Campfire Chronicles Podcast #11 | VIDEO PODCAST | Yellowstone and our Favorite Parts about Camping
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Panasonic GH4 -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Canon T3i -
Canon 50mm f1.8 Lens -
Tokina 11-16mm Lens -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Roland Quad Capture -
Behringer XM8500 Microphone -
Sony Movie Studio Editing Software -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Kelty Grand Mesa 2 Tent -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants -
Sketchers Waterproof Boots -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2015
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud,Yellowstone,How to
Video Transcription
welcome to campfire chronicles episode number 11 it is Monday June 6 2016 and it is 706 p.m. I'm Robbie I'm Andrew and I'm Brian okay what are we talking about today I think we're gonna talk about Yellowstone it sounds good to me okay tell him where we went and what we just did etc yeah we went to Yellowstone backpacked in the solfatara plateau which if you've ever seen a map of Yellowstone the roads are in a figure 8 and that's like right smack dab in the middle of it and before that we camped at a little tent cabin thing and then stayed at a motel afterwards but it was awesome there's a great time I think this might have been one of our best trips ever actually I think it was one of my favorites ever for sure yeah the trail we took was definitely amazing in terms of like the views that we had and just a variety of landscapes that we saw which is funny because we were talking about how like some people I don't know Thomas had asked people about the trail and they're like yeah it's kind of a boring trail that's so weird like that trail it seemed to me it had a ton of variety I thought it was amazing yeah you went through forest and then like you saw some mountains and it was an easy trail yeah that was the great so is it a spoiler to tell what happened as far as precipitation well people know that it rained the first day yes it definitely rained yeah it Hales - yeah that was really weird I didn't know that it could do that but anyways we went to Yellowstone in 2009 right hmm correct and that was I think we've talked about this before but that trip was planned by Thomas and he was 15 years ago it was like we were having trouble getting like everything all situated and then I remember finally just asking Andrew I was like who's planning this he's like Thomas well how old is Thomas is 15 so funny he had actually he had been there before so maybe he had a slight advantage in that sense no he does a great job playing like he's anal enough that it helps mm-hmm yeah I like so I had gotten the trail and I got the permits and stuff and then as soon as he like started taking whereas like go ahead erasing everything about this in my mind like so uh did it feel different to you guys the second time I was abused the first time yeah yes and no like there were a lot of familiar moments even though like even in different area we we drove by a lot of the places we have been to but in our first trip we did a lot of the touristy sightseeing's yeah yeah and we did a lonely a little bit back back then we were there for nine days right mm-hmm something like that yeah how many days did we do back back because we went to Phelps lake
we stayed at Phelps Lake for two nights yeah so yeah but it was just us hiking in and then staying at that one campsite yeah I think the one big difference is that we didn't spend any time at Teton Village mm-hmm said that left like a remarkable impression on me that was really cool because we took the gondola thing yeah and you had waffles got about forgot about those waffles yeah like there's a video clip of you like outside doing like the cave troll holding a wall do you guys remember when we we all got waffles and then Thomas got a hot dog and we're like Thomas a waffle then he finally did they're they're little they're like Nutella films are so good man I totally forgot about that trip you know if I'm convinced of one thing though it's like I think backpacking is definitely my favorite part of the trip cuz I mean whenever we go to a place and you're like going through the town that leads to the park you know you always have this temptation to like eat at the restaurant and explore this yeah yeah yeah but yeah I think one big mistake we made this time was having food at a restaurant before and we were backpacking it's not know about you guys but after eating that breakfast on the first day I was super lethargic oh yeah and like super like groggy from eating all that blood I was farting a lot so I had like I made sure I ate through in like yogurt it still hasn't helped uh help for like five minutes so what was you guys his favorite part of the trip this trip not the first time oh I think I know I think mine was just actually yeah it was coming to that second lake and it's a perfectly sunny day there's like fluffy clouds in the sky and then we went swimming in it but it was just it was a combination of a lot of things like the fact that we got there so soon even though the map said we had like three point eight miles yeah and the fact that the weather was like great that day and it was so great that we got sunburned I don't know if you can tell on camera like I'm feeling like up here right now that was the powerful Sun yeah that second Lake I like that a lot and then also when we first got into that open area on the first day it had stopped raining at that point man in this big open area and then you and Thomas have gone ahead a little bit and there was just me and Andrew and there that area was awesome yeah it looked a lot like Dolly Sods very much like Dolly Sods what was your favorite part obviously the parts where the you know the weather was great and everything those were amazing I would have to say like the most I think the best part was when we got to the first campsite and we got that fire started yeah and we were like oh yeah now we're going because the rain had stopped it was a little chilly but we got the fire going and we were like you know scoping out the campsites and everything we were like man that's gonna be a great night and then we cooked up that bison so Thomas had bought some ground bison and he actually cooked it it's kind of funny because we were cooking all of the things that a bear would want it yeah we cooked some bison and then I put us a corn and put some tuna in there's like you can smell fish and meat for my ass we ate really well this trip yeah we did that second dinner with all the noodles SLIC I know that was really good I think that was a lot of food I need to get a big pan like that we brought a lot of like I know I brought I once ate way too much but I definitely have excess food I had a sweet potato that I never cooked I had that the whole time so it's like I had an extra pound of weight that I never used well it's funny because the very first night when we were at the tent cabin like I was eating so much and I was like I don't nearly have enough yeah but it did end up lasting like really Honka yeah no this always like such a strange balance it's like sometimes you think you have too much food sometimes you think you have not nearly enough yeah the Smokies we talked about that extensively but we definitely don't have enough time also a quick tip don't bring peanut butter as carry-on yeah they only have a do not let you bring it on I learned that the hard way how much did you spend on your peanut butter is $18 it was for driving my mind whose organic almond almond butter no organic raw almond butter like that's the most expensive you can get they massage the almonds you should have just eaten it right there that in there yeah okay I'm just eating the whole jar like Brian you go paddy go buy me like something and bring it back here and I'm just gonna eat this peanut butter at least like ask them to have a little taste like yeah get a little more before I should've just been like will you do me a favor and eat this bread I wonder if they're allowed to like not wanting to is one thing but yeah probably not allowed to I would imagine
one time i when i was working on a restaurant for like two weeks somebody had ordered something and then they decided they didn't want it or i put in the wrong thing i can't remember which but there was basically a big bowl of pasta that was perfectly good and for some reason I was like stressed out so when I found out it was wrong I just threw it away and it was untouched and everything and then right after I did it I was like why did I just throw that away I could have just put it in a box and eating it when I got home yeah I hate when do you ever do that when were working at restaurants yeah whenever things got made or things like that you know usually they would just we would get to eat it later we would idea servers walk by and like you know pick it and eat it yeah but if you take something back they want you to throw it away right oh yeah definitely like if it's if somebody if if the customer has already touched it in some way then you know first health safety issues or health issues or something you're not supposed to I I had a friend I had a friend who worked with us at Bob Evans and he would just eat the little kitty smiley fries off of the plates collected me I should have done that more often yeah the food waste kind of sucks at that type of thing um what was our post Ike meal this time it was the Snake River brute oh right right yeah that was awesome I was really cool yes stay tuned for the episode to find out more about that but yeah yeah we talked where we were talking about this a little bit but this is like one of the first trips we've had where we actually had time to unwind yeah we're having a buy back or drive home and get back into reality and it was super nice oh you know we should pause real quick and we should ask the viewers a question just like we did last time so Brian you got a question for all of our viewers slash listeners correct so the question is for you guys out there when you go backpacking or when you go camping what is the one thing you look forward to most when you're about to get out there on the trail mm-hmm it could be anything from like the intense exhaustion I feel at the end of the day you know some people and relish that and or it could be like you know the food that you're gonna eat when you reach a campsite so let us know well I I know what yours is oh yeah it's getting to the campsite and like oh definit and everything sorted out it's like that moment where you if you don't have those like designated campsites it's when you come across the location you're like this is it yeah like in Shenandoah yeah yeah yeah mine is kind of similar in the sense that it's this like it's the whole contrasting again but it's like when you're feeling exhausted and you've hiked a lot and then you come to a beautiful open spot to just like sit and rest yeah like you feel the breeze and like that's what life is all about there I realized that my favorite locations in backpacking areas are those big open ones like Dolly Sods for instance when we went down that big hill or like this time when we went into that big opening and there's a lake there I just really like that feeling of like you've been in a forest for a while and then suddenly it opens up yeah it's kind of like finding a secret lair I mean it's the opposite of that because it's not a lair but it's like finding this like magical land yeah Land Before Time that type of dongwuk goal or yeah the Eldorado that that's how I helped when we first went to north manitou oh oh yeah because I had a lot of there's a lot of trails where you'd be walking through the forest in something you'd come out into this open field and it just changed the whole feeling of the hike yeah that first field that we camped in on that island was like amazing yeah the only field I guess that was awesome um this just I'm not sure what made me think it is just now but quick travel tip spring for the extra money to not have a long layover because yesterday like I remember when I was buying the tickets I was I I saw that the layover was like four hours at Chicago but I thought the price difference was like warranting like okay well we can wait for hours for that price difference if it's $100 price difference spring for the hundred dollars I feel like because we were there for so long that at some point I was like man where am I I know my school life
it was place the problem is that like there's a very large section where a layover is too long to be enjoyable but not nearly long enough to like actually do anything interesting with it right yeah like if you had like 12 hours maybe you could catch a cab in the city exactly that would be really mention that you know an airport is an airport like when I had a layover in Tokyo mm-hmm
that was interesting because you go around you're saying it was like completely new to me Japanese stores and watch the Japanese flight attendants who are like it's like they're they're so different from American like flights because they're like they all like line up outside when you get off the plane I think yeah oh man customer service in Japan is second to none like I've never experienced customers it was like and it's just like it's in the culture like they all do it actually on a similar note I I took Turkish Airlines one time to travel to Bangladesh and like that airline is amazing yeah I've heard they have like free alcohol the meals are great I mean it's a cross continental flight so they're gonna have good meals but there was like really good food restaurant quality that's where I got my sport yeah you got like this little travel kit of like that'll cut that great so were they give you like a thing with like all this toothpaste and stuff and yeah he came back he had all this stuff like metal tins with with sleeping mass and then toothbrushes and headphones and things is it more expensive to fly on that or is it just they only go to certain locations like III don't know if they say there are Europe's number one airline which is funny because turkey is both in Europe and Asia but yeah I don't know I don't know if it's make more expense like more considered Central Asia rather than Europe something like that I don't know yeah it's arbitrary but actually part of me kind of wishes there was an airline that was just always super cheap and gave you know amenities like there's frontier frontier that's the one we took to Orlando I took totally and I don't know if you did it's super cheap like you have to pay they have a carry-on so like if you can go super light you can like fly for like less than 100 which is good because I can yeah like that day bag that I took to Orlando is perfect for traveling with you I'm not even sure like I don't you think you can have a personal item maybe you can no there's no way you can no I mean like it's like I know you had to pay for a check-in or for a carry-on how much was it though it was like $25 $35 I don't know also this is funny so yesterday when we were leaving I had a rain jacket because I want to kiss that cold and I put all the memory cards for this trip in the pocket and I said specifically do you guys like guys if you see me without this rain jacket make sure you be like where is the rain jacket because all of our memory cards are in there and at some point from Jackson Hole to Chicago I lost the rain jacket click on the actual planners on the actual plane before we got on the plane I don't know but
for some reason I had taken the memory cards out and I had put them in my bag so it's just dumb luck that I happened to take it out because we would have lost all the footage what happy no when did you when did you say I'm putting the memory card it's like when we were in the hotel
I bet it was probably at some point when we were in the Jackson Hole Airport you because you were editing right yeah I probably left it at the place where I was editing yeah makes no sense now yeah but I mean I emailed the Jackson Hole Airport lost-and-found they said they haven't found it yet but um I also emailed America Air American Airlines kind of sucks too because I just bought that rain jacket I mean I got good use out of it twice that that's not you can enjoy so Shannon Doha and then Yosemite No Yellowstone but um there's like 70 bucks is on sale at REI it we still have the Sierra Trading Post one oh we do yeah why did I buy one I don't want to see our trading post one fits you sure does if it's you right sure yeah I don't know we can figure something okay oh well then it'll have a rain jacket good good to know thank you serious well we could do a review on that now well yeah rain seems to follow us everywhere yeah and now I've tried a rain jacket I'll be able to compare it to another one you know speaking of travel stuff at the what was it Dallas Airport Thomas ran into one of his like friends that he hadn't seen before oh that's interesting yeah I think her name's Alexis or something but anyway my other thought was that while we were waiting there they like overbooked the flight which I don't know how that happens in the first place but I would love to be like so free that whenever someone is like uh you want to like stay a night it's like yeah why not you know what's funny about that is that when we were coming back from Yellowstone in 2009 my last flight was overbooked they offered a free travel voucher to go anywhere did youdid us and I did it oh it was only like a four-hour delay or something Wow but I had a year to use the ticket and never used it oh man so yeah I just I kept letting the time go kept letting the time go it was like The Simpsons he's like this that time that mr. T was at the mall I'll go a little later later when I finally got there he was already gone well I would say I would say that we've at least more than made up for it like we're back sorry about that the oven started beeping okay oh I was saying we've probably more than made up for your lack of using that voucher yeah and traveling around but um no one one other thing that's interesting is this trip was only one and a half weeks after we came back from Shenandoah that's true and like yeah I don't know I thought oh I would feel more exhausted because of that but I didn't really work it I went to we went to Shenandoah then I went to Dallas this pass oh yeah and then I like I had a day back here and then we immediately went to Yeltsin I've been traveling a lot lately too how's it feel yeah feels great that's like my dream there's travel is I always dreamed a square Martin yet so for me like I like traveling and I think if you can make the airport experience better and definitely makes it a lot easier what if they had a show like you know how they have Anthony Bourdain's layover uh-huh what if they had one that was literally about stuff you can do inside of the airport pretty cool movie yeah yeah terminal right I was always fascinated by that movie because it's like I don't know something about it like just making like having because yeah yeah it's like well I'm just gonna go I had this birding class for a while and every lab where we actually went out took go birding was like at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and that's like usually when I fall asleep well it's like four hours after I fall asleep so like I would be falling asleep at 4 or 5 a.m. in the in the morning and or I'd still be up rather and I'd be like okay if I fall asleep now I'm gonna have to wake up drive 30 minutes down there it's not gonna happen so I would drive there no the night before I just sleep in my car but there's like I kind of want to have that's what you did sometimes yeah like you you probably heard me well sometime at like 6:00 a.m. driving out and then like yeah actually I think you're like yeah I heard you getting up and you have a morning class or something that's like yeah I actually was getting up so I could sleep
no it's true it's like that sense of nomadic freedom is very liberating like to where you just like not like I'm just gonna go sleep in my don't have like everything I need in my car I think that's the appeal people have with a bug-out bag it's like oh yeah grab one backpack you're good too you know it's like we should just keep our rucks our packs like yeah packed all times and in our back in our car cuz we're gonna use them you know yeah it's not about it yeah just keep them in there and like when the emergency that's what Kailen pew did oh really yeah he does that I mean I do it too to an extent that I just don't have camera gear in there but like as far as camping gear it's always ready to go um there's that movie key kojirou where there's a one character who's like lives in his van mm-hmm and he just like travels that Japanese countryside he calls himself a traveling poet but I think that's really cool yeah I like the whole notion of like essentialism and minimal minimalism I find that super appealing because like a lot of times we have so much stuff that we don't even know why we have it and it's like superfluous it's always like you have five towels so why do I have five - hell yeah why don't we have 20 spoons am I ever gonna have 20 people at one time you know I remember specifically I was at a friend's house one time and like I was using their basement bathroom and there's just all these little kitschy trinkets yeah and like like this weird mass-produced bird sculpture or something and it's like I don't want any like I don't want to have that because this especially because of my personality it's like I have so much trouble getting organized to begin with yeah if I had more stuff I just I'd be so cluttered make it extra difficult like certain things like I can understand like here on this bookshelf we've got like trinkets and stuff like that type of thing I can more understand that because it's like aesthetically appealing well I would say that if it's something that has meaning rather right like something you bought on the wall at Bob Evans where it's like that's sure a wooden welcome sign that was made in a factory yeah yeah like well you have to assume that most people who might buy that and they bought it because they liked it yeah yeah well well no I mean I guess so but I also think there there can be this like almost addictive appeal to bind stuff that and then like later realizing
you didn't really need or want it yeah I still feel like it's less the the thing with that is it's less subtle than something like having 20 spoons because on the surface having 20 spoons makes sense you're like oh yeah you know I got lots of spoons if I ever need a spoon or whatever but what it often does is having 20 spoons --is you don't wash your dishes you just use a new one every dancer and if you have like three spoons you'd be like well now I have to wash my dishes I'm laughing because there's a scene in Jordan or in Conan where he's like in Jordan's Lansky's office he's like an espresso cup oh yes - in case he ever makes a friend you talking about the 20 spoons makes me think about what Andrew does when we used to eat cereal we would you know use the Bulls first and then the Bulls would get all dirty and then the dishes wouldn't get done and then Andrew would switch two cups dirty cups with like like milk residue and like Sam yeah it's it's such an easy thing to do when you have it's funny because I've been getting rid of a lot of my clothes recently and like I only wear like there's only three or four t-shirts that I like to wear and like two button-down shirts that I like - yeah and like I've been trying to get like everything that I'm definitely never gonna wear out I've been getting rid of unless it's something I can like go jogging in yeah but it's so nice because then like you have this little pile clothes and then you have to do the laundry once it's out yeah and man it makes laundry really easy because you know yeah just one bag of laundry you yeah plop it in there speaking of which like whenever I do laundry all I do is I dump everything lights darks whatever into them again and like listen we've talked about that a lot this weekend how come cuz of that one video oh right which yeah which shall not be named so it's funny because I just realized that my wardrobe is a bug-out bag all of the clothes that I own are in one bag and I've actually taken that like when I need to go travel like when I go you guys this house I just grabbed that bag and I go I don't even have to pack it first well I put my toothbrush in there um okay but somewhat related but something we talked about a lot this weekend was well I don't know if I talked about with you but we definitely talked about it which is our we just soft like army go out into the wild and then the temperature just fluctuates you just a little bit we're miserable it's cold okay I lied I heard you guys talking about that okay I didn't say anything but I I was pretty comfortable this whole entire trip like it was a little cold but like it was never to the point where it was really bothering me yes so I mean were you guys specifically referring to like the nighttime and for me I mean I I get cold compared to normal people period but like at that night like both nights I was like freezing my butt off and I wasn't wearing that many clothes because we changed out for the the Bears and stuff but just like I'm really tired of not being tough like in my head I'm like I could be a tough guy and then every time it comes down to them like me I'm not a tough guy I wanna be a tough guy but I don't know what like the difference is you have to expose yourself all the time which is hard I feel like especially because we live in states where you get the four seasons it's like when you're getting used to the cold and then it turns warm oh yeah yeah but I didn't we've already established that Robbie's like prone to cold like yeah older than us but I think it's because I think one of the differences between me and you guys is that I've made a conscious effort to make my camping experience as comfortable as possible yeah so like I and you like sleep under a tarp and that's his choice but like you know if I'm sleeping in a tent I'll bring like an air mat and you know I'll bring like I always go for at least the warmer sleeping bag yeah I'm never gonna cut corners if I think it might make my trip less enjoyable yeah that's it that's actually good point I do think there is a softening aspect that civilization has though like when you think about what the first people did and like everything they had to do like flint knapping just so they can have a tool to like scrape something yeah do something else and like it was like I know it's a lot of it's not necessary a lot of time but it's a lot of like hard work yeah and I think when you do it enough though like it's just okay nope no big deal you know it's funny because like civilization like it does soften you up but it also frees up so much of your energy to do things like
like the editing process for some people at least that yeah for some people exactly
but for us specifically this it allows us to do that because the technology was able to be made because people didn't have to hunt for food and like make shelter we won't have to hunt for food we can spend all of our time writing music editing doing this in that part of me still wonders if like like I love the doing this but I also want to if I were born back then I feel like I wouldn't feel a need to do anything greater like it would just be somebody satisfied with how life was well I mean it's like they're like got gored by a I don't know it's like I used to be a lot more on the I wish we could go back to primitive society and everything in it I think this is still true but if overnight somehow we could get rid of all technology and have the night sky again I'd give it in a second all right do it in a second because like the things that I really like like I could still somewhat do like if we wanted to tell stories and make music we could just do that live with real instruments and stuff mm-hmm
but that's one thing that I really regret that we've lost is the night sky because just like this last trip in Yellowstone like me and Andrew we're sleeping under the stars on the second night and it blows my mind every time it's like you see things that you didn't even know we're up there like little twinkling red dots that you're not sure what they are well yeah every time I sleep out under the stars and then I like closing my eyes and then open them back up I'm like whoa yeah it's still there it's a really fun way to fall asleep too because like I was so tired and then you just kind of struggle to keep your eyes open to look at the stars and then eventually you just let it mmm fade away until you fall asleep but it's such a nice feeling one thing I will say about the whole softening thing is well okay like on a more serious note I've had a lot of days where I wake up and I like don't eat for hours and then and I think that's helped me like on the trail where if I'm feeling hungry I just I'm fine with it like I I almost would rather feel hungry if I know that I have food coming later then feel full and I don't know I think talk them out yeah I think there's just a lot of like stuff up out there where it feels hard but there's also an appeal to it but then another aspect is also the the fact that I live in such squalor usually like my room was so messy for the longest time and I recently did he admits it yeah and like there was clothes and trash everywhere and like the bathrooms dirty I recently cleaned it and then like I also I even like scrubbed the bathroom floor and stuff and like I had one of my cabinets hinges was like loose so like every time you closed it it would tilt over and my sink wouldn't drain properly and yeah just all this stuff and then when I got that all fixed I was like wow it's like having stuff that works feels luxurious now I think yeah
so I think like in that sense if you if you go through experiences that are like harder than the norm then you can like harden yourself up yeah it's like that bullet ant glove like okay once you do that the jungle is no big deal you know you're talking about how your room was messy kind of makes me think it'd be interesting to discuss how we're different when it comes to campaign oh yeah I guess me and Thomas we're talking about how me and him when we go camping we're the things we how we handle it prioritize similar yeah than you guys mm-hm like just one example that comes to mind right away was when I was packing my food bag I had a big gallon ziplock bag and I literally put everything in there and then I had one smaller bag and there was like my utensils in there to keep us separate and then I put that into my food bag so I was like you know if I wanted food I just pull out the whole ziplock bag open it up take something out and eat it and then Andrew Andrew like handed me his food bag and he's like can you get my spork out of here so I opened it up it was just like trash I was like dude I said I can't find the story I do need to get a trash yeah well no here's the thing done so I've talked about this with my mom before but there's it's like you have like thorns problems are like thorns or splinters in you right and some of them you can just ignore and some of them like eventually you have to be like man I gotta fix this because I can't just keep dealing like rain gear is one of those things like we just kept letting ourselves get rained on and not which is nothing to prepare for like oh you know we're lucky with weather yeah never really had such a bad experience that was a breaking point back yeah back in the day our rain plan was a like disposable poncho yeah yeah and it's just like that that's cool like you can do the MacGyver thing or just I'm just gonna rough it as I go and I'll make something up but sometimes it's good to just be like you know I'm gonna fix this problem that I have like one just from this last trip that I know I want to fix is I need to get a pillow just like you were saying because my neck just like when you sleep on the ground it's just not very comfortable and there's no reason to go through that pain when you can easily find a solution yeah it's something that yeah like for the longest time I've always known that I'm more comfortable with more comfortable with a pillow or something substitute as a pillow and I just never ever wanted to buy one because it's like oh it's a pillow it's like it's like a piece of cushion why do I want to pay you know ten bucks for a tiny cushion just for camping you know I'll just you know deal with it yeah and then yeah and then just like I said it's just like you know like wow I do like this miser so you know it's funny it's like I have to admit this but I've had this like mindset this is like kind of hipster mindset of like no I can rough it you know I don't need all this stuff but like it's kind of silly because there's no if you really don't like it like sleeping without a pillow you shouldn't do it you should get a pillow man don't don't feel like you're less of a man because you're using a pillow out in the walk that's my idea is that if I'm comfortable if I'm enjoying a particular moment of the camping that that increases my enjoyment of the whole experience like why why dampen it by you know having a miserable night of sleep or something and right so that's how I feel I think I need to fix my air Matt that is one of those items that helps a lot mmm sweet which do you still have your air Matt getting us right over there actually
hmmm maybe I'll buy that from you they're not that expensive right 75 bucks something like that yeah but like that yeah yeah you know one of those items that I've been debating on getting like just I mean it's not necessary in this group setting but it's a trowel because every time I go poop and I like a Malone or whatever with other people I usually just opt for like a stick or a rock that I find but it's hard to do sometimes it's hard sometimes I found a great boomerang shape stick oh so funny because like the other day when we went on this trip you were cooking mhm and I was like saying like I love your spirit but I hate watching you cook because like you you're actually really similar my mom you guys both like you can ignore messes you can ignore our problems but you guys get the job done like when something needs to get its done like you guys can focus on it and do it like starting a fire you won't stop back I'm like Andrew please stop trying gonna lose a 10 enjoy so I can drink my coffee but you won't stop that like that focus mindset but it also I feel kind of feel like it's like in life you've got those videogame scales like because like what happens is if you get too caught up in the organization thing that's all you do like sometimes I will spend a whole day organizing my stuff and I'm like why why am i doing this I'm not actually accomplishing anything I'm just making it up a little bit nicer for like 10 minutes before I get it all unorganized yeah see it's like from my perspective the Jedi are evil no from my from my perspective it's like when you let disorder to like bother you it's like why like ya know it's it's letting you you're controlled by the disorder but at the same time like I don't know no it's like it's it always comes back to meeting at the middle yeah you want to find a good middle ground you don't want to be too far on either side yeah because like it's like after wall I was gonna say after a certain point of disorder it becomes a hindrance yeah yeah
well a great example is at the airport I was like I was like maybe now's a good time to check the permits I probably should have printed this out and thankfully Thomas had already taken care of it and I like to tell myself that I knew that and that's why I never did the truth is I just didn't think about it now I think about it you and Thomas combined like if you guys can combine or meet in the middle you'd be it you have to be a very solid person like our powers combined we make one functional human being Thomas's Thomas a little bit farther on the Jordan slansky scale they're like oh you know Jordan Lansky organized it's really weird I finally got around to watching the ice till can't tell if he's real like oh he's real like they did Conan has said it a million times like that's real he was like a somewhat exaggerated but like that's more or less him and on a reddit AMA Aaron Blair the gay gamer guy with the white hair he said no that's the real Jordan shlonsky I guess I'm sure they do a little bit editing to kind of yeah yeah yeah yeah like if I ever met someone like that it actually was like it was exactly the moment but like okay so you know there's the one where it's like and you have a biscotti immediately goes miss Coto I was using the hair gel and I was like I was like so how did you use pomade like it's a different hair done he just goes immediately times because it's pomade now it's like why would you even tell me [Music]
strange thing how much we want the rest of the world to see it the way we do yeah
like what we're why can't we just like be like okay with other people doing another way cuz like I know myself is like when somebody's doing it the way I don't want them to do it it infuriates the hell out of me but at the same time there's that background knowledge of why is this bugging so bad stop it stop it you know yeah no no I feel like part of this is the ego like you must know that I know how to pronounce this word like I'm sure he said it with no bad intention oh yeah like it's just natural to say like oh it's just pomade but it's so like the juxtaposition of that with the Georgia schlanger yeah because because like it wasn't like I was like so how do you use this some pomade like it wasn't like I was you know it's just corrected right off the bat as like I really needed to know speaking of which like Thomas is a great like it's the the episodes to me they feel more complete when he's in like it's just like he's like that that last wheel like they sometimes we're like that that tricycle but sometimes you want that other wheel for more stability well he offers a nice like because I feel like me and him are so different in a lot of ways yeah but it's nice to have a good different yeah the light contrast sorry I wanted to make a point about when you were saying about buying a trowel oh yeah yeah so I always bring a trowel and toilet paper and Robby always knows like he's under the assumption that I'll bring it that's like a good question it goes like I keep asking you beforehand so that I'm like oh I don't have to bring it but like should we do it like is that the best way to do it or should we all bring a little bit see this you like oh good no I feel like okay because we came up with an issue when we were in Yellowstone we were hanging my bag exclusively with the food and our clothes and I carried like the water filter and the toilet toilet stuff and we have the second night we forgot to take it out so like the night before and the morning after we're like oh man
Brian did you do you have the water filter or do you hang up there no that goes back to this whole like you know how I kept saying like in principle I want blood like in in principle it doesn't matter if we bring perishable food like that bison yeah but like I would never think to buy that because I want food that in theory would last like if I had to stay oh yeah that's how I feel yeah and also like in principle the water filters one thing I need but I would like to have a bag where Ike if if I were alone I could still use the same speaking of which you should probably get a replacement filter for yours
just in case we ever gonna need a second yeah well no I mean it's like that I was thinking about the group dynamic versus the individual dynamic and when you're in a group I feel like that it's really important for everybody to act like they're in a group mm-hmm so like that's one of those things because like for instance I carry all the batteries can camera equipment right now so like would it like it doesn't make any sense for us to like each carry every single it's like okay let's each carry batteries maybe it makes sometimes it makes more sense like that's why you have a group is so that one person brings the toilet paper one priest and brings the batteries one person brings this blah blah blah I think it's less of a I think we just need to make sure we communicate about is that's the thing like if I bring the toilet paper what we could do is when we need up you know I roll off like half of it you put it in one bag yeah that's smart but like we don't need more than one trial unless you know I mean there's there's never really reason we need more than one trial and like this trips especially a lot of the things that I typically bring that don't get used got used like I bring a lot of extra plastic bags for trash or whatever and we use them for like trash and our clothes yeah and I bring rubber bands and things like that so I I try to plan like if it's not too much of a hindrance I'll bring this something you know yeah I think that's the key is like we could do a better job of that is before we leave I mean we do a decent job of it one of the things we always do is we are always coming in communicative about what kind of shelter we're bringing right yeah shelters yeah you know because yeah yeah it's there's no point in everyone bringing a tent or a man yeah except for when we went to shannond oh I like we made a point of that because yeah you got rained on we were barely good we really do I was like nope I'm sheltering up yeah you tarp it a second at Wayne chendo yeah yes yeah the second second night first the first night you tented yeah but that was more because we already night yeah there wasn't a proper camp sleep yeah wasn't the floor had a lot of brush under it so yeah it reminds me of Les Stroud and how like he was talking about how if he didn't have to film his shelters would be like way better oh yeah and like someone else might see that in Billy oh that's an excuse but it's like it's 100% true yeah like there is no way yeah yeah especially because he's actually surviving that's true like he's he's filming and surviving worth filming and just like having fun okay we're gonna take one more quick break and we'll be right back okay so we're back and last episode we asked everybody what inspires you to go camping and our to get out into the outdoors and you guys had a lot of answers who wants to go first I've got one from Josh Harris hello Josh he says those fragmented spaces of natural growth is the real world and my experience of civilization is unfulfilling he said I typed this after the prompt but before Angie's answer which sounded similar and yeah that's like I think that's something we always forget is like what the natural state of the world or the real world you could say is its wilderness like and then this stuff that we're living in if you just did not maintain it it would eventually turn back into a forest or something and I can definitely like now that I'm sort of living in suburbia I can sort of I don't know Mike my craving for the wilderness is less because there's parks and forests nearby that I can go to and wander around but I whenever I was living in the city I just I don't know I remember staring out the window and all you see are like these lights shining at night and this concrete everywhere and you're like I need to get out of here as soon as I can so that's a great answer hmm I have a comment from well story I guess or okay I have a comment from Skyler now he says that what draws me to camping and hiking and just any outdoor activity is simply the fact that I feel at home and at peace out there I have issues with anxiety among other things and being out in the wilderness calms him down more than anything else ever has something about the open air the freedom you know when I read that I thought that I think that's one of the big reasons that I love going outdoors too and I wouldn't say that's specifically the reason that I go outdoors but it always is something that's at the back of that at the back of my mind after a camping trip because when you think about it or when I think about it in my normal day-to-day life just think about how many times you look at a clock mm-hmm like what time is it and do I need to go to bed or what time is that do I have to go leave now to do this thing or you know right before you go to bed did I set my alarm for this time you wake up you look at your phone what time is it do I have to get up I hate that mmm but like you do it so much you don't think about it but then when you go outside and you have the absolute freedom of being like I'm gonna sleep now or I'm gonna get up yeah now you know there's no sense of pressure of having to do something at a specific time there's four times in the wilderness day/night dusk and dawn yeah yeah and you know that's something that I don't really notice when I'm out there but when I think about it it is something that really makes me enjoy being out there's the fact that there's just no pressure to it yeah sure do something it's funny too because there's lots of times where we kind of need to know the time and nobody does yeah we don't have watches our phones aren't on and it's like we actually have to go into the camera to check say you do kind of get timeless so I'm gonna read state Parker's he says my desire to explore stems from the fear of complacency I for one can't stand stagnating every challenge I conquer on foot leads me to seek out a harder challenge somewhere else we absolutely love showing up to parks at night waking up to completely new surroundings I think you guys feel me on that one I want to I want to read a similar comment really quick from Scott Dunbar cuz East he talks about how most of his life is pretty safe and predictable but being in the desolate wilderness of Maine and New Hampshire is the opposite so he's saying like you take your life into your own hands and it's like there's this danger of being out there one careless step or decision can have disastrous consequences with it which is exciting I yeah so for me like the what state Parker said
for me I'm always wanting something new and I used to kind of feel like that was a bad thing I was like how come I can't just be satisfied with what I got right but I also feel like it's kind of like it if you use that as a strength rather than a weakness it's you're always discovering new things it doesn't mean that you're not satisfied with you with what you have and you can't be satisfied with what you have but I love like discovering new stuff and exploring and like every time we go to a new park that's such an amazing feeling of being like ah man this place looks so different and so new and you feel like you're almost like like an RPG you're filling out your side quest like oh yeah this place is great this place is great too you know oh I was gonna say one thing that I brought up in the I think it was the winter Dolly Sods episode when people were asking me why I would want to go winter camping and this this attributes to just any camping trip in general is that there's a sense of accomplishment and pride of being able to be one of those people who can go out there you know deal with whatever weather throws that you go out there and be in the wilderness because you know it's not for everyone
and I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone by being able to do it but there's a sense of accomplishment that you always get but knowing that you can handle that and that's something that I like to yeah it's funny because there's another comment that's sort of like the opposite but I agree with both Meredith McLaughlin who actually sent us a lot of food and we kept accidentally same o'clock o'clock we said McLoughlin but then we'd be like is it yeah but she says her draws to the outdoors of that she was raised out there it's like going home to her I don't feel comfortable and modern cementy places my first birthday is recorded in my baby book as me eating dirt and bark off the ground on a camping trip my parents taught me a ton and are still a huge outdoor influence on Jared and I mirror Thoreau Roosevelt David Suzuki our childhood heroes did she say that she's like super distantly related to John Muir oh yeah yeah she did I'm really loosely super distant cousins maybe related to John Muir on my dad's side so it's I don't know but it's funny because I I get both this like ID when I think of my childhood I think of like being in the backyard and seeing the woods in the forest and there's a there is a very real sense of coming home or like reliving these nostalgic memories when you're in the wilderness but at the same time there's also this feeling of like letting go of comfort and being out in the wild and just like completely in this raw harsh environment so it's I don't know it's kind of both I think but I I would say that I'm more familiar with like the Eastland or eastern us woodland environment and going out west is kind of like it can be more exciting but then going in the wilderness and the East is like more comforting and peaceful sometimes hmm she also said that um we should try reading The Wheel of Time series Robert Jordan is a ridiculously good author she said if we ask if we liked Conan the Barbarian we should do that so check that out sounds familiar
we also had one question from a listener Terry Semel he asked what's the weight of our packs - camera gear I can tell you at least for Yellowstone I recent I weighed my pack for Yellowstone and I was carrying two liters of water which I guess we could say is isn't it exactly pounds or something no well I think my pack was around 28 or 29 pounds so we usually hover around 30 average there yeah mine was 32 that was the first time I ever weighed it yeah without camera year is 32 mm which I feel like is kind of heavy
I would much I would really like to lighten it I just don't know how yeah especially the heavy food I bring I mean the only way you're gonna lighten it is probably by investing in the in sticks expensive like ultra lights type stuff one liter of water is 2.2 pounds by the way okay well yeah I carry a three liter water thing which by the way you guys really should get that run out of water like every night well I carry a two liter in a Nalgene which is one liter so I do have three liter oh yeah it's just that we didn't fill up then you should still get a three liter because we ran out well that's because we didn't fill up we only filled up like yours and mine and then Andrew and Thomas were like oh we're fine yeah me and Thomas did a refill ours the whole time it takes like you
it's carrying like two litres only yeah it takes like five minutes to refill we should just refill everybody and every time with every time you take out all the equipment anyway yeah okay I think that was a good episode any closing thoughts well again you know answer the question at the beginning or if you have any questions for us go ahead post comments we'll read the ones we you know feel like we really want to discuss or and will answer questions sorry we've taken so long getting the audio onto the actual podcast I mostly blamed Thomas the iTunes podcast feeds that he's talking yeah yeah um well actually before we go know what is ours maybe we should talk about what our general timetable is for the release of the next two episodes plus we should talk about the voting for the third episode we're gonna do this season where we yeah yeah okay I I don't know what else so my actually my coworker asked me what when we plan to release what I told him was I and I assume that you guys are probably around this but I'm thinking Shannon dough will probably be end of June at the latest yeah Shannon dough for sure this month Yellowstone sometime in July yeah at least the early release yeah yeah I mean that the early release thing is like what I wanted to do was get on to a timing of where we could do one a month and then have the public release be on the first of every month so it's easy to remember all that but with the timing of this we might not what I don't think we'll be able to do that but we can definitely get out an episode Shannon Doha before the image in and then surely get Yellowstone out before the end of July so early releases I don't know when the public releases will be but so what is the deal with a third episode in the voting yeah so the third episode we are we have three locations we're gonna go to they're all canoeing locations one is Boundary Waters one is pictured rocks any others Algonquin Provincial Park was a picture well or raw Isle rail which one was Oh whichever one is better well we'll announce the official so there's four right now but no it's there's gonna be either a picture or I'll real okay will will officially announce it when the voting actually begins and stuff if you are a five dollar patron or higher than your your able to vote we've had that reward on there for so long but yeah you don't haven't used it yet yeah but yeah it'll be a canoeing episode you choose where we go there will be a deadline because we do actually have to plan the trip back yes and then what about the patches yeah yeah might have seen some adventure archives patches and some of our more recent videos we have a limited amount because we're just we were just seeing what gauging what the general interest was and so stay tuned we'll give you some information on how you can get one of those patches and if if they're popular nature reward it will be a pain generally patron reward that's what we're thinking right now but if it becomes to a point where people a lot of people really want them we'll try and expand to something a little more accessible yeah it's a one-time reward should we just say yeah one-time reward ten dollars and up there Wilson hold on we have to also mention that previous people who are already ten dollars yeah you don't have to be yeah I know we just don't want to make sure we don't everybody understands yeah I mean of course if you're if you're ready a patron you don't have to sign up like be a new person to anyone who's there at $10 and up and who's contributing to the shenandoah EPS a current patron yeah yes current or new we'll get a patch right and the reason we're doing it that way is because it's just too hard to get this whole merchandise thing going at this early of a stage so that's just the easiest way to do it yeah yeah it's not worth the effort to set up an online store for you know patches unless we offered a lot more merchandise but that involves a lot more work that we just don't have time to do right now they're beautiful no desire to do a little bit of both we don't want to yeah okay so final thoughts
remember gonna love the next two episodes yeah yeah no that is that is a very final but the footage we say that every time right no it's amazing I think they are but like every time we come back were like oh this is gonna be the best one I think Yellowstone is definitely gonna be your best yet the trip was definitely visuals wise it's already the best yeah just looking at the footage the visuals are the best like the colors man and like wow well okay I even took pictures of my cell phone and even on my cell phone pictures you can see out how the blues are so blue and the greens are so green and yes we're blue also very great okay well thank you for listening slash watching yeah thank you so much for your support be sure to check us out on Facebook and like our Facebook page you can check out our Instagram patreon Twitter slash adventure archives it's sure sorry tell all your friends about us yes we'll see you next time
About the Author

Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon!
Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- Return to Japan Vlog Day 9 // Mt. Kumotori - The Long Road Home
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- Adventure Archives Trailer #2
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- Campfire Chronicles Podcast #13 | VIDEO PODCAST | Talking with Thomas
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- Edible Trees | Foraging a Wild Flower and Leaf Salad in the Spring | Bushcraft
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Solo Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in the Smokies
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- Great Sand Dunes & Mesa Verde National Park in 4K | Colorado Hiking | Find Your Park Expedition
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- Channel Update (Andrew)
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