settlers traveling
yeah just always Iraq across the United States to get to this other side of the country in attending and their time is no small feat all right let's keep going away we gotta get caught up so Willie and McKean says how much would you say the rain impacted your enjoyment of the time in Big Sur so I'd say while we were hiking it wasn't that much of an impact cuz it was beautiful in its own way but the only time it really I hope for me the only time it really impacted my enjoyment was when I realized that it would that we would probably wouldn't be able to finish dude yeah yeah another thing that it wasn't too bad cuz you know we're in the rain coats you know and then in the tents at least we are in the tents yeah I think like there was a point in the tents where it was kind of getting like cabin fever but yeah I would agree like it was just that realization of the fact that it was going to Qatar and I think if we weren't filming we still could have in it because like at one point I was just like you know I'm soggy but like I can deal with it at this point and especially if it becomes sunny later it'll be it's just you know played by ears you know how everyone feels Seth thank you assess says Esther I love that too I appreciate when they bring culture into the episodes it feels very special in that connection to humanity in nature thank you very much for that comment I actually think it'll play a big part to when we start going abroad more yeah yeah yeah because it's worth like in some European country you know I feel since most of our viewers are probably American and Canadian that you know don't be able to learn something new
I'm just look at the Japan already you know yeah learn new stuff too so it's so cool to see different Julian says same the Phantom in your trunk I kind of expect more drone shots is that just too time-consuming I think like yeah I think there's two parts one yeah yeah well yeah so obviously we couldn't use it a big sir yeah and then most of the cool places we can't use it at because they're like parks and stuff but too time-consuming like it takes at least five minutes yeah you gotta like pull over gotta pull over and you got to get it all set out and then I guess it's gotta warm up and you got to fly and then by the time you fly it and you're done flying you pretty much use pretty much I've used up all the juice yeah that's actually another thing it's like it only gets like what 25 minutes of fly time so yeah so it was just difficult to say at what point in the road at one point in this time that you're driving you're saying this is where we need to get drone shots because you don't know if there's gonna be something great even cooler okay so I will say about the the whole drone scene is I was also taking shots with the telephoto lens you might have noticed those in the episode but it's like we were kind of killing two birds with one stone because we're in this desert road which just barely gets any traffic so I just set the tripod up in the middle of the road and like shot down and it was really cool also also later in the trip we were kind of on a bit of a tighter time schedule yeah yeah I think when we were just starting off is a little more relaxed but Jason said I should have used the force to start that fire yeah I'm I'm not a in tune with the force I did not know what was going on yeah cuz I was like wasting time okay so yeah again if you guys have any questions or comments about that said we'd love to hear them and just like also just tell us overall what you thought of episode because they it is a very different format it's not the usual backpacking episode and I'm curious how people are taking that and like how they think of it so anyway we woke up the next morning Alabama hills and at that point we were making the drive through Death Valley right yeah yeah so that morning was really pretty well any amount it was a I mean actually I think I got up pretty late in the morning okay I know Thomas and Robbie we're the first step for shock I was the last one i but yeah the the morning was great it was like really relaxing and then Death Valley so I've only seen Death Valley like in pictures and videos I didn't really know exactly what to expect it's the same yeah what would you say was your most favorite part about the Death Valley most survive uh I thought say mine was when we went into the air-conditioned building I actually I think Badwater Basin was the coolest part um and not just because it's like the lowest point but also it just looked really dear I've never seen I mean I've seen places like that in pictures but never actually seen it in real life yeah that was pretty cool I think I keep getting I think it was the devil's golf course Oh with this jagged yeah yeah I think that was really cool because so I mean everybody knows what Badwater Basin looks like that's true yeah so I think because of that it was a little less impactful on me but when I saw The Devil's gorge with golf course like we could we set it in the video we were there it was like looking at this alien world it was like if you couldn't see the other humans out there and you couldn't see those Street and like if you just like looked at the terrain yeah look like some weird especially when you look up close like it's all jagged it's like just nothing you've ever seen a man look like the salt forming on it this world yeah when we were there it was just like the heat was getting at us so much we were so excited yeah you guys did it didn't we didn't show it in the episode so a badwater basin i straight why oh yeah myself and ever and everybody else kind of put some water themselves but that water that i sprayed on myself in that scene was dry by the time we had walked back to it really yeah geez that's nuts set down back says I love the episode I can't wait to see the other ones it feels both organic to the channel and fresh at the same time really lets your personnel that's like it's very encouraging to hear that because there was a big part of me worrying that it would be really jarring and different but actually yeah I felt like when I was watching it it actually felt a lot more like an episode than I thought it would yeah and I don't know if that's because we've sort of done like smaller mini episodes similar to that or maybe it's just like it just seemed to flow really well yeah flowed a lot better than I thought oh yeah well I said in my stream on Monday that I gave huge props to you guys cuz I hadn't seen anything about the video until you guys actually released it but when I watched it man I could not stop watching it I was like this yeah yeah that's I was surprised because I was worried is she gonna be like lots of driving shots while off to talking shots but yeah Lilly McKean says I felt like you guys did a particularly good job with the intro on the music and the narration and the visuals made it look really professional and right cool Thomas or Robbie actually did the intro it was just like it starts out with your own shot and then yeah I don't know how else to say this but the way it was put together really fit the style of the video does that make sense yeah yeah yeah like it's kind of this like grungy to me it's like this I don't know there's like this like describe it it's like that that bad to the bone guy it's just like that classic American road trip sort of feel like so actually interested someone had commented that like the music was kind of a different style I think that's definitely true like in a second half of the video also because I think Thomas yeah so this was Thomas's first song and so we injected this new style yeah yeah interesting to see if he makes more music if he starts developing his own style so we'll have it before yeah but his was the electric guitar one so he started off making it and then got stuck at some point I helped out a bit then he tweaked it and then Nathan doing the drums really helps to record the electric guitar parts yeah yeah it's just too busy too tired yeah and also it's just like a well that episode was taking so long heard the song yeah until it was practically finished if I had heard it earlier we've had more time yeah record it and I think it would have turned out pretty but it was good and then the last song was a very different style too it's kind of this like upbeat peppy kind of song and actually I'm already brainstorming the song yeah so I had two ideas you guys are getting some behind the scenes look into the thought process and this is for the next episode yeah so I'm thinking it'd be cool in the next episode the teaser will be like previously right yeah I would because that would because then it would make it feel really joined together yeah like a TV show and then I had two ideas for the song after the intro it could either be the same one that we used to really drive home that connection between the two things or or I have this other woman that was thematically the same you know same instruments same style oh yeah but just you know no totally yeah and I think that'd be really cool and we ready no we're closing out with one of your songs we won't say too much about them
remember the how we ended it in Tucumcari I'll tell you later I don't want to spoil too much but okay so William also said the visuals made it look really professional in my opinion thank you that's awesome I think the drone in like the telephoto lens helps with that yeah Esther says I like seeing how you interacted with each other with all the frustrations and teasing Michael yeah like when Robby asked Thomas hey what happened your bumper and Thomas sped up to get this road trip definitely tested the bounds of our friendship because we were well I don't want to make it sound like we were gonna like at each other's throats really but it was just like it was like a different form of cabined yeah yeah you know cuz I never felt like I didn't want to hang out with the guys afterwards but by the end it was definitely like you wanted at least some time to yourself yeah yeah just be like to do like to do have your own thing to do but something just popped in my head about what would my willing McCain said about the visuals I know what I was trying to say earlier is that the way we filmed it and put it together it hit every one of those cliches yeah yeah patron bit side mirror it's like a car commercial yeah like the wave long yeah yeah it was like perfect cliches yeah which is like those are great you know that's and that's what really makes you the whole bumper thing I Thomas wanted us to put the clip of the of him actually hitting the bumper and yet somebody in there I think it would have been funny but no actually I think but part of me actually likes that there are like Easter eggs at you yeah that you can understand if you've been watching the other ship yeah I think that makes it more significant yeah
and I another thing in the episode was the callback to the Whitney episode with the music I don't know if you know what we miss doing huh we should have had done a scene in Death Valley where Thomas is standing out there and we walk up to him he's like oh there you guys are
oh you guys remember that reference then which one was it Wayne yeah I think so it was one there was always yeah there's an episode where we made a joke about Thomas not being haha and he's like in the middle of a desert going guys not do that he's like I think I'm in the wrong place that would have been a great we missed a big opportunity with the next one - it's the with the candy we never ended up filming a parody of that oh you know what I'm talking yeah bye anyway um so I don't know if you all noticed but like there's there's some musical callbacks during the Whitney scene I thought I had yeah so it's we had two themes in the Whitney episode and in there's two songs in this one that combined those things together and I don't know I think it's pretty nifty but I wrote it so I'm just like set down back says it reminded me Cory which is mine which is top three of my favorite episodes
I'm curious Seth what your top three favorite episodes are now yeah because the friendship and the adventure is both fully present that is okay that's awesome yeah Julie yes Julian Oh Julian says that song is my favorite I think they're talking about the Tommy well I don't know it's either the Tom's one of the biggest one but jason says the episode didn't seem out of place to me and liked how you guys edited it I have to say one of my favorite parts of every episode is hearing Andrews opening they're always inspired oh thank you yeah so I should have put a in memory of scene for the college guys always passed out there oh wait do we show the Carl's jr. did we show in this episode one of you is gonna have to tell us if we showed the Carl's jr. cuz I forget if we filmed it while we passed I want to say we did but what was it the one we stopped that for you seven years yeah because I think we passed by it again and yeah I don't remember if that might have that might have been in the scene after you guys fly in and we're driving up to Big Sur that might have been where else I probably didn't catch that because we well cuz we removed it yeah oh so with the openings I'm glad you think they're inspired because like I always worry that it's gonna sound like cliche nonsense like which in this one who might have fit with the cliche car commercial shots but okay so so yeah I think one thing that was kind of cool is like having gone to bad water based in a while also having climbed Whitney but also like I thought there was a specific point in bad water that was the lowest point but I guess we never really like hiked to any specific point see for me what I expected and maybe there's another portion of bad water that is that it's the cracked earth but without like all the salt between oh yeah like cracked earth but it's there's it's actually we saw a little bit of that in the sand
remember there were like some party between today yeah but yeah yeah so I was a little confused but why don't I think I think about with Death Valley is that wherever it is where those rocks slide around you know what I'm talking about yeah yeah I don't know if that's in the same Badwater Basin or not but I think he said that was in a different area yeah so yeah after that we went to Vegas which I actually really like that part of the trip we didn't really show much of it like we showed some of it in the crib yeah it'll be in the beginning of the next episode no I see it that's the thing I don't think we actually filmed a whole lot because while we were out like we were worried about filming in the casinos and right yeah there was a little questionable like how much we could get away with filming plus we were hanging out with Warren Fernandez yeah I felt like shadow tan a little yeah I felt like I could have been a little disrespect although I'm sure you would have been fine with it yeah a little disrespectful to be like trying to film he's hanging out with us he would have understood that oh yeah of course he would have understood but it's just like it's just but yeah I think we might have shown all there is to show in the credits yeah but it that's that's the irony is like you think it would be easier to film in civilization but it's actually a lot harder because there's just like all these people around and you don't know what they expect or like what the rules are yeah that's true but uh there was a lot of scantily clad like yeah which and a lot of people a lot of guys handing out flyers for strip clubs constant there was a shot that we got that we didn't put in up so if it's like we're driving by and there's a billboard it's like all these really ripped like topless dudes it's like thunder down under' it's like these Australian male strippers are scoping there was like one guy who was handing out like strip club flyers and he was very descriptive oh yeah okay so one thing we were saying like you know how when you're playing a video game like Red Dead Redemption or any sort of game where people talk like Witcher or Skyrim and you're walking through a town and people like these NPCs the computer characters
just like saying random things as you pass by ago I got an arrow in my knee that's what it felt like in Vegas except everyone was talking about strip clubs like at some point at some point we were just walking and some guy was like strip club gonna strip club like but but he like made no effort NPCs have like this yeah and response when you walk but like we were walking one way he was walking the other and he made no effort to stop us but he still said like this like there's a very unique experience okay so Seth Dom back says and I'm gonna actually add something of this but set da Beck says right now it's top three our matauri move pictured rocks and Dolly Sods winter those are good choices yeah and with the monado wait so Robbie actually had a live stream where he was talking about people's favorite episodes and then someone asked him what he thought Thomas is yours and my favorite oh yeah and now at least me and the Android can answer this question I don't know if I told you what my mine was but I can't remember what oh no I don't yeah you will you go first with mine yeah so I think and now my favorite is pictured rocks
I think kuma Tori is definitely up there Algonquin is definitely up there they have to choose your favorite I'd say picture rocks and also we're talking okay so let me let me okay sorry we're talking specifically episode yeah not side videos not no no I'm nothing episode not the trip oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah no so I think a lot of this has to do with so pictured rocks I think I chose it because it's an awesome landscape it's a really solid episode but also because I was proud of the theme song I came up with and like some I don't know it's like kind of biasing my opinion but I I think I really like okay so I actually thought I would have had to think about this more but that my top episode very quickly came to me and it is Algonquin and my reasoning is that because the Algonquin episode firstly you have so much variety yeah that's a great one the first day beautiful sunny skies blue Yahoo skies clear open blue waters amazing and the perfect song you guys did a really good job on the song at that first day perfect songs to really give you that feeling of tranquility I've there's the one after the first port of portage oh dude like the really froggy sounding owner oh wait oh the one Robbie rail yeah yeah yeah every time I hear that like so good yeah but then after that this the the first night
yeah the Northern Lights oh man unbelievable yeah and it was just like we didn't plan it and it was just perfect and then the second day we're going out there and we have like the great like canoeing at night scenes or not canoeing but like talking in the night briefs too we even had some bushcraft yeah yeah and then the morning after the dense fog oh wow so the only reason not that's not at the very top is because the stupid teaser that I put in like I really regret having that so the teaser was like you can't really see much because it's a darkness train yeah I was but sir I'm going oh my god cuz the Northern Lights and like in hindsight like or at the time it seemed like a really good idea because it's like really exciting but you can't really tell what's happening yeah and I really wish I'd put like a more thoughtful teaser but but what are you gonna just to add to that so besides the amount of variety again that episode I think the entire episode really really portrayed just how relaxing or can you trim to be like it was so good and every time I watch it I want to go back we need to go canoeing again I definitely yeah I have been itching to go canoeing for a while and the great thing about canoeing is like filming doesn't really interrupt the flow of it it's like it's great but that's a great thing too it's like you can film constantly you don't have to stop actually we will get some canoeing in the third Roadtrip episode that's true okay so really quick jason says he's on board with Seth about those episodes Esther says me too and the China episodes except I guess those are blogs yeah Don says pictured rocks yep I can see how people would really like picture the picture oxygen yeah antastic it's just that for some reason Algonquin was like yeah there's a lot of variety well picture ox is ready to but yeah um set says it changes time to time it'll be hard to knock Cooper Tori off that the scene when they get to the cabin yeah that is a couturier is definitely an amazing that hot spring was so awesome and when I say these I'm not saying like I'm not trying to like most of the credit goes to like the landscape and like the campsite yeah like I'm saying it was we just point the cousin of the experience and the trip and everything we had yeah episode really makes me remember that Seth Tom Bakk retracted a message he does not like kumatora the elation of eating the meal and Dolly Sods winter I haven't yet I haven't watched that one in a while that's that's interesting because peas they have this unique perspective of watching it but not having any memory associated yeah that is really and I think that really skews our thoughts on what would be a favorite episode because we have thoughts associated and then that's definitely the case of Algonquin hmm so it's like they've watched these scenes and it's like they point out like the eating scene in Dali son yeah like I could see how someone be like oh man that's such a good scene you know because it's it's we got I think um we have people who leave comments and I don't think they realize how much of a compliment they are sometimes cuz like on this latest episode someone was like I really felt nostalgic when you guys went back to Whitney and I had never even been there and like that is I never imagined we'd actually be able to capture that sort of feeling so to be able to know that someone at least out there is feeling that is really awesome to us it feels like we're patting ourselves no yeah but it's like but it's for me it's more just like it's so awesome to hear that people are excluding something from it yes well that that end that they're experiencing these things they're having feelings about these
the same way that we yeah cuz in terms of like a like a euphoric or cathartic cuz all the time when we're out there I'm like are we really capturing what this is like because it's how can you capture on camera but I guess some of it gets through alright pictured rocks our Esther says oh no wait when the Keane says go up William in Keene says Algonquin is my favorite as well right oh rip river was my favorite for a while because that one it feels like an adventure like you go through so many different themes there's that rainy Thunder scene yeah meeting lunch God yeah in the music I like the music in that one and it had the iconic song we could talk about our least favorite of so then we wouldn't be patting ourselves on the back Oh Shenandoah that's funny although season one yeah and whenever people like comment and say Shannon doe is a good video like man I'm glad you think so picture see guys says pictured rocks blew me away because I live on the west coast and picture rocks looks yeah yeah yeah again like all the credit goes to pictured rocks yeah I would totally like picture rocks is another nice out totally go back to and I would highly recommend going there if you haven't I just take note of the bugs like beware wind bug season is picture - picture set down back says picture rocks is such a beautiful place a shot of the color rocks in the water is so beautiful along with the shots of you - on the trip yeah that was exactly how I hoped like I never thought the trails would actually look like that right on the edge but that's how they were I was so happy about that and that was another that was a big issue for us because we just constantly stopped and filmed Ryan real says his favorite is Yosemite with Algonquin has closed second that's funny because Yosemite it's really beautiful but for some reason I don't like the episode like I think it I think because it's not like a full circle journey yeah yeah I think that a lot of the beginning mmm kind of was really slow yeah and also the backpacking portion didn't feel as much like a journey as I wanted it to also I'm gonna give a shout out to Ryan real he's a new page oh I know for a fact because I messaged him thank you so much thank you so much for your support Ryan he sent us a really cool message on patreon about the Adirondacks and stuff okay Seth says I also love Yellowstone's scene of you guys watching the bear safety video made me lose it that's awesome
Yellowstone is interesting because like for Yellowstone that's kind of like a subdued landscape but I actually really liked it - yeah and the episodes for you episodes all right NJ hard tire says I like to kamatari the Crematory deargo thing oh yeah there was a lot of surprise stuff little little-known fact we actually saw a monkey but I didn't get a good enough shot of it yeah so on the bus ride in I saw monkey who's just sitting on a little brick wall and Michael was like oh look there's a monkey and I was like wait what like why weren't you freaking out about this but the only shot we got was like a really shaky blurry one I should post that to the patreon sometime Ryan real says if I had to pick a favorite scene I would pick the view of the entire yosemite valley from the lookout oh yeah he has a tunnel view yeah yeah that was that no yeah with the music that was a really cool so yeah that was really cool Julian Sands sounds like you're gonna have to make an you 70 episode that better depicts your vision oh that's not a bad idea well I definitely see us going back to us Emma tea in Yellowstone because someday there's a lot there's still a lot to show there it'd be cool to go like to be upper Sierra's area obvious somebody maybe do like a National Forest around the area or something but anyway so where were we talking so Las Vegas oh yeah yeah yeah you actually said I want to say something that ending with Vegas and that's walking into the sunlight that was so perfect because I felt like I was watching like an Ocean's eleven yeah yeah yeah something and we were like we had just robbed we just pulled a big heist and we're like walking away yeah I love that so like I love that means stuff in that way like when you sort of play at these like tropes in your head but like just like I said this episode was full of cliches and it was perfect yeah
I feel like we're also gonna lean into the cliches for the next one because it's like we're in the southwest like I don't know I can hear I can hear a song with the jaw yeah I was just thinking that just thinking that a little Western II yeah yeah we have an actual jaw harp like the final panel I need to dig it up but okay so didn't use that at one point say Vegas was actually like one of your favorite parts of the road trip or something did I like or like there was a like when we were just sitting around drinking I might have died it was probably more of a fact that Vegas was okay well I think it was when like mean you me and Thomas went out again after like hanging out with Warren and we were just like wandering it around and then got a drink in one of them oh yeah so I guess we didn't film this so we can talk about it yeah and people know so after we went out and got food Robbie went back to the hotel too because he was tired and I believe Warren had to go back because he had to work yeah yeah so meandered Thomas we spent the next like two hours going around doing a little bit of slot machines I sound like this oh yeah Marv and we had Thomas made a well you know he got he got like 60 bucks he made like 60 but was like the net amount 60 bucks oh really yeah dang and then we found this a nice little bar he said that we all had a drink and I was just I would say it was the best part of the trip but for somebody that stands out in my mind and I don't know why I think it's just because of how really why did the day wind it down perfectly it was just like strolling around in Las Vegas walking through the random hotels and casinos and then just sitting at this quiet bar having a drink and just hanging out with you and Thomas it was cool it's it's funny because the when I was when we were like a few days out from Vegas I was like how was that so long ago like that was pretty much this that was the second night of the trip but it felt already like it was like in the middle of it and I kind of enjoyed Vegas because oh no I kind of enjoyed Vegas because it's like this place where we could recuperate like sort of stay in a hotel recharge our batteries literally and figuratively like clean up and stuff but also it was fun I you know the buffet I actually enjoyed the buffet a lot I was gonna say that's true because up until that point we had slept in wet tents yeah
slept on Thomas's floor or sofa slept in the tent Alabama hills so Vegas was really the first place where we could shower and get a good shower and sleep on really big comfy beds because because Thomas had gotten two rooms yeah we each had a big bed to ourselves and I think it was just really nice to be able to sleep there and it was kind of like recharging like doing that first little recharge before the really long stretch of the road trip I got a bloody nose while I was showering and I remember I stepped I was like if you see blood on the floor don't freak out nobody kills anybody it's the dry air you know it's like but uh ya know that's a good time all right so let's see Oh William yeah okay yeah we'll even if King says I've heard you guys knock on Shannon doe a couple times personally I thought was a good episode what's your issue with it I think part of it is it's like shorter than was standard at that point in time of our channel and also like there's like a great majority or a large portion of that is us just like sitting in the same area with the same shot just talking but I mean maybe so that's why some people liked it though well I'm gonna refer back to the whole thing about how we have memories associated with it whereas people who watch it have nothing associated with it so oh yes a lot of the memories associated with were kind of mediocre we didn't get to have any fires we spent that first night looking for yeah the other things I remember we made a mistake we went on the wrong trail today l couldn't find any good campsites and we didn't really get a chance to film that much so the whole trip itself like just just the trip not even the episode but the trip just felt really like it felt like we've wasted our time I will say and I don't know if this is why we ended up not having a longer episode but some of the shots we got were really good like cinematically like there's some great shots of like slugs and like just like the some of the walking shots are really beautiful another thing I'll add this is my personal opinion but at least the two times we've been to Shenandoah I've never really been impressed by the views because a lot of it is just heavily forested you can't really see anything unlike something like Yosemite or Yellowstone where you'd look in a direction you just have this breathtaking view but see when I think back to our first trip there I still feel really fond about it because it was just like such a new experience well yeah but yeah I want to go back to Shenandoah eventually because and like talk about that because that kind of left a mark on me in the sense that like yeah it wasn't beautiful but there was something deeper about it that really stuck home has struck home with me there was someone did to suggest if we go back to Shenandoah and I would totally go back through this but I've researched it but apparently there's like cabins you can rent oh yeah that'd be ass would be awesome that'd be really cuz not only would it be fun and a good trip but it would also be really interesting to watch alright so yeah so I guess yeah so it's been about an hour I think well first you should check out the episode July 4th weekend is coming up watch it so I signed up on patreon and watch it but also are all the people who yeah not those
I think no I mean like I think it's it is like a really unique and different episode but it's also like very familiar I think it's a good one I think you're all gonna enjoy it yeah I'm really glad with the positive reception so far we all had our doubts on how the whole how it would turn out and if it would really feel like a good episode oh and I do want to mention this is part one of three parts and it's gonna be a continuous journey so it's gonna be really cool watching this and then watching the others but also in addition to that for the 25 and up patrons the postcards we're making I'm gonna design them in a way so that when you put them together side by side it creates one bigger picture now that you say that idea again it sounds like a really good idea yeah because like the whole road trip connects together so it makes sense to have like them connect yeah yeah it's gonna look cool I haven't made them yet but it will look cool I'm gonna add something here to whenever me and Andrew do another patreon livestream we've got a cool idea we're gonna we're gonna be playing some video games but we're gonna have you guys oh right we're gonna have you guys influencing what happens in those video games yeah so like we'll let you choose the characters we play as or whatever level we have so if you wanna comment and you know screw screw with our gaming come check that one on our next stream roll the patreon livestream we do with those every week we don't know for people who don't know what they're talking about it'll probably be a few weeks from now but yeah so really quickly is just uh and if you want us if you're on youtube and you want us and you wanna see the patreon live streams be sure to check it out dawn the second sign up for two dollars which is pretty much nothing and yeah it sounds strange dawn says it's not strange but I think that's like kind of the fun with these patreon live streams that we get to do things that are like a little different from the channel more more of a personal look into our lives and but yeah I think that's strange well to give you an example like we'll play some smash brothers which is a fighting game and you can make us choose to use the worst characters in the game or whatever and you'll see how so before we close out let's let's do a quick like two minute reflection of the rest of the road trip and like your thoughts on that so so there was the Southwest was I on Albuquerque Tucumcari and the deep south oh yeah Texas honestly Asheville really in like for some reason the plantation is really like I don't know why I think for me it's a similar thing with Vegas where it was just like wine it was a good place to like kind of calm down and recuperate but it was it's just I don't know it's just such a cool house I think whenever we had a moment where we could kind of slow down and take things at our own pace also the hot tub was awesome because this road trip had this weird time dilation effect where yeah it's felt simultaneously yeah they had happened so long ago but not long like yeah I just have exactly because you you would think about Vegas things that happen but then you're like you realize all those things that happen was like just one day but it also like I remember at that point I was like Vegas does not feel that long ago but it also does yeah it's really bizarre how that happened I think ya know that's what I love about these long continuous journeys whether it's back back into our roadtrip is just like how everything ties together into one culmination but yeah alright yeah so much for joining us on this yeah a bit of a different podcast I hope you enjoyed it we'll do more of these things in the future and we'll try to have the other guys too yeah and we may do one on a fully live public stream on YouTube where we can get like everyone involved asking questions but yeah um thank you so much to our patrons who are watching live right now thank you so much to the people watching us like YouTube like seriously thank you whether or not you're a patron we really appreciate your support your views your comments it's awesome yeah there's there's really we can't say it enough Nick how much we appreciate just just the positive energy sender Lansing yeah it's and also like it really does make it worth it for us when we see other people enjoying and we're putting out so thank you yeah uh yes just uh if you're need to throw need any yeah let's do a quick end screen thing sign up on patreon to watch the episode right now on patreon right here and then subscribe to our channel somewhere here and watch some of our other videos down in this area so yeah also if you like comment and subscribe if you want to get involved in these streams you can check us out on patreon most we do we do weekly stream yeah yeah but also you can check us out on Facebook where often times we'll post about events like you may get a few more details on face yeah follow us on Facebook that's a great place to keep up with stuff or and Instagram all right okay well thank you everyone again seriously thank you guys so much and have a good night Willie oh one more glass McKeen will pass guys to be on the podcast feed tomorrow actually I'll be on you should be on YouTube p.m. and then I'll do the feed memory yeah okay good night everybody thank you thanks for joining us thank you everybody on YouTube
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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