Campfire Chronicles Podcast #07 | Editing Vesuvius, Philosophy, and Q&A
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In this episode, Robby and Andrew talk about editing Vesuvius, go off on several tangents about their life philosophies, and answer your questions! Please post your questions below and we'll address them in an upcoming podcast!
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Phantom 3 4k:
Sony A7s ii:
Sony 16-35mm f4:
Sony 55mm f1.8:
Panasonic GH4 -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Canon T3i -
Canon 50mm f1.8 Lens -
Tokina 11-16mm Lens -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Roland Quad Capture -
Behringer XM8500 Microphone -
Sony Movie Studio Editing Software -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Kelty Grand Mesa 2 Tent -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants -
Sketchers Waterproof Boots -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2015
Tags: camping,backpacking,podcast,outdoors,nature,bushcraft,wilderness,survival,transcendentalism,thoreau,philosophy,life,travel,hiking,prepper,prepping,adventure archives
Video Transcription
welcome to campfire chronicles episode number seven I am Robbie and this is Andrew and we are back and we've just released our latest episode for patrons if you want to watch it early and by early I mean right now go to
donate a measly two dollars and you can watch it otherwise the public release will be April 17th we think it's one of our best episodes yet yeah I mean we just went to Yosemite and this one's in Ohio but I don't think that matters because it's the like it's such an amazing adventure and yeah it's one of the most not to give too much away but that was kind of the theme of the episode was that it doesn't really matter where you go it's just that as long as you go then you can have an experience that you will enjoy you know yeah so why don't we talk a little bit about the editing process because we just spent the entire weekend editing that video yeah we we did another one of our little editing marathons you came over and I don't know it's like you were commenting on your vlog how it is ironic that we spend so much time indoors doing a video on the outdoors and somebody actually asked us that during our live hangout that we did this past weekend and they're like what do you think about the fact that when you go out there oh you have to spend so much time filming and you don't you kind of like lose the moment and my answer to that was that just it's worth it because it helps other people get to live it vicariously and there's it's almost like there's a different appeal to it as well yeah and we've actually gotten like lots of messages recently about how we've inspired people to go out or we've helped them in hard times of their life and I've just like I never imagined our channel would have that effect but it's really amazing that it has at least for some people yeah and you know it's also interesting because we just passed 10,000 subscribers you know we just passed 11,000 yeah that's like that's pretty amazing considering that year ago we were at like what 3000 or something that most I don't know but I mean it's just it's so funny to think about that we just started out doing something that we liked doing and you know that's where I want to talk about I want to talk about how everyone thinks it's on realistic to be able to do a job that you like doing I mean we don't get paid for this not yet anyway I mean we're not making any money off of it that is yeah yeah but um everyone always thinks it's super unrealistic to do the things that you really want to do but I just don't think that's the case I just think lots of times is the things that you think that you want to do you don't actually want to do them as badly as like you don't you're not willing to put in the super hard work for it like for instance I would love to be a male model who just stands there and gets his picture taken on magazines and stuff but I'm willing to put in zero effort but like adventure archives it's like we spend hours and hours and hours editing shooting making music doing all this stuff but we love doing it you know yeah it's funny how um we always have this idea that people don't want to work but then you have crazy people like us who are putting in like 72 hours of editing straight more or less and then you realize that like we have this misunderstanding of what people want to do like people want to work if they just want to produce things that they think are meaningful you know yeah you know it's really problematic because I think the thing that people always bring up when you say something like everybody should pursue what their interests and their dreams are mm-hmm is you get the classic examples like okay who's gonna take out the trash or who's gonna do with waste disposal who's gonna do this sewer system yeah and I've got two answers for that and I've got answers to let you go first yeah well well my answer is first of all like everyone can pitch in a little bit like I mean you'd have to rearrange how things work but everyone can pitch in a little bit so that nobody has to do it all Dale like all their life but second world there are people who like doing that so that that's similar to my answer so part of my answer is that I guarantee you there are people who would find it thrilling I'm not I'm not even talking about like who would just be willing to do it they would find it literally thrilling to come up with like the most efficient waste disposal like system like as far as like collection like planning the routes of the garbage trucks planning the most efficient way for them to like dispose of the waste and all this stuff but on top of that this is what I always say hmm I said unless you're doing one of those absolutely crucial jobs like farming being a doctor waste disposal building roads something like that no matter what type of job you have it is equal in its contribution to society so for example if you're out there like if your dream is to start a business selling cupcakes mm-hmm and then somebody else and then your safe job is to sell like or is to work at some company doing web development that you don't like doing yeah it's like it's to things like yeah honestly not contribute like yeah no they do but it's like you're not saving anyone's lives and it's yeah I was having a discussion recently with Thomas and I forget what the context was cuz I don't think he was saying that like pursuing adventure archives was meaningless but for some reason at some point he said something along lines of like what are you contributing to society no it's funny because I was just thinking about how I mean I just I've often had the thought where like you think of someone like Thoreau or even though he like only lived a mile from civilization but like someone who abandons life lives in the wilderness in a cabin people will say like this guy is contributing nothing but what are you contributing to society if you work like I had a like health insurance company or something I mean you're contributing something but you could also argue that people in those positions are taking stuff from society okay here's the big takeaway from me is if you do not enjoy your life okay and you're constantly in a bad mood because of the job that you're doing you are D contributing to society what's the opposite of contribute taking taking away from society yeah because the most important thing and the biggest impact you can have on another person is your in your each interaction you have with another person and the way you interact with other people in society so on a grand scheme you need to be positive in your own life to be able to contribute sigh so like if you're doing some job that you hate and everybody you interact with knows that you're not happy you're not making the world a better place that way so you might as well make yourself happy okay that cuz you're making yourself happy is like look I'm not going into like this Iran territory I think she's a nut so at least making yourself happy can like you are a person in the world so making yourself happy does make society happy and on the contrary I mean helping other people like actually helping other people makes you happy too I think another problem is that like you know we have all these jobs and we get this sense that it's contributing something but we don't know exactly what and we don't know how useful it is and so like if we were under control of what we were creating or like doing then you know that you know exactly what outcome it has on other people and then you can feel good about it yeah where I was like if you're just working at some job where it's like a huge bureaucracy or something like you don't feel connected to the eventual product that's being created you know exactly and you know I think that's kind of just a problem our society's going through right now or just the amount of growth and just sure population numbers right so it's kind of hard to have that small scale interaction you know because like making shoes for instance there's no shoe makers and yeah there's big companies that make mass-produced shoes so it's harder to get that what's the word I'm looking for but you know like from the start of manufacturing to the end user there's like it's so blurry and so huge on how that work so it's hard for people to find but even then it's like I feel like there's ways you know cause like at so many companies or something it's just one guy at the top making the disorder like a board of people at the top making decisions but it's like the people who are actually producing the whatever shoes or like they have no say over what happens even though they're the ones who are like the most the most intimately involved with creating the thing and it's like you know that's no I I guess like to bring it to a shallower level it's like if we were venture archives but we had some horrible TV producer standing over our shoulder the whole time like telling us what to do then like the product we'd make at the end would be way worse because there'd be no heart yeah because you know it's kind of like it this works out the same way in a lot of different aspects and life but when you try to please people based on what you think they want rather than what excites you you just end up making like a facsimile of what is actually good like if we make what we like to make then like-minded people will find it or hopefully find it and they will enjoy it but if we make something that we just think people will like me then we're just presenting like a false version of ourselves and those people who are liking that false version they're not even getting like a good like version of what they like yes somebody who's stuck watching NCIS on TV and it's like man let's not throw NCIS under the bus I'm sure that is a high quality many high quality factors and stories actually going along with that I was thinking recently like I think one of the big fundamental keys to art is first being you're her number one fan like we've said before but also being your number one critic and like yeah and it's just it's funny because like you love the thing you create so much but then you also nitpick every little detail that no one else would notice it's funny too because like last night we were watching that episode together and I was like man I forgot to put a period on that subtitle and you're like good thing you're the only psychopath no that's good because you know yes absolutey maua r maniacally attentive to different details and so that you get the whole picture covered yeah I mean it kind of goes hand in hand with like loving what you're doing it's like if you love what you're doing you again and pay attention to those details and like if you don't pay attention to those details it probably just means that you don't love what you're doing in the first place so you know speaking of that I feel like this is just maybe this is tangential I don't know but I feel like what you are like super passionate about in life can change and I think that it's important to realize that there's no like one true passion for your whole life mm-hmm and I'll give you an example from my own life some of you may know that I have a dance studio that I started with my mother and we started it in 2010 when we started that studio it was literally the funnest thing most passionate thing I've ever had in my life and I just like loved every aspect of it as like oh man even if we're not making money this is great
fast forward five years we're still not making any money it's also just like my my passion for it my passions have changed lighting the things that I'm interested in doing and like really passionate about it's changed and they've evolved over time and I think that's totally okay I think a lot of times we like to pigeonhole each other into being like oh well you were so passionate about that the other day and we just think that people are bouncing from thing to thing that's important is that you should try out different things and get super into different things mm-hmm and they never saying stick sometimes they don't you know cuz I used to like be an art major and really want to do some sort of art thing as a living and like draw and then and then I switched but now I'm like I didn't even realize how much I cared about nature I mean I knew I likes camping but I didn't know I realize I don't know I wanted to like identify stuff until after college even and like all this tedious like the tedium of learning about names really yes I know different veins in this leaf which is like we were just talking about having a team of people who can contribute different things I think that's one thing that works well for us is that we all have different strengths and things that were like really interested in yeah like oh yeah I'll spend whole mornings looking at camera gear like a during breakfast I will go to BH photo dot RB h photo video and I will look at lenses for cameras and I'm like aha yeah and like in the same way you'll go to like ule you had that book on the table that was like it said something like who knew that I defying Ohio trees could be so fun oh yes it's like making tree identification even more fun and it's like nobody assumed it was fun in the first place right no yeah yeah oh yeah and I just I just think that's super cool I love that people are like nerds about different things even within the editing process like we have these different like I'm always doing the map sequence and then like you're always doing this other thing and like it's just like audio yeah yeah I don't want to touch that stuff but it's like no it's good or like I don't know it just that is a really interesting thing I think that's like a good model for exactly what we were talking about at the beginning of the episode about people like doing the things that they love like waste management I'm sure they're people who are super into waste management and would love to figure that out and like look at it as like a great puzzle I mean just being in academia you look at all these highly research papers about stuff that I could not care about at all and again there are people out there who are weird enough to be into this mundane stuff
yeah and God bless them cuz ya know it's great dude I think that's really cool actually about humanity is that we have such a why like for me dude I love organizing yeah what type of psychopath loves organizing like literally that is like anathema to you you're just like rather go eat rocks man okay well we should probably address what are we gonna talk about on these podcasts because I think we just should let people know that this is the type of stuff that we like to talk about and we'll probably talk about on these episodes yeah okay good question I will also address questions we'll talk about places we've gone to and like I kind of want to do a Vesuvius breakdown but I don't want to spoil the episode until everybody seen it so we'll probably save that until after and uh episodes actually out for the public what we could talk about the drone and how fun it is to use okay yeah well let's talk about that so we got a drone it it's fun to use it's actually kind of funny because I had pre-ordered this exact model of drone before when it was first announced I think it was last year but um oh right they delayed the pre-order so they delayed it like a month and I was like okay nevermind and I was able to talk myself out of it cuz at the time it was like a thousand dollars and then I'm just like a few weeks ago we were talking online about sliders and drones and stuff when we were both like we only got one life to live and start living no fate but the fate you make for yourself so we're making our fate but anyways I bought the drone and god/man the first of all the footage it produces is amazing like you never have that perspective of looking at everything from above like yeah yeah yeah just as a human you're just always on the ground and you always see things from ground level so to send the smoothness of it to it's like yeah just so surreal and it's also really funny how much it's like controlling a video game yeah like it's literally just like controlling a video game it's so like it even has the same control scheme I use when I play Halo it's amazing how easy it is to pick it up and learn to like at least for us I don't know we've been playing video games for a while but well I don't know I've always hear these stories about people crashing drones all the time and I'm like oh really it could not be easier for me yeah yeah and I always had the sense that it was easy to control them but you know this might be a really good drone though because the ones I've heard people crash or liked all those tiny ones well that's actually something interesting to think about it's like the logistics of using a drone for adventure archives because I mean first of all there's the big issue of national parks banning them but we found out you can use them in national force but the other aspect is like how we carry it and stuff and yeah we'll say I'm looking at it right now and I'm pretty sure that we can easily take the propellers off and then like attach it to the top of a backpack it shouldn't be too hard to do that and I tested it out with my phone today
like you just put your phone in the holster and then you got a little screen there it's fantastic Oh instead of a bigger instead of the big tablet yeah yeah yeah but uh the other thing is uh waterproofing too because we got to figure out a way to make sure it doesn't get destroyed yeah well I I'm sure we can figure something out but I think it's totally oh yeah yeah like oh absolutely shots we could get with this thing man like think about Red River Gorge that was a national park though right um that was there was a geological area I'm not sure it was in a Daniel Boone National Forest so it might have been allowed there oh my god dude kid if we had had the drone at hanson's point oh man like mine circling around us okay this is what I'm talking about or this is what you were talking about when you have to be your own number one fan like mm-hmm
I don't know if other people are excited about the prospect of seeing drone shots in our episodes but however excited they are I guarantee you I am ten times as more ten times I watched the patreon announcement video that we made like it had to have been 40 times because they're like 30 times or something because I watched it as it like finished uploading and processing so I could like it's funny too because I think I've talked about on the vlog before but sometimes when I can't go to sleep at night I will sit there and I will watch my vlog like these are videos okay it's like this is how ridiculous it is I lived it then I filmed it then I edited it and now I'm watching it and some of them I watched multiple times it's like we always talking about reliving living and reliving it's like our favorite thing to do it's like oh we we do something we film it and then we immediately look at it on the camera I remember one recent night I was watching a bunch of these like behind-the-scenes videos we made like that October first Halloween oh the Thriller one I was just thinking like we really need to make more videos like this like we can put them on your channel but just like videos that are really fast and fun and like easy to watch and yeah that's really nice for videos is those yes and happy hey what are you doing a little bit which is funny because that's like the complete opposite of adventure archives but adventure archives yes somehow our voice also yeah who knew people were three-dimensional people yeah yeah but this drone I am super excited about it okay so why don't we go to some questions if you have questions you can go to it's $2 to watch episodes early you can pay a little more and get other fun stuff and you know we we have 10,000 subscribers and if one tenth of those people donate a $2.00 one Episode a month at least son oh man so let's talk about let's not talk about it but if we make it two thousand dollars per video I guarantee you you will get tons and tons of amazing full-length episodes because that's that's enough money where we could actually put a roof over our heads and feed ourselves oh yeah on occasion like we can sustain our life in a belief okay so uh do you have some questions that people have asked yeah yeah so Gerald Witte this is you're gonna like this uh if you could use only one camera for still slash video slash night shots what would you choose and why I know what you're gonna say oh I mean this is a done deal it's the camera we're using right now the sony a7s mark ii i could go through all the reasons why it's a really fantastic camera but it's also three thousand dollars without a lens so if you add on a lens it's probably gonna be at least seven hundred on top of that so thirty seven hundred dollars all in but it is a 4k camera it can shoot basically in the dark so like even in the dark you can still see really well it's got internal stabilization so you don't need to have a lens that has a state look that's a little too complicated but anyways it's a great camera well what one thing to sum up like why it's so good at night is because when we filmed our Yosemite patreon announcement video there's a shot at the end of looking at the starter not us looking at the Stars but just like the stars in real-time and you can see a shooting star like we happen to get a shooting star but like in real time you can actually see that on a camera for those of you who don't know too much about cameras that is amazing yeah yeah well actually I don't think a lot of people realize that because a lot of those like moon landing conspiracy theorists are like how come you can't see the stars in those pictures of the moon and it's like well you're on a giant shining or wow that's true okay well why haven't we gone back to the moon with HD cameras just my camera for God's sake I'm not talking about conspiracy I just like I want to see HD footage of the moon but actually if we get $2,000 per video we're going there if you're looking for a budget camera and you're looking for a cheaper option there's a couple different options that I would talk about Panasonic g7 is a nice all-around camera at a very affordable like five or six hundred dollars us if you want a nice 4k camera with interchangeable lenses you can get the sony a6300 that's actually the one that thomas just got and then if you're wanting a super compact camera that's also 4k I would get the Sony rx100 mark for this might be sacrilege to some people but I would stay far away from Canon they produce the worst video image quality of any of the cameras on the market right now wait even still today I thought that's just cuz the one we had was old no no all of them just they do not look good they're not doing anything to improve it and they're not even coming out with 4k cameras they're acting like 4k is not important and to me like it's night and day
HD dat 4k even without a 4k monitor you can see the difference you if you you don't even need to know what to look for if I show you a comparison you would see it right away Nate lugu so what is your favorite hikers dinner this is your friend oh yes isn't my good friend Nate he's out in LA doing all sorts of wonderful drum and music stuff he was a drummer I think he's still doing freelance drums but he's also trying to get into music composition and stuff do you have an answer for this I would say the Riverside restaurant whatever that was called a River Watch or whatever that we went to after our 2012 smoky strip we had like fried green green to Maine tomato and tomatoes and cross legs and that's just one of those type Neal well hikers Oh hikers dinner I guess like I said I was figuring another way interpreted as an actual dinner eat while we're hiking yeah I know that that makes sense
well in that case I would say the calzones we had well what's that's such a good question because food for me is kind of like an afterthought for that type of thing and I I want to make more of an effort to actually prepare stuff to like cook on the when we're hiking because it's just for me it's just like I want to focus on other things but man it's so great when you actually take the time to prepare something ahead of time which you always do yeah you like of all the things we've made on the episodes probably that pizza you made at the first episodes of episode of Dolly Sods was awesome oh yeah with the cheese I know yeah that was great yeah so much fun like that dolly saw that Dudley Sods episode that place is still to this day my favorite place we've ever camped because I've just never been anywhere yeah like that diverse in its environment you know yeah and you always like it's one of his places where you're like wow this actually exists in real life it's not just like a movie or something
let me ask a question this is only semi related what is your favorite thing in the world like what what is it that you value more than anything else because I have an answer to this but I'm not sure if you've ever thought about this I mean I think if I had to boil everything down it'd be like it'd be vague but it'd be like a connection with other living things both people and wilderness explain I mean does that is that too vague I don't know it's just like whenever I'm happiest in life it's when I'm hanging out with friends or family or when I'm out in the wilderness and I feel like those things besides like fundamental human needs to sustain life are like the that's actually a really good one it'll make me look like mmm kind of a jerk when I say this but I think for me that that's definitely way up there but for me like the more I think about it the most important thing to me is a sense of freedom and I don't mean like I do what like that's a good one to remember that one quote in one giant leap where he's like I don't think that freedom is doing what you want to do all you do is doing what you want yeah yeah because then you're so controlled by your desire but I want the feeling of where I'm free of feeling like I'm doing something because I have to do it I like that like more important than anything in my life is whatever I'm doing I put joy into it you know let's let me take so many TV shows there's this moment where someone just snaps ohh Breaking Bad he tells the his boss to just f off and then quits and then Mad Men he just like leaves and starts driving and it like there's obviously this deep desire and everybody to just like not have anyone controlling what they do and even if you're not like economically threatened like even if you're not at the threat of starvation or something because you can't afford food there's still this feeling of oppression where like you're being shamed for doing what you want or for like you know just trying to live a full life or something I mean we've talked about it before probably not so extensively on an adventure archives but I've definitely talked about on the vlog and we've talked about some on this podcast but just this sense of like you always feel like the hammer is about to drop down on you okay like for instance I just turned in my taxes today and I reported all my income I was 100% truthful on all my income and expenses but still there's this thought in my head it's like knowing I can get in trouble for this and like is somebody gonna yell at me and I'm gonna get audited and all this stuff and it's like where does that sense of dread and like the super-ego where does that come from and why is it what use does it serve because for me it's always just yeah yeah that has never actually helped me so I'm just like that is the one thing that's more important than anything to me is to be free of that feeling and not feel like I'm always like under and I would say that if if you're a human being like the best thing you can do in terms of personal interactions is like do your best not to judge people and just like encourage them like as a human being I like that I don't know just that's good yeah let's just try to whittle down at this guy I think it's like also let's give each other more slack and like whenever you get the urge to judge other people for what they're doing which but let me be clear I absolutely get that urge and I am NOT proud of that part of myself but I mean like that's something and everybody is always working towards overcoming but whenever you get that urge to judge somebody else instead be like how can I contribute to the world and what can I do to make my life and other people's life a little better okay sorry for that tangent what other questions there you got all right oh and Jay Smith's asked when we're going to Yellowstone we are planning to go in May for season 3 episode 1 Victor Estrada well actually I just bought a Yellowstone map today so I'm gonna try to plan that out but Victor Estrada asks what editing software do you use or what books would you recommend as starting points I assume books to learn how to video edit but what I would say well so we use Adobe Premiere but we use Sony Vegas in the past my advice if you're trying to learn how to video edit is go to youtube to learn how to use the program and watch a lot of media to learn how to edit privately you don't need books like I don't know you don't need to pay any money in fact we didn't pay any money to learn these programs at all use Google and have trust in your ability to find the answers to the questions you want but just as a starting point and use a YouTube tutorial just look up how to edit with Adobe Premiere take some dumb home video you have and just start editing and then as far as like style and like actually coming up with a your own like voice so to say watch videos think about all the stuff that you've seen and watch your own video oh yeah definitely watch your own yeah like I think that's the thing is you gotta don't be I tell this to people a lot don't be so attached to what you film do not this is like cardinal rule number one do not use the full length of the shot just because it was a lot of effort to set the shot up I don't care if the shot took you like 25 minutes to set up if it only needs to be on screen for seconds only put it on screen for three seconds like don't be attached to something just because you spend a lot of time and effort on it if it ruins the flow of the whole story or the whole piece mm-hmm yeah because then it's just wasted effort a complete yeah and I think also just like be be willing to make mistakes and just actually try different things just go do it yeah it's it's so funny to think about like how many influences that are in our style be like was that anime artists you were telling me about who like makes those beautiful paintings and yoshitaka amano it's like the guy with the power lines and like oh we're blanking on his name he did the place promised in our early days yeah yeah Makoto Shinkai it's so funny how all these like different things that I'm not sure I've even actually seen in through my own eyes but like you get all these emotions and feelings and I like I don't know just these feelings it's not the specific like oh I this is how it has to be but just these emotions you want to evoke and like there's so many influences that I draw from when I think about like stuff that I want to create not necessarily that I am creating but like like a shots and Breaking Bad will influence me but then like shots like feelings from anime and like video games obviously like Lord of the Rings movies stuff like that it's just like there's so many different things and then you just gotta like mix the ingredients together and cook it in your brain imagine like exactly figure out actually yeah
Jonathan's elusive all says how did we decide to start this channel and we've sort of addressed this in the past so I'll just give a quick answer which is that um we got into outdoors in 2007 and when Robbie's brother took us camping and then we took like cheesy pictures and we started editing Glanton glorified slideshows and we started thinking like there's all these outdoor shows about survival but we want to create something that's like enjoyable and relaxing to watch that really like speaks to us and so we did it yeah I think survival is not our key thing enjoyment is our modus operandi like it's not about like going out in the wild and I mean know that those are totally great survival things are awesome I think they're super fun to watch I love watching Bear Grylls like that dramatis sized survival survivor man's great oh that's great but just we wanted approached a different angle we wanted to say how much fun it is and how how relaxing and safe it can be you know mm-hmm that was a big impetus I think but you know is for me a big part of the show it's kind of like it's everything I loved about RPGs that I played as a kid only I'm creating them now so like I get to be on yeah it's got the music the story the beautiful visual environment yeah and like the the journey the camaraderie like all of those things that I loved about those games and like it's my way of creating that because I don't know how to create video games so it's one way in actually I feel like that's something that like something that I will never want to take away from our videos and like every time we've tried to do like a day hike or something into videos it hasn't turned out as well as we hoped but it's like that sense of a continual journey it's like The Hobbit man there and back again oh yeah this continual story yeah I think day hikes just do not work for us feel right because there's no like a motivating factor but okay Joshua Michael asks have you ever considered filming an episode that deals more with sheltering in one place some basic bushcraft tutorials would be interesting to watch I enjoy all your channels contents never be game over never be thank you so much look that up while you answer that question um so we actually Brian and I were actually just talking about this a day or two ago but yeah we've definitely considered doing that and I think the biggest thing is just figuring out where the best place to do this would be I mean obviously we're not gonna be able to cut down any trees or whatever on federal land but we could use like dead materials to create things and yeah we've definitely thought about doing a more bushcraft focus one with like carving things and creating shelters I also need to get my fishing license because that'd be awesome well you need a life yes I think so at least on like public land oh wow I would love to fish yeah cook a fish yeah on an episode you know how amazing that would be oh yeah I got its guy mean it's gonna happen it's just a matter of it true I feel bad for the fish but how many animals have you eaten in your life like this is way better where you're actually at least I'm doing it myself like you know that that fish has lived a happy life in a real pond yeah yeah never be game over as from Metal Gear Solid 5 it's on Eli's jacket that's where I recognized it from which that's curious that he would put that there J Sullivan asks I appreciate that mason jars are reusable and very green but there's got to be a better way to enjoy sauerkraut or kimchi on the trail aren't you afraid of breaking the glass we I'm not no first of all the we've only broken a jar once and that was a half gallon jar which okay here's what I'll say do not bring a half-gallon mason jar like you do not need that much sauerkraut no matter how long you like the smaller jars the ones that are like a pint and a half those are those things are really strong like they're not gonna break like especially when they're in like the middle of your backpack it's totally fine yeah I mean you can keep it within another bag so that like even if it does shatter it'll be contained at least you know yeah
no I mean just yeah I don't know it won't really like if your jar is not too big you'll be totally fine we've been told I feel like the only concern would be if you're like really trying to reduce weight and in that case I mean I think you've brought sauerkraut in a bag for something right no it was after I broke that half gallon when we put it in the bag oh right and it gets pretty nasty when you put it in a ziploc bag yeah so no carry mitten oh thank you carry mitten by the way for being a patron oh yes very much I'm excited to see the new video and happy to support you guys me and my kids are in the Smokies right now and they just started their first fire with very little help from me we are a Cub Scout family with the goal of making it to Eagle my 9 year old would like to know if any of you were in scouts who introduced you to the outdoors and how did you learn to start a fire my 15 year old would like to know if you have ever considered working for National Geographic oh man it's funny because when I was a kid I actually like had a weird disdain of Boy Scouts but I think it was because like all my friends were in it and I felt excluded and also like my friends were in it yes I don't think I knew a single person who was in Boy Scouts well-liked so what am I like my best friend jess was in it and then scout so was my friend grant yeah but then there was like this one kid and like back then I didn't like really like they just made it look so uncool that I never even that was actually a big part of it is like this whole idea of wearing the uniform and obeying Authority for some reason I was like a rebellious kid but also like back then I don't know the only time I ever saw Scouts do anything it was like not outdoorsy because otherwise I think I would have loved it but I don't know I was a weird kid well it's but I didn't get into the outdoors at all until literally 2007 like it took there was a story that I gave at my brother's wedding where I was like whatever my brother does what I'll do is out first I'll mock it and then a year or two later I'll be like oh actually he was right and I'll do the same thing but actually camping was one of those things he was like he went camping and then he took us all out and I was like oh wait a minute I love camping was that really the last time he'd been camping like I think it is yeah he went campus 2007 and I mean he's been there like he's been outdoors yeah he hasn't actually camped in the tents then I'm not sure he's ever been oh he did do backpacking at Red River Gorge never mind
he's camp since then he was just joking but yeah so neither one of us were in scouts but and then how did you learn how to start a fire because do you remember when we tried to start a fire when sungeun my brother took us to Hocking Hills yeah back then I literally thought you could hold a lighter up to a log like Bernie because I thought the same thing and it's like well I think part of it is like people always talk about like Oh house fires and I'm like man I must be really easy to start but then I mean I think mostly I learned from likes watching survival shows like Les Stroud and Bear Grylls and Ray Mears and I was like oh you actually have to build it up but then when I got good at it I it was at a survival class which let me preface this by saying I know he's a controversial figure in the house I know but it's just like well I took a class with Dave Canterbury because he's in Ohio and I'm in Ohio and I mean whatever it was a great class and I was like wow I'm Way better at starting fires with a striker now no that's great like actually this past episode was the first time on camera where I've done the fire by myself and I've always said that like I I want to actually practice that more because I'm a very firm believer that you can do pretty much if you could if you can see somebody else do something with enough time effort and practice you can do it too it's just I've never actually put I'm usually the one behind the camera filming that stuff but I would like to get much better and actually practice at it because I feel like right now like after Red River Gorge man you were like the fire-starting
master like that fire that you started at Red River Gorge was like I was so impressed like I wanted to start clapping yeah that's funny how much trouble we used to have cuz we were just it's like I don't know it's kind of like in life man you just can't be too timid I guess I'm a petite guy sometimes but oh yeah like when you have a tiny flame and you put one stick on at a time it's like that's not how you do it like you gotta gather a ton of stuff and oh we should talk about that real quick I remember when we filmed the first episode when people asked us what we were doing
we were almost like embarrassed to say and it's such a strange thing but man go forth confidently in the directions of your dreams son that's funny because that's actually at the room well I know I like now if people ask us we're like no we got a YouTube channel here's our business card
we may have videos and it's like we could be we could have done that from the very beginning even though we had no subscribers we didn't even have a video yeah but yes we have a YouTube channel we are filmmakers we make videos and that's just a quick tangent but I don't know it's just like there's no reason to be timid about the things that you're excited about and the irony is that we were so proud of the things we were making back then yeah and when we look back on them now or like this is garbage like I just had to tell someone who like just like a friend who just found our videos I was like yo you're watching episode 3 don't watch that watch this one it's TV good thing we've redeemed it yeah go go ahead and watch all right now and then a 15 year old wants to know if we have ever considered working for National Geographic Oh I mean of course that's like a dream but we haven't put we're not it's like we actually did put forth little bit of effort to try and pitch to PBS but we never actually followed through with that but you know no I was gonna say I think like ultimately not like if you're gonna get spiritual I think that's what the universe wants or whatever so I wasn't gonna get spiritual but I agree with you well yeah like not universe but I think ultimately it's like better that like I think we'll be happier if we do it on our own and like Forge our own paths so here's the thing with there with that for me is that we are making enough money on the side doing other things to support ourselves and I would rather not be me I gotta find a job soon but I'll help you figure out if you need but I would rather be making no money and be able to do it exactly the way that we want to do it then have like some lucrative deal with the Discovery Channel
PBS or whoever National Geographic don't get me wrong I would love to work for them just I like I said earlier freedom is like the most important thing to me so again we had to give up freedom for that I think there's like a bounds of reason like I think I could produce stuff for someone else but man sometimes the ideas that we talk about it's just like completely opposite of what I'm thinking like well also I think just this is my opinion but I think it's backed up by the things that I'm seeing is that YouTube is only going to get bigger the people who are watching YouTube they're in their teens like thirteen-year-old kids are the people who sustain YouTube and as they get older it's not gonna switch to Netflix or switch to like broadcast TV for God's sake they're going to keep watching YouTube so when they get older and they want content like this like that's where we'll be
yeah but I just I love the idea of YouTube because especially the interaction that we get with people like can you imagine having been able to have a direct conversation with the people who made your favorite shows as a kid the way that people are able to do that with us like it's an it's unheard of like that's such a cool thing that that's a possibility now man yeah it's that's one of the greatest parts about the channel and like it's just being able to interact with people and like oh man I mean the sort of muted on this this weekend was fantastic fun I was so amazed like we we turned out on live and no prior announcement and instantly there were 23 people and I was like wow that is like amazing at least 23 people actually see my care what we're saying but Carey thanks again for being a patron and that's awesome that your kids are like Cub Scouts because I mean that's such an opportunity that I wish I had as a kid was like being able to learn those skills early on oh yeah yeah I mean it's never too late don't get me wrong but that's awesome well it's funny because like you never know like that we might appreciate nature even more now because of that because we didn't have it as a kid you know yeah that's true that's true well yeah cuz like that's one thing is like don't force those things on your kids you know like oh yeah let them discover it on their own I mean you can like encourage them but yeah yeah and then one more question
larysa santen asks do we have a dog and if yes do we think about hiking with it in one of the episodes at finch archives that's actually brian has been talking about how badly he wants a dog and how it'd be great to take on hiking I don't think 1 million percent with him well actually what we see it what were you about to say sorry no I'm just gonna say none of us have a dog okay I won a million percent with them I would love to have a dog that I travel too much and I would not give it to dog a good home hmm but otherwise man I would have a dog so quickly I wanted a dog growing up so badly and I never had one dog sir yeah that's the thing is like I have trouble enough taking care of my own self it's like I can't take care of another living organism
yeah exactly Brian can address the dog question a bit if you want to sure I actually briefly thought about adopting a dog and I know Andrew and I have tossed the idea around about how cool it would be to have a dog when we go hiking camping but I think Andrew said this too but at this point we're just not at a point in our life where we can probably properly take care of a dog I mean since I'm working all day and it would be the first dog that we would ever take care of so the responsibilities are a little too high at this point okay so Sweden what do you know about it will you ever visit Norway Sweden Denmark in to a lesser extent Finland because for some reason I've not heard much about Finland but for some reason those countries keep coming into my life and I really want to visit them like the for some reason I really like Norwegian music like it Norwegian rap music in particular they heard a few songs with that I'm like man this music is awesome but it looks beautiful the country seems to have like the same politic political ideas that I do and it just seems like an awesome yeah I don't know if anyone from Scandinavia knows this but every time people in America talk about it's like only the highest praise like it's usually about how America should be more like Scandinavia or something I feel like well we didn't have that wilderness rule where you can have the right to roam rule we're like yeah yeah apparently a lot of European country said that but like you just have the right to walk wherever apparently like I think even on private property or something if you're passing by lingonberries oh yeah I'm berry jam those are good I want to try a Swedish princess cake
what's the country is it is it the Netherlands where they eat those sardines I want to try those sardines someday what sorry guys there's some country where like they have salted herrings maybe that's what it was I don't know I'm an American and we have bad worlds bad global knowledge because yeah it's Dutch it's the Netherlands isn't it weird how we like there's a tendency for us to shame people for not knowing things like maybe just people are I mean there's plenty of instances where people just are ignorant and they should probably know a little bit more but it's plenty of other instances where it's like look man I spent a lot of time learning a lot of things I don't have to get to know every single bit of trivia about every single thing probably I blame our education system dude you want to go off on the education system real quick cuz I can go okay well there's more questions actually well we don't address this real quick would you ever allow our viewer to go back back back in with you absolutely it's just organized logistics yeah the logistics of it's like it isn't it is much more difficult than it even should be for us to get each other organized like so to involve another person who we don't even know it's just like it's kind of a task we're not up to at the moment oh yeah like it would be so much fun I mean we've definitely thought about having a meet-up or you know midnight spaghetti like we talked on the live chat
they are spaghetti are cassia or like a public screening where we actually gather in a theater or space to watch an episode but backpacking itself is like I mean we definitely want to like meet up with people if we're in the area and stuff but it's just so hard to like but it's not a out of the question at all no no well also there's other episode ideas that I want to do like where we each take a friend who's not somebody who goes backpacking that often and then we mall we each take one person and then we go out camping and then we do like we do different route and then on the final day we meet up or in the second to finally there whatever like that yeah that'd be great I think that'd be really cool okay there is one more question let me refresh this - but where's your favorite place to hike in Indiana yes I would say Hoosier like I mean we've been to backpacking in two places there Morgan Monroe is great so was Hoosier I don't know like can you beat your national forests do you know of any other places I don't know that turkey run is the only other one I know and I don't think they have backpacking there I went there as a kid it's just like so I don't really remember it that well yeah it's like being in the Midwest it's not a lot to choose from
well there is but no I mean there's plates you through man yeah yeah just like the theme of our last episode doesn't matter where you go son no yeah yeah that is actually something I really do believe like I think if you go to a national park and you have like go and see all the stuff people talk about but if that's all you're doing I don't know I just like if you can if you're able to you should go backpacking or something you know we were talking about this on the live chat a little bit but there I think I disagreed with you guys a little bit on this but like if you're going backpacking for the first time I really feel like it's kind of like a lot of other things in life is just just go do it okay oh yeah we're talking about under packing verse over packing I think yeah I absolutely think just go out there make sure you have enough food and water don't go in a bear country just make it easy on yourself and stick to the trails and you will have a great time like the most important the the biggest hurdle is initially doing something right mm-hmm once you get over that initial hurdle then you can really like experiment and then see where you need to iterate and make things make improvements and stuff like that yeah it's like there's definitely things you could do to be safe like learn about what to do if you're bitten by a snake which is to stay calm and try to hike out but it's like even if you don't know that I don't think anyone has a right to tell you you shouldn't be out there like I mean like trying to survive is one thing but if you're just out there with friends taking a hike through the woods like I think it's almost elitist to be like oh you have to have this certain skill set - I absolutely allowed to do that yeah I want to be great you don't need a fire to camp okay yeah let me tell you them fires are completely optional you will not freeze to death without a fire in fact you won't even be cold in the summer you'll be fine you have a sleeping bag but uh just like on a more general note to like broaden it life and not just camping really just whatever it is you want to do so many times it's the initial like fear of getting out and doing it like you just need to get over that initial hump you're like you know I'm just gonna do this even if this is like a complete unmitigated disaster let's go do it like you're asking a girl out right like it took me way too long like when I was in like middle school high school I just couldn't get over that initial hump of like just be like okay I'm just gonna do this this might be a complete disaster but I'm just gonna go for it right yeah yeah but then the more you do something like that the easier gets or like when I started the vlog right the first few times I did it I was like man this is so much effort I gotta fill them all this stuff and then you know do all those and and then as you get going it's actually easier to do it than it is to not do it and yeah there's so many things like that in life but camping or backpacking is easily one of those things just go do it and you'll learn so much just from doing it you will learn a lot just from doing because you'll see where it what stuff you still need and I actually find that process really enjoyable just like everything is like I never read any books on like how to backpack step one it's like you do it and you're like okay now I know what I did wrong it's like well I did that wrong yeah exactly like us so I mean we've had 11 episodes where we have not prepared for rain yet maybe one of these days we will prepare for rain and we'll be like oh it's raining no problem because we prepared ahead of time and we know what to do the future is doubt it's like even then like we're out there with expensive camera equipment get it rained on and nothing's ever gone really that bad like it's like temporary discomfort temporary discomfort that's true yeah no I think it's there's always a chance things can go horribly wrong but the same can be said about your morning commute so that's true yeah in fact statistically it's probably much more likely that something bad would happen on the morning commute but yeah I think living in civilization there's kind of a tendency to think that that's the only safe way but actually that's a very short part of human history to live in civilization oh yeah everything else was living out in the wild and fending for yourself and hunting every day growing food and cook it's amazing like that's so amazing to think about like that is what humanity is and we've gone so far from I mean it's like building things and creating things also humanity but still it's just weird like man yeah it is really weird because think about how far we've come man come yeah Oh speed which listen there's quick question I have for you do you still okay I don't know how to phrase this without giving away the answer do you think that now is the best time to live in history okay that's a good question because like I you know the more I think about this I feel like you can't pick a point in human history that's the best time unless you adenine maybe like if you go back hundreds of thousand years or something because for me I go ahead if you want an answer I know what you're getting at but I also think like there's a lot of things that are good about now but I think we way romanticize the present oh okay well see my thing is that um there's there's a couple of ways to look at it I think on the whole this is the best time to live in human history the amount of amazing cool things that you can do I was flying a drone today and it was like 400 feet above the ground and I was like you couldn't even see it and I was filming and I was on this wireless device watching what the drone was looking at okay that is amazing it's so cool we have medical technology we have all this stuff and it's it's amazing but I also feel like we've got like there's always a trade-off right oh yeah because you lose the natural splendor that the early humans got to see every day Yeah right so we get to see the things that we've created that are amazing but we don't get to see the things that the earth has created that are amazing every day although technically the earth did create it because they it created us and we created stuff so but you know I'm saying like there's always that trade-off like so I don't think that the iPhone is like the the end-all be-all of what humans are all about or what's great about whenever people defend the current state of things they always go to the iPhone and I'm like that is the weakest argument you could make ever like I can live without a knife the only thing an iPhone does for me is it helps me have more entertaining number twos on the toilet that's the only actual benefit I get from it like well I think the other thing is that all of this technology we have like it's absurd dude what are we doing right now we were talking to each other 200 miles away yeah yeah when all we could be doing is talking to each other in the same room but for some reason we felt like oh you know what now we're gonna build a civilization where family lives far away from each other yeah all of your friends are gonna be scattered all over the globe which is amazing but it's also like you lose the fact that we could all just be living in the same neighborhood and you lay out with each other every day
to clarify like is round about the things I like about modern civilization are like I mean I think it's like the social prospect progress aspect but and like then again there were also places that had good societies before like certain aspects about Munder but modernity were introduced but like I think social progress is good I think modern medicine is good but and I used to like super romanticize like the Stone Age and stuff and like living right there with you and like I don't think that's entirely because like I mean yeah stabbed or something we're gored by an a deer and you're screwed but at the same time it's like we always talk about oh there's all these things to do there's all these phones and amazing like entertainment it's like I could do away with all that at the fundamental at its most fundamental everything about entertainment that you enjoy is about connecting with other human beings like whether solutely whether it's going to a bar or watching netflix and chill' or like like all of that the fun part is being with people like watching the Superbowl the part you like is like getting together with your family and eating food and like we're doing - a new answer about this is that the best time to live in human history was any time that you were alive because fundamentally like there's no point in like a long existence if it's not a good existence and there's fundamentally no difference between a short great existence and along great existence so like if I die tomorrow but I've done the but that day I spent doing things that I loved doing and I felt like my time was worthwhile that's totally fine like we I think we often put too much emphasis on like a quantity of time like oh yeah this has to be great for a long time or like like life expectancies the thing that's always brought up but man if you were living in the Stone Age and you only live to thirty but those are thirty exciting great years and like and you know hunting bears and seeing amazing sunsets and dancing and stuff laughs paintings and painting you know what I'm saying
like it'd been it's just as good as like 80 years in the modern day you know yeah that's a really good answer actually I would say that the best time to be alive would be in 2063 when Vulcans make first contact with humanik and we get the work drive and I'm just kidding but no yeah that's it that's like a really good answer it's like whatever the condition is like there's always going to be some downside I think the key is to live it to the fullest and do your best to improve the conditions of life so that other people can enjoy it yeah yeah no I think it really boils down to exactly that if you like make every interaction with another person as best you can and just do one step at a time it sounds corny but it's actually like the only effective method of change yeah yeah or not not even changed I mean there's nothing that's wrong I mean there's plenty of stuff wrong but I mean just the only effective method of like actually improving each other's lives mm-hmm
okay cool I think that's actually a good place to wrap up do you have any closing thoughts do we have any final questions that we missed etc yeah let's check if there's any more questions before we head off but I just want to say thank you guys again for all your support thank you all the patrons go check out that episode it's a good one yeah if you want to you can go to the videos that helps us out too and you can always wait for the public release of the video which is April 17th yes what day of the week that is that is a Sunday Sunday you can we'll release it 12:01 on April 17 so you can watch it get your friends together get your family together crack open some beers or some soda pops or ice water maybe some pop get some popcorn that would be super fun to watch an episode with some popcorn yeah some for me it'd be sparkling water grip o's grip oh chips not really though like make it a family affair or a friend affair yeah no actually it's really fun to watch with other people yeah it's super fun and make sure they subscribe yeah make sure you grab their phones while they're watching
yeah yeah why don't I open up your YouTube app and then I'll pull up adventure archives and I'll subscribe like and comment and share and uh Peter Sam asked if we're still recording the podcasts and I said he can ask a question but he hasn't yet so maybe that will wait till the next time we are going to be bi-weekly with this mod cast so whatever day of the week you're hearing this because we haven't decided that yet
you will hear another episode two weeks later yes it will have at least one of us on there so like but we promise that we will be out with a new podcast episode every two weeks on the same day at the same time it might only be one person my weekly broadcasts oh yeah we like alliteration oh wait wait wait Peter so yeah Peter Som Oh Peter son first question ever considered pickling would Sorrells no that is a great idea though I have considered pickling black walnuts and then I got lazy but I heard you can pickle them early in the spring when like the husk is still on and you pickle the whole thing and apparently can eat it a second question your goal is $2 in patreon donations per video I think it's two thousand can get things moving correct correct in what ways well so if we make two thousand per episode and then we're doing like maybe two episodes a month or something like that that is getting to the point where we can actually do this full-time this is like a and let's be super clear about that yeah like we're talking about using that money to pay for our living expenses
yeah at the beginning we've been using this money like we use all of our YouTube ad revenue and all of our patreon stuff to pay for equipment but at some point we would like to be able to use it to pay for living and actually all the work that we put into him so like two thousand dollars a video if we could do two episodes a month then that's after taxes it's not that much but I mean that's close to like actually being able to survive on that type of money yeah it's like right now we do other stuff to fund our food and yeah yeah and it's like once we reach that point I mean it means more content for everybody but it also means like getting to a point where we can grow it even more and then use like the growth of our channel to help other people out I don't know like I mean I don't know like survival Lily gave me giving us a shadow helped us so much and I just want to be able to do that for other people too oh speaking of which so at the end here I also want to give a shout out to Jana Priya Levine he is a youtuber musician he has a patreon page and he does amazing music and he was actually featured on candyrat records once and I contacted him and I said I would love to do a collaboration feature some of your music but you can see him at slash Jana Priya will have those in the show notes but it's Jay in a PRI Y if you're on YouTube there's probably a card in the corner you can click yeah and he makes amazing music check him out give him a subscribe give him a like comments on his videos that cost you nothing I'm actually one of his patrons but he makes awesome stuff and I just wanted to give him a shout out as well okay Pete's got two more questions one is if offered a contract to travel by discovery or any one of the like not necessarily to make a living but an opportunity for a year would you take it um yeah I think it depends what it is because we actually have been offered to like go on survival shows but at the time we were just like not enough time don't feel confident enough and also just want to focus on working on the channel itself but obviously like the National Park Foundation offered us this week-long trip that we took for the finder Park expedition and we did that that was a contest by the way yeah I think we should because a lot of people think that we were indoors yeah people yeah the sponsors only sponsored the trip we are not getting paid by any of these companies so yeah that was just a contest that I saw on Twitter actually and I was like Andrew you're entering this right now and then one more if we have the time and would entertain it have you browsed reddit section in our no-sleep from Park Rangers I've I browse our no sleep and every time I close out because I want to sleep alright I just don't want to be scared but I didn't know there was like a park ranger thing that's really cool I didn't know that either but I get scared so easily like I'm not scared of the dark at all anymore how old are you I'm 20 for almost 25 okay see because I stopped being completely afraid of the dark like sometime after 25 well I think - we're being and no no I'm just letting you know that there's hope for you yeah I was gonna say I hope that happens yes it's like right now you could turn off all the lights in this house right now and I would feel exactly the same as I do right now yeah and I mean I play Knight I don't know what it is it's not unless scared of it obviously but when I mean I'm out in the wilderness alone at night like there's still man it can be scary well during our Smokey's episode I was actually like I remember consciously looking around to the environment and being like okay this is what it is just gonna be the same at night I wasn't that scared I still was too scared to get up in pee though until other people showed up at the campsite but I was surprisingly at ease that's so funny remember when we went into Zaleski and we were walking in at night it was like if you think that the other person scared you start yeah but as long as you don't think the other person's scared you're not scared it's like you have to like mutually bolster ease yeah yeah it's like it's weird how just being with one other person like completely changes things oh it's only James yeah so I'm not afraid of the dark but if I were hiking alone at night I would absolutely be skinned I think that's like a fundamental part of your amygdala yeah it's hardwired yeah to be scared in the dark in the woods and there's no shame in that and that's it's probably a very good so in conclusion I probably will not be browsing that section at least not before it can't be true but you'll have to tell me some good stories from that we do you still browse reddit occasionally not yes man like I don't go to read at all anymore I feel like it's the equivalent of mental junk food oh absolutely like it just never makes me feel satisfied it's just like I can eat and eat and eat french fries and never get full and in the same way I can click these links I saw I bleed out I saw a great onion news line and it was 5th time 5th time checking Facebook feed in one minute finally pays off oh my god that is so perfect Wow all right I think that wraps it up but yeah I think so thank you guys all so much again thank you all of our viewers all our patrons check out the episode you can watch it right now if you donate two dollars or more at slash adventure thank you very much for listening
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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