Campfire Chronicles Podcast #18 | VIDEO PODCAST | Thanksgiving, Food, and More
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In this episode, we take on the role of all your favorite pop talk show doctors and discuss dieting... among other things.
Sony A7s ii -
Sony 16-35mm f4 Lens -
Sony 55mm f1.8 Lens -
Panasonic GH4 -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Panasonic 100-300mm Lens -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives (c) 2017
Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud
Video Transcription
welcome to Thanksgiving Chronicle welcome to campfire chronicles episode 18 Happy Thanksgiving it's the day after the day after Thanksgiving and we are thankful for lots of things chiefly our viewers especially the ones no I'm just kidding well we're thankful to them but also thankful to anybody else thankful for these chairs chairs a good chairs yeah it was last year I think as often as we do these that's probably about right did we do something similar we didn't do anything like that I pictured rocks right we kind of like had like we had like Polish food that we'd be give thanks probably so yeah pictured rocks is giving our next full episode if you guys didn't know it'll be very soon very soon yeah so are you guys thankful for anything in particular this year you know I feel like I always just it's always a good reminder that I just should be thankful for things that I take the grin like it doesn't have to be one large I mean I'm always thankful for you know I look back on all the trips we've done I'm always thankful for the places that we were able to go to cuz I know a lot of people who watch our stuff is they always tell us you know oh I can't get out there anymore but I love watching stuff because it makes me feel like I'm there so it really makes me thankful that I'm I can go out there and that I choose to go out there and everything like that yeah ya know because it's like not everybody gets to do it
yeah I said for me you know it's funny this is a real simple one but just warm showers is lately something I've been super thankful for and we were when were you talking about when you said you had a specific pose because I figured out what my poses yeah see when when you're in the showers right here I just stayed in this that my legs are crossed too so it's just like I stand there like this right and I have my back to the shower and I see like this and the water the way you stand that the water trickles down and like it's every part of you moron yeah like if you hit the water right when it comes out it's nice and hot but if you do a few feet under it's so misty that it cools down ah I have to have it hit my head and then trickle down so it stays so I you got a like once the water gets really hot it like makes it off steamy in the bathroom so then it's like yeah this past year but someday try taking a shower with all the lights off and just turned some candles on and some like relaxing New Age hippie music equivalent of someone taking a bath you know like they take a bath of candles and some good music and a glass of wine listen the giant Bob cast and there's a dude on there who's always talking about taking showers in the dark he's like I love taking showers in the dark and I was like well dangle upside down from the faucet yeah we just had a big Thanksgiving celebration every year my mom's side of the family does thanksgiving where we make that our Christmas so everybody can do whatever they want on Christmas but Thanksgiving we make that our holiday and what year you guys started coming and it was my cousin Danny she's like O'Brien Andrew you guys should come and then just ever since then you guys have been coming yeah I've always felt like this was like the traditional American Thanksgiving we never really had growing up yeah we should talk about what we used to do because and I still kind of want to do some here but like our parents friends like Taiwanese friends they would have a big pot look like it wasn't as much fun because there's like not as many people our age that we're friends with new stuff but the food was amazing the food is great yeah it's but it was very like asian-inspired well you had like the traditional stuff yeah there's no dishes but you also had Haitian dishes and the turkey was stuffed with like glutinous rice oh really I was good stuff never had and I just remember when I would go to you guys's house we used to go to your house all the time for Christmas and Thanksgiving and then I guess once the cousins got old enough that kind of just like dropped off but yeah we would always hide in the basement during those parties so your parents friends would all come over and then just all the cousins would be in the basement whether you ever go upstairs yeah so I never got to try the food consequently there was one Thanksgiving where we had traditional Thanksgiving food and I remember this because you guys his sister it was like maniacal about this gravy somebody made some gravy that was really good and we literally had to physically restrain her keep her from drinking it out of like the gravy that was the only one I can remember and I don't know why I remember one time on New Year's I was like really sick and I was constrained in my room and you guys kept talking about these like styrofoam cookies oh yeah did you guys have this just talking about Christmas makes me think of this but did you guys have any and what's a weird but like these peculiar things that you would do during holidays when you were like littler just for example what during Christmas when me and Andrew were like oh really the young like I was like down out 12 and he was like 6 or 7 or whatever we have a you remember the really really big Christmas what we had actually had like at least like that much space underneath it and what me and Andrew would do is we would put a bunch of pillows and blankets underneath it and then we just sleep under the Christmas tree for like the next week and we had this tiny little TV we set up a Super Nintendo I very specifically remember playing a killer instinct because I got an ultra combo with cinder and it was I was like are only getting ultra combo with scissors easy just match but Wow I vaguely remember that I don't think I ever participated but I remember you telling me about it I can't think of anything specific I do remember one great memory of on New Year's Eve playing Majora's Mask and almost beating the game I got to the final boss on New Year's Eve but I couldn't bring this Christmas Eve Christmas Eve and I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking about the game and the presents the next day Shadow the Colossus on New Year's of you oh yeah you skip the countdown because I remember that yeah your mom like so we were getting really close to the game and your mom kept coming down like five minutes you guys gotta come up three minutes you gotta come up and then it was one minute and she finally like forcibly dragged you guys upstairs and I was like no I'm not coming it was a great New Year's Eve yeah that's one of my favorite games of all time I still feel like it was worth it that's awesome well one time I used to work at a restaurant and I had to work New Year's Eve and this is what made me quit because I was standing there serving like two people and the countdown happened and we brought free champagne out for all our guests which was like you know two took a couple and like a family yeah which I was like why the heck are you even here yeah brought champagne out to the couple and they didn't want any and so we were just standing around the bar drinking the champagne I was like man this is the most depressing thing I've ever experienced and the next day I was like you know what I can't do this anymore I quit Wow yeah Wow dude I didn't want to name-drop the restaurant but sure go ahead
like that is like it's quintessential dystopian yeah we'll work on Thanksgiving feel like yeah cuz it's just like I was standing there and wasn't gonna fact that I missed New Year's Eve but the fact that I was like like who would ever like who'd won what corporate overlord would open yeah it's like it's like okay so we'll are literally celebrating like Black Friday Thursday at the very least I understand at this point it's a huge day for like sales I understand that no I don't agree with it but on New Year's Eve who in their right mind keeps a restaurant open expecting business on New Year's Eve well the I worked at that's funny I worked at a restaurant for two weeks and three days I worked there for three days then I put in my two weeks notice I worked New Year's Eve and it was busy like crazy like people go out to eat I guess but Applebee's yeah midnight yeah that's a little it was yeah it was a bravo Bravo kind of more sense because they've got like you know actual wine yeah but like have visas just yeah that's ridiculous do you know well yeah that was another thing we're going out trying to give those customers free champagne they didn't want it like are you do you know what time it is like I should be making merry with everyone here
unlike the accordion calendar or whatever I started doing chants and stuff like we don't celebrate these pagan new years anyways speaking of which so we just had Thanksgiving Christmas coming up in their new year's we got any plans camping out or otherwise Thomas was saying we should definitely go to Canada and snowshoe somewhere that's a great idea
I almost feel like we won't get snow anywhere here this year but I mean right now why do you think that well it's November 25 degrees well I mean winter doesn't even start till December 20th I know I think we'll be fine okay we'll get some stuff it's no the other day here actually I don't know I remember I know we can we can always go north to like Michigan I think like we were talking about maybe going to like somewhere in Michigan to try and get like a snowy episode up Trail 71 said he got snow already yeah yeah yeah so there's plenty of places I feel like like Canada is snow sure you can of sounds great but I feel like first of all that requires a bit more experience and probably a lot of new gear at least in my case what is yeah what is snowshoeing entail exactly I mean it's just like hiking but you're wearing snowshoes to counteract now I guess oh I think like cross-country skiing okay but if you're snow showing that that implies that there's already a lot like snow yeah and it's probably pretty cold Thomas was saying and I actually would love to do this at some point but you saying like we should drag sleds behind oh dude really cool that would be really fun rainier style like walk in with this huge thing like we could just have one big canvas tent yeah yeah one day we are gonna make Bannock bread in a actual like ceramic pot or like a cast iron yeah it'll be like day three 0.8 miles hiked we've decided to live out here so but speaking of things coming up so what we've got is Mount Whitney come up in the very near term that should be December first huh right after that we're gonna have the solar eclipse video that's the solar eclipse maybe like a half episode yeah if you're not aware you'll see what happens in the episode but it was going to be a full episode but stuff happened that changed you then we've got video high banks Metropark we filmed that in Columbus Ohio like two years ago we finally edited it and now you're right yep and then uh better draw right after that's pictured rocks actually somewhere in between there I will also do the review for the outdoor vitals down sleeping bag which just I don't know if you've ever really fully told us but what is your thoughts on it okay yeah so but just by say that um just the cliff notes I haven't used that many sleeping bags
but I'm always freezing at night so I always want the warm as possible it is the best sleeping bag of ever used okay like it's too hot in the summer like even for me like even if you just lie on top of it they trap so much heat that you start sweating it might but um it's light it packs down really well good quality construction it's not expensive compared to down sleeping bags like 170 or 180 190 it's less than 200 definitely less than 200 and that's great yeah I'm thinking about getting one actually because I like I like my sleeping bag right now but I'm looking for something that packs a bit smaller because I've noticed that my sleeping bag even when I squash it as much as I can it still takes up a decent chunk I'm pretty sure they actually have another down sleeping bag that's not 0 degrees that's slightly less than 0 yeah okay that's lighter and smaller so you can look into that one but yeah I might like to switch to like two of those one for like super cold weather oh and that's not yeah because I'm I'm only using one sleeping bag that's a 15 degree and I wanted to just use it as like a catch-all for most situations but it's just in the hotter weather like when it's gonna be bearable you really don't need that much space and where you take it out back yeah agree back well like when we went to the solar eclipse trip I didn't even bring I see
come back yeah I could just it was so hot that I knew there was a very little chance that we would need it that's probably not the smartest thing to do like just for preparedness but if it's one night it's not gonna kill you well then um up trail we were with him at pictured rocks he actually was shown me it was like a top quilt actually for when you're in a hammock and it's not it's sort of like a sleeping bag that's unzipped so it's got the little pocket at the bottom where your feet where you stick your feet in but then just pull the rest over yes yeah you don't have to like you don't have to like zip yourself up which is really nice because one thing I hate about hammocks is fiddling around trying to get in and out of your sleeping bag when you got to go to bathroom or something the last thing you want to do is fiddle with the sleeping bag yeah well the I have actually been using that sleeping bag like a quilt so there's one company called like enlightened and quit enlightened equipment I think and they sell quilts and all sorts of down stuff but um they have those type of quilts that you're talking about and they're just like not zipped in the back so you just put on top of you but yeah I've been using that sleeping bag like that and that actually is really a nice way to sleep because it's warm in it like the down ones warm enough it traps all the heat but it's not mummifying you like with a regular Sarco mummy
so you actually like sorry let me an actual term or did we just come up oh that's it I can't remember at this point yeah which is weird because that's they could either say a mummy bag or a sarcophagus but Sarco mummy maybe we did make it up maybe it is just one of them maybe we just saw sarcophagus yeah and then we just started saying sarcomas I've heard mummy bag - sorry Oh mummy sounds so much like something we'd make up I don't know headcrab one day we'll be headcrab TM well technically Vout did valve head they say headcrab them in the valve games or the half-life games oh speaking of which you can talk about your beard oh yeah
I'm sure we'll get comments on that this has been growing since October 30th well I shaved it on October 30th so it's been the 20 like 25 days plus one so you haven't touched it since that no oh wow then yeah it has it's not that long and it's kind of surprisingly well kept it's like what three millimeters I don't know when I grew out my facial hair like two years ago it was like starting to curl up like a curlicue mustache like this was all over the place but I have no chief you have Caucasian DNA yeah I can't I there was like one time in college well it's probably a few times where I actually tried to seriously grow it out just for fun but but at some point it just bothers me so much I'm like I'm shaving this oh yeah it kind of starts feeling like if anything you know November's look the one time oh right is that what you did yeah yeah I mean I totally forgot I was supposed to be for like prostate cancer awareness yeah that's like a good opportunity for do I look good or bad with the beard awareness yeah so this actually something I was thinking about with Thanksgiving how come every holiday I mean it makes sense like can we have holidays where we eat a same amount of food like is there some way to make that happen like I'd like to make that happen like still have good food but should make it so that there's not so much food there that I just eat everything and nearly killed me good no I don't think it's possible I mean it's just at that point it's just self-control right yeah but self-control is like that's like putting like well I'm just saying like cuz there's a lot of yeah there but nobody is literally putting it on your plate or you know put in your mouth but it's beyond self-control that's like my DNA says these for milk not eating too much has to be integral to the holiday so like Ramadan that's the only way okay but even then I don't know how much they eat after sundown I don't know if it's like a huge feasts or if it's just well you know like having a feast has always been like yeah that's awesome I love it like a celebration typing yeah ever like all the old shit like the shows from like the past like let's have a feast to celebrate you know yeah so it's symbolic yeah so I feel like to answer your question no you can't have a holiday where there's not a sane amount of food because it's just it's like it goes with it or DNA I bet because like someone you you're a hunter-gatherer you go out you hunt that boar you bring it back and like everyone's around the campfire oh yeah happy to celebrate maybe I think what I really need to do is like make sure the two months prior to it I eat like a perfectly sane amount of food and then once that day hits then I'll actually be able to handle two days and not eating no I've been eating a very sane amount of food but maybe just like oh it's so funny because like during the so I I stopped eating at around like 1:00 a.m. Wednesday night or Tuesday night slept got up and like I actually normally don't eat until is the evening so it's just like it was fine up until there but then later in the night you started getting really hungry and creamy stuff yeah soon as you fall asleep and wake up the next day all that yeah it's weird like if I go to sleep really hungry when I get up in the morning I'm totally fine I mean I don't even want to eat it right away that's the thing is for me if I go to sleep hungry I can't sleep I got sitting there lying my stomachs growling I'm like thinking about eating next to the next day sometime way to wake up and eat we playing rocket League that I was tired oh yeah yeah but actually last year this year I kind of a sleep-deprived because we stayed up well last year when I fasted the morning of Thanksgiving I felt really really good okay so we're like even mental yeah well we at lemming this came up earlier and it talks about fasting but intermittent fasting is actually really good for your health
yeah because it triggers the body's sorcerer on - yeah - to basically pull energy from your white fat stores and convert them to brown fat so that they're easily burned ready to be burned for energy so I can understand that fasting like if you need fast at least once a week actually would be really good for you probably make you well see like the the thing I've been thinking about a lot lately just in regards to diet nutrition is that the biggest problem now is that there's no limitations you can have any type of food any time you want like no matter who you are really like unless you are so dirt poor that you don't have money to like put up roof over your head you can go to the store get $0.99 bread actually anytime the worst types yeah okay yeah but I mean okay say you're just middle-income normal income then you can get any type of food you want anytime you want like fruit anywhere from the world any time of year so it's like it's all up to your rational mind to ration and there's you have to override all of these really strong like evolutionary adaptations that have been keeping humans alive like you see that thing you eat it like don't stop eating until it's all gone yeah you know all those things but now we can you have to like limit everything actually makes me think of another thing Oh what one one thought but keep your thought of mine yeah you got it okay the the intermittent fasting that's probably how we developed right because just sometimes there wasn't foods you had to adapt to be able to not have food well I was gonna say was all three of us are very like anti wasting food right sometimes there's like points where I'm like eating something like oh god I'm so full but I will not let this food good away so I'll continue eating until I feel a rap until I finished that because it's like I can't let it go to waste I mean obviously there's time for you can bring it home yeah but there's other times where like I can't think of any specific times but no there's not too many times lately that if this happened to me because there's always been a ability to bring out I mean it's just like if you like got a plate of food and you know that if you didn't fish it someone's probably gonna throw it away yeah yeah be like that's like well I'm gonna finish this I got a feeling this year we wrote our names on our plates I think so that they wouldn't throw it away no I would get a plate and then with like something on it and then I eat it and then I'll go back to get something else and then I come back and my plate would be gone like whoa so that's my aunt and uncle they're really good at hosting yeah Thanksgiving so they're like good at cleaning it up like they're just like they see it they take care of it so first I've heard that that's like oh yeah no that's like home yeah guaranteed yeah and I've also read that hunter-gathering people I mean I don't know but they used to have days where they would fast just because they didn't feel like going out of 90 that's hilarious like yeah we look at survive yeah hunting today wow that's really cool yeah that's a big thing I've been doing lately is I'm really trying to refocus my re turn my normal eating habits into something a healthy eating habit because you guys know me I just like will eat anything going back to the whole thing I like food waste and it's interesting because I've heard that a lot of cultures who live in jungles and forests they like they just both waste things I mean they'll they'll eat whatever they like but like if they gather stuff and like they they just see the force as this abundant provider so there's no sense of scarcity out there because there's so yeah yeah you know well it's kind of weird because like the concept of having so many like the average home has 300,000 possessions okay people don't even know what's in their house like that's something that like has always not I don't know if it's always well clutters always bothered bothered me but just now especially in the past few years having stuff that you don't need or don't use and it's just excess stuff that you're taking care of but it's serving no purpose in your life the I wonder if that has something to do with the scarcity mindset that we've been trained to have as far as food because I know like especially in this country like maybe it was like a depression-era mindset that's still rolling over to now they're just like oh we gotta have enough food we gotta like save all this stuff we might need it blah blah blah being able to provide it yeah it's Milo distributed yeah the stat I shared on Facebook recently from some videos that 40% of food that's produced in the u.s. is never consumed there's life thrown away I don't know because there's like they talked about how on farms and stuff they just have to like the perfectly good fruit rotting because yeah yeah silly like Brenda call the cops yeah it's like this is literally something you threw out what Susan yeah no it's very silly dude there's some places that do some good though like a narrow bread the retirement home it's not every time a retirement community center they get the bagels the leftover bagels for the next day so they Seinfeld references no there's literally a bagel reference in Seinfeld he starts working know when he's yeah when he starts working at the bagel place he brings a bag of bagels back to George and he's like who's extras like oh no these are Dale's we usually give them to the to the like the home the retirement home but you think the top is a muffin dude so were you guys in the car when I was telling that social psychology books are my favorite when I was with Danny and Spencer okay oh you were there so here's a good example of how I was a tricked myself for the worse when I used to work in New York there was a little like cafeteria right at the bottom of where I worked so before work sometimes I would go in there and I would get there day-old doughnuts and um they were like two for $0.50 or two for a dollar or something and they're always terrible but I was like oh well it's chief and then I finally realized those like wait a Nuke doughnut is like 35 cents and I'm paying 25 cents for a day-old donut and it's terrible why not just pay 10 cents extra for a good doughnut yeah I was in in my story yeah maybe but it's just is really dumb have you guys um oh I wanted to add something to the whole thing about the mindset not wasting food there's another thing like that where it's giving them bang for your buck oh yeah have you ever guys had to like Andrew you went to college and I don't know if you had a meal plan we all right yeah uh-huh so whenever you have like a meal plan and it's like very clearly defined what you can get it's like I always want to eke out as much as I can get because I want the most valued and then I sit down and like MIT I don't need this much food but it's like now I got to eat it and I still wanna get my money like I want to get my money's worth email yeah yeah and so you end up eating way more than you need to or something that same video that had the 40% figure they were talking about some university that now they put the port they let you eat as much as you want that's what the meal plan is but the portion sizes are predetermined by them so they'll put a plate out with like a little bit of the food and then you can take one plate and then you can eat it and if you want more you come back and you have to get it instead of letting them just say all I want to eat you know because okay this is wasting so much food there's an Ikea that recently opened up near our house and they have a cafeteria and the thing I really like about it is the fact that the food there is it's like you know four or five dollars for a meal but the but because it's cheaper the food portions are more sensible yeah it's like a normal meal yeah you you would see it like typically you would see any like that that's not enough food but the restaurants I've usually give you so much food it's way more than you ever would need I think maybe that's this is just guessing but maybe that's a European thing too so like in Europe that's known that they don't have the insane portion sizes that we do here so they're like well we're not gonna change it for the American market they just do the same yeah I'm guessing I don't know the that's one thing I've been trying to do is definitely like really watch my portions because sometimes when you're at home and you've just got food laying up oh yeah yeah just you're so ready to eat it but it's really bit much better to just actually kind of visually see how much you're putting on your plate and whatnot and then eat that what I do is I just cook high mass low cal so I can't Forge myself still not be overeating
so calories like that's something I just recently started looking into just out of curiosity and the so many foods are so deceptive like nuts are the biggest one nuts are unbelievable man like you have like four nuts that's like 300 calories I mean that's a little bit of an exaggeration but like four knots is probably 150 yeah and people just eat nuts like just cold and it's not so much that that's a like eat as much mini messes you want that's all I'm saying what I mean is just like we have no idea how much food were actually consuming like the I was reading this book on overeating actually and they were talking about how people grossly underestimate how much they eat they say even when they're keeping track of it roughly like somebody ate like 6,000 calories in a day and it's like oh yeah I think I had like 2,500 or so that's my like a double man have you guys ever heard the question where it's like if you could have like one statistic over your head at all times oh no I haven't I was zero like a halo kill death ratio from a very specific time period you're walking around someone's killed death ratios why didn't you're like huh anyways I thought would it be really interesting is if you could have it the statistic over your head would be literally just your daily calorie intake and if you had that exact accurate statistic at all times how would that change your eating habits because if you knew that like you had eaten so far 1,500 calories for that day and then you put a cookie in your mouth and it goes whoop 1,600 you know like oh crap that's 100 calories yeah like how much would that that was okay affect you I'm sure that would be an incredible deterrent yeah like so they're putting all the calories in the restaurants like I remember me and Thomas were driving back from somewhere we're but we stopped at at Denny's and just the like it was hard to find something that had less than a thousand calories yeah that's like yeah no absolutely dude yeah what what is with all the calories on the menus now is that like just a trend now well I know in Canada it was required because I was talking my buddy Wyatt and he thought that was the worst thing in the world I loved it like no I mean I get it you don't want the government interfering but if it helps people that's great yeah I think his problem was that as mandated so you had to have it on there like I I'm I think it's a great thing I the the whether it should be mandated or not that's they can a debate that if they want to I don't really care to debate it the but yeah just the knowledge of how much food you're actually eating is but so it's so like is it just a trend that's kind of come over into the u.s. now because I see it literally everywhere now I mean I don't know if is his trainer or not but yeah I have no idea how it got started yeah cuz i just noticed like at some point you know like every Wendy's McDonald's like even the noodles in Co we went to had calories listed on there so I wonder if it's just like someplace started doing it and every place is like huh you know maybe that's a good idea people will see that our foods healthier than theirs and they'll come here yeah I don't know but one thing I've been looking up recently and you guys can help me figure this out as far as I understand it the fundamental print find a mental principle of weight gain and weight loss is how many calories you burn calories and calories out calories out so like but there are foods that when you eat them they take calories to digest so like maybe like 200 calories of vegetables takes 40 calories to actually process if you eat carbs those will be used for energy before you use the fat if you eat those for energy it'll whatever exercise you use yeah we're okay like if you wanted to boil it down to one so its calories and calories out then there's but there's this whole like other thing about like carbs and like glycemic levels and how like like when you eat sugar you know collecting I would like spikes your blood sugar and things like that but I feel like as long as you're following a fairly healthy diet and then you watch your calories that's really all you need but also exercise it does help because I think it because here's the question you guys I don't know if the answer your this you might know if you are severely overweight and you do not eat okay will you survive if you just drink water I mean humans can go for a long time without eating
that's what fat stores essentially are as they're designed to provide energy to the body when you can't eat I don't think at some point things will start shutting down but I don't I mean but regardless of what it is I don't think it'd be healthy to do that like if you were to lose weight I wouldn't suggest just not eating right so if it is a matter of trying to lose weight in that case I don't know if they would survive longer look like you're fat or not but yeah but um they do say that starving yourself for extended periods of time is bad because then your body sort of switches into like survival mode yeah and it starts burning less energy and less calories it would can convert it no I don't think it's because of that but my muscle for a very long time yeah muscle atrophy will result in muscle being turned into that because you're not using the muscle there was analogy from somebody talking about fasting that said burning muscle before you burn your fat is like collecting a bunch of firewood and then burning your furniture it's like no you'd use the firewood first then you would use the furniture if you ran out of firewood isn't it funny that we have I just explained that joke
completely unnecessarily
yeah there's it funny that we have so much technology so much science and research
and we still don't really know how to pinpoint human diet I guess so much conflicting information about human diet what is the best way to lose weight how how you lose weight how the body gains weight there's so much information out there and like but none of its like yeah there's no golden rule that everybody could just follow yeah it's crazy like you could I guarantee you could say anything about your thoughts on how a diet should work and there will be people out there who disagree with it or say oh yeah that's nice it's also super personal thing people take it really personally and like they're willing to attack other people if there's like it all you're wrong yeah like if you like on this forum like there's a weight loss thread and people would be like oh yeah I'm trying to start losing weight and I'm doing this and people will literally like insult people if they think their diet is wrong because it's like don't do that learn the right stuff like whoa well why don't you try to be like telling them what you know it's just I just know that is a belief according to people though people like no no no that's not necessary at all you could eat just this one type blah blah blah well it depends what we're talking like if your time I pure lis weight loss then yeah you could technically you know for anything people would say it like there's people who believe everything when it comes to the food stuff and they will tell you that because like it's gotta be right I mean you look at the Inuit and all they eat pretty much is meat because they live in an Arctic environment and there's constantly eating meat yeah yeah no it's totally like well I mean just like how people can gain weight people can like I don't gain weight like it just doesn't happen I can eat as much as I want and I don't know what the mechanics are there's a I don't know ptosis where you like don't eat any carbs sort of
as a harder time I mean I eat plenty of carbs these days so like that's definitely not my crap it's just like he's like the outlier on the like a chart yeah yeah but I mean like my brother he's he should have like the same DNA as me right very close and he gains weight very easily yeah so it's weird maybe have a tapeworm I've always wondered about no I mean people will come up with arguments the thing that people have a problem with is the attitude behind it like it's very clean now the fact that like there have been so many diets that's been proven false and this and that so it's like every time a new diet is proposed there's gonna be some amount of skepticism around because you can never really just say this diet is the right eat your vegetables eat your fruits and just portion control self-control but self-control portion control that's yes that's great I the the thing that about the mind though is it the best analogy is it's an elephant and a writer so that if you've ever seen a writer on an elephant they have a certain degree of control over the elephant right and they can click the ears and then do this and then they smack the butt and but if that elephant sees a chocolate pie and the writers like don't do it they can restrain the elephant for so long before the elephant's who I don't care hunger pains I'm like the only thing that can keep me going is my sense of ego telling myself that I'm transcending to a higher realm and all these others leave you gotta trick that elephant and you get an appeal to its senses where you go a flower and it up and eat it well that's the thing is one thing I've noticed at least about my habits is that if I don't keep the foods in the house like if I go out live by exactly what I need then and then I'm good because if I'm walking around I'm super hungry like I open the fridge open the cabinets I don't see anything and like well we hunted a deer yesterday like do I want to drive one minute to Kroger it's just kind of going back to hell like everybody's got their opinion a lot of things in life are you have to is very personal you have to just take the things that are that you think are right and then just act on them and last times you don't get to really talk about it unless you're with people who are like-minded because then it'll just be constant arguing about coffee you miss some pretty good stuff all right so I've got topic okay we got 15 minutes all right so we're getting off the whole diet subject now okay getting back to AAA alcoholics innominate international trip for our next one where would you guys want to go Norway Norway wait don't we any particular reason is just I know I think I've heard you reason of wanting to go to Norway I've always wanted to go to Norway for some reason I don't know why you just don't know why I think I saw a picture or something and then like I had a friend's mom's boyfriend who went to Norway and he was telling me about how amazing was and recently another friend is telling me how amazing it is I would love to hike the Great Wall oh I'd be down for that too oh wait we are yeah yeah yo gonna come right yeah she on
so what's called no no no that's the city yeah let's go it's very similar to that
it's western China it's like almost on like a Mongolian border Xian know I just said that I think I would like to do you know I've thought a lot about this I think I'm gonna do New Zealand New Zealand in people we have a buddy who was there for a year yeah you could tell us really now yeah you know my thought process was in New Zealand Australia would you rather be an Australian at that global law and I was like I can't believe they didn't shoot Spock can't believe you chose Vin Diesel I chose that you guys would like okay but what would you have chosen spot okay oh we got to talk about this is ridiculous Thanksgiving we're playing this game called would you rather the two options were have Spock like the real Spock not like not Leonor Nimoy but Spock an alien from another world be your science teacher or have Vin Diesel be your drivers edges but let me say one thing I think that's weird that they said Spock but they said Vin Diesel because cuz Vin Diesel's a rocker I'm not a character that makes me wonder if it was intentional because chameleon Diesel's character in Fast and Furious oh yeah exactly but everybody knows he's Spock is right but if they had said whatever been deals character they're like who like who's this so I think they might have said Vin Diesel just to make it I'd really clear either way so when I was so okay the game would you rather the person reads a question and he tries to based on the question on the two situations he tries to guess what the rest of the group will decide on and I chose the Vin Diesel one but this was my reasoning first read it was that would you rather have Spock teach you science you see
you teach your science class okay it's very specific I said Spock would be your science teacher and like in science class or Vin Diesel would be your driver's ed teacher I was thinking well if Spock was teaching your science class like he would be going on a strict curriculum like I just compared to like if I was in a science class and then something my teacher would Spock you'd have very strict you've had very specific curriculum to follow you would have to actually like pay attention study take exams and do stuff like that and basically the but that boils down to what you put into the class is what you'd get out of class and so I figured well then I guess the drive people would want to do the driver's ed class because you know you probably would probably be a bit more exciting it's not like taking a regular course at a school but then you guys who brought up the whole thing about like well you know you'd be able to talk to Spock and I can ask him questions about that and I was like I guess that's that's a real like a relevant point that I'd think about but because I was thinking the class only and like I was thinking like if you had a super intelligent what must have been like a hundred a big difference because Vulcans the that must have been the difference is that they were thinking it strictly from a class perspective like would you rather take this class or take that class I'm like no would I rather talk to an alien or human an alien like that
I don't yeah like you can interact with your teacher after class yeah yeah I failed the class who cares it's like so I'll get a zero in the class what do I care
oh you don't know that I'll fail that's interesting thing thing about the game is like how far do you want to push the idea yeah yeah let's talk about the dream one though we got one all right oh yeah a question master for this one no I know I was no I was no I was no I was because I specifically remember saying oh I can't argue no no that was the question I was absolutely the question master okay
you were the Vin Diesel question master I was yeah that's true okay oh I did ask another one that was very back and forth that can remember it now anyways so what was the dream one again so would you rather be able to dream whatever you want
every night wasn't just every night it was just basically you would have be able to dream whatever you want like you would be able to completely well yeah I mean just completely control and dream whatever you want or would you rather be able to visit other people's dreams yeah and I was actually on the fence for this was the question I so i couldn't debate it but so actually what I would I end up choosing as the group's choice was pick what you want as a dream because I was like okay that's like that seems like the obvious choice you're basically living out a hollow death every night yeah but the only reason I was on the fence is because if you visit someone else's dream that could actually have real-world implications okay so you save real-world implications tell me what these real-world implications are are we saying like you could somehow connect with someone on a deeper level and that could influence how you and then bond and be like Inception maybe inception but maybe it's just like something subtler than that well it was funny because the people I chose dream whatever you want at night the other people who were talking about visiting other people's dreams are like yeah but you could like manipulate them and stuff and I was like I don't want to manipulate people like that in like like I would only be cool with that if I told them ahead of time like yo I'm gonna visit your dream and we're gonna explore your psyche together you down for that then that'd be great but everybody else is like all excited about having like the upper hand on people I'm going I knew what their dreams are and I'm like are you a psychopath yeah and for me it's just it just makes sense that you want to be able to dream whatever you want because I mean if someone asked you do you want to go to a holodeck and create your own situation or do you want to go to a holodeck and just go to some situation someone pre-created I'd be like I want to go make my own thing but see yes like they were saying that that was escapism so like see I when I was thinking about I didn't even go to those so that you can't say that because if you if you've become addicted to creating your dreams what's to stop someone's I'm saying that you become so addicted to invader people's dreams you know so here's something here's how my thought process went when I was trying to decide because I was like on one hand yeah it's like a hollow deck but you wake up from the dream and you're back to reality but then I thought but if you can choose every single night doesn't that itself become a sort of reality because so much it's like when you're like it's not like dreaming the physical act of dreaming it's not like it's a fake thing you know yeah no it's wrong yeah well the thing that that always like whenever I have a good dream and then I wake up I'm like I wish I could like go back or have something that I eat something but in this case since you can drink whatever you want every night you could go back to them so that's why I was kind of like well in that sense there you are creating a reality but on the other hand I still thought like if you are just waking up from that and it's just a dream nothing in this real world is really affected but unless you could like train yourself matrix-style yeah but that's the thing is you've learned control after you can do anything your dreams you could literally be like like this is a really boring example you could like study in your dreams it'd be like a hyperbolic time chamber yeah yeah yeah I've put on one of those for a long I didn't even think about that but but yeah no but I guess I was thinking like visiting I didn't even go to the whole manipulation people but like visiting other people's dreams could actually like because the way I was thinking was like it's like when you meet someone and you guys have a drink together and then suddenly you're closer it'd be like that except in a dream you're visiting someone and you can have some sort of like intimate bond and then in real life suddenly you can't really I don't think you can assume that because you know how weird and random dreams can be visiting someone's dream you don't have control over anything that's going on there you're basically just spectating and so anything that you do in their dream will just be interpreted by them as being one of those random weird things that happens that makes no sense yeah well you can let them in on it you can be like hey I visited your dream last night well also fundamentally I feel like the inner your mind is like a safe haven like that maybe there will be a time where humans will be able to read each other's thoughts
and like that will be no longer a safe haven but I feel like that's like your last bastion I get that but I also feel like it's
different with dreams because dreams are so non sequitur illness anyway that it's like like if you had a dream about a particular person you can't really be blamed for that like if you had a dream that puts someone in a compromising position it's like oh yeah but it's like well it's just you're not not even not from like I don't want to get in trouble point of view I just mean I don't want anybody it just seems so invasive when you I think that's also but like that's that's assuming that you don't ask them first like you could it could be a friend and be like oh you want to like just dream together tonight or something like that be cool but that in of itself just limits the potential of it which I think puts it below being able to just dream whatever you what you need is one guy who can control his dream you need you need Vin Diesel to drive you this last time make a spaceship rocket man John [Laughter]
say like run Ronda man John man I think that is good is good for an episode guys have any closing thoughts I hope my audio dude that was actually some pretty good discussion but if it wasn't that listen what we apologize we our brain is full of Turkey you should leave your comments about your thoughts on the Paleo diet Spock verse diesel and dream also I'm gonna hear actually if you want you can also give us a would you rather situation so would you rather this or this and we'll we can debate it on the next episode would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or one hundred duck-sized horses well what's the isn't that bill yeah yeah yeah you know cuz they go you know how horrible of course sighs duck would be it just bite your arm off definitely the one I just like there's the one with the do you want to be chased by like 100 Lloyd sugared up kinder trainers Oh Ames with scissors or war dog while you're wearing more or run from like a hundred dogs wearing me it sounds like it is the kids I will ruthlessly kick those kids away these shorts will just make it really bad like yeah yeah debate it out in the hon oh thank you for watching
About the Author

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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