3 Top Secrets Of How To Make Money On Youtube
Today I share my top secrets of how to make money on youtube :)
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? Bug Out Bag ? http://amzn.to/2aDh5t7
? Lilly’s Shoes ? http://amzn.to/2aEnirZ
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Hello my name is Lilly and I am making videos about primitive living skills, survival, bushcraft, camping gear and prepping. I consider myself being a modern hunter-gatherer who wants to live as close as possible with mother nature and right now I am in the process of learning how to live off the land and thrive in the wilderness. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly
Tags: super shelter,bushcraft,alonewolverine1984,adelle ramcharan,how to make money,prepping,Lilly,camping,Survival,3 top secrets of how to make money on youtube,how to make money on youtube,bug out camp,survival
Video Transcription
hi guys I'm Lilly and today I want to make a video about free secrets of a successful youtuber stay tuned yeah so I'm making a living from making YouTube videos and make Survival videos and recently I've got a lot of questions from people who want to make their own YouTube channel and make a living from it so what makes a video successful you want to produce an interesting video which gets watched from the beginning to the end if it's not interesting and boring people will watch maybe the first few seconds and then click it away if this happens well it's very bad so that shouldn't happen it should be interesting enough for the viewers that they watch it all the way through and this is important because it is called watch time the better your watch time the more use you will get through YouTube because YouTube will recommend your videos okay here at the right side of the video you can see their recommended video list and those videos are good videos because otherwise YouTube wouldn't recommend them a boring 14 minute video won't get recommended here at the site usually the video length is between 2 minutes and five minutes maybe 10 minutes but that's it so yeah unfortunately people don't take a lot of time for watching videos so the shorter you make your videos the better it is because then the chance is higher that the audience is going to watch it to the end so that's the reason why you have to make your videos interesting how can you achieve an interesting video with a good watch time the first part of making a good video is the filming part I've seen a lot of people just holding the camera in their hands because they are too lazy to take a tripod with them and walk around like this and they don't use a lot of camera angles so it's pretty boring actually so you should do and use a lot of camera angles different you know distances to the camera close-ups farther away yeah you can put the camera on the ground you can put it up high with your if your tripod and just make it interesting here's an example of what you should do and what you shouldn't do okay the top two secret of being a successful youtuber is the cutting pad so now you have filmed your video and you have great shots and camera angles and you come home and you want to cut the video first of all as I said it's important that you make short videos two to ten minutes not more than that because it usually gets a bad watch time so don't be afraid to cut out a lot of scenes okay just live in shots with two seconds to five seconds nothing should be longer than five seconds except you're talking about something interesting so short sequences make the video more appealing and more interesting and people won't get bored and click it away and the next thing you should do is you should produce a slide information overload in your videos so for example I'm talking about something and while I'm talking I can overlay another video that thing that I'm talking about so that way there is a lot of information for the viewer to take in but you also have to take care that it shouldn't be too much of an information overload because then it's not you know easy to watch anymore so you need to find the right dosage of information overload so now you have your awesome video it's interesting and very appealing to the viewer but you still haven't got a lot of views on it and you are going to make your living from the views you want to have a lot of views because you earn your money by the advertisement that comes before the video so if no one is watching your video
you can join social media make your own fanpage be active in Facebook groups and forums with your topic and spread out your videos so I have been on on social media for over four year now I think yeah maybe less than that and since then I have doubled my subscribers or even more now this is the only video that I'm going to make about how to make money from YouTube I know that there is a lot of interest but on my channel I just want to display survival videos so this is going to be my last video on that topic if you want to see other videos about how to make money on YouTube check out Adele's channel here at the side she has some awesome tips on her channel so check out her channel and maybe subscribe to her channel she also has written an awesome ebook about how to get successful with YouTube and the link of her ebook is in the description of this video thanks for watching and stay tuned till next time I think there's a mouse inside of outside of the shelter inside of the debris I can hear it I hope that it's not a snake
About the Author

Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly is a true passionate bushcraft girl! She likes spending a lot of time in nature practicing survival and bushcraft skills. Her YouTube channel is very interesting as she publishes new videos often and also test out survival and outdoor gear to find the best items you can have in your survival or camping rucksack, and the video quality and photography is always excellent.
You can find all her videos on her YouTube channel.
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- How To Set Up An Arrow
- What you need to know about Ticks and Lyme Disease
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- Primitive Fishtrap put to action in Africa
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