About to board the plane to Yellowstone
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Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens - http://amzn.to/1FRE9kc
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Canon 50mm f1.8 Lens - http://amzn.to/1p29wQs
Tokina 11-16mm Lens - http://amzn.to/UUrhVC
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH - http://amzn.to/1nhkBrF
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod - http://amzn.to/UKa55r
Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) - http://amzn.to/WUpTEv
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Roland Quad Capture - http://amzn.to/1zKzD23
Behringer XM8500 Microphone - http://amzn.to/1qHqOAq
Sony Movie Studio Editing Software - http://amzn.to/1tM7NDR
Condor Bushlore Knife - http://amzn.to/1JaBBv7
Equinox Egret Tarp - http://amzn.to/1BIqkmW
Kelty Grand Mesa 2 Tent - http://amzn.to/1TrK9Fc
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag - http://amzn.to/1BXhlxH
Buck 119 Knife - http://amzn.to/1TrKgQY
Mora Craftline Q Knife - http://amzn.to/1TrKffT
Katadyn Water Filter - http://amzn.to/1onus3P
Platypus Bladder - http://amzn.to/1TrKfNc
Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants - http://amzn.to/1pR5qXL
Sketchers Waterproof Boots - http://amzn.to/1JaBKyL
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2015
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud,#hangoutsonair,Hangouts On Air,#hoa
Video Transcription
okay what is my kinky it was probably from the last broadcast I was telling people to go check out muffin solvers acquaintances raging all persons back to delayed flight to Dallas flight number four thousand seven out of 18 21 all passengers knowledge of late this one girl less efficient practically boring we're in indianapolis airport right now and we're headed to Dallas thomas's already there we're gonna meet him there and then we're all gonna head to Jackson Hole so don't want you I think it's Brian Brian zoom on watching him he's right there oh you're just saying that for the sake of it because the hard drive you know what well here's the airport pointers chessa you just people waiting wolfgang puck is a chef as far as i understand it so it soon Oh what do they serve anything I don't know I've never been that have exceeded in dreams it's like the right champ click the link report maybe it's not okay i'm using the product like on this work and this is the future oh wait get up let's let the link to me digital of said okay so hello to rape is and two and your samsung hook Samson Samson stick I'm sorry and any going to move this time it for all the texts twice Jack support I don't know how to measure said because you can't change your connecting flight we've got Dilophosaurus to hurt the office horas um we brought the drug we don't know what we're going to be able to use it or not but we thought we should at least give it a shot because there is Jackson Hole has like this area where you can use it so like the airport's up here under five miles from a little light screen adapter what's the right Chapman I don't know I popped that one out something that like if you go to Eretz at the streams online you got the check we got micron like chew on well how are you guys doing it's like everyone's getting ready to get on I'm doing good actually like a great father it's congregate here because then when actually call your zone you know the lineup you have to ask you're very mine was great oh yeah you have to get up before they actually say your zone usually it's like they'll say like boarding Group two and then like okay like a wonderful day by the time they call your boarding group that's like people I just I go up once they call my group and then I get on the plane later than everybody else that's okay it's nice
great this is there much more funds thank you Ray you believe that too that's board here got about probably ten minutes that we get online ask us you pressing questions uh-huh or if you have things that you want us to do while we're there we have free time like in Jacksonville yeah which I don't think okay yeah we'll be spending total speed spending one night let me get their drag scope it out it'll be late Saturday night Jackson tonight yeah I know oh whoa oh right there last night were going the motel cb7 files it looks exquisite they pop out how are they who was the one who initially asked for extreme oh there we go bring swim p Andrew Sampson said just discovered the blog can't stop watching thank you I'd like it luckily what happened with Mount Whitney oh I just ended up deciding i would rather good of life cuz my one of my friends is going there for a wedding and he invited me i was like i think time is my two sisters um is he says earlier chance of us who says your podcasts come out on itunes reduce youtube and this have been posted on itunes no every time i've been telling thomas to put it up on shout engine for like two ish okay well they'll be up on itunes just thomaston upload mp3 for some reason so sorry about that so Tom should buy Jackson's hole fill it actually looks funny as last time we went to Jackson old michael jackson died oh that's right like insects on time oh god I'm like in the airport there about you're totally hot air lines flight 007 services to Dallas we got John T fisherman I don't John got o se ho I guess says hello hello thank you for the birthday wishes rate breath I'll go no Raven rook I got my I got your Rican Brooke as opposed to Raven Bishop Raven is nothing i woke up with a sore throat there's a lot better right now but I hope it works waiting in the air does your team's was the worst thing ever but you have to be here early oh happy belated yeah passenger Charles mobbing is flying just few days ago so you're like something I airports are exciting to be them nice to travel yes we're just like some people like they can count the number of times they flow I it's been so many times I can't another good amount who've never worked right absolutely part of it is so sensitive like my trip to Dallas was two hundred fifty dollars that's pretty good matter of just like yeah and it depends where you go when it's times like you get a job by fine if you push that one bicycles you like me to do late afternoon except my rent or you don't yeah completely go away visiting it's funny because like I someone's Yellowstone we were like on a flight of the conchords kick oh yeah you just kept repeating it so what happens last time is when we're all in a group somebody will sing like a song rare for me will just repeat it over and over again until we just want to kill each other oh yeah nice summary with yellow so there they were the questions are no questions yeah um amoeba guys when asked us questions are asked to meet your eyes and ears I suggest a retired folks that's a little audio nigga right there the juvenile drea 3200 service to to Chicago over here are Reese is closed at this moment so they're not able to pull that aircraft handle this is a very tough quite true on as you to get my hammock dialed in yet I've got a new tarp to cover it and we set it up to test it out good setup yeah she's worth for now um don't become bear food ok we want there's more comments below thank you for the birthday wishes Jon Arryn is taking its first backpacking trips awesome Aaron's have a good backpacking trip no wait who said enter Sampson camp estate brokers is that for the bushcraft meet up was that something else they posted a video reason yeah no they asked me about emotion scanner drummer Sunday you guys have any lady friends if you do are they willing to go with you guys um sure yeah there was in I just is 5.25 point X 0 5 able to at the time went with us but she's just not in the video she's in gunshot you see her like sitting like 5-10 instance running down the sandals you could see her like in yea and NEA many viewers who paid attention with those that someone was filming yeah so will you guys ever do any plots for countries like Japan well we have Robbie has lodged in from Japan as Rhoda we are planning to go to Japan someone and we will do a video will back next yeah what's the worst thing you have uses project on the trail hmm toilet paper you what's the worst thing oh one time I was in the Smokies and I used this plant I worked fine but then I use another plant that looks similar but it was like an irritating clamp and I had to use what's that one cream provisioning no two different one cortisone Abby is that goes off Seth asks that we reschedule the trip with black owl not yet but stay tuned to our Commission getting the Yosemite next weekend awesome night have a good time in Yosemite love the blogs hello say hello to Ireland me and my son channels to Ireland a boys how long are we gonna be in yellow several emails them for 34 days yeah four days we'll be camping for two full days and one day I can have the inter Sampson says you've worked with those state partners in the galley store oh okay sweet what kind of hiking gear doing where North Face Patagonia insider cetera um a lotta rei gear smart blue best songs where you know like these visas Marmot stuff too I close our environment but but like some of your Gary's my hat you see ya I can't that 230 71 nice i team you want to give away I just getting rid of him when I was a kid we don't usually stick to a certain brand when your fire gear I were cotton shirts from along this time I still do some friends since Tom necklace tomorrow the feeling oh yeah set this in Pennsylvania we go Andrew and I are oh you osu alums Thomas's so you alone actually Thomas's Robbie is a are you along no since beautiful African subscribers look I don't think about doing meetups at some point you know I we can arrange them Oh hydrocortisone yeah all right that's probably we're saying hi to Leonardo I leo hey Leo guys sort of spacing on a half ninja turtles me okay the only one i remember it's like I always know Michelangelo's orange but I can't remember the others really yeah what are they common i chose purple grandma's red paint your rental rep is pretty easy i do not know the turtles colors yeah that's the surface only Michelangelo um Thomas will be coming on with this right yes he will be meeting us in Dallas to another yeah well people probably goose turns out saw a picture of the ninja turtles and it's like Leonardo Raphael Donatello and Maya Angelou there's like my age Alou with an Orangeman so we've got big bear films coming to the US and a few months think you're shining it in Yosemite what our work
are our favorite hikes there I feel like Tom suffice I mean I know folks like you Center your surgery oh yeah I mean I couldn't talk more calls yo sorry I yelled something else yeah like to talk with us any balls pretty good it's pretty rigorous so to snap public there's a Republican a well-needed oh yeah bro battles in that infernal great you are Thomas are you so I called Rick it's good like pecan check out the jungle 12 12 on the column B metals and every hunter always dreams come back man I never know how to say that 12 on the members in the high country um been rocky meant to bring this filtrates but you forgot to pack them yeah I don't have the prescription lenses in mind yet so i won't even be able working that i'm blind without my glasses thank you for the sunglass but he wants anything on them keeps them in all the great nude the 01 input to improve on them when i drive the side blocks your vision so i have to actually physically turn my head to check if there's cars inside of canvas glance otherwise agree yes we did pack rain gear Serena Davis we are ready for right brain will not be catching us up garden water got an eye you all the way set still wants us to come to central PA Marvel or DC are both I got oh not really no matter what like superhero wise I think I like in Batman's always been cool i'll have to go with marty because milling DC characters i know our pac-man's that's true just for a sheer numbers i know i've always thought that man was cold but when you think about it it's kind of like I don't know like he's not contributing a lot to the world I like them the Christopher Nolan children like Bruce Wayne is a billionaire and instead of
except doing anything that's actually productive see my study graph yeah just as a puzzle best batman returns for the super nintendo that's a great day maybe DC have no strong opinions on the way or the other we're not sure when the video for yellowstone come out we'll just announce it on facebook when we get closer to finish Shannon dough is coming out first yeah Shanna don't actually but oh yes we've got more like Sephora that's not why oh really but like that sigh general area like scalloping mortgage California all the way up to like or again I have a friend in organ told us we should go this question did you like to go there it's just have you thought back on organ so would mount hood be on the list it's like most questions like nevertheless we wanted I'm line there come in shen me sir and like as far as specific plans for ordinary actually bought of it actually we're really still actually Richards on youtube so your friends I want a bow burrito Ashley what airline you guys take um I don't know which is the American Airlines yeah I just take whatever see I where's cheapest well I do have miles with United so they do that this is a man in the southwest so answered that one finder power trip wish so weird that general seating yeah um spent some time camping in kings canyon last weekend definitely how many senators felt like six tourism thank you very much Mike Smith love to hear that i've heard mixed with fix things about the new turtle turtle kid yeah me too yeah I want to like it i played transformers devastation visit this is cadet you know the director for that was like kim ji but not transfer instead of station was awesome so if the turtles games in allegan much like a judge it was big ben anderson yeah oh no I know where they created Ben Tennyson Ashley I would love to go to and volcanoes national park but October's very busy season hi job so i don't think i can make it seven boy yeah Monica boy I'd rather be alive in october sleep never been before here favorite ohio trail starting at grad school at the fall in oh you oh um i don't know if you should really ask that to thomas right because Thomas wasn't o you owl honest likes the strout's for day hiking honking pills is good day I can't gonna go back back into shining state forests explain their Zaleski yeah there's some state park skier Robbie street fighter and mortal kombat sweet fine street fighter get that question they've definitely refined the gameplay to Mike I like the art design Mortal Kombat kind of got bold after i turned 18 and I think like the fatalities one fires in to see ya but yes for tom is like so gross yeah Alex like the one Sam old Kombat ten or just like person x.x well whatever it's disgusting like I feel like an old man oh my oh this is uncooked everybody's great hello Caitlin I say hello Kailen Kailen q KP what's up better Ashley I was uh you went to Scotland right how was that some common sorted Oh hate here i miss tripod and that song gatsby he's friends hey bushcraft no Gatsby oh I don't know we were thinking of catching fish but I oh that's gonna take a Alice Ireland she would Ireland and pictures you just one sentence gets me oh did you just say hi to get so i said hi to gas me said will combat just there they focused more on like the his brutality and it's like if you took a kindergartener you told him to make an issue your Janice just most of the game plays or treating what street vendors just like you pick up any Street muttering exactly what i was playing Mortal Kombat like the I was playing it at the spark aid and I like looked up to moves that look at like I looked at this bicycle kick in his fireball and then instantly became way better precisely
Ashley I'll have to stock your photos on facebook at some point good beer of course we're working through the service I don't want to go to Island you're very stoked for Yellowstone's whose importance are jerks Brandon and Thomas is going on this trip he'll be meeting us on our layover in dallas and then we'll be live streaming in dallas so it checks out and i don't know a couple hours I think it's like two hours virtual traveling in VR that within the they did like some sort of like Facebook thing like a robot dr rig is fucked up and being around people were like interacting with a person on the street through a PR 0 I saw something like that where there were these doors set up somewhere in Europe you're like you open the door and there's a surreal your salon in two different signature we should we should live a little industry find out what is tricky ok I'm on Monday when we return on sunday will live stream me and the injured trying out rob's HTC vive in 45 years yeah I'm actually really excited that's dry long as me you like really dude yes I means like as soon as it is announced on like I was heartless Oh Hayley Hayley buyer fails on air she's asking some day hiking trails would refer to what our favorites are in Ohio I mean I like go into the metro the ibanks part yeah bye I think it's just clothes and it's a nice big park some good trails there no she's asking our favorite she's she keep knows about the day I can she's asking what our favorite part caves are oh speaking of arcades had that doesn't have a good market oh there's old North arcade and there's 16-bit arcade those are like the only ones i actually know it's a diwani Orlando I want to go I haven't gone to one yeah nice so I so need a good one there are you didn't office I'll get to play the games on the original hardwood yeah so it's like that that sounds like oh yeah of course I'm played on or of course are played on jihad course i play pac-man but play on actual like original screen experience it's kind of cool yeah I'd like to check out a good eight that was his first winder 16 16 bit it's the personal man I heard of you told me about a different one that's a little closer oh yeah the old Kyle we are not flying direct video and we're flying to telecom Dallas we're gonna have a layover there we're gonna meet Thomas and doubts because he somehow has the same way over the same flight with us to Yellowstone it is certainly happening it's happening you guys said it's happening you know it's what I did wrong phone Oh tend to run while my father hood your grandpa yeah it's honorably we've got 400 west ashley we've been to Mammoth Cave we went canoeing down the river so you go there you said your plane together together oh yeah yeah we gotta do community yeah but we know it is yeah yeah yeah we got announced oh and if you do go go later in the summer when all the bugs are gone but no way three ball nopee mom without Don Quinn in the summer and it wasn't all that bad it's intra me what I've done here Thomas we should go once we get the proper gear I know someone who does person in organ she goes Kate we bring that a semester yes yeah hey I think you actually sleep in the day to ya yes we should I will be laundered I don't know climb in a kid super awesome ever heard of them Hales on air if you're still there where is our day to process server that one guys should check out Irish countryside version magical trekking there I would don't know about you to go over see you guys beyond sonogram time on the trip and demons demons we're gonna be on the solo guitar amplifier which is like the figure-eight of roads were right in the middle of that I some are priced away because it's more 3100 or have your stove
ya know looks like I've like a little delayed at the sessions will have to are you see on service to California where are you manage every are you keep talking trade stories public warning fish class right who's not me i will never fly first class unless i get it for free man ferry is too hard Mike symmetry who is can we be all segments vehicles not too bad I dress broken label on my widows we will get wait what about was raddatz where Ashley's Sports crack arcade super awesome is further downtown on Oak Street Easter's that you want but sort of easy a beauty I sort of budgeting of your knowledge of plants a nose thank you I know more about plants and animals payment centers classes the first place I understand really explain them I mean I believe you it's like you go / fast generally that's my cell that's all right guys they're starting to board so the problem since you carry my laptop you know where i post we will see you at dallas and keep our wits on back yeah see you guys would be like
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/adventure?ty=h
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore | Bushcraft Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping
- Channel Update (Andrew)
- Gear Review - Rab Alpine 45 Backpack - Ultralight Backpacking Gear
- Panasonic GH5 vs. Sony A7sii
- Behind the Scenes Music Video // Morgan Monroe // Credits Bongo Jam
- China Vlog Day 4 // Paddling a Metal Canoe // 2017.4.24 Monday
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #08 | Learning from Our Experiences
- Germany in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping the Palatinate Forest
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #17 | VIDEO PODCAST | Favorite Seasons and more
- Fall in the Sierras in 4K | Parker Lake Near Ansel Adams and Yosemite Parks
- White Water Rafting and Camping in the Sierras with Kern River Outfitters 4K
- Mt. Whitney in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Mountain Climbing the Sierras
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #18 | VIDEO PODCAST | Thanksgiving, Food, and More
- Solar Eclipse Camping | Shawnee National Forest in 4K
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #19 | VIDEO PODCAST | Resolutions, The Channel, & Live Q&A
- Highbanks Metro Park | Columbus, Ohio
- What's coming up for Adventure Archives?! 2018
- Pictured Rocks Teaser | Early Release Available NOW!
- Outdoor Vitals Summit 0°F Sleeping Bag Review
- Pictured Rocks in 4K | Fall Camping, Hiking, and Bushcraft Backpacking in the Upper Peninsula
- How to Choose your First Camping or Bushcraft Knife
- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #20 | Stream of Consciousness with Robby and Andrew
- Creative Camp Cooking: Cajun Stuffed Potato | Backpacking Trail Meals
- How to Prepare for Mount Whitney (& Wag Bags)
- Adventure Archives Livestream 3.20.2018 | Episode Preview
- Saddleback Butte in 4K | SoCal Mojave Hiking in Los Angeles
- Hoosier National Forest in 4K | Winter Camping, Hiking, and Wilderness Travel
- Campfire Chronicles #21 | GUEST Podcast | Becca Pollard from Keep Wayne Wild
- Winter Camping at Hoosier National Forest Early Release Out Now! Public Release April 1st!
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- How to Tie 3 Essential Camping Knots | Prusik, Trucker's Hitch, & more
- Campfire Chronicles #24 | The Roadtrip Episode Part II
- Eat Your Lawn | Identifying Edible and Medicinal Weeds in your Yard
- Campfire Chronicles #23 | The Roadtrip Episode
- Vasquez Rocks & Satan's Den | Desert Hiking Los Angeles 4K
- Campfire Chronicles #22 | Hoosier, and How We Each Experience Nature Differently
- Winter in Lake Tahoe in 4K | Snowshoe Hiking & Sunset Cruise
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- Point Reyes near San Francisco 4K | Camping & Hiking Coast Camp
- The American Southwest | Zion National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley in 4K
- American Southwest Roadtrip: Coming August 1st!
- The Deep South in 4K | Canoeing the Bayou, Hiking Texas, and Exploring a Plantation
- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
- The Paw Paw Festival | Trying Pawpaw Beer and Food, Starting Friction Fire, and Throwing Atlatls
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- Canoeing the Mad River in Ohio 4K
- Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hiking, Camping and Canoeing Disaster on the Manistee River
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- Wildcat Hollow Trailer - Coming Dec 1 - Early Release available NOW!
- How to make a Bushcraft Wreath using Natural Materials 4K
- Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Jacket Overview/Review
- Wildcat Hollow 4K | Ohio Backpacking, Hiking and Camping in Wayne NF
- Hour Long Campfire 4K | Virtual Fire for Christmas Holiday with Natural Sounds