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Top 5 Wild Edibles (Temperate Regions)


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In this video I present the top 5 wild edibles that have been widely spread in temperate regions on the northern hemisphere.

For more survival food videos please watch:

Stinging Nettle: https://goo.gl/nKhgZ0

Dandelion: https://goo.gl/hGMPEc

Burdock: https://goo.gl/c59BRr

Cattail: https://goo.gl/j7LzhC

Acorns: https://goo.gl/VMuke4



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Hello my name is Lilly and I am making videos about primitive living skills, survival, bushcraft, camping gear and prepping. I consider myself being a modern hunter-gatherer who wants to live as close as possible with mother nature and right now I am in the process of learning how to live off the land and thrive in the wilderness. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly

Tags: survival_lilly,survival,bushcraft,camping,prepping,Survival_skills,wild edibles,superfood,survival food,wild cooking,cooking in the wilderness,nature,permanent agriculture,permaculture,primitive living,wilderness living,primitive cooking,stinging nettle,urtica,cattail,typha,burdock,articum,dandelion,taraxacum,acorns,quercus,survival knife,survival kit,but out bag,Top 5 Wild Edibles (Temperate Regions)

Video Transcription

I'm Lily and today I want to show you five wild edibles that you can eat in any kind of survival situation stay tuned

number five stinging nettle stinging nettle is native to Europe Asia North Africa and North America most people who have come into contact with stinging nettle have already experienced a painful sting that comes from the hairy needles sitting on the leaves and stem of the plant stinging nettle contains up to 25% of protein of its dry weight which is quite high for leafy green vegetable the seeds of the singing nettle are very nutritious and can be ground up and baked like a bread the roots of the stinging nettle are edible too besides using stinging nettle as food it also can be used as medicine it's used for rheumatic complaints and against problems of the urinary tract let's see how it tastes yeah it's not too bad number four dandelion dandelion or the lion's tooth is native to temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere

the leaves are looped and form a base louver set the yellow flower heads are borne singly on a hole of stem the entire plant is edible but the roots contain the most energy the roots are very bitter and can cause stomach problems therefore they have to be processed they need to be cut up and put in cold water for a couple of hours to lose their bitterness it's important that the water is cold with boiling water you could get rid of the bitterness much faster but also the carbohydrate in the roots which is called inulin

would get washed out since it's soluble in hot water ground roasted dandelion root can be used as a non-carbonated coffee substitute

tastes very good a little bit like coffee it's a very becoming beverage number three burdock several burdock species have been widely spread worldwide burdock grows large leaves which can reach the size of 28 inches and the underside of the leaves looks a little bit whitish the prickly heads of the burdock plant a noted for easily catching on fur and clothing the root of the burdock plant contains a lot of starch which is not easy to find when it comes to wild edibles and it can be bagged up and roasted over the fire the outer bark of the root tastes a little bit bitter but the inner part which you can peel off like that is quite fine I have to say number 2 cattail cattails grow in wetlands all over the world the plant can be easily identified by their unique flowering spike and flat blade like leaves besides the fact that cattail fluff makes excellent flash Tinga it's also completely edible the stems are good to roast on a fire however the roots are apart which have the most nutritional value cattail roots are rich in starch and they provide 266 calories per hundred grams they can be eaten raw roasted or made into a flour substitute that's how the root looks from the inside number one acorns acorns come from oak trees which grow all over the world there are several species and hybrids which all look a little bit different icons provide 387 calories per 100 grams which is pretty high they contain both carbohydrates fats and protein which make them a perfect survival food however acorns contain a lot of tenants which make them extremely bitter therefore they need to be chaste and cooked several times before they can be eaten acorns have been used as a coffee substitute especially in World War two and the American Civil War roasted acorn tastes very good they remind me of sweet chestnut it tastes a little bit like coffee and with a lot of imagination is true

About the Author

Survival Lilly

Survival Lilly

Survival Lilly is a true passionate bushcraft girl! She likes spending a lot of time in nature practicing survival and bushcraft skills. Her YouTube channel is very interesting as she publishes new videos often and also test out survival and outdoor gear to find the best items you can have in your survival or camping rucksack, and the video quality and photography is always excellent.

You can find all her videos on her YouTube channel.

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