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Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 13 // Questions and Answers


Question and answer time, and a huge Mega Man collection.

Tags: japan,japanese,sega saturn,sony playstation,mega man collection

Video Transcription

open says me the speeds Eto's the thing he's a toast as a delicious thing they come home from working away I'm I make a big dinner tonight and then he opened the fridge in your sexy cheese I see pizza sauce I've got bread pizza toast it is it's just basically do you like cheese and sauce I do you do our friend AJ bought this how much was this in US dollars about 475 this is absolute mint this came out like 30 years ago now this is a console to like the SNES yellowed Wow yeah there's not a single scuff scratch anything on it anywhere I'm not too sure why AJ is entrusting this me to take these are the games that I bring them back for AJ going too hard off which is another used game store I am going to buy a two dollar and eighty cents PlayStation 1 to play all those games that I want make somebody burning something you smell that when i came to japan in high school we rode our bikes to and from school every day and I remember one time there was typhoon level of rain by the time I got home we were completely wet somehow riding a bike in the rain you get much wetter than normal that's what she said this is my favorite Christmas movie I literally don't understand how anybody can work here I would have killed myself after the first day I was hoping I would get lucky and not buy anything else I bought two Playstations one was less than three dollars and one was less than one dollar there's no returns at that store so hopefully one of them works have you had good luck with junk working or no I've never about anything that's broken oh really thousand yen like that's eight dollars and fifty cents in box Sega Saturn good model two controllers so I was not playing on getting a Saturn but then when Michael found this I was like I was thinking like you should get this and I say that because I was also there to buy the exact same thing same model three times the price oh no the yellow PlayStation seems to turn on and only turn on but is not even spin him batting 500 I should say on the consoles one of two both times okay okay question and answer time how was the pizza hut pizza it was good Michael's favorite pizza hut is Michael's favorite pizza in Japan or just period period period are all the locks on residential doors in Japan the same as Michael's apartment no just most of the new cookie cutter Japanese apartments I wonder which part of the lock he was talking about specifically is Japanese pop culture really as big as most Americans think I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the question but I love Japanese pop culture as far as like games music that type of thing you know what he means by that I feel like Westerners think it as being bigger than Japanese people actually do go live it every day that's for sure for me living here the big huge crossing at Shibuya is just another Street to me because I work there I think the answer to that question is it's just big to us because we don't live there okay I'm told the metro train system is incredibly reliable and time accurate have you found that to be true it's extremely accurate always on time and not on time they like apologize profusely

do you find that the presumption that the Japanese live to work rather than work to live has truth to it absolutely I don't need to say anything besides that yes but a lot of the salaryman the business guys yeah I'm sure they're like I got up at five this morning I worked until 10 or 11 at night took the last train home slept for like three or four hours and I'm gonna go do it again and they do that five six days a week sometimes seven I've seen it a few times now in your vlog people walking around with what appears to be surgical mask or a particulate mask of some sort ? four times everybody has sars here in the season where people get sick they just put them on to try to prevent themselves from getting sick also you'll see girls wear it because going out without makeup is like a big no-no so like if they don't have makeup on that is put a mask on and then get makeup on later what kind of camera are you using i'm using the sony a7s mark to what ? box copy of FF 7 ? is not technically a question but i just bought an extra copy for 89 cents so send me an email with your address and i will send you a copy of that ok that's it thank you for question-and-answer ask more questions if you have I got a fever and the only prescription is more mega man didn't realize how well up show us my collection was until I laying it all out my custom painted Megaman famicom japanese and yes this was in the blog right yeah recently acquired a tank which we are going to partake of shortly these are nano blocks they have these mistakes some scotch tape megaman 1 2 3 4 5 & 6 7 I don't have 8x x2 x3 rahman and forte the saturn version of x3 x4 the PlayStation versions of x5 and x6 x7 anniversary collection these are the two arcade fighters Megaman Advent ZX this is the zero collection 0 02 03 04 solrock man rockman rahman dash game boy so 1 2 3 4 5 x and x-2 some files japanese students get this kind of cool stuff away proto man in japan known as Bruce and my placement assume why do I will not be eating dinner off of this 2d 3d don't most of these usually takes Kylie fruit punch II it is not blue way clear hey I guess then I catley say they did not add good coloring to it smells like seven up cheers to a awesome 10 days of more games games games here we go thank you for hosting I was expecting it to be carbonated yeah it's not it's like juice it just tastes like seven up that's been sitting in the model for a while exactly it's slightly heavier like there's an extra

there's extra corn syrup and I think well I was just telling you today that i actually like some covered in drinks like right when they blocks the carbonation and nothing changes this is sort of a crisis is decent for me it's like sugar huh you

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

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Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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