Campfire Chronicles #22 | Hoosier, and How We Each Experience Nature Differently
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In this episode, the whole gang responds to a Patreon Livestream question about how we all experience nature differently, and then we reflect on our time in Hoosier.
Sony A7s ii -
Panasonic GH5 -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Panasonic 25mm f1.7 Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto BeFree Live Tripod -
Moza Aircross 3-Axis Gimbal -
Virtus Knives -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, Robby Huang, and Thomas Sinard
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2018
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud,campfire chronicles,outdoors podcast,parks podcast,nature podcast,hiking podcast,backpacking podcast,wilderness podcast,camping podcast,adventure archives,adventure archives podcast
Video Transcription
all right thank you for joining us this is campfire chronicles episode 21 my name is Brian and today we've got the whole crew we've got Andrew next to me yep we've got Robbie on satellite we've got Thomas probably somewhere over there in California so we've got a pretty interesting topic actually that came up on my patreon livestream but really quick um if you guys liked it would like to help us out make more videos you can check out supporting us at patreon join our community for as little as $2 you can get access to things like early release on the videos really cool things like postcards commentaries commentaries bloopers and we're starting to do you know we were States and we've just started doing patreon livestream so it's gonna be really clear there's a whole party going on there that you're missing out so anyways like I said the topic today is something I came up during one of our patreon live streams and it was well someone asked me if I enjoyed nature more than you guys because of like the job that I work does it like make me yeah I guess yarn for the outdoors more and I guess Thomas could technically relate to and when I answered as I said I don't think I enjoy it more than you guys but I think we all enjoy it differently yeah yeah and I would just wanted to hear I kind of just gave my thoughts on what I thought you guys how you guys would I enjoy nature but I want to hear you guys thoughts about it
so Andrew do you want to like start off with what well actually it's interesting that they said the whole thing with the job because I remember I used to crave nature a lot I mean it's not like I don't enjoy it we need to recreate it but I used to really really get obsessed with like wanting to go outside when I lived in the city like on campus as a student cuz just everyday it'd be like you're stuck in the dorm you're stuck around all these like buildings and traffic and the air doesn't even smell clean and so I started yearning for like any sort of experience and I remember like one spring break I really wanted to go backpacking and not ended up happening so like the last weekend of the break or something I just like camped out in this small plot of woods I like went back there set up a tarp made a little campfire no in the middle of winter and it was like it was on campus no no no so this was there's another good story with that though this was like in near my parents neighborhood like within walking or biking distance but if someone else's neighborhood thankfully no one called the police on me for a campfire yeah it was just like a small patch of forest with a bike trail going through it does that just happen to be in the middle of a neighborhood and it was like Andrew said it was like early spring but it's still cold it yeah yeah and this is back when we were very still like novice and so I actually drove out there at like I mean just the other day so I drove em and walked all the way to the fight to find him and I just don't like so you good like you don't want to come home or anything I forget did you deliver like firewood or something or I don't think I remembering wrong I might have brought you something but I was inspired women I might have brought you like maybe extra clothes maybe yeah but and so in terms of so that looks like in the past like you could definitely felt this yearning for nature yeah so you're an often so nowadays how would you how would you say that you choose to enjoy nature you know like I mean you when you're outside and do you find yourself always doing the same sort of thing like I will say that like as far as a camping experience backpacking is still one of my favorite things but I think I'm like less of a purist when it comes to like a raw wilderness experience like part of me thinks it's really cool when you're backpacking and you also go through like parts that are a bit touched by civilization so like in Japan the campsites with all those things set up like that was super cool the idea of hiking through like a town on the 80 sounds really cool to me yeah but I think in general like if I'm just going to the park my favorite thing is just like looking for wild edibles or just different types of plants and mushrooms that are sprouting up like that's like when I do that that's when I still feel that same like sense of yearning that I felt bad like it just had like it clicks somehow you know that's what I said on my life strong I said you you're always like looking for those edibles yeah yeah those things to point out and it's like for me it's not even so much about the views like that's always a great bonus but like some of the best times I've had are just in a normal like not not super extraordinary patch of woods but there's a lot of things growing and popping up and it's like an Easter egg hunt well when I was talking about how how I thought about Robbie now obviously I'm really close with the Andrew so I feel like I know him better and for you Robbie I said that one of the things you do it like you're gonna get it spine I feel like there's no way I could miss this but you're always looking for that shot basically you know yeah cuz we've always talked about how if we went camping it would be literally impossible for you to not film it yeah well it's funny because like before I was filming everything in my life all the time like I was kind of doing that in my head anyway just like looking it's I'm always like looking for that next big view you know I think that's why I still consider Dolly Sods like one of my favorite places is because there was so much variety and just places that you things you don't expect to see yeah and just like it has that sense of adventure I think for me the biggest thing from the outdoors that I'm trying to get is that sense of adventure something new that you've never experienced before and far away from home that you've never experienced and just like not that not a comfort but not a discomfort you know I mean just like you're not nestled into civilizations warm embrace like you're kind of like out on your own out there now I just had a thought
and then this probably can relate to all four of us but would you say that our interest in video games has somewhat influenced the way we enjoy or see nature too totally yeah yeah yeah I mean as often as we say is like doesn't this look like Hyrule and I think that's like huge dude it's like almost like going into nature now is realizing the potential that video games showed to us as I come and look at all the possibilities yeah and I just didn't realize it was actually real that's good yeah
remember when we went to Hocking Hills on the first trip like I remember my mind was blown that scenery like that existed and that was just honking hills yeah yeah yeah yeah that's like my parents weren't outdoors people so they we never went outdoors so I just it never occurred to me I guess yeah I will say oh you're saying something about trying to find the next big view I totally lost my train of thought but okay well Thomas you're the only one who I didn't address in the livestream cuz honestly well no actually I think I did but I didn't really know how you know how as well what you would say because I know you'd love going out there and you love doing the day hikes and things like that I always feel like you're more you're out of all four of us you're the one who's like you want to get some distance under your feet oh yeah yeah I think I don't think you're wrong there you know I I don't like to be that guy that's like oh it's it's you know if you only I to miles that's not a hike cuz I wanna see if you get outside I'm just glad that you got outside I'll say thanks dad I'll say one of my you know Ohio doesn't have a whole lot of long-distance hiking and when you do it it's basically the same view for hours and hours and hours but when I started hiking out here in hiking mountains to get to the top of a mountain that's that's a good six six seven miles just to get to the top and then you got to go down and so I felt like here day hikes or to me there there are a lot more it's a lot more rewarding out here when you can like say oh I did 15 miles in a single day and like you know at the end of it I I feel so accomplished I've done 15 miles I made it to the summit I'm alive I saw some incredible views and now I'm gonna go home and cook something up so so Thomas is kind of like that the quintessential backpacker he wants to he wants to get to this destination he was to see the views he wants to you know feel that like bit of exhaustion that good feeling about I would almost call myself a hiker before a backpacker yeah cuz I love hiking and I love you know being comfortable while hiking and having everything a need in my pack but I'm not like someone who's like oh I can't wait to go here and just set up a tent and just stay here you know I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy like putting in my miles and if there's a tent there at the end of it so be it I'm happy but I'm also happy just going back to my car too and yeah gonna see this this reminds me of the thought that I had so I feel like it's interesting because you like I mean distance matters to me too and it seems to matter more to you than us but like I'm already was really badly but basically for me like I almost care like I care about distance and I feel accomplished if I do a long hike but I almost care more if we're talking about like an accomplishment I care more about how long I'm in the wilderness and not necessarily how far I've hiked so for example like I would rather I get more enjoyment out of like staying in the wilderness for a week or two weeks even if I didn't travel all that much like to me there there's an accomplishment there that's kind of interesting yeah and the other thought I had was just the the idea of comfort like I feel like we all have different standards of what we want to feel and to me like I mean I think to all of us to an extent but for me the discomfort is actually like part of the experience like when Robbie and I went backpacking in the Smokies in 2012 we were really hungry but there was part of that that was actually really enjoyable because it was just so different and it kind of like pushed herself and I also feel like sometimes like at least back in the day I really wanted to be like an aesthetic monk or whatever it was definitely some of that I think you really they're fasting it's like you wanted to be like no I'm throwing off the shackles of civilization yeah with you until that starts affecting your your performance - sighs you know when I go hiking these 15 mile hikes I'm like oh god I'm so hungry I love the idea that I'm actually feeling this hunger but I'm gonna get to the top and I need to watch myself than I need to put something in my body mm-hmm and that kind of goes back to the whole thing like I if I were gonna do something like where I was fasting in the woods I just I would just sit on a hill or something and not make myself I'll see ya that's it brings up the whole like idea of the first day or the first night you're out camping you're still kind of in that period of adjustment and then as you kind of reach the second and third day you started acclimating to the fact that you're out there and you know your feet are tired you know you're expecting that that meal at the end of the day with your tent and and it just like it starts to grow on you and you start enjoying it more and more because that's how I feel is usually the first day we're hiking out there I'm like that this is okay and then and then by the time it gets to like the second or third day I'm like yeah honey I'm gonna do some hiking and I can't wait to get to that campsite and cook up some food you really start to notice the little things again it's the whole inertia thing like the longer you're doing something the more it feels like you want to keep doing that and that kind of good that's also why I enjoy like those discomforting things cuz I think for me like one of the most frustrating episodes I filmed with you guys was actually Yellowstone because we were only doing like two miles I'm like come on guys why are we doing five or six per day come on that's that that campsite we stayed at and Yellowstone I feel like that was like almost the start of the trail it actually was it but it's like 300 miles in those two miles and I barely that's pretty good I feel like with and when we do get around to doing an extended trip like maybe let's say five or six days right then we'd always we'd start out at the beginning like doing a few miles but then towards the end we'd really be pushing like probably maybe six or seven miles I mean which is a lot for us when we consider the filming yeah and you know and we we kind of get into a flow of things yeah I met up with some of the cific Crest Trail hikers back last year when I was hiking part of the Sierras and you know I was worried because I I love hiking but I'm not a fast hiker mm-hm and I met up with these guys and they were with another group and I was asking how many miles do you average a day I said oh typically about 30 or so no way I could do 30 miles even with like no pack like optimal conditions and there's no I think I got a paved ground yeah 30 miles once and I think honestly I think we could all do it again we could all do it it's just it's just not day after day it's just not comfortable you know say I honestly feel like that would cause problems for my feet because I've had I've had some foot trouble but like that required like going 30 miles wires is good a good amount of conditioning that's a lot that's like no joke yeah I will say oh man I lost my weight okay so we're talking about distance I can oh oh I was no never my god oh say now Whitney was 22 miles and we didn't do too bad on that that was 22 miles round-trip yeah but that's not in one day no no no but it's also a lot of uphill yeah thank you even at happenings I didn't go with you guys but from what I saw in the video seemed like you paced yourselves pretty well though too I think probably helps a lot packing light helped a whole lot too yeah and like that probably the training but that's what I can't understand with you guys is how how and why do you pack so much stuff I mean like I love just like getting a sign pack so much stuff well because about the only thing we get really extravagant with is the food sometimes yeah I was gonna say the food is a big part and sometimes I carry extra things in my backpack in case like we happen upon a circumstance where like using a saw would look kind of cool or like be useful or like I don't know I I carry this like little magnifying lens in my thing just in case conditions are right for like a solar flare I try and I try and keep my pack to under 20 pounds and you guys will see I can answer at least for myself the problem before was that all of our stuff was too heavy yeah so my backpack by itself is six pounds my sleeping bag was six pounds and my tent was six so that's 18 pounds just for that like ridiculous even for a non ultra lighters like yeah yeah so I mean that's why my pack was always so heavy I mean I've recently upgraded the tent and the sleeping bag but well I never brought that much stuff so let me ask you this Thomas what are you let's say you were going on a backpacking trip what would you bring like what do you bring like all right so I got my I got my pack I have my sleeping bag and I don't know how much I don't know how much these weigh individually I got my pack I got my sleeping bag yeah I got my tent Wow I'd say all in all though that's maybe about 10 pounds maybe a little over 10 pounds for all those hides three okay well I mean depending on the sleeping bag can make a huge difference yeah I mean I know whether we're talking about go winter camping so it's not a big sleeping yeah it's a really light sleeping bag you're out in Southern California where it's yeah I I get a little extravagant when I bring my sleeping mat my inflatable sleeping mat which really helps a lot then on top of that and I bring my snacks you know if I if I'm bringing food ooh food I'll bring food and I mean if you bring 50 we're talking about assume you bring food well what I'm saying is if you know I'm bringing like smoked mackerel like some fish or some steak or something like that versus like a dehydrates like animal Crossing's yeah yeah you know like a heavy heavy dinner or like so am i bringing the candles for mood lighting the bubble bath you know what a great the great irony of this is in 2012 on our Smokey's trip thomas definitely packed no I did and you know honestly after that I swore I would never yeah I mean no one can fall hard on making that mistake
how much water do you carry thomas i usually bring my two and a half liter and then a another four now gene see I feel like yes we could all easily cut a lot of weight if we spent the money mm-hmm because there's definitely weight to be cut here and there yeah like I could buy us like a 40 degree sleeping bag and save like three pounds or something but I don't want and I don't need to spend the money I'm okay Carrie I'm okay with the weight that I carry like at this point my packs to point where I'm okay with it and but then there's just a lot of other things that I'm not really willing to give up such as like an air mat to sleep on when I sleep on the ground because I just say I can't sleep on the ground with that one because it ruins my night so I don't know it's just it's just I don't want to make any compromises at this point to my gear and I don't want to have like a set of ultralight deer for when the season or the weather accommodates it at this point yeah it's nice to just have one set you can rely on yeah which actually another thing obviously that we're not mentioning if the camera gear like the camera gear I also actually which brings me to the thing I forgot to say which is like one aspect of nature like how I enjoy nature is I really like to be out there and like not restricted by any sort of time or destination or anything like that like I like to be able to and this is sort of lost because we are filming and because we have to make it to the campsite while also filming and like hope that we still have daylight etcetera but anyway I really like being able to just hike on a trail and just meander and like get distracted if I want to stop and take a break and like write in my journal stuff like that yeah that's what I was gonna say is usually the when I find the most enjoyment out of our trips is when we get to not worry about what time we have to be out of place and we just were just like for example we sit at the side of a river and we're just you just got laughing you know you hear like the wind and the birds and things like that and you just close your eyes and you're like yeah it's so great to be out here and that's that's just what I agree with you after I feel like I've earned it if I hike one mile you're like no come on I got it you know I got to get to at least eight miles before I can feel like I'm just a finalist relax like I can kind of relate to you with that cuz if that was if that wasn't the case then there wouldn't be anything stopping me from just going sitting in my yard which is nice it's a nice experience right right but it's just the same it's not on the same level yeah so I I probably mentioned it in some other stream or podcast or something but I really do think we should all go on a hiking trip no film yeah it's not for an episode because we haven't done that since we should show at least I have a couple times but yeah I'd like to do that yeah well I mean that's the thing I don't think me and Brian yeah that's the thing those like that's part of the enjoyment of backpacking that we might forget about it's like the but just the complete and utter freedom to do whatever you want on your own time I'm like yeah not being restricted to anything and like you can hike eight miles and do that if you're not filming - the way it's it's you have so much more time yeah yeah yeah well actually I want to do what I wanted to ask you guys though is do you guys think that depending on the season you're hiking in it affects your enjoyment or affects the way you tend to enjoy I think is yes next question please able to find you know animals and mushrooms and stuff - regardless of the season but you know depending on the season it may be more difficult man after the shawnee episode or semia I guess well okay like I think every season has its perks and it's beautiful things about it and like it depends on where you go obviously but and like the last episode we did or the the one we just released it's like in this very bleak sort of wintry setting the one without the snow and like that can get a little that can be kind of a downer after you've seen that environment and that that time of year for so long but there's still something beautiful about that but I still think like during the spring when fresh greens are popping out of the ground it's like there's something about that that stands out a little bit more for me it's like a salad bar growing around like that's one way to put it on this but no it's just like you hear all the sounds too and it's just like life is happening huh
out out in California it's a little different because and this is one of the great things I'm gonna miss is no matter what season it is there's always some place you can go hiking and be warm or be cold so for instance even though it's winter right now and there's a ton of snow up in the mountains not a ton but a lot I'm able to go out I'm able to go out in the desert be warm it's in the 70s and I can look up and I can see snow-capped mountains now let's say I wanted to go to those mountains I'm gonna be freaking cold but if I wait a few months I can go up into those mountains and you know I'll be I'll be it'll be in the 60s it'll be nice it'll be enjoyable but you can you can you got that you got that differentiation that you can got options basically what I'm saying yeah yeah that's one thing with the Midwest is like during the summer there's no escape from the humidity and heat really you're a slave to the elements yeah do you yeah go ahead run I was gonna say do you find yourself preferring something more than like do you feel dad read when we camp in a certain season you know I never really feel any dread towards any particular season but I think what happens just on a more general level for me is that I like all the different seasons winter is my favorite season but with every season by the end of it I'm always just waiting for the next one yeah so but I mean that doesn't really relate to hiking at all because we don't go hiking so many times that I get sick of the season while hiking but um see yeah actually I haven't thought too much about the difference difference between the seasons just like weather is a factor like in Shawnee it was really hot and sometimes you're just like man I can I can or like in Germany it was really hot and I comfortable is like and I kind of just wanted to be cold like this might just be bullying it down to like what's your favorite season but for me I mean again I love all the seasons but for some reason spring stands out and like you were just saying by the end of a season you're waiting for the next I think Springs the only one where I don't because like by the end of summer it's like okay it's kind of hot I want to see a change by the end of fall it's like okay everything's bare snow but the end of spring is just like there's more green things that's true like after spring is just summer I wish this would last longer yeah I don't know it's funny I haven't really thought about like any particular differences and how I feel in nature between is cause like the variety is kind of what I'm looking for anyway yeah so yeah it's you know it'll always change soon enough I might also be waxing romantic about spring because it's about to becomes like the longest winter two years like God man remember that time when it was spring was like we came back from Seneca oh it Seneca yeah yeah and it was like 65 degrees for the next year yeah and we're like well I guess Springs here yeah yeah like in the last week it was just yelling and like people are on to their spring break yeah so I feel like once it starts teasing you with the next season you and kind of you're already moving on to that next one I always like during the summer I always look at the leaves and I'm like wow the trees are so full I don't even remember what they look like bare and then now I'm like I don't even remember what they look like all right well let's take a quick break and then we'll move on to the next subject all right well we're back and actually we are going to take some time to talk about our most most recent episode which is going to be our moisturizer which was in Hoosier National Forest and I feel like we don't do this enough and yeah well we're not consistent enough with our pop I think that was the original intention to the podcast cuz like I don't know I found some art I made like a long time ago before we even had the channel and it's like campfire chronicles the companion odd cast of the show not at all what it everything's tangential yeah that's not a big commentary no anyway yeah but um so yeah I wanted to hear your guys thoughts on Hoosier because the funny thing was when you guys were working on the
hmm I was literally telling Andrews like I literally don't remember anything from that trip like I could remember vivid detail what happened on the one after that and part of that is because they were a week apart so it's like yeah Planum but after I watched the Hoosier episode I was like oh yeah that that was actually pretty decent trick you know and and it was there's a lot more to it that I can't believe I forgot but I think one of the big things was that we tried so desperately to get a trip with snow and so we were so dead set on that weekend that we were just like well we're just gonna go yeah film at Hoosier yeah and actually that that episode was gonna be earlier but Robbie got sick and then oh right yeah yeah and we actually missed like some of the big yeah snowfall in Indianapolis and Columbus doing that but don't worry the next one but so I think that was probably the one that will probably ranked up there's one of them colder episodes that we've done yeah because I don't know where guys think that the coldest one was I think Robbie you say it's Mohican or Akuma Tory well Mohican wasn't really an episode I'd say yeah kokumo Tory was the first one that came to mind but now that I think about it Dolly Sods winter I remember being really cold oh really yeah I don't remember that being as bad I guess just the first night when we were taking so long be at the fire going oh this one was probably the coldest for the longest like a the cold never really let up I always feel like the my basis for how cold a trip is is if I go and buy new gear after after that one after Hoosier I went and I bought a layer of like fleece pants oh yeah and some outer like it's kind of like a windbreaker how its outer pants that are waterproof well we should also mention you were using your hammock so yeah that was yeah that was my first time using the hammock and I think I said in the episode but I intended to test it beforehand but I never
and it was also kind of warm a lot of time beforehand I feel like well it was it was such a weird experience cuz so when we were in kuma torii there were a lot of times we were in the Sun or in the shade but like the minute we were in the shade and we stopped walking we got cold mm-hmm
but in this one I felt like the temperature was a lot more consistent at the very least just like always cooled yeah but but you know you were moving and you're you felt okay but then those nights were really brutal at some points yeah did you guys have down jackets and Japan yeah okay I don't think I do the answer and I wore my like typical winter coat and some other stuff underneath okay cuz this is the first time I've had a down jacket and wow what a difference it makes
yeah wait you didn't have it on wit I have one on Whitney I don't in kumatora I get that like that sweater jean jacket kind of calm yeah it wasn't even that [Laughter]
well I was gonna say then the nights that I had in the hammock were I'm pretty much set on using a 10 now in the winter because of that until maybe I get some new winter ham I see part of me now wants to try the hammock in the winter and just see how I do well it's not it's different though in my opinion it's different it's like when you're camping in a tent and maybe you don't have an under a mat yeah it it's still bearable yeah cuz there's not wind like yeah getting your back but you've got when you're lying in that hammock and there's literally just a thin layer of like material between you and just wind blowing constantly it is really bad yeah so even with the underquilt it's well I did have the underquilt but did the under quote well it doesn't block all the wind well I think it was kind of windy the first night and just I don't know I just remember my backside always being cold and whenever I turned it just awful it's like the opposite of a rotisserie chicken that's what we need to do is like light a tiny fire underneath yeah I will say the first night on the trip was many parts of it were really toasty for me I even had a dream and it we say this in the episode but I had a dream that I was so toasty actually in that dream I was like talking with Thomas on like some screen porch let's go back in the tent cuz it's so warm and I remember you guys talking about how warm you were in the different lying in my hammock on that man that'd been nice but the second night was definitely a bit chillier after we switched some gear around yeah I think if you do try hammock camping you should definitely at least do it in the spring at least one just uh yeah because it's really oh man it kind of get a little bit of both the tent and the tarp experience and because you can kind of leave your tarp not completely on top of your hammock so you still get like I really want a side entry yeah yeah yeah I don't know what what what were your thoughts on that trip Rob like I know you were really nice warm the first night right uh yeah so the first night was super nice and warm the second night I don't remember oh yeah so the second night I was just not comfortable sleeping I think it was that midnight snack of all the nuts that we had when I first saw that you guys just sitting there munching on that it was so weird we went to bed really early and then suddenly me and Andrew just both realized we were both wide awake yeah like at 10:00 p.m. yeah you want some nuts yeah why not but actually what I was going to say is my favorite part of that whole trip was all the food like oh and not even like the meals the meals were great good job Andrew but the creamy broccoli soup or whatever that you made that morning and you put a kale in brine oh my god it was so perfect that was a really great warm soup yeah it's like a very idealistic scenario yeah it all sitting there in the morning having a nice hot soup yeah actually I did want to ask one question though real quick mmm-hmm has you guys his mom seen the episode yet no I think she's actually gonna right
yeah at the time of this recording she should be watching okay cuz I want to know what she thought of you being on that ice oh I watch it with my mom and she was getting mad at you wait okay I don't like you guys have never liked to sit up to a little bit okay so that's not there's the issue the issue is the fact that regardless of how safe you think it is if something had happened yeah I know I could have screwed everything up but it's like I didn't like if you were there not by yourself and you were on ice that's just you making really bad but but a minute you fall in someone of one of us is gonna have to go in there which really will get wet we'll be in the middle of the trail cold wet okay but like I was I was epi okay I I slowly did you saw that I slowly tested the ice and I never wandered like more than a couple feet from the shore so it's not like I was going to be okay at the worse it would have been like my knees or something I just don't understand the benefit like it's fun to watch you gotta you gotta go out on an icy pond a little bit I mean it's not like a trounced on there like did ballet there's only like maybe at most six inches deep which is why I was confused by you guys were freaking out how deep was the water it just seemed like it was too hard to I don't think it would have been like at least in the area I was standing I really like I'm good have been that date was like a bog like if I was in the middle of it I get that but I mean it's not like you're I don't know it was Thomas still I mean that's fair like you don't want to get wet in a good camping trip but yeah well it's like it's just basically like if someone else is gonna go out of their way to make my camping trip experience worse then I don't want you to do that seems clear I was like being careful well yeah no no I mean yes from your perspective it seemed careful you just you just have to keep in mind all the other oh I'd like to say to the record that we got several comments about your moonwalking so yeah it wasn't worth it it's very good the best moonwalk yeah I don't know I just there's a very icy episode I felt like we had to experience I was just curious what your mom thought oh I'm sure I'll get in here because it earphone when he's like not wearing a scarf that's Hamas curious what you thought about the up yeah because I guess I guess this is a perspective that me and room Robbie really don't get as often yeah yeah is that the episode from completely fresh it's completely fresh fact someone was saying that we should do commentaries of Thomas watching the episodes which is a great idea yeah like the ones he's not on just have him comment oh that would be really ha so alright so I watched this morning and alright I watched it this morning you know I'm not too out of genomics that I wasn't there I it seemed very cold from a scenery point of view it didn't look spectacular I mean because because the scenery didn't look so spectacular but the big we're getting before I watched it yeah and this is coming from me so it's like yeah I have no business to talk but the more I watched it the more I picked up on like these these these hints of ice and ice as a theme throughout and that's when I really started to like the shots of everything drenched in ice and everything covered those shots of leaves my favorite was the one where you were cracking off the leaf the frozen leaf and it oh yeah I loved that but you know it's it's not really a colorful episode and it's not supposed to be and that's fine but it's not like it's not like your New River Gorge episode which was just bursting with color but that like you call that out of a commentary and I think that's fine I think that's fantastic yeah it's I think I especially mentioned that one just cuz it's an interesting thought but to just cause like that is such a common with Midwestern experience in a lot of our episodes
had that same sort of yeah and Galindo that's one of the things that you don't get with a lot of other YouTube channels too I mean not to toot my own horn here but it's like you know you a lot of times we go and we showcase the most beautiful places on earth which are vibrant which are breathtaking and this was this is home for a lot of Americans and this is what they're used to and so you know when you have you guys go out with a camera like this and you're able to portray that it kind of makes it feel more real legitimizes it it says you know we might not have breathtaking scenery but for us this is an experience and an experience that you California I can't get better for worse except their archives it won't take your breath but you are always amazed by you guys you're able to take such a boring experience and make it very watchable a French origin well so what was your favorite part of the episode actually we should all just do a go around saying yeah so mine actually it might be the shots of us talking inside of our shelters both you and your hammock and me and mine I don't for some reason I really like those shots where it feels like you're in Seattle I have to give some behind the scenes on that because it's just the thought of it is hilarious the shots of me talking in my hand Andrews literally at the foot of my hammock I'd say that and also the the food scene in the setting up camp the first night we're both really good cuz Robbie you were saying we should we intentionally like put effort into interesting shots and it really paid off yeah it was funny how just like little camera moves of like unpacking and cooking the fried rice and stuff like my mom when we were watching it together she even pointed out like without me prompting or anything is like oh wow that was really cool what you do there with the the fried rice I turned you in the show
and everything yeah so cinematography wise my favorite shot was with the horses because it has that crunchy guitar in it cause it like yeah look at those epic horses I love that part this is very you'll eat that one guitar hit and it hits right with the horses I also like the walking towards the cemetery because I just love cheesy slow motion hiking but just overall my favorite thing about the episode is just like the funny random moments that we had like where we get to that one care but then you're like the Lannisters will attack that I was cracking I was so hard when you different I was trying to remember because when we saw that I was like wait oh you know we stayed here and we ate hot pine there's like wait no mate that was the trip after yeah yeah yeah that would be a good hotpot you should bring like a tablecloth from now on I think my favorite part I've really liked the morning scene the second morning scene just like the whole of it because I I don't know about you guys but for me kind of captured this feeling of us kind of becoming a bit more accepted accepted accepting well yeah accepting of our current situation of resigned what we were it because like you know like typically if you see someone and they're camping and they're cold they'd be complaining and things like that but you know we've got we've reached kind of that point where we're a bit more just like we accept it and we know that you guys just got to get through that morning have that hot suit yeah start packing up and things like that did we even complain this episode this completely completely the only bit of complaining we did was when we like would recount our nighttime sleep pants yes be like man my feet were cold but people like we always get comments where it's like you guys complain too much I mean not a lot but we I see comments here in there and it's like well part of that is because like there is an experience there we want to convey it's not necessarily that like we mind it like we know that's part yeah yeah absolutely
but you got to convey it and it's kind of fun to watch yeah I'm like great thing about what's happening what oh I'm glad I wasn't with you because I would have complained a lot yeah the cold doesn't all that much it's damp cold and that looked like damp yeah yeah damn it the dampness is does it damp I don't think it was particularly damp that the next one was the first night was I think but and after it rained a little it's that cold where it just seeps into all your clothes and you just can't escape it yeah I don't think it was really that I think that was more that you'll see in the next episode with the snow that was yeah you would hated that well like I said after that trip I went out and I bought fleece pants and man those pants were really nice on it alright next we had the waterproof ones too well it's just I didn't realize how good a layer of fleece would be on your legs but it makes everything stay warm because you know how like usually after a day of hiking in the cold it's like your legs feel okay but when you actually touch them they're actually really cold it's like that wasn't the case it was really comfortable so if you guys if we do cold winter camping up so I recommend it in the air I've also hate snow it's called damp by the way I shout out in my saddlebag dude I don't know if you picked up on yeah yeah references people who recognize one of the problems I get when I'm cold and this is something that's actually hereditary my dad gets it too is I don't know if you I don't know if you can see it but well you guys can't see it because I'm not on there but when it gets cold there's something that goes on with the blood in my hands and like even now my hands are it's probably what maybe six upper 60s in my room right now and I'm squeezing my hands and change colour they change colour and they they become white when I put
pressure on them and then when a good hmm that's normal right mine are pretty indistinct though I'll show you guys next week well yeah I guess we'd have to see just how much of a difference but I mean from a biological standpoint that makes sense because if you're cold and you've got like blood more blood going through your fingers to kind of warm them up you're gonna see a more noticeable difference when you're squeezing - cuz you're squeezing that blood I mean it's normal no but my turn right now it's 60 and my hand like that I'll put some pressure on it and it's white and stays white for a few segments I do feel like it probably helps having like a good circulatory system that can pump your blown around or something so wait Thomas well let me just get right on that I'll just - go ahead up in this circle right away Thomas I'd the Lannisters Lannister part which I cracked up during I liked it when you guys came to the ridge and you said oh this looks just like the the ridge that we came last time and you had to chose between the two I like that oh yeah I'd say my favorite part though was watching you guys eat at the end the at the restaurant oh yeah I can really relate to that you guys didn't name the restaurant and oh my god we did I feel like they deserve - ah so Robbie what was the name of that restaurant crap it's called Trojan horse okay it's in Bloomington Indiana it's just downtown Bloomington right in the heart of the University and it's my favorite bird one of my favorite and that's why I wanted the shadows like okay what is it what is it it's I can't believe I forgot to say that that's so stupid haha we'll be fine dang I I thought you said it maybe I knows maybe I didn't hear it but I don't think yeah I maybe I missed it too we were just so eager to get a meet that's making me hungry I'm gonna go get some right after this well yeah oh I didn't have one more thing to add actually with the hoosier episode and I know this probably was totally unintentional but especially on the third day when it was really sunny and he had a lot of the frozen droplets but I noticed a lot of like I guess intentional blur and depth of field and oh yeah because of that and all of like the bright Sun and and and there's the droplets in the distance it read it it made it feel like it was really like like it was like some sort of fantasy or dream yeah a mystical yeah like like like like you know how like in a TV show when they try to portray someone's having a dream or a memory and it's kind of guy got this hazy look it almost felt like that
I love that it's like the pokeballs and like the depth of field I love is very sparkly that's really the tent yeah it's it's in it like a jet the balls you call those pokeballs but the blurring is just called bokeh yeah although people we are you over how you pronounce it some people say bouquet some people say bokeh isn't it rooted in Japanese though is shouldn't there be any that's what I would think but I never actually looked it up so I don't know are they are bokeh balls different from lens flares yeah yeah little squares are just the colored players from light bokeh balls are like there's not in my view but it's like it's like yeah diffuse light that's in a circle I never thought about that I guess that's something I love the way it looks yeah like that the the look of that is how I want my music to like some hipster nostalgic dreamy music sound way that look and I want my food to taste like you it's a moment II well I think all and all that episode actually turned out pretty good ya know but well like I said at the beginning was like I forgot everything about that trip but once I watched it I was like wow that actually it ended up being pretty good any guys uh someplace in California I think you guys are gonna love it it's gonna be it's gonna be a little tough because we got some uphill hikes but it's gonna be worth it by the time a podcast out is that what yeah I've already gone there yeah probably yeah okay well awesome yeah
so maybe next episode will probably be discussing our next whatever the next one is which is gonna be its Seneca Rocks and spruce knob well spruce knob yeah right well notice Anakin said agree we're just Seneca Rocks we'll go with them whatever it is and then something out in California which I don't know we can we can leave that as let will be going somewhere here's a here's a hint it's a surprise for us if we're good and we're more consistent about these podcasts it's it's big oh yeah it's big all right well thanks for joining us here on campfire chronicles again I'm Brian you got Andrew we got Robbie [Laughter]
oh yeah I know thank you so much for joining us be sure to like the video comment with your thoughts and questions subscribe to our channel if for some reason you're not yeah and also as I mentioned earlier join our patreon community because we actually we do have a lot of really cool stuff happening there we do that weekly live streams weekly Hoosier bloopers are worth yeah yeah
bloopers comment approvers are like early end minutes long or maybe it's almost 10 minutes yeah yeah that's it's it's like a sixth of the episode and that's because we but ya know you you get to vote on special episodes once in a while once in a bitch move voting on the next actually no we need to talk about that at some point instead of done lying about anything the point is all of that is for two dollars and like you get even more if you pay more so it's it's a it's a whole party there's like gogo dance a lot of fun yeah it's a no actual gogo yeah and also um you know it's not a huge deal if you can't support us to patreon at the moment but if you want to contact us you can reach us through Facebook their Facebook yes at slash adventure archive yeah yeah and then we also have well we've got don't do Twitter our YouTube automatically post thanks to Twitter we do not look at the Twitter like if you want to reach us make sure you send a Facebook message or an email Facebook is also a great way to stay updated on upcoming events and like yeah meetups which might be happening pretty since meetups we might have to discuss yeah and lastly if you want to really really help us consider posting some more videos to Reddit to hike or forums to places that they're not already on basically we'd love to share it with other people but we can't really just go out and share hey watch our video and everyone's gonna be like dad no yeah we need someone else if you like it you know we're not telling you to do it if you don't but if you do like it please consider it like if you don't like ignore us pretend we don't exist yeah give us a thumbs up okay no but thank you guys so much for listening or watching if you're on YouTube bye we'll see you guys next time yep
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- Winter Camping at Hoosier National Forest Early Release Out Now! Public Release April 1st!
- Meetup! June 3rd Announcement
- How to Tie 3 Essential Camping Knots | Prusik, Trucker's Hitch, & more
- Campfire Chronicles #24 | The Roadtrip Episode Part II
- Eat Your Lawn | Identifying Edible and Medicinal Weeds in your Yard
- Campfire Chronicles #23 | The Roadtrip Episode
- Vasquez Rocks & Satan's Den | Desert Hiking Los Angeles 4K
- Big Sur to Death Valley California Road Trip in 4K | Part I
- Winter in Lake Tahoe in 4K | Snowshoe Hiking & Sunset Cruise
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hammock Camping and Hiking Manistee River Trail in Michigan
- Seneca Creek Snowstorm 4K | Blizzard Camping & Hiking in West Virginia
- Canoeing in the Bayou, Hiking in Texas, and Exploring a Southern Plantation
- Point Mugu and Malibu | Hiking near LA 4K
- The American Southwest | Zion National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley in 4K
- Point Reyes near San Francisco 4K | Camping & Hiking Coast Camp
- American Southwest Roadtrip: Coming August 1st!
- The Deep South in 4K | Canoeing the Bayou, Hiking Texas, and Exploring a Plantation
- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
- The Paw Paw Festival | Trying Pawpaw Beer and Food, Starting Friction Fire, and Throwing Atlatls
- Natural Hotsprings, Mono, and Convict Lake in 4K | Sierras Rt. 395
- Canoeing the Mad River in Ohio 4K
- Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
- Mt. Katahdin | Hiking the Maine Appalachian Trail at Baxter Peak 4K
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hiking, Camping and Canoeing Disaster on the Manistee River
- Wildcat Hollow Trailer - Coming Dec 1 - Early Release available NOW!
- How to make a Bushcraft Wreath using Natural Materials 4K
- Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Jacket Overview/Review
- Wildcat Hollow 4K | Ohio Backpacking, Hiking and Camping in Wayne NF
- Hour Long Campfire 4K | Virtual Fire for Christmas Holiday with Natural Sounds