A Day In My Life - Survival Lilly


A Day in my life of survival lilly. Leave a like and enjoy :)

Dust Direct Action: http://amzn.to/1SqHGvz

Maxpedition Pygmy Falcon ii: http://amzn.to/1SqHBYO

Survivalmike: https://www.youtube.com/user/survivalmike

Waldhandwerk: https://www.youtube.com/user/Waldhandwerk



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? Trouser ? http://amzn.to/2aShNpf

? Survival Knife ? http://amzn.to/2b0TNmb

? Fire Steel ? http://amzn.to/2aShECh

? EDC Rucksack ? http://amzn.to/2aYsg3I

? Bug Out Bag ? http://amzn.to/2aDh5t7

? Lilly’s Shoes ? http://amzn.to/2aEnirZ

? Lilly’s New Camera ? http://amzn.to/2b5w5of

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Hello my name is Lilly and I am making videos about primitive living skills, survival, bushcraft, camping gear and prepping. I consider myself being a modern hunter-gatherer who wants to live as close as possible with mother nature and right now I am in the process of learning how to live off the land and thrive in the wilderness. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly

Tags: dragon egg,dog,survival kit,a day in my life,alonewolverine1984,a day in the life of survival lilly,Survival,bug out bag,bushcraft,survival rucksack,snaring,prepping,small münsterländer,Lilly,dust direct action,military,survival,trapping,dax,kleiner münsterländer,les stroud,tactical,survival backpack,camping,maxpedition pygmy falcon too

Video Transcription

this is one day in my life okay after I wake up I usually check my emails and read the newspaper okay now it's time for a shower today I have to go to the post office to the bank and to the hardware store because I need some wire I want to build a snare that I have seen in the SAS survival handbook I'm going to have some breakfast

let's go


okay now I have to give sexy his vitamins all kinds of vitamins jump in choppy choppy okay I'm driving into town now and I need the camera here so you see us later okay god what I wanted I have some wire here for the snails for today's video

and I got stacks of snack taxi whoo yeah

so before I leave for forest I want to show you my room so here's my bed that you have seen already and back there I have all my stuff rucksacks and sleeping bags that I need for camping and yeah here I have some books that I'm reading more books this is my laptop and that's my working station work at my videos this picture here I got from my friend Stephanie Margot she has a channel on YouTube as well bushcraft Stephie and yeah some more camping stuff back there this is my EDC rucksack the direct action past so if you want me to make a video about this rucksack leave me a like this is my expedition picnic welcome to that strokes like that I use in most of my videos when I do push crafting and you can file the links to this rucksacks here in the description of the video and here I have another project that I'm working on I'm making a outliner for sleeping bag and this material here is 100% wool that's great because then your sleeping bag gets fireproof and here I have my frame stick that I have made in one of my videos arrows for Matt all these here are ideas that I'm collecting for videos and this year is where I have all my bushcraft stuff like for example here I have fire making tools boilage that's the knife section and yeah just more bushcraft stuff and down here I have a primitive compartment so yeah I try to keep things organized here on the wall I have my YouTube play button which I got when I reached 100,000 subscribe and out here I have my piano yes here here let's go okay we're just finished with the filming and now Dax is taking another bath because he's dirty comebacks let's go

okay back home now it's time to count the rear and for that I need the SD card so stay tuned okay this is going to take some time now both chooses the path of least resistance okay my best friend max just sent me a link of this new video and I'm going to watch this video right now oh there in the background it's Chris okay time to eat something okay this soup is already cooking

I've got some meat for ducks from the soup mmm master hmm

okay I really need to finish this VM off and these will have me doing it and uh and hmm

I need a break from video cutting so now I'm going to practice my hand room skills which are pretty non-existent Oh

no that's not for you that's my treat there you go good boy okay finally I'm found with the video and when the video sharing and watching a video of Barton's being set so that it can hold a small animal okay guys I have to go to bed it's half-past twelve and I need to leave out bags one more time and then yeah we're both going to sleep thank you guys for watching and yeah please check out survival Mike's Channel and sex channel here at the sides and you find the links of their channels in the description I want to thank you for watching and stay tuned til next time

About the Author

Survival Lilly

Survival Lilly

Survival Lilly is a true passionate bushcraft girl! She likes spending a lot of time in nature practicing survival and bushcraft skills. Her YouTube channel is very interesting as she publishes new videos often and also test out survival and outdoor gear to find the best items you can have in your survival or camping rucksack, and the video quality and photography is always excellent.

You can find all her videos on her YouTube channel.

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