Campfire Chronicles Podcast #3 | Our first Camping Trip & Answering Listener's Questions
In this episode of Campfire Chronicles, we talk a bit about Yosemite, LA, and our first camping trip to Hocking Hills. We also address listener's questions, like how Andrew learns about plants, why we use the tarp so often, and what our favorite video games are.
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Bramble Scramble Donkey Kong Rap:
Panasonic GH4 -
Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens -
Canon T3i -
Canon 50mm f1.8 Lens -
Tokina 11-16mm Lens -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Roland Quad Capture -
Behringer XM8500 Microphone -
Sony Movie Studio Editing Software -
Condor Bushlore Knife -
Equinox Egret Tarp -
Kelty Grand Mesa 2 Tent -
Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag -
Buck 119 Knife -
Mora Craftline Q Knife -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Platypus Bladder -
Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants -
Sketchers Waterproof Boots -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2015
Tags: Campfire,Camping (Literature Subject),Radio,Podcast (Website Category),Adventure (TV Genre),Outdoor Education (Literature Subject),Outdoor Recreation (Interest),Backpacking (Sport),Hiking (Sport),Hocking Hills State Park (Protected Site),Hocking Hills (Location),Yosemite National Park (Protected Site),Los Angeles (City/Town/Village),bushcraft,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Joe Rogan (Celebrity),Les Stroud (TV Producer),Ray Mears (Author),BBC Radio 1 (Award Winner)
Video Transcription
welcome to the adventure archives podcasts campfire chronicles this is episode 3 and I am Robbie Huang and we have Andrew Lyne and Brian lane' and today we're going to be talking about a couple of things before we do any of that we just started our patreon page which is / adventure which I saw you were about to say yeah please visit it what you can do is you can pledge a certain amount of money whatever you want starting at two dollars every time we release a full episode so on our next episode will be Yosemite you could pledge to dollars and you get to watch it two weeks early and there's all sorts of other bonuses you can get if you pay more money and it's completely optional if you think about how little money that is it's pretty microscopical like we put out a video less than once a month so that's less than twenty-four dollars and if every one of our viewers did it we could be putting out a lot more episodes more frequently yeah and so far the response has been awesome and thank you so much to everybody we don't waste all your time on this podcast talking about that so let's go get right into our next topic which is our recent trip to Yosemite it was pretty damn incredible yeah we just just yesterday we got to look at some of the footage for pretty much the first time on like a computer screen and it looks amazing yeah it was good so really did was really good so Thomas lives in California right now he planned a whole trip for us to go out to Yosemite and we flew out there met him there and then we had a ball after that this is this is a trip he's been wanting to do since like 2009 since we went out to the tetons in wyoming and Yellowstone didn't he go to Yosemite the following year yeah yeah that's that's what really pushed him to make us want to go because he went with his family but he kept saying like oh I want to go with you guys and stuff yeah when he sent pictures I was like wow that place is really amazing because when you go to Yellowstone you see all the mountains and stuff but you don't necessarily actually go up the mountains because they're so intense i guess but yosemite you actually get to go on top of the mountains yeah we were at the top of the cliff yeah I didn't even know we were gonna be doing that until afterwards yeah I mean either not what was it your first time there me yeah he was my first time in California actually cuz i think me and brian had been there but it was a long time yeah we went there with our family but that was like you know a typical family trip where you drive around and you pointed things and go who I and you take a picture wait when was that how old are you guys exactly uh I I was a kid I don't know what exactly what I was young yeah like five six mmm like seven eight nine I don't know haha was when we went to I mean we it was like a big trip like we went to California and we went to Yosemite so it was like a it was like a big trip um what a hazy reality you guys must live in where such huge events you have no clue what year at out like I said it was a big trip so like it was it was like one small part of a big trip you know yeah we roadtrip all around the west right like Grand Canyon we went to like Sacramento and Los Angeles and Nevada and the Grand Canyon like I distinctly remember being in a hotel in Las Vegas it was just it wasn't like a one of those big hotels it was one of those like a budget hotels normal normal and I remember walking outside and like feeling my skin was gonna like burn off and then the next morning we went to the Grand Canyon and we like were there for like a couple hours then we drove off right I something like that I remember we were watching the sunset and at a ranger talk well what was you guys as impression of California like cuz for me that's my first time going there but the overwhelming sense that I had us like wow this is just like Florida but I think it's just because there was palm trees well when I was a kid I didn't think much of it I just remember there being palm trees and thinking gas was really expensive meant now no I know yeah back back then it was like 198 but anyway when I when I went through this time I just remember thinking like wow like the thing that popped in my head are like these 80s like video game covers or something like where you see like the sunset sky like this perfect great about clouds and like these silhouetted palm trees looked a lot like that that's kind of weird cuz I didn't really have much opinion as to like I didn't have much opinion about california in general it for me it was just like just another place well we just come back from yosemite so yeah yeah well i guess for me the big thing was that I've I know a lot of people from California and it's always been in my mind cycle what is that like California because not that there's so much different but they are different from me and I was like curious to see like it just from a Midwestern perspective like what is it about California that like we find different but just for me is just it just seemed like a coastal city like a coastal place just in the same way that Florida was I'd say that's pretty accurate i mean i think we've been to florida before in it i don't know i remember them being similar i think we would have had if we had had more time to actually see the place and actually like interact with people there we might have had developed a stronger opinion about the place because i think California is less about the place and more about the people at the in that place you know what I mean I guess that's true for most ways I actually the the biggest memory from our recent trip there is just the traffic the drive is so horrible oh my god that's gonna be stamped in my mind forever Thomas did driving around beverly hills at night and I mean you saw I saw like the Chinese Theater and stuff but it wasn't that exciting yeah that was I was to tired that was after the trip um do we want to talk a little bit about what the actual trip was like itself without spoiling anything I think yeah that's probably what ever you want to hear more about yeah I think we should all give kind of like a maybe like a few words that sum it up yeah like your your thoughts about the trip f now that it's over okay why don't we start with you Andrew I guess epic comes to mind a beautiful campsite comes to mind and really really strenuous but totally worth it okay so for me I remember in the hocking hills video and we went to ash cave I was talking about how when
look at it it's kind of like you can't get a good sense of like scale and your eyes kind of like what is what am I looking at something far away or close or how big is this actually it was kind of like the same feeling I had when we were there because in the distance you see all these mountains and then when you look straight up you see more mountains like wait a minute am I looking at a real thing or is this kind of like a skybox like in it yeah yeah I I think I brought that up a lot when we were hiking like I would always look at the cliff sides and it was just so weird cuz there's so many pronounced like edges and defined shadows when you're looking at the cliff face and your I guess it's because because we play a lot of video games but you look at it you're like man is this thing real or like it's so weird yeah and especially in the Midwest you have no mountains yeah we're just used to flatness yeah it's like very surreal the closest we get is like when you sometimes the clouds will be on the horizon like all those clouds look like mountains yeah when you're out there in the West it's like wow this is like this is it and you know um this is the Sierra Nevada mountain range right yes emily is yeah yeah um that is actually so let's go ahead and skip right to my origin story we were going to do this later in the episode but I think this is relevant now which is that um so when we first started camping it was in 2007 the year I graduated from college and my brother took us out to hocking hills so that was kind of like my introduction camping but at the same time we also started watching Bear Grylls and survivor man and I remember the very first episode of bear girls who watched it was on some like bootleg stream that somebody who this was like YouTube was barely in existence at this point like I don't know what type of site we found silent maybe we torrented it or something I don't know but we watched the Sierra Nevada episode of Bear Grylls and I remember thinking like oh my god i would give nothing or i would give anything to go there like it just looks so amazing and now it's funny like how many years later we've actually been there and like we've experienced that same thing maybe nasa the same degree he did because he liked parachuted into a lake but we did get to go into the mountains and like it's it's really surreal to think about that just the progression of time sometimes you feel like all I could never do that but give it enough time you could do anything it's it's funny because uh well you mentioned the hocking hills story and that's kind of a sense i had like I feel like before that first camping trip that I took at hocking hills I like didn't have a real conception of how beautiful nature could be and I hocking hills i was just like my mind was blowing out all these cliffs and rock formations and it was just like wow it's like actually exists in reality well it's also funny too because just like when I was a kid I distinctly remember having a conversation with my mom talking about how I'm not an outdoor person and that has like completely flipped like it is like the opposite like if anything i prefer the outdoors to the indoors and a big part of it i think that like modern technology is just so addictive and like you just kind of get absorbed in it and when I'm outdoors I finally feel free of all of my stuff and obligations thank God you know there's nothing that I have to be doing right now it's kind of ironic because like I get really addicted to the Internet and Here I am loving nature yeah but it's because of that that I love news right you know it's funny because i think andruw's like an extreme arts is an example of extremes when it comes to this because i will literally wake up for work and he'll be sleeping in till like noon i'll come home it'll be lying like in this weird position on his bed with his bed laptop on his belly like redditing like have you moved but all day it's like that's how you live a life of balance these days you go really far away erection no really far the other direction cuz when Anders in the wild there is no man who is more of a wild man than like he's like not wearing any shoes is like that dirt all over him and he's like foraging for mushrooms I'm like putting face panel and then he comes home and he's got like puts on his like Google glasses which I don't actually own but once once VR makes me a dream you'll have written all the time oh yeah so probably give all his little glass ago you know the arse the future we should talk about that in a later episode but the second any VR headset comes out i will be buying it i do not care how much it costs i will buy it on credit does not matter oh and also the second vr camera comes out there will be an adventure archives episode up the next week like a week from the day we get the camera there will be no it doesn't matter what's happening this is just like um I've always said that if aliens ever land that I will drop anything I'm doing it does not matter what I'm doing if aliens land on this planet I will go see them and I don't I will not take no for an answer somebody tries to stop me from seeing those aliens and having sex with those female aliens then I will be the first volunteer and nobody's stopping me you will be our poster child for from peace between alien ambassador and I will also be the first uh I'll be patient zero for the first alien human STDs it's well it's funny because well one thing I'm really glad about is that our videos still inspire people to go outside then like cuz you said the VR thing and I'm so down but I also unlike Man Ray Bradbury would probably roll over in his grave not like he really thinks but it's like but um no I think here's what I think it's still inspire people to go out well the way I see it is you can use technology two ways you can use it to enhance your life or you can use it or it can control your life you know and if people are if people are using VR like and they're like really it's like for example if we had an episode and they watching it on VR you know goggles or whatever and it was like made it more immersive for them and they were enjoying it yabbies I'd be like go for a man is that you know this is how you want to enjoy it that's fine but dust don't like let it control your life and be like a sim in a video game all of a sudden well yeah I think that's the thing with technology is like it's very alluring so it's really easy to fall in all those traps like I think that's the growing pains that were going through a society in general like the smartphone like revolution has come but yeah it's like we're all adjusting to how much we should use them and how to how to like disconnect because we can't really live without them anymore so we have to learn how to live with them I've been watching mad men and every single person has a cigarette in their hands and like now we just all have smartphones in our hands oh you know what somebody said the other day they were like she thought that these that cell phone radiation would be the same thing that tobacco was back in the day so like everybody's like oh don't worry about it tobacco come on man is there's no problem with tobacco in the same way people are always like Oh cell phone radiation come on it's no problem actually I have to mention this because actually um a lot of the think tanks that deny climate change without getting too much into this political issue a lot of the think tanks that do that have the same exact like individuals working for them as the ones that denied any cancer linked to cigarettes yeah really exam people yeah yeah wow that's good deny cigarettes are bad for you but let's not Delft any deeper into that haha um but yeah no you're right Rob because I remember specifically me and Andrew were sitting at the airport and obviously when you're waiting for plane you really don't have much to do but I was just I just SAT there and I put my phone down for a second I looked up at everyone sitting in the plane lobby and nine out of ten of the people were like just staring at a phone or like sitting next to a plug charging their phone and looking at it that's just like man you know what if a few of these people just got up and just said hello to someone who just started talking to them well then I'm really glad you said that because actually on this
rip I made a point of doing exactly that mm-hmm it was great man like on the way there I talked to this woman next to me and it turns out she lives in the same neighborhood my brother does I talk to her like the whole ride learned all about her family and then waiting for another plane I talked to another guy who just got done on a mission trip on to what's that papua new guinea and he like he filmed the natives and suffer and they needed like a videographer and he's like man i wish i had you at that time and then like on the way home like I talked to another guy who's like he travels all over the country doing training for some type of like biomedical technology or something but it's crazy because like I could have just played on my phone right I would have been bored doing the same thing I could do anytime but like I was like you know what I want to like kind of enrich my life and learn something new even if there's no like practical point to it yeah yeah the guy the first um on our first flight mm-hmm to Yosemite the guy sitting next to us just had his headphones on and was on his photo you hundred percent of the flight and it was like writing a post for facebook and the the stewardess or a flight attendant that's the work now he was like a blogger or something I think he's some like entrepreneur or something but he was like writing he was typing up a post and you know how they're always like oh you gotta turn off he's like oh I can post offline it's fine he's like oh I can post offline think I went back to typing I'm like but at the same time I feel like a a plank calling the Splinter would oh that's close enough but ya know it's true I mean like there's no reason to judge other people just use other people as a like a mirror for yourself be like oh I don't want to act like that so I'm not going to yeah so I mean the lesson to take away from this is if you find yourself in a situation where you could put down your phone and say hello to someone give it a shot i'm starting with the man in the mirror or like if you're really digging your phone man don't feel bad if you're like i love this game in your planet like go for it but like if you're bored like maybe try something else would be fine okay um so yeah that's all very interesting why don't worry
into um the questions that people ask us from last episode sounds good okay James bolts and never sink outdoors were wondering about the filming process of adventure archives yeah i think we barely touched on this a little bit in episode 2 where we were talking about just how much goes into making an episode there's a lot to discuss with regards to this topic so i think we might save it for like the next episode of campfire chronicles what do you guys think yeah I think it needs to be an episode all on its own because we can run through from start to finish exactly what we do because it's a it'll take a while in like if we just win over it a little bit of II wouldn't be that interesting mm-hmm okay well then let's go on to the next question from Allen Lions Andrew why don't you read it okay uh he was wondering about you want to know more about how I taught myself botanical knowledge because we I talked about a briefly in Red River Gorge but i guess i'll go and more in depth so it is true that i was like depressed about graduate school it was the winter break and i just signed on to the ODNR website and looked at some trees and stripes i wanted to learn how to identify them and it was winter so I was like well best time to learn is when it's hardest to learn and I also went on walks with my dad and he actually knew a couple and that helps too and after that I was just like wow I want to learn more and I took a class called the natural history of Ohio at Ohio State and the first half of the class was just talking about like the geological history with the glaciers and things like that and then the second half was like a lot of like plant identification animal identification bird ID things like that and is really cool because we were like walking around in parks learning about different wild flowers and trees and things like that and since I already knew trees i was actually already pretty good at it and it I don't know that just sort of like spurred this passion because I really wanted to know things that most people don't observe at all like it I remember before I learned anything I'd walk through a forest and everything would just look like leaves to me you know and then learning this it was like learning a whole other language in another country like you can suddenly read all the different signs and things like that so now from now on whenever I'm on a walk I'll take my phone with me take pictures of anything that I don't know and what I usually do is I posted on these subreddits where you can ask like what it is and but i also have a bunch of identification books that i go through the one I use the most is my mushroom Audubon Society guide because a lot of times I'll see a mushroom and I'll pull that out and try to identify it but mushrooms have kind of been my latest thing well now correct me if I'm wrong but would you say that passion is like the number one reason why you've learned so much about it and just like that's something you're interested in so that you naturally just wanted to seek out that information yeah I would say so in it I think there was sort of a snowball effect because when you learn a little bit you're like wow there's like so much about the natural world that you can start noticing like like even just learning a few trees you're like oh wow I I'm suddenly noticing that certain trees grow in certain areas and things like that and you can you can do certain things with certain trees or eat the fruits and stuff and so that only like fueled the fire I think and then I'd also probably say that like not many people know this so like it's probably pretty fun to be like the only person who knows all about like trees and stuff yeah ego ego plays a part two oh I will say that um like in the past month or so I've been kind of learning trees to with Andrew as my mentor but you know when you start like noticing or when you start noticing like the differences in bark and those small nuances and the leaves you kind of look at these things more often when you're just walking around you just kind of find yourself glancing at them thing like hmm is that that one tree that I know and then so I guess curiosity at some point takes over and you just kind of want to know more Brian have you found that you pick up on a lot of subtle differences that you never noticed before subtle difference with regard like a between like different types of trees and things like that well I definitely notice I start looking for a lot of the differences in the bark of trees because I mean bar I guess bark is something that you would never really think of yeah cuz if you didn't really you know care to identify trees but
you actually look closely at them there's a lot of different kinds of bark and there's a lot of differences between them that you begin to notice and you know and you kind of like start grouping them up it's pretty amazing it's like it's almost like recognizing a word like i can now glance at a tree and I usually I know what it is at least in Ohio and you know I'll say this that I don't think it's necessary to be able to identify stuff to appreciate nature by any means because I mean nature is beautiful no matter what but I think it does in a way make you appreciate it maybe not more but in a different way yeah and you know I think it's really cool that you're so interested in it because I love when people are really know basically nerds about whatever it is that they're interested in and it's great because like I have no interest in that and I don't want to learn anything about it like I'm not sparked to do it but like just hearing somebody who's interested talk about that it's like it's fascinating like even if I'm not fascinated by myself it's I love hearing other people talk about what their passions are I remember I was at a car shop recently and um I had to get like I had my tires changed sort of on an emergency in Chicago because I got a flat tire so I went to this car shop local one and the guy was like oh no you put these tires on that's not the one I would have done I would have put these on and he's like so into it and it was really cool yeah you're like man it's it's good because like that's like how as a species we can be like more than what we are by ourselves like if you can if each person specializing then together you can form like this Voltron of knowledge you know is I think that's a really cool thing we need okay say that that lets people do what they want anyway yeah with the wall I mean that's that's the goal right is like you get past the Industrial Revolution and then it's no longer like we need to be making things all the time now it's to the point where more or less all of our basic needs can be taken care of well eventually like that's what we're trying to get to to where all our basic needs can be taken care of then we just do the Star Trek thing and everybody's off journeying and becoming better people you know yeah yeah okay so a next question is also from Alan at our Alan lions and Brian why don't you read this question okay okay he was asking if we could talk about what we like about tarp camping and why it's featured so often in our videos and I guess this would be another question for android answer um honestly like I think when i first got a tarp i just i kept browsing all these bushcraft forums and seeing people using tarps and watching a lot of Ray Mears and he always uses a tarp and I was just thinking wow that's like it looks lightweight you're like sleeping on the earth and connected to it it just seems really fun and with regards to adventure archives it's kind of something I wanted to show on film too because tents like tents are cool but tarps side I don't know something about them really appeals to me the simplicity of it in the versatility of it I guess well I'd say what I love about is the fact that you don't have to carry a tent you carry like a 8 ounce tarp or pound tarp like and that's that's really freeing yeah and I also like the fact that you can just like get up and walk out if you want and look at the stars and just another thing is comfort wise a lot of times I really like having just the breeze flowing through sometimes a tent can feel too stuffy for me yeah you know it's funny I don't think I've used to tent the last two trips and I don't really miss it like especially since we haven't gone where the mosquitoes have been really bad recently so as long as mosquitoes aren't bad like I would prefer sitting sleeping outdoors I guess you're fortunate enough to be able to like fall asleep on any surface to is for me like I have nothing against tarp camping but I've recently picked up on hammock camping how I sleep at night is really important when I'm going camping because you know I've I'm not comfortable then I get a terrible night's sleep and I feel like grab the next day and recently when I used the hammock and red river gorge it was super comfortable and I mean if still it was still more lightweight than the tent and I don't know it's just a really nice new experience and in even though it's not completely open like the tarp is the fact that the rain fly on it is optional first of all and you can also kind of position it so that it's not completely enclosing like it is on a tent it feels a lot more freeing you can lie in the hammock and like look outside and still see the view and everything plus a lot of hammocks are open too I what I what else is when I tried your hammock I was sold man like I was so comfortable oh man I don't think I've tried it yet oh well you need to try next time you're around cuz yeah well actually I had a question about the hammock was um so without spoiling too much was did it get cold last time or something like what happened with that you had a typical problem with hammocks or something I wouldn't say it's like a problem but it's more of just a well-known thing about hammocks so when you're in a tent or you know just under a tarp your back is on the ground and if it's not you know cold like actual winter or things like or something like that then the ground is relatively warm because you know it absorbs the heat throughout the day so the ground keeps your back warm but the thing with the hammock is especially when we were on our last trip the temperature got down to probably like 50 degrees which isn't really too bad but it was really windy where we were so since the only thing between my back and the outside wind is a thin layer of hammock you lose a lot of heat from your back so it actually you can get really cold really easily now what temperature is your sleeping bag rated for my sleeping bags rated for 15 degrees but like I said that's generally you know when you've got married a lady like an air mattress or something underneath you you know Fahrenheit right I yeah okay he lost through convection versus conduction yes yeah that's a I was I was just curious if you'd had a warm or sleeping bag if it still would have been as bad well the thing is is when you're lying in the hammock and a sleeping bag like you'd think it would be enough to keep you warm but since you're squishing all that fluff in your sleeping bag by lying on top of it there's you lose a lot of the actual layin on your back so there's things called under quilts which are basically little fluffy down things that you hang underneath your hammock that kind of insulates your back when you're hanging in it and I'm thinking about getting one what what did that one guy on our comments he called them like ground Willie's or something like what do they call people who sleep on the ground because remember I don't remember it was like and those like ground Billy's or something fucking welcome to yeah so yeah the tarp school hammocks are cool tents are okay they're kind of a but they're cool too they're good for keeping mosquitoes out of that spot sure I will say one thing that does appeal to me about a tent is like having everything you need it contained in a nice little shelter I don't know there's something cozy about it again oh yeah yeah so next episode we're going to talk about minimalism like that I love talking about minimalism so Danville asks what outdoor activity / extreme sport would you like to do EG scuba diving snowboarding does anybody have a good answer for this I've got one but I'll never do it um well one thing that I've actually done is skydiving and I did this there's a course at OSU that actually offered it and I was like I gotta do this I didn't do it alone though I did like tandem where you're attached to someone who knows what they're doing but I could definitely see that being addicting because it's like so thrilling it's really really gut-wrenching when you're on that plane looking outside on the ground but then you jump out and it's like it's a really thrilling experience to just like beef in free fall and then like to pull that parachute out and be floating down it's really cool yeah it sounds amazing i think i would like they're like yeah this never gets a little no i would love to do that someday Brian do you have an answer for this um yeah uh well I have done snowboarding but I've only done it once uh and it's it was pretty fun but it's really tough to do that but I think one thing I would really like to try as paragliding I think it's what it's called it's kind of like a cross between skydiving and gliding I guess because you got a parachute but you don't actually you know jump out of a plane or anything you kind of like jump off a cliff and I think the pit that parachute is already open like like something pulls you get pulled off a cliff so the parachutes already open behind you so you're basically gliding the whole way down but I think it'd be pretty cool because it seems like something that's actually pretty calming because you're kind of in control with of the parachute but you still have like that whole openness beneath you and that's something I would definitely dry so my answer is wingsuit diving which is um you wear this suit that basically makes you a flying squirrel and then you jump off of a mountain and you like you can like fly and navigate and stuff look up some videos of it because it's incredible I would never actually do this because I've also heard stories of people getting like seriously destroyed like dead like but they like splattering it just sounds really bad but um apparently you need like just to be legally allowed to do it you have to do a certain like the hundreds and or thousands of hours of just regular cliff diving but it looks amazing like if you could actually do it safely it'd be probably the closest thing to flying that humans can do yeah I'd like to do regular hang gliding to at some point I think that'd be pretty fun how would be fun yeah wink suit diving has always appealed to me because it just be cool to be like Batman ah a couple other things I be into is like adventure racing I think that sounds really cool what is adventure racing apparently Les Stroud does it but as far as I understand you just like have a team and you navigate through the wilderness and stuff and you're racing against other teams to get to a certain point I don't know much more than that but it's like extreme hiking basically competitive hiking that's like competitive yoga I don't know how you guys ever heard of him no I that seems to defeat the whole point of view yeah that's what I was laughing at that's what a lot of critics of its I do but whatever I mean if you if you can find a way to enjoy competitive yoga yoga go for it what I one thing I will say is like a lot of these things sounds super fun I'll never want to climb Everest but anyway a lot of these things down really fun but at the same time I think my like relationship with the nature is one that feels more calm yeah like a lot of the competitive stuff I love competition I think it's really fun and it's great but I usually don't like to mix nature and competition like I usually go to nature to get away from competition competition is kind of an unnatural state actually contrary to popular belief I think Ellie why it does increase test I articles that suggests we work better as cooperative people and that naturally we're not we're not programmed to like compete against each other but to help each other out in to empathize with you with each other oh I see what you mean here because I mean that's a really interesting point though if you think of like cavemen and stuff like that right you know when you're out there you think okay well surviving together is obviously your best chance but then at the same time what if there was like a situation where is food shortage or something and you couldn't feed everyone then it would become like a almost like a competitive state maybe between like two tribes or something like that you know because if you can't support everyone then who do you support you know well it's like survival the fittest is kind of like a natural state you know which is essentially competition a lot of anthropologists say that like hunter gathering societies were a gala tarian but then when we started like farming agriculture and stuff that's when competition arose and I guess the big question is like what you're saying like was it out of necessity like we're people struggling so they had to figure out how to farm and how to compete or did people have abundance and then they learn to farm because of that and that's like one of the great questions I guess okay so moving on to the next question Tyson Belko asks have you guys played Xenogears and i'm just going to direct this question right at Robby because me and Andrew have not played it but I know Robbie has yes I have played it so I played it originally when it came out probably the year it came out which I think was 1998 and finished it didn't understand any of the story fast forward to maybe 2011 tried to play it again again I didn't understand the story um but the game has great music great visuals and there are two well there's lots of sequels kind of spiritual successors but there's one coming out for the Wii U which I think we're all pretty excited about which is Xenoblade Chronicles X mm-hmm which looks quite cool got a quick side note Xenogears has some amazing music in fact like a lot of the music in that game the composer is one of the big influences for at least the music that I write for adventure archive what's his name yasunori mitsuda oh it's him oh right yeah he did um chrono triggers music and chrono cross but yeah he's make some amazing music that's prop that's probably like the thing I remember most about the game is that the music is incredible I have yet to play Xenoblade I when I first saw the trailer for that I really wanted to play it but I haven't gotten around to it but I everyone seems to say it's a really good game I started it and I don't know how Brian I think started to i got like maybe like five hours in and it's great but it just man it's such a huge game i was just didn't want to dedicate the time to it yeah I know what you mean it's from what I've heard it's definitely got a lot of content in a lot of plate you need to put a lot of time behind it um quick note about the guy who asked question Tyson Belko he has a medium page which is basically like a cool little kind of like a blog website but specifically for writing short stories his stories are really cool I've only read one of them but i really want to read the others you guys should definitely check it out because this dude has like the exact same philosophy about society that we do yeah he sent us a message and just was like check these out and I was like oh these are good but um yeah I just want to give him a shout out for that too okay so the final question I put this at the end on purpose because this is kind of like the big one it was asked by Dan Val he says what is your favorite video game of all time it's vacillated between a lot of different games but every single time this one comes back which is ocarina of time and you know a lot of people have this answer and I just heard somebody the other day say that this is the Citizen Kane of video games and I don't really like Citizen Kane so I I don't think that's a fair characterization but I know what he meant and I agree like this is the game that set the stage for all modern video games because is like the first 3d game that really got it right and even today like I could play that game right now and everything about it like the music gameplay even the graphics and like the atmosphere are perfect like it gives me that sense that i'm actually on an adventure myself and that i'm going to all these different places in like there's an actual world I don't know how to describe it exactly but it just has such a lived-in real feeling you know what I mean you know it's it's funny because a lot of open world games today probably they probably owe a lot to that game but a lot of open world games feel not lived in because because they're so expansive that all the non-playable characters like don't have any depth and a lot of it feels like staged almost you know that's funny you should say that because I think part of the strength is of that game is that it's small enough that even though it's not even close to as big as the real world is it's small enough that you can kind of remember everything but it's big enough that you're like oh wow there's there's that place over there and you can go over there but you kind of still have a sense of everything in its location so it's like the site the fact that it's not so huge makes it huge if that makes any sense I'm of a younger generation so I actually never played that when it originally came out but I played it on 3ds but I think I don't know I like a lot of games like Metroid Prime and things like that but when I think about it I think twilight princess which is sort of like a spiritual successor to Ocarina of Time might be my top and it really gives me that same sense of like this expansive world that's like full and realized and stuff like that but you know it's funny because twilight princess could be one of my answers I think it's just Ocarina of Time came as such a perfect point in my life and it was so revolutionary for the time like when that game came out I spent two weeks like there it came out over thanksgiving break and i remember during thanksgiving
break I slept on the couch in the living room got up played the game until nighttime and then slept on the couch like there was literally nothing but eating in between ok well i was actually going to say twilight princess too because actually I probably if I was in the same situation as Robbie I probably would have said ocarina of time but i don't think i was able to appreciate games as much back then so I never actually beat ocarina of time you know back when it was you know the game so I don't think has it had as big an effect on me and then the first Zelda game i really liked or I guess the first console Zelda game I got into was wind waker and that was a great game but it didn't really pull me in but twilight princess for some reason I felt you know everything that you described about ocarina time I felt like the same way about twilight princess well I mean we can also just talk about our runner ups to hike I mean of course you have to mention halo 1 like halo 1 is just like that it's funny because halo 1 is I still nobody's done that game again in my mind a game where you can drive with three people in a jeep and you're on an alien world and you're like where am I what's going on and if I don't kill these aliens the human race is gonna be dead and like a gel on me and just no other game has done that and then Mike there's like super mario world to yoshi's island that's literally the perfect platformer I don't care what you say no other game has stopped at yet as far as platformers go no one one thing that appeals to me a lot in video games are really really rich and varied environments and a really really good story and that's why I don't like destiny well anyway um like I was just thinking when you said halo like halo and halo 3 have such perfect like feelings to their environments because it's like it almost feels like an open world in the sense that it's not just a linear hallway and like it everything's so colorful and rich and crystal chronicles is something that we talked about a lot and I think has only aspiration for the show because like that game for all its imperfection like the feeling you get from it is so perfect like that sense of going out on an adventure and this like really rich and diverse and colorful world with your friends and like camping out by the stream and stuff like that its just oh you know what have we talked about torch lake crystal chronicles in our original like that was kind of like during the time that we started doing outdoor adventures I don't know we might have to save that for next time I was actually gonna use it as my story for oh ok then ya next time yeah actually again Andrew took my game haha but you know when you said when you talk about like your favorite game there's so many you know different criteria you can judge a game by like i could say diablo 2 or you know super smash bros just based on either a the amount of time I've played the game or B how much I enjoyed the game when I played it but I think when it comes to what I find like my favorite in my favorite video game I think it's something that I experienced something that I can experience with other people so it generally always comes down to some sort of multiplayer game and like Andrew said crystal chronicles really captured a great feeling of being able to of like camaraderie so when you're playing with someone you really feel like you're bonding with them and like you're on this adventure with them so Final Fantasy crystal chronicles definitely definitely one of my most favorite games simply for the the sheer experience that you have when you play it with your friends yeah this games are always better with other people like even single-player games like if you're all sitting on the couch playing together that is more fun than playing by yourself yeah in fact Metal Gear Solid the original one I played that at one of my birthday parties and we literally we almost finished it but we started like it maybe seven o'clock at night and we played through until like six in the morning and that was just man that game with just like wow that game wow that's close to but I I'm one of those people who has running top 10 list of the best video games I've ever played so like whenever I somebody asked me this question I'm I'm ready I'm like okay I got you man I've thought about this a lot yeah like I'm sitting there pooping and I'm like what if what's my favorite game but yeah um anything else you guys want to add about favorite video game of all time the game of life I talking about the board game I don't know sometimes life can disappoints me yeah why is it's not going my way and I don't understand the rules of this game like sometimes the it's like why they make that level so hard life is something we should put a link to that and I wish I guess that's uh sometimes like life is like it's like one of those dreams or no it's like a badly program game or like a malfunctioning keyboard where you press a button one time and it works and then later on it doesn't work you're like how come this was working before but now it's not working like yours don't talk about yeah I just got silent as a right I'm gonna obey be showing no one more game uh one more game name as my favorite video game and that's a something we're all familiar with secret of mana oh yes oho yeah yeah and going back to the whole multiplayer thing I think it stemmed from well first of all the Secret models got like you're very typical JRPG story of this person just suddenly becoming like a hero who needs to save the world and that has not to mention he's an outcast from his village yeah yeah and I think that was kind of appealing to us back when we first played it but also the fact that it had multiplayer so you could play with two other people coincidentally yeah so I know I remember the times where we spent playing that game you know hours on end and then you would get reached and fight the the mana dragon was it mana beast mana beast and and then remember that hours we spent searching for those weapon orbs and things like oh man yeah you know it's funny I got a funny story about that game which is that games back then used to cost a lot of money like that game was $79 at reims yeah yeah no that was standard for super nintendo games like wow ebony 280 I got more expensive recently like I thought yeah Andy was expensive yet when you count inflation that's like a hundred dollars man uh but uh so we used to rent the game from marsh which is a local grocery store here we'd rent it all the time and we never got past a certain point finally when we bought it and we got past that point it was literally like a man how do I describe this it was like finding out that Santa wasn't real but in a good way is like finding out that Santa was really like holy crap there's like a whole nother world past this like there's oh my god there's like this level where like the seasons change and they're like this ice were like when you first get Flay me and you yeah your fly up you know like oh my god I can actually fly to different places oh my god he was unbelievable because we never got past guy is naval which if you play the game is not very far in it and like we just kept going like we'd start from the beginning we'd get the guys nail and Mike well where do we go next and then when we got past it we were just like holy crap dude this is I remember I had to do homework and my brother he kept playing so I was doing I was forced to do homework watching him play oh god I want to play so bad that's brisley very similar feeling to how I felt when we first went to hocking hills to tie it all together oh yeah it's funny because I never actually played secret of mana with you guys I think I was like playing on the cartridge it or something no I'm sure you probably played at some point or another when we were at our aunts house maybe on an emulator but I don't know but it was mostly but my cousin and my brother who were playing with us I think but at the same time like I would watch it in the music is like super nostalgic to me huh yeah that music yeah that music is huge for adventure archives oh yeah like so many of our songs are just a secret amanha like my it's like if i were to associate a song with being outside it would be the song from Secret of Mana the very first song you hear when you leave and it's called into the thick of it and that's such a great title to yeah and that song perfectly captures it yeah that I just feel I like sometimes when we're hiking I'm literally humming that song oh yeah we actually used to bring a little portable speaker while we were hiking and we play music like that it was so much fun to like that song zyk that song I specifically remember like the image of your sprite like your character going through like tall grass in a forest and like that image of a meadow is like so associated with that music and it's like um insert clip of music now
but yes so yeah just when we went to hocking hills that first time I guess we'll retouch on that origin story about hocking hills but um my brother took us out to hocking hills and it was really the first time that we experience nature we've talked about this before but it's weird because uh you go out to one of those places like that and if you're not somebody who's been to the outdoors very much I think I'm just kind of like guessing here but I think that's kind of like a turning point it's either you are going to become an outdoors person at that point or you're not like so if you're somebody who will be affected by it you will be affected by it immediately with places like that yeah is it it's just so incredible you know especially like I mean I I was always into nature as a kid and like but it was in my backyard and that parks and like you get some hills and like forests and stuff but never anything like that like all these towering cliffs and caves and like valleys and things like that gorgeous i guess but it was just like such a different landscape and i remember seeing all the moss and ferns and it looks like some sort of like rain forest just really amazing yeah go to hocking hills man like if you're anywhere in the Midwest it's worth the drive it's like if you're listening to this you might already be a backpacker and you've seen amazing stuff but if you're like on the cusp and you're like I've never really been outside before and I don't want to like go backpacking and like have to like bring my own food and stuff and I just want to see amazing nature hocking hills is where you should go
totally agreed yeah okay well I think you guys have any final thoughts for today oh I guess the life is the best MMORPG that no actually that's not nice like a true but it can it can be a great MMORPG so go out and well you know what let's let's talk about that for real briefly but life can be the greatest MMORPG it's just I think you need to start acting like an MMORPG character because in that means running everywhere and jumping like crazy well sure it's like any memos you're not afraid to talk to anybody right you just talk to people or like you're not afraid to tackle that really difficult boss you just go tackle it and if you fail you try again right yeah well life like we're so afraid to even try like we don't even try the things that scare us and we're so afraid of talking to other people if a character yells at you like in life you're like oh man am I like a crappy person cuz they did that but in plain an MMO you're like well that character is clearly like supposed to be a bad guy your side so funny like we're so ready to give up our own convictions as soon as somebody else challenges them like oh yeah you must be right yeah yeah I'm I'm worthless and I don't deserve to say what I just said man go out there and say you know what I am a orc from Azeroth and I'm gonna get my way I've never played World of Warcraft's I might be talking out of my butt here that's pretty good I think but let's just say okay you know say you know what I am lock from Final Fantasy 6 and I'm going to talk to that MPC and say hey what are you doing let's go have some fun together or hey what are you doing I need a job or I don't know whatever give me a quest just uh yeah I think I think just if we can have a closing thought a good one is don't be afraid to go out and do the things that scare you right yes and also by the life MMO on PC the graphics are better her in HD you got them 25k visuals those no pixel visuals okay I think that does it right so Andrew why don't you put that campfire out all right all right and make sure you like us on patreon patron on comp / adventure yeah Twitter Dinah nom /a d VAR ch64 and / adventure archives and / user / adventure our guys I don't know if you p need to put the user anymore um but yes ask us questions asked questions in the comments send us emails send us Twitter's send us Facebook's whatever we'll find them we'll put them in two episodes yep we'll talk about anything you want us to unless it's like oh no hot button topics yeah I know we'll talk about those but you may not like these just don't blame us okay girl thanks for listening guys and then just Robbie out is Andrew out spry now you
About the Author

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- How to Tie 3 Essential Camping Knots | Prusik, Trucker's Hitch, & more
- Campfire Chronicles #24 | The Roadtrip Episode Part II
- Eat Your Lawn | Identifying Edible and Medicinal Weeds in your Yard
- Campfire Chronicles #23 | The Roadtrip Episode
- Vasquez Rocks & Satan's Den | Desert Hiking Los Angeles 4K
- Campfire Chronicles #22 | Hoosier, and How We Each Experience Nature Differently
- Winter in Lake Tahoe in 4K | Snowshoe Hiking & Sunset Cruise
- Big Sur to Death Valley California Road Trip in 4K | Part I
- Seneca Creek Snowstorm 4K | Blizzard Camping & Hiking in West Virginia
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hammock Camping and Hiking Manistee River Trail in Michigan
- Canoeing in the Bayou, Hiking in Texas, and Exploring a Southern Plantation
- Point Mugu and Malibu | Hiking near LA 4K
- Point Reyes near San Francisco 4K | Camping & Hiking Coast Camp
- The American Southwest | Zion National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley in 4K
- American Southwest Roadtrip: Coming August 1st!
- The Deep South in 4K | Canoeing the Bayou, Hiking Texas, and Exploring a Plantation
- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
- The Paw Paw Festival | Trying Pawpaw Beer and Food, Starting Friction Fire, and Throwing Atlatls
- Natural Hotsprings, Mono, and Convict Lake in 4K | Sierras Rt. 395
- Canoeing the Mad River in Ohio 4K
- Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hiking, Camping and Canoeing Disaster on the Manistee River
- Mt. Katahdin | Hiking the Maine Appalachian Trail at Baxter Peak 4K
- Wildcat Hollow Trailer - Coming Dec 1 - Early Release available NOW!
- How to make a Bushcraft Wreath using Natural Materials 4K
- Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Jacket Overview/Review
- Wildcat Hollow 4K | Ohio Backpacking, Hiking and Camping in Wayne NF
- Hour Long Campfire 4K | Virtual Fire for Christmas Holiday with Natural Sounds