Adventure Archives Livestream 3.20.2018 | Episode Preview
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Sony A7s ii -
Panasonic GH5 -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Panasonic 25mm f1.7 Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto BeFree Live Tripod -
Moza Aircross 3-Axis Gimbal -
Virtus Knives -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, Robby Huang, and Thomas Sinard
Featuring drums by Nate Laguzza
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2018
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud
Video Transcription
okay so welcome everybody to the adventure archives livestream live streaming is much more difficult than I thought it would be and I've been trying to set this up for the past hour and a half and this is what we've managed to do but welcome to the stream feel free to start asking questions at any time andrew is making a new layout I don't I'm gonna try and redirect all the people in the other live stream because I'm not seeing it okay go for it what what's the link that you have it should be in your subscriber feed I don't have a specific link in fact what it's just says slash C slash adventure archive slash live so it says we've only got two people watching and I'm one of them but what I'm looking at has like okay wait a minute does other people have the stream window open like the live dashboard
Tomas does okay close all of those out I think maybe that's doing something with it okay I am sending you the PNG through facebook Messenger okay okay there we go we've got six people watching now including special guest Aleksandr he knows who he is okay and actually if somebody else can go ahead and get the chat going okay or monitor to the chat while I get these PNG is going it's right here oh wow there are t people here sound but no video video is good now there you go hey the link worked whoop no video but I got audio you guys you missed some solid rock based puns hey you guys missed out or was it just the dead screen video is good
do we post on Facebook too that were that we're live maybe maybe just don't post until we got this art I'm gonna do it you Brian you can do it what what do you want me to do post Facebook that we're live when we're ready yeah I'll do that I'm trying to redirect people from the old stream to the nude stream the old stream are they still able to chat on there
yeah there's 26 people in the southern stream that was the pre-scheduled at one because we have to restart it it's kind of funny it looks like okay that's about the best I can do guys although I do have this cool thing if you donate it'll do this I don't know if this is even gonna work yeah exactly okay I don't know why it streamlines things and coming up we know what let's just forget about it I'll put something behind it so that you can actually see it yeah you guys go ahead and start the chat start taking questions and all that go for it or Brian or someone what yeah go post on Facebook that we're here but we'll start answering questions yeah you guys start answering questions [Laughter]
Christopher Alex Christopher we have been trying to do that and for some reason Google hangout doesn't like the most obvious solution to live streaming there it was a good way of doing it and then there's Google Hangouts way of doing it
yeah we'll burn it for fire the rebel I asked how was a flight Andrew the plan is good it was I slept and read for most of it yeah I only got two hours before me Oh actually yeah that was the big thing but security has gotten way worse like now you not only have to take your laptop out and shoes off but you also have to take out any liquids we still on in I think we are yeah okay oh yes so you have to take out any liquids even if they're under 3.4 ounces and you have to to get any quote-unquote large electronics so like not a phone or tablet but like your video camera and stuff basically had to unpack like 70% of my bag and then repack it was very inconvenient okay well let's say someone asked is there supposed to be footage or just voices and I think right now we have we have both right now Syrena Deva Davis says I see green Oh refresh nice greet oh okay okay yeah set go ahead okay say Seth Seth Dambach asks what's your favorite mad comment I like when some someone was bad and no complete history of the Graper you passed five oh I wasn't saying that those people are just saying like I was in a heightened state of like be feeling spooked out you know I mean I go to a cemetery even if my loved ones are buried at that cemetery yeah I was gonna get freaked out here before we answer any more questions let's have Robby explain how we're going
to start addressing the questions just so everyone's yeah so we're just gonna take questions as they come and instead of doing like we did last week where we did them in order from the first one we'll just take them as like we'll take the newer ones first as we see like good questions and if you didn't get your if you don't get your question answered just feel free to ask it again and we'll try to get to it again so it's gonna be like a combo of what we did last week asked what our favorite kind of rock is besides president well if you for my live stream yesterday he asked me or she asked me what was my favorite rock and I said grandma because you can't take it for granted okay Frankie okay okay so yeah sure I can do it Robin Dixon asks and he plans for going to Mars you know I got a great hype lined up for us right now right now we were still kind of figure out a route it's it's surrounds you know what you guys can do right now go ahead and point the webcam at the floor and then William McKean asks who can do more push-ups Andrew Thomas I cannot walk you but I can't let's do it no no crafty sublimer youtube asked if you could redo one of the videos which would you pick and why what is the teaser for Algonquin it's you think oh my god you know yeah yeah yeah I think I'd like to redo north manitou I mean I'd actually like to go back there and film the new episode because I think the way we handled the trip like we could see a lot more of the island oh definitely going back we wasted a lot of time just hiking on a fool's errand if I could redo one it would be Shannon Dilla
because it was only 40 minutes long and literally like 15 minutes of that episode is a sitting in front of like the food just the same camera angle for 15 minutes
mine would be about 85% of the videos I shot okay just quick note for the chat we will not really be addressing questions on how about this place or how about that place because we want to go everywhere we have no plans to go anywhere and specifically so I'll just say this real fast we are going to Colorado on part of a road trip the answer to the question is have you thought about going to this place or that place or do you want to go to this place where that place is basically yes we do but I'll just for my own little I guess teaser but we're going without giving away everything we're going to Utah Colorado New Mexico we are going to Texas Louisiana so that is that those are stops along a road trip and you should be getting videos of those cool okay 2:06 survival asks who eats the spiciest between you for this is a very easy answer it's still there all right well we I went to Nashville a few weeks ago and I brought back some Nashville hot chicken for Andrew to try I had a decent amount Andrew had the most because I knew what I knew what to expect
I have a picture of Andrew on the ground just like we refusing to move because he was in so much pain yes so it wasn't it wasn't the spiciness of the mouth it was the fact that it seeps down into my stomach it was like just say that horrible cramps how heavy are your average weight are you carrying in your packs so I guess how heavy is the average weight of our packs I think it's like for me is around 30 yeah I think once I add the water and it's about 30 I try and keep mine just around 20 well yeah or you can or no or you can't the team at Thomas I do that on purpose though I don't think that's true yeah I don't know about that oh okay if I'm too loud I'll turn myself down sorry about that guys yeah we could be louder in terms what has been your favourite animal encounter on your hikes the Japanese oh yeah I like for me it was a rattlesnake in my when wolves episode I was I heard this rustling in the bush and me being stupid and new to California oh I got a check but this is out it's tall grass like a closer I got clothes for those rush rustling it's not like rattling it's rustling it stops like oh I can scoot forward now and then completely quiet and then you just hear this
so a rattle and that's just freaky I'm gonna get it all on camera too if you want to watch that as the moon wars episode it's not a great video but it's uh you you can you can just watch that part freaks me out cool okay keep quiet right now okay I think I've adjusted it okay proper now wellSpan did perfect release us to ask that cuz he said ask us cuz he says hope you don't ignore this but um do any of you have a GF / wife are any of you planning to settle soon so I do not have either and I am not planning on settling anytime soon any one else want to answer same for me casually I have a girlfriend we are not currently physically in the same locations but hopefully the move back will help us physically merge together she's on the East Coast I'm on the west coast and then once I'm on the Mid Coast will be will be a little close together this common Alexander says I'll get you to settle eventually Brian as more people watch your show and you gain more online notoriety how do you balance the excitement of seeing your online following grow with the increased exposure that comes with it that's actually a pretty good question because I've always thought about you know the more eyes you have on you the more you have to think about what you do and we I mean I'm I don't know if I'm speaking for everyone here but at this so at the same time it's a balance between wanting to show our real personalities and things but not letting them know that I like to streak let's say that like like we don't want to just we don't want to I think we all don't want to try and be so conservative that we don't our uniqueness and our personalities basically is what I'm trying to say I feel like well I don't know me Oh Oh God okay I've got Robbie go for it just the main thing that I miss from when nobody was watching is that we could do anything in the videos as far as like look we just do like split screens and like we could do I mean it's not like we can't still do it but like I'm afraid not afraid but I'm less willing to just try completely random new things in the videos because like we have like a formula established and I don't want to stray so far that we like jump the shark yeah no I mean that's just an example like the only one I can think of but um I don't know it's weird because like the more the show solidifies the more it's like you have like these things that you can come back to like oh yes a theme song and that's Brian saying that'll warm me up and that's Andrew saying one of my favorite trees but then as you solidify those things the new things they're not is likely to come up I guess that's just the thing that I kind of miss but it's that's also just like if we are conscious of that we can always add new stuff so okay William McKean asked who's the funniest drunk oh I know it's me because I've never been drunk and therefore I fight like by could be the funniest drunk right it's like what's the cat in the box again Oh Schrodinger's drunk we should do a patron livestream where we're all drunk oh god no I don't want a job after this well that's why it's patron only oh no I never get drunk I've come back safe in like Japan or Korea or China because that's like I've come back to the office I used to come back to the office a few times I was like oh I'm feeling this after a few mid-afternoon drinks I was like no no no punch drinks anyway I don't know about that you know we're hardly ever all together and it's not a smart thing to get drunk in the wilderness so well find out we'll get back to you on that once once Thomas is back in Ohio and Robbie comes to this I'm sure it'll happen at one point something exactly if you go to slash adventure you can watch me and Andrew do commentary strunk early ones yeah so as you watch it's the first three episodes and as you watch each successive one you can see us getting more and more sloppy Alex I never said that um that my company allowed lunch drinks we just did them anyway whoever we had a good successful launch or something we would all have like champagne that we drank so yes we were how to Antonio Jackson asks when camping don't you have to watch for bears and other animals animals to make sure like if we're in an area with bears we hang the stuff up the food so that the Bears don't you know something so obviously like it's very rare to have a bear can't our encounter it's rare to hear have a bear encounter in the wilderness I feel like well like oh basically just say ball a little fade but it's like I feel like you don't see them all that often at least not as much as people have you believe in like Discovery Channel shows or something I mean if you're on like the isle of bears in Alaska sure you're gonna run into some bears but we you know we've never had any bears bear encounters knock on wood you have had one but like oh you've had a couple well anyway like you were to get other animals and stuff you don't really have to worry about them like from what I have experienced I mean like coyotes and stuff it's not like we've ever taken precautions for them Robbie do you remember the yes I do sorry you can't be one-on-one with you Thomas Bryan - Robbie e-jets everybody know Robbie were camping we're in the tent and I think like one of us accidentally left a can of beans out there it was empty but we're in our tent and we hear this like clanking and clacking we both just like look at each other like look like probably go check that but we're both too scared and shine her light out it was really the raccoons screwing around that's hilarious
yeah it was those good times that was a good trip though we had bacon and like beans and a whole bunch of good stuff whatever she asks would you flip a coin if heads meant you receive ten billion dollars and tails meant you die instantly absolutely not it depends on how old I am like if I were like in my 60s or 70s yeah I'd totally do it I'd still consider I practice flipping coins and Lucas Ghul asked from your solo camping experiences is there anything you do to help put yourself more at ease so I've actually not been solo backpacking before but I know Andrew and Thomas you both have right yeah yeah yeah no pins so well backpack into okay yeah I mean I will say when you encounter other people that helps the unities
a lot but if you don't do that I think a lot of it is just like focusing on how being alone lets you go at your own pace and sort of like take things in how you want it I think the biggest unease comes from when I am like camping that night and there's no one else at the campsite just cuz it's dark and that's when like things get a little scary but the wind the wind is what does it for me you know you're just sitting there and then suddenly your take your tension start shaking violently and you know what's going on what I will say about the night and this is actually a place from less trapped is you should look around at your campsite and observe your surroundings really carefully just so when it gets dark you can remember what it looks like and also I mean just like make sure you pee and then getting your sleeping bag and don't leave so crafty sublimer whitey asked so what's the worst injury one of you has had on an adventure I don't know if any of us have been knock on wood one time I did this wasn't really an adventure I was just like in the woods nearby my house but I did flex my thumb up in really bad probably could a few stitches but I didn't wait cuz I remember doing that at home no no that was like in the woods but I was just like out there playing with my knife I don't remember for me it's just been I've been a lot of blisters I think on my thirty mile hike think you lose the toenail at Yosemite oh I lose toenails all the time perfectly normal but yeah losing toenails cement logic asks favorite meal to eat on an adventure do we answer this last stream I don't remember yeah whatever
trip was really good you can carry the stove next time technically so mine um mine was I just took a non filming camping trip to Death Valley this weekend and I brought my cast-iron skillet and I cook tri-tip and it turned out beautifully and you can go to your Instagram page or our Facebook page and you can just see like a 5 second video of it it's it was fun it was fun I think you know actually recently it's been out meal for breakfast it's like so easy Megan Varvara asked what's your favorite Star Wars movie it's still debated this on our podcast and we oh the last oh yeah right Korea I think a lot of us settled on a new hope right oh I I'm between and Empire Strikes Back and last Jedi I just love last Jedi but the thing is I need to I need me I need more time to pass after last Jedi to see if it still holds up over the years but I I love that movie man for me like all time it's probably the first Star Wars it's just such like a complete and so iconic exactly this pretty good one chard pipi asks have you guys ever found yourselves pushed into dangerous situations that you thought weren't wasn't safe / y / prudent but you wanted to do it for the footage / video you guys are pretty good about that like filming something so the thing is is when we film we usually like first of all since we film ourselves we have to follow the rules like we can't film ourselves breaking any rules so if getting into that dangerous situation would involve us breaking the rule then no we wouldn't do it obviously and secondly we wouldn't want to encourage people to do things do dangerous things so it's gonna the grappling hook yeah so I don't think we've ever purposefully forced ourselves into any sort of dangerous situation just because it's it's not wise to do it anyways you know because we're not out there to try and create false drama we wanted to want to show a genuine experience that's what I like about you guys is you guys when you when you film your stuff it's not like this rocking guitar pure epicness and adrenaline you know this isn't something that redbull TV is gonna pick up anytime soon
it's very relaxed just the way its animal Crossing's music exactly well our last episode was actually well the one that hasn't been released yet we had a couple of parts where it was really cold and it was wet and we were trying to cross a stream if we didn't have those boots that you guys had brought they're really good waterproof ones we might it like we're always very conscious of if we should not keep going because it's dangerous so just just like Brian said we won't break any rules - let's see here will Taylor what's your favorite luxury item to bring camping Brian good one I do share is what I would say yeah I can't be stole because really you don't need a chair but it's kind of nice it's so nice that other people will sit on his excessive ingredients for elaborate meals mine's a sleeping that I just love the ID isn't called sleeping that a luxury item it's luxury dang it I would say Brian stool as well Brian brings the stool you could argue that the camera that we bring our luxury I have
but is that your isn't a serious answer like have you used to stool yes time when he brings it I Dreamatorium X kind of along the same lines favorite piece of gear there's any iLike Maps I really love looking at maps I like my hammock for me it's look at this back oh well that's nice for me it's a camping the little one would you just use the propane and then little that Thomas and I should just really convenient because as long as you can heat up water you can do so many things Aleksandr Acts asks what is the superior Doritos flavor original whatever the cool right let's just say Cool Ranch vs nacho cheese which one do you like nacho cheese really they will ranch for me man like plain blue corn yeah I've probably talked about it before but there used to be cooler ranch and nacho cheese e'er but nobody believes me
I believe you I remember this elemental flow dog Rafi asked what is the most beautiful Vista you've encountered the question went off screen so I don't know if that was exactly basically yeah that's it
probably you have seventy first time seeing a semi gorge or you know somebody whenever it's called Bali Bali yeah [Laughter]
Mount Whitney getting up to the trail Junction Muir Junction and going along there and just it was TRO crest exactly yeah it was too spectacular some runner-ups would definitely be like Fuji eat with the Blue Mountains yeah well the first one that came to mind for me was Hansen's point but not so much because of the view but because of the way we found it how it's just like an accident yeah what do you guys usually use for navigation traditional map slash compass hiking apps or a combo of the two oh yeah no IIIi use strictly maps I mean I get there I planned the route online on Google Maps and then I buy the map of the place that we're going that's the thing is like a lot of times we're going to national force and because we haven't decided on a trail until the day before you guys do that but the national force their default maps are so bad and like so low resolution well using hiking apps is useful for us when we're trying to pace ourselves that's you know to some degree when we're filming well on that note we have only used an actual hiking app we used OSM Android the it's a OpenStreetMaps Android app and we use that for Germany that was a lifesaver because it was offline and we could see all the different paths and trails and stuff but uh I keep meaning to use that on an episode I keep forgetting about it as well so I would actually like to use hiking apps more just so we can just because lots of times we just use Google Maps and we don't even have signal anymore so it's just like we have a relative idea of where we're at Dreamatorium x asks any close calls with foraged goods we have happily we're previously pretty careful independently I once ate like a bean but is in the pea family you didn't get sick to to use to use twizz says what do you think about into the wild not specifically the movie or book but the story from what I know I mean I can sympathize with the guy and its traffic I know he gets like a lot of flack for the decisions he made and cuz maybe the guy survived in the Alaskan wilderness for a month I was mixing that up with a walk in the woods Robert Redford movie yeah which I really enjoy uh I I liked his views on society society no I mean I could totally sympathize with just getting sick of society and be like I'm just controlled by society and like especially technology that's like the big one for me it's like I love technology but at the same time it's very controlling okay so this is a funny one and I'm curious to hear what you guys say actually Aleksandr asks can you all take turns saying Best Buy I'll go first
Best Buy Best Buy that's by I say Best Buy because there's two different ways to say it and then okay we'll continue amanda and lamb or whatever the best boots have held up really well i will say on the last trip the tip of one of the shoelaces froze off because they got so frozen it like snapped but it comes with extra laces okay how do you guys bring your music with the midi board only or specifically not the recorded instruments so that's all just software so we use a keyboard that does MIDI and then we program the instruments into this office
exactly what guitar sometimes Oh guitar yeah although the intro song has real flute and drums and guitar Meraki with the good hair asks are you guys into geology I used to be in a mineral salon just because like my dad was obsessed with them but recently not so much I'm more into geography than geology but I really don't try and take it for credit granted if it he's a geologist he is literally a geologist JM asks we are very curious why does Andrew sleep in a tarp tarp instead of a tent it's freaking weird I like the openness of it I like being close to the ground it's like a hippie dippie connected video but I mean mostly is just like nice to have the open air and being able to see everything around you and a lot of times if it's hot out it's nice to have a breeze and stuff but also it's like really cool to be able to set it up in different ways to what you never do [Laughter]
Shaunie you had that protective against the I did like a diamond set up and the first Dolly Sods yeah how'd you guys meet was asked by limestone so Bryan and Andrew our brothers I am their cousin and Thomas is their lifelong a friend former neighbor
former neighbor yeah I'm related had a couple of questions so far about where is Nicole at and I think Bryan answered this last time but go ahead and answer it again if he could Brent well sure she's doing like nursing school and working like a night job so she's pretty much busy the whole day all the time so it's I haven't really been able to talk to her that's not it that's not obviously I can get so far he's very very very busy from what I know
okay little Nader's 49 says have any of you played fire watch I know I have have you played that Thomas oh yeah I've played that game two or three times I I like the concept of it I wish the story was a little bit more fleshed out but I really like the idea that you're talking to this woman on this other side and that you have the options to you know go down different routes literally and figure out the story as you go but at the end of the day it's still the same story and I just kind of left me hanging a little bit more but I love the art style I was actually uh impressed with how much it felt like hiking yeah it's weird but it felt a lot like I came and the music to that is fantastic okay it was really good music real quick I can just answer this one the Shan 'thus er says what's your thoughts on gimbals versus Steadicam gimbals are the future and they're awesome oh I need to move that my limestone donated $1 Han shot first
rip greed oh it's on the stream thank you very much for the donation okay let's see there was a good one I just saw okay say Jennifer s asks is anyone a gearhead and Robbie's a grito head but I would say if I if I could bring myself to spend the money I'd be a gearhead but I'm whenever I like want to look at new gear I have I I always have this like you know the little angel and the little devil on your shoulders there's like I really don't need a new tent even if it weighs like a pound less I don't really need a new this or that you know but I'd love to get them but you know I feel like Brian Joyce coming up with see ideas for like hypothetical gear you know even mean deer that would be useful camping really I guess out of the four of us you're the curious I throw this like I guess you know I'm I was the first one that kind of like wanted to try out the hammock and things like that but Jordan I ordered it I'll go ahead I like light gear gear that makes everything lighter like gets me to that twenty twenty pound backpacking goal sounds like an ultra lighter borderline where Jordan Howard asked will you do more Bush crafty videos even short ones yes
so we are hopefully going to have access to some land very soon Irish laughing only because the last time we did a live stream someone reached out to Andrew about land and I don't think Andrews responded back yeah someone offered land but also someone we know personally that's a lot closer so that's like the most promising yeah I just for me who I think I know you best it just it's kind of like encompasses your person I was like oh yeah someone reached out to me but also someone I know has it but I think I'm just gonna sit here and wait and see what happens charge charred PP says did Greedo shoot first
is that a something up for debate yeah it is if you would watch the special editions you would know no I mean I've seen the thing where Han Solo goes like this and then dodges the laser like they like added his head moving that's terrible but in the original I thought there was no question that Guido never even shot yeah okay then in that case then no grito didn't even shoot right I mean it done on all the pens it all depends on damping we are we gonna do something like that coming soon no we you guys are not gonna be camping literally on the beach you'll be camping here a beach boy that's a nice looking over there Andrew and I are gonna be camping on the beach there's Friday night right yeah eventually I'd like to do something where we're basically like walking along a beach and we just set up with like a attendant oh man can you imagine sleeping in a tent on the sand or just sleeping on there which is unfortunate yeah well I mean that kind of makes sense but I guess it would be more kind of like a beach like a beach that's just happens to be within a national force or something
do any of you have phobias you have one yeah I have triple phobia which what is triple phobia triple phobia is an extreme aversion to strange Holi textures so like if you know what a lotus pot is that what those were Andrew yeah yeah yeah like a lotus seed pod those caused me severe discomfort I saw a gift that would like kill you immediately it was someone's like shoulders and head but the texture of the skin was like a bunch of holes and they were all moving around man I just got goose bumps [Laughter]
mmm I don't know how do you know how like how do you know if you have a phobia oh you just know you just know yeah when you see something like that like when I see something it makes me uncomfortable but like how how would you describe how you feel like it makes me physically uncomfortable to look at like not just like I don't like the way that looks but to wear like I have to get it out of my sight oh and it's weird because it's like it sounds really dumb and I'm like why can't I control that but
I can't yeah I don't know for me I can't say if I have a phobia because I don't think I've really if I do I don't think I've experienced whatever that phobia is foster phobia fear of clowns I'd be like I don't have those for me it's it's centipedes I cannot look at a house centipede
I just cannot spiders you know I can look at I can take push no sevens but it's the hairy legs that just freaks me out I can't I can't even look at him I feel like I have a fear of heights but I feel like that's just a normal human instinct yeah yeah that's my there is like fear of heights or there there's like that general self-preservation feeling you know but definitely I wouldn't say it's a fear of heights yeah I'll say what real quick Oregon regarding a Lost Coast Trail we were going to do the Lost Coast Trail but it's so difficult to get a permit so yeah that's that's a good recommendation we'd love to do that at some point it's just we couldn't get the permit for that on our trip are you guys into Marvel movies I think I know the answer to this but I'm curious absolutely absolutely no like I enjoy watching them but I'm not like a super fan or anything like that I just enjoy the movies who am I gonna see these movies with when I go back to Ohio I'll still see the movies it's not like I'm like I'll say no but I'm not like oh man you know I got to go see this movie the night it comes out midnight this night I guess it was awesome just because I gotta see the Avengers dude like doctor I am looking forward to infinity war yeah I do like the Avengers movies oh here's a good one Geary asks was the solar eclipse what you thought it would be Robbie you answer that yeah it was amazing I don't know exactly what I thought it would be but it was an incredible thing and if it comes around again I highly suggest you go out of your way to see it yeah
it is seven years for six years now oh right yeah it's not that long away yeah it was just so weird so cool I think I think the most interesting thing about the total eclipse was just how drastically it changed women when it was in totality and everything got dark like that was just it was it was early like surreal just to have you're not used to seeing that you yeah yeah and the the clouds I remember it looks like almost a fate painted backdrop from like a old movie in the 60s or something yeah are we going to the Grand Canyon Thomas we are not going to the Grand Canyon almost the route changes again but this time we're not going to Grand Canyon we are I'm not gonna say no I'm not going to say but I'm all say Utah Colorado and New Mexico a little of trail hello trail um actually the questions are coming in slowly enough so you guys want to just take the questions that you like and then go ahead and answer them absolutely why don't we just go and order from Thomas - Andrew - me - Robbie and we'll just pick a question to answer it Lucas what is the strangest thing from the supermarket you buy frequently I feel like mmm
some sort of weird animal part probably you frequently buy that well if we're talking strange how free you know you know what my answer for you is Andrew yes things but I think it's clear how frequently you buy it but it's the artificial crab so much artificial crab I just I really like that stuff as a kid and I never needed that you know you know I've been getting into a lot is understanding how meat is procced like processed and cooked and everything oh my god I fell asleep when you said that how did you ever come about dude like learn about that I just I just really like the idea of like being able to cook the perfect steak and so I read all online like okay you can do it this way you can do it that way and so then I got my cast-iron skillet and I was like ooh finally I made a steak that I really love and then I was like okay now what's the next thing and then I read about smokers and barbecue and like how you're supposed to act like the different ways of barbecuing food honestly I just watched a lot of Anthony Bourdain doing cooking a perfect steak is like the most quintessentially Thomas wants to learn this kind of thing do you see some of the steak I cooked the other day oh my god it's dude my buddy he's really good at cooking steak he can teach you how to cook it I would love it I love it it's so interesting like learning how different people cook steaks cuz you can like like take this point I went to my friend's place and he taught me how to he cooks his steak with rosemary and butter and then you go to another place and it's like okay now this way this is how you actually grill it over and open fire and you can kind of combine them and make your own way of your own process of making we're all expecting a steak dinner net yeah you're not cooking steak on this road trip and I'm kicking you off the team if you want to see me it's today go to the Facebook I want to eat a good steak first sear is like the best way to do it look up reverse sear reverse sear I don't know I know how to seriously I don't know yeah you lightly cook it in the oven for like an hour at like a hundred degrees so that it's kind of semi cooked all the way through then you just sear it on the outside it's perfect like so sort of like four steaks X 4 XG 4mx donated $5 thank you oh look at that I'll read this have you guys ever heard of the trans Catalina Trail and would you consider doing it of course we've heard of it and of course you've considered doing it in fact we were going to do it until we found out that was gonna cost way too much money and that's why we didn't do it we will do it eventually at some point just it's we added it up all and to get there to find the campsites to do everything for the four of us it was gonna cost over $500 and that just wasn't gonna work out that well so no love it we'd love to check it out I think you'll like the alternative that we have picked out when the guys come here but I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say what it is but I think you'll like it here are seven nine to five by the way thank you for your support hopefully yeah and and on that topic we are gonna have a teaser or like some clips from the episode at the end so make sure you stay tuned to the end of the stream just by the way Stephen Miller says you can use my place in Lindon ten and see I have ten point two acres five there and hardwood forest who I assume it means for bushcrafting yeah where is that in Tennessee that you're Nashville I don't know I'll have to look that up I just I just love funny uh the to the wild says the Sequoia National Forest is amazing have you ever been well technically yes Robbie Andrew and I have all been to Sequoia and when we whitewater rapids like oh you have yeah just not with you guys oh okay well then yes I have an axe I see the koi is there I saw this turquoise in Yosemite many years ago but they've said they've closed that off for now hey we might enter in how you have a few days we might take a trip up there we might go into the desert we don't know yet Jason bourgeois asks will Brian be giving a performance on guitar um maybe we'll see if you guys can convince me enough to make me plays and play song on the guitar I'm a little uh I'm a little stage shy is that a term that I think the Andrew here here's one for you Oh what is your favorite house plan that is true
sorry I wasn't always a bit early every I'm gonna say spider plants just cuz they're really easy to maintain or maybe basil just cuz you can eat it and it grows back really easily I do like this so one name - Oh whose was saying that her friend refuses to finish breath of the wild because they don't want it to finish and does that ever happened to us that's me all the time like I'll watch a show or play a game right up to the end there's a good doctor who quote if you watch Doctor Who I forgot what it is exactly but he pulls the last page out of a book and says I like to make up my own endings mmm they're always better that way well you try camping in a caravan and cooking the steak that would be awesome depends how you depend did define Caravan I mean you and I are gonna be caravanning across the country but not in a art I wanna I want to get one of those Oregon Trail type caravan they're taking that Oregon Trail what's that uh king of the hill quote like we firmly yep these stakes are perfect to serve and then it sounds like well what if they don't want me to him repair oh well you firmly but there gently but firmly ask them to leave Amanda lamb ask any updates on a CA meet up Thomas so this is a little tough I don't think we're gonna be able to do at all meet up with all four of us and if we do end up doing the meet up with just Andrew and I you would have to be on a weekday and I feel like that's not fair for anyone so if you think that it's worth having a California meetup on a weekday I don't know a good place to have it it's actually like and like have to do it right because this is like our last chance I don't I don't I don't know when the four of us could do it though I mean literally like we get there right no no we're going straight no we're going to the we're going to the hotel rakes the trail that first you could well maybe I can drop you guys off somewhere and you guys can do it but I got to start packing like immediately we're hiking down on like seven miles and are driving for hours back to Los Angeles sure I mean we could do it but it's like I don't want to set a time and we end up being there two hours late does that make sense yeah yeah so hey if you want to meet up shoot us a message and we'll try and we'll try and we could get burgers at that Carl's jr. that that's true that's true do real quick I can answer this one the shan't the CR says which phones do you guys use I use iPhone 7 plus Thomas uses the Google pixel - Andrew uses the galaxy s5 elemental flowed out what photography asks have we been to Hells Canyon the deepest skin in North America no we haven't but I've just slipped up pictures and it looks really cool therefore it is now on the list of places we need to go going bald first I see their mirror Thomas like lately I've been noticing my hair is thinner than it used to be so me and Thomas are in a race yeah nobody in my family's bald though but there is thinning hair in my family so so you don't mind no one in my family's bald either but you get the wrong angle and ya need the white guy to go yeah that's after dark hardly Aleksandr says they have Carl's jr. coupons rajesh war ii tamang says hey guys would you rather ten hours at one place or two hours each at five different places while visiting new places so as long as you're not rushed I would rather do the two hours each at five different places so like if you really had to rush to get to each place then I wouldn't want to do that but in general I like variety unless you have to rush for it general Anderson said do you each of you have any specific skills you're trying to learn I need to catch up on the creative aspect that you guys are dominating it right now
but more specifically I just love to do more marketing yeah I just wanna um I like nature I haven't put in any effort towards it but I want to learn Chinese like be able to speak it better than I can
what are in a white style such diet did you guys follow a specially formatted inventory what kind of lifestyle / diet do you guys follow especially before mountain kuma Tori and that was basically eating as much Japanese food as we were actually really cautious like we made sure we didn't eat anything spicy or that's that's huge yeah I can answer this one real quick Jordan Howard asked how we're doing the videos for the road trip are we gonna split them up make one big video the answer is we're not entirely sure yet but Thomas has some ideas on what might be good and we're thinking like maybe a combination of both like kind of a vlog style but also have some like actual full chunky videos but it kind of depends on what the story ends up as as we do it that's exactly what Tail bushcraft said I think regarding the ball thing I lost a few shingles on the roof but I still have a lot thank you dan hein by the way for joining the stream a lot of your music sounds inspired by Japanese style RPG game music that is very true span and Pethick there is no policy we met just must have missed them so feel free to react
yeah just keep keep posting the questions where we'll look for traffic we'll try to get to them as they come in yeah we're how much of a hassle of Andrews sleep cycle when it comes to coordinating and editing editing stuff they can't physically go and punch him in the face to wake him up it's really annoying yeah the worst I won't throw an tree under the bus but yeah it's really annoying but he's gotten so much better over the last two months so much better oh really yes that's what happens when you set the bar low I will say when we're in person it's kind of useful but when we're editing remotely it's really all right to the wild as he's actually asked a bunch of questions I wish I could answer most recently are you guys interested in adding historical aspect stories to episodes yes absolutely in fact one of the places I want to take the guys is Gettysburg sometime this summer I feel I could be appropriate and we could incorporate some history into the whole thing you should show up in your full uniform hey I'm sitting somewhere it's sitting there somewhere yeah well we're actually also probably going to a historical park for a voting episode on patreon oh yeah yeah that's Ben are you into ornithology at all me uh yeah I I'm not like super great at it but I've definitely done some light birding I do remember you would used to like point out birds flying and or if we saw like a bird flying in the sky do I go that as like the red tips on its wings and therefore it's a red tipped pupil thing expanding the thock asks what are the two brothers up to what do they do for a living oh I work for a like textbook company and Andrew bumble around no I did videos
just filming the trips impede mileage per day absolutely that was Brandon the hard one yes this would agree with that you would not even fathom it like we I think this always comes up but last time we said that it impedes us so much that the first time Thomas hiked with us it literally annoyed him yeah every time someone new hikes with us they're like seriously like you have to stop and get another shot like I think your friend in a coma Tory was yeah he was like this looks like the exact same view you had five minutes ago I was like yes I know but trust me it'll work for the video have you thought about VR specials I'd imagine it'd be difficult to create content in the AAA style we have thought about just right now the so we initially experimenting with 3d cameras 3d video is not fun to watch but actual 3d 360 video that's what I meant 360s not fun to watch you can't hear me yeah okay 3d 360 videos are really interesting but the cameras at the time last I looked into them weren't cheap enough so I mean that's something we still have in mind but also it's not high on a priority list because they're just not as fun to watch as regular videos right now we actually have a 360 video companion to the give somebody episode it's basically you can start a video up on your phone watch it simultaneously with put so much work into that yeah it was a cool idea but it's just like the technology but it just wasn't like well with the camera was like 480p or 360 or something Oh have you guys tracked how much you actually walk including your grito stuff with the GPS so like walking back for the camera and everything my phone's pedometer has shown us before but we'd never really pay attention and I don't think the phone's pedometer is all that accurate anyway but I haven't you what oh I was gonna say you probably add like at least 30% of our total mileage on to that from extra walking go ahead Kimmy - I went to school for environmental science undergrad with sociology spenden perfected where have you witnessed the best Milky Way or nice guy in general that's a good question how would you do oh nice guy yeah because of the yeah lights but would you say Whitney when we woke up that one day on Whitney and just saw that Oh a slew of stars it's hard to say because every time I go out and I see like a starry sky I'm always blown away again and I forgot like how amazing it looks but I know we definitely saw the Milky Way like Whitney Yosemite barely barely Oh Cindy I don't know about Yellowstone I went to Jeff Valley I've been at Death Valley and camped there twice once this past weekend and I saw the Milky Way and was beautiful it was very cold though Ruben asks do you have any plans to go to more remote places like the example for example woodland caribou Provincial Park Ontario I think we definitely like to it's just all a matter of what it takes to get there like the planning and things but I think it'd be really cool because I mean we always talk about how we'd like to go to places better like less populated and like less crowds and you know a lot of national force you can get that but to go somewhere like really be secluded would be awesome white Ben whitetail bushcraft asks my son is going to a school near Hocking Hills I will be camping in that area a lot this year any remote campsites you recommend so I didn't go to school literally right next to Hocking Hills I went to Ohio University but you should check out Stroud's Stroud's Park it's a state park it's part of Dow Lake or something they do have some campsites I don't know if they're back country or not but it's a beautiful light that you should check out when's the last time you were talking Hills Thomas oh it's been a long time
actually I was wondering if did you know I last time I went I went with this girl I was dating and it was bad good story Johnny says hey Jim damn median he says have you guys are we gonna consider like anywhere in Canada if so where absolutely Banff is on the is on the Raider Raider Raiders of the Lost Ark regard radar with the Canadian accent Raider II do you ever do a five to seven day trip yeah I would definitely do it the time was permitting I would totally do it yeah but back to that question real quick Johnny asked what is the name of the restaurant in the new episode I can't believe we forgot to mention it but it's called Trojan horse or the Trojan horse it's in Bloomington Indiana in downtown Bloomington it's fantastic so many places in Canada I want to check out though especially canoeing yeah yes Calgary is a great place I have a friend of the ocean Oh incredible okay is this is a reason that the patreon amount is hidden no yeah we just thought it was better that way I mean I mean you gotta understand there's not a lot of like deliberate thought that goes into the things we do yeah like a soap and so I think patreon when we first started patreon it was a very like not fleshed out website and then as it as you know time went on they added more and more options for you to do this and that I think it probably just defaulted to certain settings when it they added new features yeah limestone asks how old do you have to be to camp and hold on I missed it I don't know how old you have to be to camp in national and Ohio metro parks yes sir well there is one Metro Park where you can well actually there's several mr. parks in Ohio where you can camp I don't know if there's an action you and I did when we were 16 at a Metro Park no at a state park oh I thought he said Metro said both own national in Ohio Metro Brooks oh I don't know I'd say heck oh you guys were older then I'd say so as far as I know I don't think there is an age limit but maybe there is it's probably a good idea to not go when you're younger than 16 or something yeah yeah as long as you're responsible you know it's your look and you and someone knows you're going there then I don't see any issue [Music]
have you guys considered traveling the Isle Royale I'm gonna answer this one specifically because it was one of our choices for a voting episode so it's definitely a high priority in terms of if we go back up to Michigan at some point I'm Dan Klein and this is kind of an answer for any question like this but we're definitely considering building Asia it's just like what we're considering going everywhere we just haven't made any plans but we would love to - Alexander asked would you rather own a large plot of land and follow a somewhat hermetic lifestyle or self-sufficient of self-sufficiency or live in a larger city and get your camping exposure once Wow oh I would much prefer to avoid the city I like I like the idea of being able to experience both I know that's not the answer you're looking for but just being able to like take 10 steps in your back yard and have a wonderful wilderness experience or take 10 minutes to go down the road and have a great social time in a fun place yeah so she's a wild sorry - the wild asks ever thought of inviting a viewer to hike I work in Shenandoah as a ranger and I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in a production assistant role I mean we would we wouldn't mind having like viewers come along on trips with us it wouldn't be something like oh you can like be part of the team or anything but when a couple of things I feel that are the biggest hindrances when it comes to having guests on our show who you know aren't like close friends or whatever is that planning and timing is really tough and also I think a lot of people wouldn't be prepared for just how much filming we have to do when we do that it and it comes back to to the fact that when the first time we brought Thomas camping I think Thomas is a close friend and even he got irritated by how much we stopped to film your Kate is an understatement yeah so like we don't want to some people may be able to something like handle it but it's definitely not your typical camping trip but I don't want to ruin the magic you it it really does kind of take you out of the experience a little bit when you're filming so much it's it's not like not to show you how the sausage is made but you'll you'll uh let's see do you have a next big mountain you're looking to hike I'm going to say that I'd love to hike Mount Ranier there's some mountaineering involved but you can take a you can take a guide with you which probably is the best way to do it especially if you not familiar so I'd love to hike Mount Ranier
it would be my next big one how much you guys though I just want to say thank you Anna Tang for the message yeah I do enjoy yes rubenesque often we live stream in the past so we live stream every Monday at slash adventure just for our patrons and then right now we're trying to shoot for once a month for these public ones on the main channel the ones I'm a tree are usually uh like single person so you know why these are set up like it like yesterday automatic yesterday was on patreon for like a solid hour and people asking questions I gave some answers [Laughter]
Oh guys we totally forgot we've got clips from the new episode do we want to show those yeah are we done are we gonna wait doing it in ok that's offensive yeah I figured that'd be a nice way to end the stream so ok what what do you guys say we go for another 20 minutes sure yeah ok 20 minutes guys so if you if you if you have a question and we didn't get around to answering it post it again we'll try that it will try the lightning around some of these questions we've been going off on non sequiturs so here's something I really just wanna throw in regarding bringing viewers hiking um I I don't think it'll be fun for a year to hike with us honestly but I do think would be fun would be afterwards beforehand or something for have have them come and sit down with us either during or post hike meal or a pre hike meal and just talk to us about what they love on the adventure maybe they can join us for part of the trip but it really it's the three days that we're out there it's just not as much funny to get sick of us by the time you're done young ok young rich asks any interest in camping near area 51 if they offered camping near area 51 I would totally do it yeah I'm not afraid of aliens I'm afraid of ghosts Christopher William says would you climb Everest even if it's just a base camp no for me yes to base camp yeah base camp absolutely ohyes base camp I thought that was like higher than Whitney is way higher than Whitney then but like actually getting to would just be 18,000 I'd have to like know that more details but it would be cool it may be cool to just say that you did it Alps in Australia yes and yes who knows when that's gonna happen Aleksandr says what's the best cookie white macadamia know which movie would you like to see first Yoda or solo yo-yo Patrick Kawa says he is sitting at home sick watching her videos he's seen them all and he's considering donating patreon Patrick I'm so sorry that you're sick and I hope that our videos brought you some joy if you
like our videos you absolutely don't feel like you have to but if you do join us on patreon you can watch you can watch bloopers you can watch I guess drunk commentary really that was the thing and we just stuffed about what 60 or so
oh yeah the postcards so go it's got its perks but you know if you don't feel like donating please consider just posting and telling it literally everyone you know about our show that would help us so much that would help us a lot especially I'm ready I'm gonna answer this one more time just cuz I don't know if maybe he wasn't around but have you ever think about going camping in Banff Alberta Canada yes Banff is very high on the list for us if when we when we go back to Canada because I've heard that it's very beautiful or I mean we've been there and I mean it's just I really want to go back and Robbie it looks like you're drinking from a straw and Greta's has shown that he was inspired by our channel documented his trip to the that's awesome and I actually really like yeah if you have but if you posted that video on YouTube you should like send us the link so we can check it out I'm abdicates to see it mental elemental asks if we know about homemade wanderlust yes I watch some of her videos a lot and she is fantastic would love to collaborate with her sometime but again you know I feel like she's got to hear about us first Sarina Davis asks do you guys miss camping without cameras and filming and I do and I haven't done it in so many years now I really want to do it just to remember what it's like yeah we've actually been talking about just taking a I guess you could say it's a vacation I just want to say a quick hi to james Blackburn to he's been hopefully being a lot with planning around oh hey awesome yeah that's that's like really cool that people are willing to reach out and help us you know figure these details out he's been fantastic I think we're gonna have a good time in Albuquerque because they have Brian a thank you for that suggestion Anna asks I'm not expecting you to plan a high get any haunted forest or arias time anytime soon have you ever experienced any freaky scary paranormal like episodes while camping there was the allegheny one there the allegheny one and there was the time I told you guys about how when I was in my 10th I felt like something was pushing on my shoulder I just suspect it was like maybe an animal or something or maybe I imagined it but it kind of freaked me out okay episodes of sleep paralysis but not wild camping so not relevant before but Dolly Sods winter trip Robbie came into my room and I was like hohoho this Christmas we have actually have a video about prepping for Mount Whitney so you could probably use that as a reference but if I were to say one cardio exercise to get you hiking ready I would just say go jogging go running that's exactly you can go Stairmaster yeah welcome claim yeah but any of those the Stairmaster is my favorite Taylor Harris says hey my brother Josh turned me on to your video said he knows you and your question mark beautiful work ever take fermented foods on trips for their presented nature I mean it's been a while to see like lives an hour away but yeah thank you for what else would you pack instead of cameras if you're not filming more food bring snacks and stuff this is addressed to the wild I think it would be cool to kind of like blend them meet up and the camping trip with people and basically do very minimal filming there would be more like we just film when we were camping and we focus on the people rather than trying to film something that was like a full episode I think that'd be a kind of good mix and it's hang grandma Gatewood trail I need to look more into that and that sounds super familiar but yeah we we would definitely do like probably a mini episode about rocky hills if there's backpacking then we could definitely do a fall was never a hike that you found boring or disappointing because I'm trying to think and I don't think I can think of one this is well there's always a sense we come there's always times where we finish trips and we think that they weren't as good as some others like Shenandoah and honestly when we came back from Hoosier I was a little disappointed just because it didn't snow right but every time I you know like watch the videos or I go back and think about the trips I realized just how much I enjoyed them who Anna a if you set us ingredients we'll definitely been through our choices after camp meal you've had recently know we've got two of them I'll have to say the worst one that I've had recently was probably Andrews little gnocchi spaghetti sauce to me anchovy just cuz it's just like man that is it was literally just like salty salty dough balls have a funny story about a failed attempt to do a hike or a trip I feel like we've got one but I can't think of any and then there was a was it Monongahela where we couldn't even find the trailhead the first night yeah yeah there's a question here I want to address really quick from Fiona Tam have you guys considered making your own gear actually in what was a New River New River Gorge the hammock that Nicole was using was actually when she made herself and she has promised to help me make a mosquito net bivy for Andrews tarp but like I said she's been very busy so we haven't gotten around to doing that but maybe you'll see that in the future oh this is a good one do you experience any kind of stage fright or lack of for lack of a better word knowing that friends acquaintances family old teachers or ex go
friends are watching your videos and/or vlogs I forget that anybody can watch these videos I just think of the videos as being just for our audience so when somebody I know says that they see my videos I'm like alright what did I say did I say anything stupid I think I have one or two friends that watch this show but no I I mean I wouldn't have any I don't I don't think there's any reason for any of us to be embarrassed or whatever about our videos I think it's it would be awesome if people I knew saw them more people I knew saw those then I'll say that I used to be really awkward and from the camera in like season 1 but we've all got used to talking on the camera but I still kind of cringe when I'm watching the episode with friends yes and I'm like you can watch it at your own time just ok right Brian a brings up a good point Shawnee wasn't a great episode I mean III think at this point we went in and you can consider an episode technically and it was definitely a fail in terms of the trip Shawnee the total eclipse Andrew do you have the postcards are gonna mail out yes yeah once you go ahead and show to them oh okay oh I gotta sell some furniture how did you guys like the post hike Pastis past actually inspired to try and bring some like pre-made foil-wrapped past these so you can like cook them on the fire at some point hokies asks what crazy concoction am I going to come up for my next trip this won't be the next trip but I've been wanting to create a Nigerian thing called foo foo which is kind of like it almost looks it feels like raw dough but it's cooked and you like pick little balls off of it and usually you eat it look likes to the goosy stew which is like okra but yeah that's something I've been wanting to do so Oh brace yourself dude do you find your angle before or after we're filming a trip
or you're editing and story what is your process so I can't speak for anybody else but just like and I think it's just all of us but when we're filming like documentary style anything I think one of my favorite parts about it is you don't know what the story is gonna be and what the feel of it's gonna be until after you've already filmed it so we just kind of like do the best job we can of capturing the moment and like sometimes we'll do like mini mini stories so to speak like so somebody making some food at a campsite that's a mini story and you want to tell that and you think about how that specific sections gonna play in your head but overall it's just like get the best angles get the best shots get everything like produced well beforehand and then afterwards when we put it together that's where it all comes together and then Andrew writing the narration that's where like the actual at least the narrative theme from the narration comes in and he thinks of like if there's a specific theme that he wants to say in the episode and he writes it as he goes so really quick Matt Denki says his great grandson or a great great against on his friend is a Greek another John here sorry oh and also uh-oh we are in season four technically but that doesn't really mean anything and also here are the postcards this is Germany this is pictured rocks hold on one second let me get you more and then this is Mount Whitney hold up Oh getting all big yeah donation Jeremy thank you very much for the donation did we get a he says love your shows very inspirational one day I hope to hold on I'll look that up you guys keep going what inspired you to make it Center our case basically actually part of it for me personally was like being stuck in the city in my dorm and wanting something to watch that was like very nature II but also not overly dramatized like it isn't like a lot of rock the park okay founded so Jeremy says love your shows very inspirational one day I hope to have my panic under control so I can return to backpacking so yeah I definitely hope you can get that under control it's like that's a funny thing man it's like that's a hard thing to get under control so best of luck with that yeah any considerations to visit Big Bend Thomas uh that was one of the places that a lot of people recommended going just the timing of this is not gonna work out this time almost the route changes again which very well Mike but we are not currently planning on going to Big Bend however because somebody people recommended it I think we got to try and look it up as a serious place to go to sometime soon
so many people recommend it I can't I can't guys look at but do not read inspect my gadgets go yeah are there some inaccessible places you guys plan on sitting if you mean inaccessible in the census like they're closed down inordinate not allowed to go and then probably not just because like we don't want to break any rules you don't film your your crimes Oh Thomas have you given deep-fried Pig intestine a second try I have not I've tried it once credit two or three times before Algonquin and then just every time I try it I'm like it's just there are very few foods I disliked quiche is one big intestine is another quiche I a quiche this is so benign it's like bread and eggs and he's like that's really weird that's great alright I gotta sell some furniture but I'll be back never blows me away I feel like it's just okay that's alright I'd rather just have eggs though I like quick thank you to Jennifer Kay she said you just said I cannot believe I just discovered your channel a couple months ago I love your vids and then watching everyday thank you thank you for watching and I'm glad like it always makes me happy to hear people are really enjoying our videos Seoul talks asked if that's an original Xbox behind you this is this dream still oh it is yeah it's got a whole bunch of systems back there stream should still be going unless something happened yeah Steve Miller asked how much footage never makes her video your shows are closer an hour so how much filming does it take to produce a video what I don't know how much doesn't make it but I'm always surprised that it always comes out to an hour yeah like that's it's weird but just somehow that's how it works okay people are asking why Thomas is selling furniture it's cuz he's in the process of moving and he doesn't want to take all the furniture back so you say he doesn't have some side hustle going on Oh someone kicked a wire they said oh no it looks like it's working for me okay that's good greetings from Louisville KY when Kentucky when are we going to do a group meetup trip I would love to be able to like do like a I know that well plan something that's sort of like a road trip where we just go and eat people okay look at Thomas is out of the room we got a pressure hand into having places we go on this road trip be like half meetups planned you know yeah well if this road trip doesn't make the meetups happen I promise I will at least make like I will bye what's that I will make it happen at least before 2018 is over we're gonna have a meet-up that's the very least we're gonna have a made of it yeah the very least I'm gonna just go to high banks Metro Park with Andrew one thing on the plus side that now that Thomas is moving back anytime Robbie comes over is an opportunity for that now you're all four of us Oh TM way 84s have you had any memory cards corrupt on you during production you lost videos didn't we have it happen rather during man that one of the yeah lux we just answered your question you asked about the xbox and I said yes that is an original Xbox oh hello from England hello leak early thank you for joining us did you know Hokies it's not England but yes we are based out of pong as well me and Andrew are so mary says for me meteor is one of the neatest things I yeah I think so that's neat all right well it is now 939 so Thomas all right Thomas Robbie do you want to show these people the sneak peek yes let's do that I think our mics will still be active so if you have any commentary feel free to chime in
I'm just gonna mute and let them enjoy yeah okay we got we get to two watches let me see here cuz it's really short so I know there's a way to do this media source actually didn't know a little bout what she wants I think please enter the name in the media source local file okay here it goes guys restart play the heights Brian Brian a Thomas is a Michigan fan okay here we go guys I think I've got it ready this is clip number one here we go [Music]
after our bird sighting we came along another campsite along the stream bank this campsite entered the Stone Age Wow did you move that that must be really heavy this is a straight up picnic table yeah actually pretty successful it's funny when people run out of firewood so they literally start burning things that are probably meant to be things for people to sit on so they're just like fungus okay and then here we go we've got another clip for you and let me adjust the volume a little bit so it's not as loud [Music]
I am in the meantime Alex yes we are planning on it hopefully like sounds about a day yeah it's very cold and I'm the first one because well I wasn't particularly comfortable in my hammock well I was pretty good but my feet were really really cold we weren't getting anywhere so I decided that rather than just kind of laying my hand and canoeing it somewhat visible I'd get up and move around to try and warm up and just be active not to mention we got such a late start yesterday so right now I'm just kind of walking up and down trailing our campsite trying to warm up getting a restful night's sleep during the winter can be challenging to say the least even if you have some decent gear I still covered everything this morning and most of my drinking water had become frozen after a few hours Robbie and I had woken up as we waited for the Sun to warm us up we talked about our night I feel like once your feet get cold they're gonna be cold you're done yeah really badly last night took forever to fall asleep and then when I finally fell asleep it's like not a restful sleep yeah I'm literally shivering uncontrollably right now I think you should go for like brisk walk yeah I was like the best thing for me there was ice like falling off of the inside of the table I got 217 last night I'm glad that it's sunny up doesn't seem to be helping [Laughter]
did that work everybody heard everything I worked for me I don't what's cold yeah hope you sometimes I use a tent when it's winter but I don't think I've used a tarp in the winter Dan damn thank you I'm glad you like the music and Patrick Allah thank you so much for considering joining I'll try to make the next postcard look cool cool okay so do we want to keep answering questions so do we want to close it down or what do we want I think we'll go ahead and end the stream now because we promised we said that we would so yeah you can watch the episode at slash adventure this will be archived though so if you missed any part of the stream you should be able to watch it earlier oh yeah yeah and someone who's almost saying they were gonna film the clips with their phone and leaked it that's like let's get one more question for Thomas of the world yes I'm so honest all clocks had a good one worst argument on the trails did Thomas sell all his furniture and get a good deal I know it wasn't a great deal but it was a great friend the furniture maybe maybe the furniture selling was that the friends we made a locally the real furniture selling life outdoors his question I have answered what was the most important thing you have forgotten well in the hoosier episode andrew forgot to bring fire-starting stuff even though he's the main fire-starting guy for some reason he just forgot all that adventure archives after dark furniture money going towards that bumper all right thank you so much let's thank our donors everybody who donated and super chatted very much oh man what is the one trip that Thomas wishes to have been with you guys oh that's easy oh okay no yeah I was gonna say okay thank you all so much yet go check it out the full episode on slash adventure and will be available on April 1st on YouTube yeah thank you guys so that no April Fool's joke yeah okay the other guys thank you bye agreed [Laughter]
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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