Campfire Chronicles Podcast #19 | VIDEO PODCAST | Resolutions, The Channel, & Live Q&A
Sorry for the audio quality, folks. In this episode we talk sorta candidly about our new years resolutions and our channel, and then answer questions live.
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Sony A7s ii -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic GH4 -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, Robby Huang, and Thomas Sinard
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2017
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud
Video Transcription
okay welcome to camp fire Chronicles episode 19 we've got the whole gang here though it's sunny in Columbus yes today is the day after Christmas it's Boxing Day
oh okay why did you shave your beard I think that's the first question people should ask oh the last podcast call it beard but I just forgot a little it just stops you know it's about Asians and beards is that what you saw in him was about as much as it was good right yeah so I think I've shaved all right left it on shape for almost the entire month of November and I think around like week - yeah you see my weed you saw my beard when I first came here was a lot bigger than this yeah yeah and then I accidentally the guard on the razors slip from 11 millimeters to 3 million right okay so today we're gonna talk about today we're here to talk about New Year's resolutions or what you did in 2017 that you're proud of or not probably just not something in the year from nothing so I guess we've talked about the channel a little bit we went to Mount Whitney Germany picture rocks my mouth
yeah Oh diverges in spring time last year I was almost like wow that's weird how quickly that goes like that when we got back from that trip was when we saw the Star Wars trailer but yeah you know I don't know my new year's resolutions I think is like to continue to attempt to fix my sleep schedule and try not to fail right that'll never do things I had a new year's resolution for like the past three years to go to bed at 11 and I realize that's the problem with that I said that's not really in your control because it's like a hormonal thing like you can go to bed at 11:00 every night but some nights you're gonna be just lying in bed for like two or three hours just trying to go to bed so instead I'm like trying to transition my resolutions from something that I can't really control into something like instead eating right and getting up at the right time so that the 11:00 p.m. bedtime happens more naturally rather than I do want to try let me ask you guys this question you think New Year's resolutions are worth making do you make them I don't think you need New Year's to make a resolution but if that's gonna be the motivator works for some so Who am I to say it doesn't you know me yeah I try and you know I try and use the time of here to time think about what I've done and how I could improve myself I think the worst thing to do is say okay it's the beginning of the new year I'm going to lose weight because everyone else is gonna be doing that I think you should you know if you want to lose weight definitely lose weight they don't let that be a seasonal thing or like don't wake okay we give myself three months and then I'm gonna start losing that's important to you then you should start doing it yeah I just feel like the year it's like such an eyesore how I'm like new start it's like I I think it's useful as a motivating tool to like start on it I think it's good to have like times in your life where you're like okay this is when I'm gonna like I mean it's bad if you keep doing that if you can step up but I think it's there's nothing wrong with like having a period in your life you're like okay I wanted to really try to make a change and it's meteors too curiously yeah maybe people are like I don't know do people like joke about New Year's resolutions and like well I just don't think it's funny of it is like when my mom and I had we had the zumba studio every year like clockwork January February March we're just our busiest times people just continually make those resolutions but they never stick with them and we all know that we don't sit with them or we keep making the resolutions we should have a quarter year resolution I'm looking so I'm moving back home and quitting my job at the February but I'm using that time and using a month period after that just to kind of think about Who I am where I am and try and make changes within that month period of just employment well actually why don't you go talk about the reasons for why you're moving back if you care to share them I'm I just want to go back to school I think yeah I think I'm at a good point in my career where I'm looking at it I'm in the industry that I love but it's not let's top it up in the industry that I love but when I'm doing it's something I thought I wanted to do in the war I do it where I realize that I think somebody else could do a better job and I think my skills can be used elsewhere but in order to do that I go back to school he also misses coming around we as you intro you did it was like we could do like a Voltron thing I think if you want to you want to watch our thoughts on Star Wars check out round because I want to get in depth that star that's gonna be spoiler yeah no I think yeah I was gonna say like I feel like I probably got more resolutions playing around my head I just don't want to share them because I don't want people know yeah how inadequate of a human being may seem more human yeah I mean I'll share my hat as the seats and I have a question is is being neater among any of those resolutions general just like for the last week it was here might be a different kid okay this is starting the good of the Buchanans that were there or we can't go there in fact there's a bit - okay well I'll share my answer so the thing that I'm just trying to do in general is to like I found that I can get the most like you don't think you can always make like these resolutions like I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that but then when push comes to shove you just don't feel like doing it the the main thing that I found to actually make those things happen is to just focus on myself like if I just focus on my health those things come naturally like motivation to do things that comes about when I'm well rested I've got I've had enough to eat that's not low-quality crap that just makes me feel like more crap and it makes so much easier to just do like things like like you know how like when you go you're like that at night you got like these great ideas in your own words that night yeah do all motivated in bed but then as soon as you get up in the morning you're in a slide there that motivation is gone and I feel like if you can keep your health good it's good the right word there well health your health is good yes if you keep yourself healthy then during the day you'll actually have that motivation yeah I feel like a lot of it is also just doing small things and trying to fall into a pattern of it oh yeah leading to the inertia of life yeah I think the key is to get out of the inertia come knocking on your house every day saying all right what we're gonna do today yeah so you're moving back I mean moving back
I got a different New Year's resolutions even though I just said that one of them is to work on the channel almost full time between when I quit my job and when I started school okay when are you starting school oh okay so you get a lot of time
yeah I've got six months of unemployment for focusing on the channel hopefully we'll get some more content so do we have a like I give like we always do one big trip every year you have an idea of what you guys want to do for the big trip nicer I did well don't the trainer one yeah so I mean that's a big trip that Thomas have been going on that oh you're just talking about it yeah we've officially like discuss or agreed on one yeah I think we should agreement oh yeah that's right excellent
okay yeah the plans 350 bucks for to wait plenty because this is so cheap because it's cheaper at the cheapest am I going to Iceland denies everything else that's what they say but he wouldn't do a smart jollification we should watch syntaxes video consume it dies yeah I got some people for some tips I really want to get I think a lot of my new year's resolution has to do with the channel and getting a lot more exposure out there yeah cuz I feel like one of the things that we as adventurers could do is make more content on rating dances you're talking about that but it's one thing to keep making the content that someone's going to push out and make connections and you know I think there's some possibilities out there with PBS with certain brands out there you could reach hey you got some good stuff I think we make more videos I mean we were talking about this earlier if you make more videos that are actually cared to what people watch on YouTube like top 10 lists top 5 lists and those types of things because like the videos are really cool to watch that they're not the type of thing that somebody would do you remember back when we started the channel we have the side videos we were like yeah so yeah now I see that like now I noticed that a lot it's certainly people's videos it works any like that we were talking about clickbait last night during Christmas and my sister-in-law was talking about some sort of How I Met Your Mother clickbait that she actually started accidentally started reading and I was like you know what like I would click on How I Met Your Mother clickbait and I've never even seen the show like the clickbait is so effective you're like oh yeah I want to know why he didn't date that one girl it's gummy - it's terrible yes terrible but and that's kind of what my new year's resolutions is like all right you could play it you can play life fair but if everyone also can place coming well no I mean what are they be Moore's coming we're gonna good way people but kuving's them in a good way okay so we're in a hoodwink you into what one thing you'll know for sure is that you won't have to sift through to like a minute of like introduction in our yeah yeah cuz so many times you click something and someone in the comments is like okay this is when you find out what the time so yeah you know what up my boy Andrew here no no we're gonna talk about her favorite tulip poplar we're gonna get the thirty thousand likes which by the way that confuses me you know we put up side videos oh yeah that is a good question it's like you know and I'm not complaining or anything but why do the side videos only hit eight thousand and I think I found the answer it's going Wow our full episodes you know
Whitney's already at like 30,000 what is the answer Sri Lanka's the sharing I think people are more likely to share the fourth videos like push them on Facebook post among but like a river okay yeah no we should ask them to comment about like what what about the channel makes you gravitate more towards the full up so it's if that's the case with you at least if you're watching this podcast it's probably you could probably swatch all whole and according to YouTube that doesn't make sense because their side videos are between 5 and 10 minutes yeah those are like that's think perfect feel like many titles aren't that different yeah like one theory I have is maybe our layout of the channel has more influence than I realized well I just feel like the whole episodes it's like the bread and butter like if I were watching this channel that's what I would be most excited right like the side videos my gosh is the side video sure I would say it's because well this is what I voice is just that stuff we do and episodes just have more searchability that's really
things that like you know people aren't going to search for our podcast as much they're not gonna search full podcast of course oh yeah no then you'd like to see any other hiking video like the fantasy our video the CR is a big clickable word and yeah oh yeah I think I'm the first to admit that it might be just because it's a wee video it doesn't have the rest of you guys and itself as a deterrent I don't mean either we to sit in the Sun okay anyway but it's you know it's it's just not as interesting when it's just one person but you know the click abilities they're Sierra it has fallen this year I thought that that would have been bigger our subscribers like might just know about navigating the channel I have I mean I still think my biggest belief is just comes down to search ability even even if you think something as search ability it's just so hard to predict because like when you look at other people's YouTube channels people do upload a lot of videos consistently like just virtually a lot of guessing some YouTube vid there's some channel last night and it's destiny videos a lot of and it's basically day playing like he does a lot he's he's like really good at the game and he does some of the hardest content like Andrew who understands us but he was doing like the prestige knife also okay and those videos get like 20,000 bees compared to its other regular videos where it'd be just him doing like almost like talking about the missions or something like that and that would be like 8,000 views it's nice maybe yeah maybe people really notice like
thumbnails we're all exactly the same you know the only difference the text on it I mean that's the more interesting these are watch prestige rightful yeah also I'm saying like it just yeah an admission so yeah exactly so it's like no because this subscribe cat wasn't 20 bath so it was just like I guess search Billy it makes a huge to know I think it just makes sense that the videos are better like our full episodes are just better videos inside videos yeah like except for Current River them I mean s yeah see that's what's English from the fallout so I feel like that I don't yeah yeah you like you think River but now it's a mystery well cuz like even our most like that since we do that are at the most like weird locations like that's the word that I'm bailing those usually like rack up 20,000 views in a couple weeks whereas like Kern River you think would it be that different interesting you've just broken in thousand right so then that can be a good segue into the next thing which is alright so we have our full episodes which people said they're like Riverside videos which you know like I said no one likes but fewer people what are their what other videos can we make that people out there would be interesting to see yeah I guess that's the question we have to ask them what do you want to watch I mean you can try me in gear videos we don't want anything here videos for you're very much dislike you know we we talked about me to some food videos recipe videos and stuff your camera review because actually like the second most popular video our Channel yeah well that that's a one time in my life that I said I'm gonna make this video and I know for a fact that's gonna get a hundred thousand years it's got over two hundred thousand but that's also not our channel's content so I doubt the people who's our subscriber want more camera reviews and that's just a special engagement but you know I maybe we've talked to all so talked about adding like the top 5 lists yeah top 5 places in Ohio go camping I want to do a like how to hike in Los Angeles because everyone goes to the same few places Runyon Canyon and the Hollywood sign and they're like okay those places are great but there's so many more places out there and I got to show people where those places are actually one thing we could mention is if I were watching right now one thing I would be thinking is well why don't you just make more full episodes good deterrent or it not to turn but the reason why at least for me we don't make more is because it's really creatively taxing just totally disregarding how hard it is to schedule everybody there to do a trip so like doing one trip a month I think we can't get up to that pace we were out there for a while and I don't know what happened but like the week or week and a half with me editing and writing music it's just once you're done with that you're like I can't look at this for like at least a week or two it doesn't like to do two a month just like I don't think we can ever get we don't even like we watched the episode like once or twice after we're done in the after that we just like I might watch scenes but like yeah yeah when we first started making videos like after we finished and watch them over and over you know but now oh like I'll watch it once more okay what's say to be fair that when you guys edit the full videos you like like burn yourself like you go like you know 18 is the taters I mean I don't know what you ever need to do it because if you think of burning yourself out to do one episode how could we how could we moderate that and and increase the pace well I mean like your schedule from what I've noticed it's like your schedule
follow like I don't know it just seems like because since you don't live here like you don't live near us right most of the time you come over here and then you only have a very limited amount of time so you guys flying cram as much in there but I feel like if the ability for you to like lick this is just high all hypothetical but this like if you guys live together right then you could like do like a normal like six like work for six hours like a like a pen a semi a normal work schedule yeah and then you would feel less for not because you be on rhythm yeah rather than suddenly for a week you're just non-stop you know cramming things into this video so it's kind of where I want to do with Andrew okay I got nothing to do today you know we don't have to make full episodes both when we go out and just shoot some random stuff try out some of those yeah yeah well I mean oh maybe it is possible that we could I just don't know at one every two weeks though it just seems like a full episode so yeah I mean just like like you said just explaining yeah well actually I'm sort of a similar topic I know me and Thomas were talking about this but like I've always wanted to do like I were way back when I had the idea for like an urban episode or something I don't think that would actually fit but like you were talking about how it'd be cool to do some sort of video where we go places and we actually like talk to people and explore up things outside of just clearly willingness back then it's adventure archives it's not hiking our cameras yeah I love hiking and I think that I contributed read and mothers show but I like the idea of going to sort of you know when will be good let me drive to Hocking Hills and we look at like an interesting town that's like way off in the distance and I've always wanted to go there and find out what's who's at the bar I think would be its own series but yeah it'd still be like maybe piece of cotton ya know cause it's so interesting to hear what other people have to say there's so mean if somebody shows out there where people go to do your
or LA or San Francisco everyone goes to those places what do people go to just towns no one ever seems to notice that's something we can totally do I actually think urban archives could totally fit we have a channel like I mean people might say like no I want outdoors wilderness but like they also haven't seen what we could do with the trailer park guys and also they don't have to watch my projects I think we're compromising other bands on the Sega these videos yeah I mean that would also help with burnout as well because it'd be a different type of video from doing any different type of music and stuff too it's like that's like the big creep like when I say creatively taxing like music is like what I'm talking about like anything is like that's very just put it in place but like writing music is just so exhausting it would be cool for the urban archives or because videos too would be guest musicians because I know you like to keep the hiking videos to like pretty close to the chest on the music yeah yeah but if for the urban ones we have messages kind of not all the time but I'm sure if we opened it up a little bit more you get some decent up-and-coming artists vocally yeah we'll just want to put yourself out there ya know it's funny actually a good mess of a morning a really big YouTube channel they just switched to this for episode format when they release four videos every day and like the show only got better as far as I was concerned but the comments like people who are like at the beginning I think people adjusted to it but they were like oh I don't like this is so different from the original blah blah blah blah and I think whenever you do anything new even if it was still the same thing it's like there will be that resistance we go to whether it's a YouTube channel or a 8th episode of the Star Wars series you try something never gonna like it on that Current River video we got some comment saying like that somebody didn't like it it felt too much like an anthony bourdain show and that's like I I will take that as a compliment because sponsored by the National Parks feels like it was sponsored by Subaru or something oh right
so actually on the side video I Andrew and I guess we video because we tend to cook try to you know cook a lot of interesting things in our videos of course not all are very practical but I think it'd be cool if we took some of our own ideas and like many users to the middle ideas and created really nice videos about you know preparing the food up campfire because I think a lot of people especially people who are new to camping just have zero idea about what they should bring for food do you like it gray Slough yeah it's ramen and you know like restrike you know the $10 bags of dehydrated food so yeah don't get outside here don't get out I'm sorry Alpine air if you're watching like everybody thinks you suck especially the veggie Brie well the brie is real thing all the comments they were agreeing with this area all my narrative terrible so but I want to put out I want to put it out there so like if you've got suggestions on like if you think you've got a good camping food and you I still like give it a shot I'm told they down to do that because we look like ideas on that it's not it's none of us willing to carry like cans tomato sauce like this is backpack impractical by any means but I did just get a nice 12-inch skillet
did you have it well there's something like Canada Yellowstone oh I knew is I got a stainless steel plastic yeah I know I got this cast-iron skillet good customers do me season it comes pre season but I got it let's proceed in it just in case I never had much luck with cast iron
I got tried to use it before but I've always used on traditional stove I know an actual fire that's a card in it barely I guess I've always thought about reserving cast iron stuff to dyskinesia campus yeah we did that oh yeah there's a small one to him yeah no we got one yeah we're gonna take a quick break and we will rejoin you in a few seconds
okay so I'm just gonna say we're back did them all answer questions okay yeah that's fine okay and we're back we're also alive on Instagram Thomas is doing the live feed so we can get questions and we've got questions from the last episode this one is from Nancy ow she says here's a silly one would you rather eat flavored curry or curry flavored poop I would do poop flavored curved because one depending on the type it might not be that bad okay no sometimes you sometimes you poop and you're like this smells like food and if it was fitted with itself a pen and second you're still eating curry whereas eating poop gives you diseases an activity that's true yes and that's the killer than me as I would do poop favorite curry because we know that curry is actually food curry flavored poop is still poop hold on I thought you would have your poop which is smelling curry no oh god yeah would you rather eat it yeah okay for all of you uh you have any questions we're answering questions on our next podcast so feel free to type them in and we'll answer okay so I think the poo flavor occuring obviously okay so kanji ass how did you speak on backpacking in terms of a sh t f so I got experience that means the S word hits the fan so like a sort of bug out survival I don't know how would you speak on backpacking in terms does that mean I don't know yet I do not have that experience and I'll just be Fatone yeah well like I assume he's not talking about well let's start off like have we ever had that experience like the closest would be blackheads or something no it's probably been like already I guess I misunderstood like you're camping and then no so I think that acronym I think if buggy now generally refers to like some sort of disaster happens and you've got to like bring your bug out bag and get out there and escape and like make sure you're away from dancers honestly for me whatever I had given a thought it was just basically I would basically have everything because that's probably the most prepared Oliver bees if I just clothes and things like that that's the most I've thought about it yeah I know a lot of people other people who are into like prepping and Nicole is into it right yeah she's technic I think she's got if I got back really curiously she would have to say but I've definitely thought about it and like I thought it would be cool to have like a bag in my car and here that I could just like grab whatever I also I especially liked the idea this isn't exactly like a survival thing but I like the idea of being able to like travel in my car and also just sleeping in a fight I think you know I've never ridden a motorcycle kind of between the cars we know I guess yeah if like some type of event happen that I would need to do that which I can't really think of any event where I would need to do that like even if like a nuclear bomb that dropped like in a city like saying I dropped downtown right like the fallout like the explosion didn't reach here but like I had to get out of here like I would still have a car and I would try to get to like another city I don't think I just head right to the wilderness yeah but I mean just backpacking stuff water filter yeah I feel like there would be potential to refocus what you're carrying in the sense that like maybe well one obviously more neccessity versus like luxuries but also like maybe you would bring certain tools so you could like stay yourself out there rather than bringing the item itself like I don't know like if you were really good at it you could like bring me a hatchet and a song instead of a shelter or you could bring a shelter I can imagine yeah I mean just like for me personally I don't have any experience with yes hi we're doing it yeah yeah no just just forever because now we have 20 times if you have any questions were answering questions on our next campfire Chronicles podcast so please ask questions see voices have any of you guys tried lucid dreaming or OBE techniques outer body experience oh yeah I don't think I've really tried anything but I will say I've had a lucid dream before I remember distinctly one of them was I was dreaming that I was in my room and I became aware that it was a dream and I was like I kind of want to wake up now and I just thought to myself like I'm gonna close my eyes really hard and like try to force myself awake and I did and I actually woke up and solution to dream I think I mean I think that sort of loose it feel like loosen is when you're aware and when you yeah control I think it's just being aware is the main thing that's probably most that I've ever had to then with being aware that I was dreaming and trying to wake myself up as I've never actually tried anything this was an answer the question completely but I do want to try sensory deprivation chambers there's a few in Los Angeles before I go back I want to let's try because I bring a GoPro think you just have a black screen in the top gear's yeah I feel pretty deprived but I think the interesting I've heard people have made waves a lot of hikers on PCT hikers you know do that for distressing after I occurs yes is very dear they're repeating I have had lucid dreams before I think I've had like three or four and they were never purposely induced but during the dream is really weird because I could I realized I was dreaming nothing oh yeah I got a why maybe I shouldn't say this okay well I'll tell you back the the PG one the one was like as I I'll do in a lucid dreaming so I walked into this room and I was aware that I was the one walking and then I just went into the room and it was just like this old bed in this old mirror and then I was like okay well let me look to see who's in the bed and then I woke up see I I've heard that if you find yourself in a lucid dream you can actually make yourself yell increase lucidity Thomas or trips
yelling at me tonight alright so we've got some more questions here okay well why don't we get through these real quick before we go to the answer and once okay if you real quick if you have any questions ask me here we're answering okay would you rather listen to only music but never watch films or watch only films and never listen to music the first one was music no film yeah just some person um music for me I have to have music yeah I watched maybe two or three movies a year yeah and I make enough videos myself that I this thing is because I I like watching movies and I actually I love music but I don't listen to it as much as most people but then I realized that I use utilitarian way until eteri way in the sense that I listen to it I like go jogging yeah okay so Muhammad Umar Mustafa asks three questions let's why don't you ask one Instagram crushable brightness let's see have you ever been to Alaska I used to live there and did it an amazing three-day 30 mile hike called Pro Pass this comes from Lana Tendo but no major like this it was on a cruise with our parents and we didn't really do that's all like glaciers and yeah we took my god no that wasn't okay so yeah we barely did anything Alaska because I mean long story short it was like our first families cruise and we weren't we were like how should we pay extra money for these extra things that you can do and because a lot of the stuff sounded interesting like one was like riding on a dogsled thing like that but anyways we would I think we've all discussed that we really like to go to Alaska we're just not sure about the whole preparation and everything to it but it's definitely going to happen just not sure what kind of good one for you Robbie okay well before hold again that one okay we'll ask Mohammed's question would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures and videos we have ever taken for us yeah we'll have the times like yes a no-brainer house we'll keep the money valuables and then the question is if you lose all your pictures and videos that would be bad but you could also just say it's a fresh start let's make lost the whole hard drive with the pictures before and you get over it and you forget that you ever had that's true like with like when it comes to adventure archives videos if I lost those completely that would be devastating I would wait yeah sure all right what time music well let me make sure this is cut this comes from this rooms come this comes from commish three two one are there any post rock influences in your sports post Rock and facade that means just like picks rock yeah not so much inadvertently what type of music influences your sports so the biggest one is video game music okay so we've got all the classic 16-bit composers like Massey Gaston or you can see the ocean Remora so I think like the Street Fighter soundtrack Final Fantasy soundtracks Chrono Trigger anything made for the Super Nintendo really like that's my biggest influence I would say so I was just suggesting a glass know what what's your this is a lot of New Age yes so there's the video game music for sure and then there's like a bunch of but I can say musically well some of it some of it but like some of this also like trip-hop house to music I don't even know what type oh right yeah taiko Desmond's and cheese I think it's something really cool to listen to just any sort of like mellow like atmospheric sort of ambient stuff yeah Oh a new job eases yeah if you actually if you watch our videos you can after a while you can distinctly figure out oh I think mine's like obvious but my my biggest influences are people like Ross I'm always finding new people on YouTube like there's anybody who like I love acoustic guitar music and I pretty much never Cousteau guitar every one of my songs but actually I once a he's influenced anymore but someone who influenced me that the be a very beginning was John Mayer because I found his music especially in his guitar like rising release yeah it was very divergent from a lot of the typical pop music we were signing all for power chords in a row his music was very unique in it I listen to it it's what I'm gonna have so bad at talking about music like I I love listening to music and it's really like it I feel it in everything but I just I feel like I find a lot of songs on YouTube that I like but I don't follow the artists themselves so I can't have a conversation with someone like oh but yeah that's what happens oh yeah of me is whenever I'm having that comes out - oh what kinds of music do you like them like I just blinked whatever you know I think most people I like that too like especially if you listen to the radio I mean I guess people don't listen to radio as much anymore but like with Spotify and Pandora and all those things you can specifically pick what you want to listen to
I got another question this comes from penny travel TV do you guys receive a lot of sponsorships or are you guys picky and what brands you guys choose to endorse I guess we currently don't take sponsorships
we have never we've never been paid to do it yeah no yeah you know we do get we do get requests a lot mostly from a lot of Chinese companies that I think they're just kind of masking out there we did one and then we said we're never going to do this no I mean we've done reviews that were sent to us for free yeah I did the backpack for what Sierra a training company Sierra Trading Post they sent us a free backpack with intent to reviewing it the sleeping bag review I'm going to be doing that was sent for free that penlight yeah yeah so yeah it's the the answer though is that we're picky
yeah we're very picky because we don't even really like making review videos that much it's the biggest things and we also let them know ahead of time we're just going to be honest like we're not you know yeah you know and then you sometimes get in this awkward situation like well you know we sent you this we need to approve this before you can send this out and we also decided that like if we're gonna do product reviews then it have to be a lot more often because I don't feel and yeah like none of us really think we're qualified to fully review something and be like I think this would meet this meets our expectations I think it would mean you know so instead of expectations because a lot of people have a lot more experience with what kind of backpack they want or what do you know it's also the nature of the stuff in that like people want different things in gear like one backpack that works really well for one person it might not be what someone else is exactly they'd have to know what our tastes are and while you're or like I mean like just in general doing reviews like I feel like a lot of review that's the kind of thing on Amazon and YouTube you see all these reviews these people have had these things for like a couple of days and like that is influencing people's purchases so much you know like that camera review video I did we use those cameras for two years before I do to resume I feel like that is a quality review but you still got so much crap on that because you're like oh yeah no I mean but I'm okay not saying that right there's trolls at this point yeah have some more questions this comes from Wilma keen what's the longest backpacking trip you would ever want to go on for instance would a week-long trip and the wilderness be too much no I would love that actually I'm planning to do one I haven't actually by planning me in the sense that I want to do it and I probably will do it next year but I'm we have a really stupid picture of brats video I really want to hike the entire picture box Lakeshore Trail which I would probably plan to take the week but I might do more just to kind of be a bit more leisure I mean for me I was already gonna do the PCT I actually I just still have my permit for the PCT this year but I'm not going to do it this doing it with you well I'm working with you guys instead for six months but I mean I'm sure I'd love to do that at some point but
um ya know in the past I would said no because I was always really worried about food I was like how do you know that that meant for like a really long trip but just lately just with experimenting with not having so much food or can't make it all right next question
Sarah Kay Schneider can my dog and I join you on your next adventure someday I mean like to remain non-committal mostly just because like it's like like we said just planning a trip between the three of us and then trying to get Thomasin to like it's really difficult so whatever like trying to get an extra person in there especially a guest where it's like we don't know their schedule if your name is a lot tougher we do want to do meetups and Stan we didn't want to do need us and that's one of the things we want to do when we did is road trip back home is for anyone we're doing a road trip back home and there will be an announcement video with much more details probably before it's becomes a road trip but we'll explain yes and we're looking for people's advice people's recommendations on places to go things to do and if anyone wants to meet up in it's not too far than we'd love to do that yeah so just in general we don't want to exclude one person you know like it's be like oh yeah we'll take you on yeah yeah everybody like well I want to go too so that's why we're gonna do like a meet-up where we can just say hey we're gonna go here and we'll hike together do you want to come out and then one big thing also we should add is that what you see in the videos I mean there's a reason we hike like two or three miles a day it's because we stop a lot and we film a lot and a lot of people who are new to it like common Victoria's even Thomas is I'm so frustrated at it so it's like we don't and we kind of don't want to break that illusion in some respects a good night for me is about 15 miles day uphill and uphill coastal pathway but we did use cemani my friends actually friends from high school we just redid that hike it took us no time to get to the top of us any Falls oh yeah it took us no time yeah but we do wrong before us because we were filming yeah you know it's funny somebody recently said I got a piece of advice for you guys you guys should stop complaining so much and you know actually in retrospect maybe that is good advice because for somebody who's just doing the trail like if they go out and do it they won't be complaining as much because they're not basically doing the trail depends not on camera what's pretty miserable now is that raining yeah first of all it was actually legitimately as well second of all it's fun to watch sometimes people's misery
yeah the yosemite one i think it wasn't as enjoyable because you guys were chugging along because I was your first Whitney I think Whitney was a good struggle between the two because Whitney we were talking about how easy it was and then it wasn't so much the difficulty it was just you didn't even complain you were just being your destiny listen I can't wake up was crematory that was also a genuine life I did not enjoy I mean I enjoyed watching and I would not have enjoyed yeah let's see was leave me a question Oh was about hiking with us but the bottom line is we'd love to do meetups like the idea of a meet-up day hikes maybe like even like one overnight at a campground would be cool but we just can't commit to saying yes to one person and then having to like incorporate that into Italy with other people so it's not like we don't want to know it's difficult yeah
my next question comes from Wilma keen what's the Mount Everest when is the Mount Everest video zero design thank you and also like they use dead bodies as trail markers so it's like that well I think I mean obviously is a little tongue-in-cheek comment oh yeah but just in general I think we try to limit ourselves on the extremely strenuous trips because well also the Phillie process yeah the whole filming process is one thing but we always actually talk about like oh we're doing a canoeing episode about Whitney you literally just walked at the side like there's no pickaxes in like actual ropes and stuff getting out of here right yeah right so weak I like to a mountain that descents not because they just make such a good episodes but I don't think we'll ever do anything that requires more than just water yeah I think and I think for the filming process we have the biggest dress all right I got two questions was a quick one Abbi having the cumin cumin hello how are you today here's here is a good one again from penny travel TV do you guys get into arguments as far as creativity and what you guys want to show Jeff videos
answer first
well I just let's say that in terms of creativity and I think Andrew Robbie handle a lot on the creative side and when they get most of the editing out of the way we sit down and watch it like clean it up but honestly that's one of the big reasons why I've kind of not poke ever poked my head into the whole editing thing because I think two people at most is as much that's very opinions as you need if you throw a third person in there and like let's say for example you guys are editing videos right and then I sit down start to edit the video I think you guys would come back to it be like what is this like you know this is good we do that to each other - yeah exactly so I think so I think just to minimize that kind of stuff we keep that and just them - and now you guys can answer how much are you not are you yeah no yeah I would say some more arguments that we get into is the strategy of the channel and what direction do we want to yeah tape of certain videos but you know what direction when do we want to release a video a lot of times is okay more the business aspect I'd say do we want to include this product do we want to not include this moment they create a side like I feel like we trust each other's sense of you know like taste so like if somebody feels really strongly about something then you're just like okay well I trust your opinion on this was that all with that time even though I liked what I was doing better maybe you're probably right about this because you feel that strongly about it I'm very lucky where I'm probably the least creative and for four of us and so it's just easy - oh yeah better dear it's got to be better you know sometimes throw in that had to be like hey you know maybe we should trim this and like me make two or three different videos out of this one video and that's what we're getting is actually where we got them do some of our biggest art Oh we wanted to break up certain videos and different oh yeah wait that's yeah the episodes show our full episodes originally we were thinking of breaking into smaller chunks yes I don't know what your opinion on that still that's my opinion is it would make us more money and you know might have gotten us more views and everything but you guys made convince me that it's a part of the creative process
yeah this is the final video and you know it took me like a season to get behind it but you know makes sense thing you guys are making one for video yeah again if we want to make more money then what's your speaking from YouTube usage though it's like whenever I am watching a YouTube video like some videos they throw in that like me or some videos they do break it up I get a smaller chunks in it always pulls me out of the video or this next thing even on like when I'm scrolling through Facebook in a video starts playing and then they have like an ad in the middle of it I'm like immediately scrolling yeah I've got one more question all right this comes from this is the last one this comes from last in 77 I don't think we can help you with regards to the location but he asked my wife and I are going to Havasu Falls which I really want to go there yeah that's a great camera game we've never been there so we can't give advice but next question is any advice for video and photos so waterproof or at least some sort of waterproofing but if you're if you were to film an episode kind of what we were doing earlier today if you can give one piece of advice to someone making taking pictures or making a video of a trip like this what will be your one piece of advice I've got a thought which is do the compose your picture or video compose your shot in a way that is really different from what a human would see with his I cuz like I feel like a lot of times when shots aren't impressive it's like just a straight-up Shawn if something has to go pro that's like I level look yeah and that doesn't necessarily like you have been a dangle from the tree and like in an upside down yeah like even if you're doing a shot ID is the spice yeah like you've got a shot of just like even if it is a boring shot in theory you can make it super precise and like lined up well what we were talking about earlier today is make sure we can hear what you're saying and see what you're doing well are they try to make like a video no well yeah just if you're gonna be talking on camera make sure that you can actually hear what you're saying so get up close to the camera so that yeah just make sure you take the time to make sure the shot is good don't just like for lack of a better term don't half-ass it like make sure your settings right or whatever you know make sure that it's in focus well something I just thought of what you made me think of this this is sound counterintuitive but don't take too many shots because if you take too many shots like they could all be really great but when it comes to editing you just have too much to work with and it paralyzes you and my last piece of advice would be if you're watching the video and you're finding that you're bored watching your own video then there's probably something wrong about the program before watching that video so make your video become your biggest fan and be also speaking your biggest critic that's what Henry said do that quick last uh we're good alright some speed run I'm gonna do some speed round yeah wait run okay let's go with I'm gonna ask Andrew on this one what we're on the restaurant would you recommend call this I read them in a full restaurant but okay ramen lady or you
I've never actually been there just keep the pressure on itself yes I don't even it's on lane it's on lane it's called fun or something but Brian this one's for you the Jarrett's other one's going to River Gorge this Friday what should he hike Red River Gorge I think the trail that we did was actually really cold enhance this point go to Hanna's go to what that's like I think it's more point but do not mark on the map though so let's see Robbie this comes from adding the gloom in again she asks are you going to Japan anytime soon
maybe I have nothing playing but me okay you guys ever climbed Mount Fuji yes no no no baby everybody told me Mount Fuji looks ugly actually the others that's better look from afar let's see Thomas are you ever gonna hike the JMT this is from sea Shea's straits sea strips in my bergen at the GMT hopefully at some point but probably that this year would I ever hiked Denali I would love to hike Denali but I would be great don't have oh I would love to hike around yeah yeah yeah having at the part of park yeah not to mountain all these though likes on the highest in terms of difference is that one where you have to do payback yeah and for the group last one for sure from Alec Strauss Kinski trois key alex trusk atrocity from an old farm trustee is the real figure those Scottish Highlands but anyway right so it's gonna take us and welcome this and adopted since college and then Curtis Curtis Michael Michael may would you who would win in a fight Mighty Mouse or Superman if they're both like superheroes and ones way bigger why would his mighty vessel yes a mouse he's won by any human side he made it harder to hit well thank you so much guys they're done watch the watch this you want to close the podcast in yeah I think that's it right yeah yeah thank you fur yeah thank you for watching this podcast let us know your thoughts in the comments please share our videos we're gonna make a video remember if you've got camping recipes that are practical and you want to share them and you want us to try to make a video of them you share those - yes okay thank you thank you so much
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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