Campfire Cooking 'Show us your Steak' Men's Mental Health
Show us your Steak Challenge originally started by Haze from Haze Outdoors to raise awareness for Men's Mental Health.
The challenges of the mind can be buried causing a steady decline of mental health and a retraction of one's self into their own thoughts and depression. Opening up and communicating alongside the gradual development of understanding yourself really should be something that more people do without fear of exposing vulnerability.
In this video I shed some light on some of the many struggles of my mind alongside some tools I use to keep myself on a steady frequency.
Tag Chain Started By - Haze Outdoors -
Tagged by - Taralga Bushland Escape -
Tagging - ZedOutdoors -
Tagging - TedWeirum -
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Tags: show us your steak,mens mental health,show us your steak challenge,mens mental health awareness,mental health awareness,mental health,outdoor cooking,wild cooking,men's mental health awareness,men's mental health,men's mental health uk,men's mental health video,young men's mental health,campfire cooking equipment,campfire cooking techniques,campfire cooking recipes,campfire cooking cast iron,campfire cooking dutch oven,men's mental health awareness month
Video Transcription
once your boy so cold out there [Applause]
hi there guys Mike from mcq bushcraft here welcome to another video on the channel if you followed our traveling series and you watched our hard documentaries of us traveling Northern Europe he'll know that we're here in northern Sweden now that the lower northerly part of Sweden and we're actually living here now and working here and you would have seen months as well our our dog or lump Asst as I like to call him cuz he's a big lump he's a lovely dog and we adopted him when we came here he kind of came with the house really we're renting a house and that the lady moved to the city she couldn't take the dog with her because it was high-rise buildings and lots of other dogs around he was barking a lot he wasn't very happy so he stayed here with us and we just night today doing a tag video this tag was originally started by Hayes from Hayes outdoors hope you all mate and I think it's for a good course is it's for men's mental health and I was tagged by David from Toronto bushland escape say thanks very much for the tag David obviously I'll be tagging two people at the end of this video as well and the tag is to raise awareness for men's mental health and it's called show us your steak so I'm just out here today meggy's with lumpa sore months over by the fire fires got a died down quite a lot for us to do some cooking got some birch on there and it's blazing hot really needs to die down to embers and then we can get cracking and I'll show you what I'm cooking up today so men's mental health it's a it's a real serious thing and I think I'm not an expert on mental health I've certainly been depressed in my life I certainly have issues I suffer from anxiety and I guess anxiety is a form of mental health so I can kind of communicate to you a bit about that I've never really been so depressed that I felt suicidal or anything like that I've never experienced that kind of thing and I guess that one thing I do to combat my anxiety and everything is I communicate a lot to Met to Megan and to my friends you know the people who are out there who know me well you'll know that I I don't hide the way I feel I have no shame in that I'm not one of these tough guys who keeps it all in and puts on a brave face and sort of mugs off emotion someone talks to me and confides in me I'll always listen to them I'll always try and help you if you want help I'm always there to listen to my friends and you know and I don't mind that at all and I'm grateful that they feel like they can talk to me and you know I talked to Megan and my family and I'm just open and I'm just honest with myself and even though you know I I'm I'm not ashamed to hide that I'm unhappy to people or that I am happy and they're just just I just am Who I am I just be how I feel I almost definitely analyze the way I feel sometimes and I try to find that the causes of why I might behave a certain way so if I get anxiety for example these days I take a step back and I have a look before I feel that feeling coming on of anxiety and I think why behaving that way what's triggered it this time and then you you kind of map it out in your mind and then you begin to be able to cure yourself because you start to understand the way you behave and what triggers it and how you feel so it may seem that out here in this environment you know we see videos of people like me you go outdoors to varying levels of skill and and kind of severity of the environment and you think why are though real manly men and they know what they're doing
and they're tough and they're with it but the reality is is that's not the case at all I mean I have no shame in saying that you know I I'm an emotional guy and and different things affect me in the world and sometimes I'm not as strong as I could be and that's just the way life is but the main thing is is I'm honest with myself and I don't believe in fate I don't believe in karma I don't believe in luck and I don't find things to believe in to explain situations I'm somebody who believes in me I believe in myself and I know I can make the things happen that I want to happen and that's where it begins like this going traveling you may look at me and say why am i you're really lucky you know you're out here in this beautiful place you traveled with with your wife and you had a great time but the reality is is that wasn't luck we worked really really hard to make it happen we talked about it we both wanted the same thing ultimately and and so we've done it and you know I try my hand at everything in life I guess I've spent a long time building the jeep and I wasn't working much at the time I was earning a little bit of money through my hand crafts and Megan was doing the main bulk of the work while I got everything ready for the trip and then she ended a sort of employment we had about 500 pounds when we left the UK we did our hand crafts on the road as we traveled and it kind of helped just get through the trip and we've never really had a lot in life but we've never really needed a lot and then we arrived here in Sweden with nothing we knew very few people we had no money we managed to find somewhere to live and ramp we adopted a dog and we're living our life and Megan's put a feel as I got a job I'm still doing my hand crafts and working and got a workshop here set up now and that's life and what we're doing it so all of that is doable anyone can do that it's not a difficult thing to do and it comes with a lot of challenges I'll tell you that there's a lot of stressful moments a lot of our anxiety involved in that there's a lot of struggle and the way to deal with that this is just keep believing in yourself keep moving forward every day is step at a time don't expect too much from yourself that's a big thing that people do in life it's one thing I do expect way too much from yourself and in that way you just overload your brain and then you frazzle burnout and flip out you don't want to do that you just want to slow down write things down that you need to do and just tick it off every day and just move forward whatever it is you need to do that that kind of
that can really help you basically so as I say I've never really suffered from a real depression and been suicidal or anything I've never had anything like that but I've certainly been unhappy in life and and only you can change that only you can change that and and and try not to think that the world is out to get you that's one big problem I think that human beings all share is they think the world is out to get them they they think our karma made me drop my coffee karma made me crash my car the world's out to get me that guy doesn't like me somebody said this to me I don't know if this can be anything Carnot the ice could crumble now and I'll fall through and plunge into the ice and I'll be a frozen icicle and I climb out and I'll have to get in the car and drive home it's not fate that's just circumstance that's just stuff happening that's just things happening and and really you need to get out of that mindset if you want to be happy you need to just accept that things happen in the world and that and it really all just starts with you and you just believe in yourself and be strong and get through it and communicate to people never bottle stuff up if you bottle things up they will come back to get you later in life they will manifest themselves over time like a parasite and they will corrupt you and they will just ruin you as a person be open about yourself communicate there's no shame in it there's no tough guy act there's no tough woman act that's just let's just be open about how you feel and be honest with yourself yeah it's not as simple as that but anyway that's that's my two cents on everything and I hope it's helped I really do so Megan is over there with lumbus the fire's probably died down and I'm going to show you what I'm cooking and uh hope you enjoyed the vid I'll be back in a bit to announce who I'm tagging got some lingonberries traditional Swedish we've got some cat bikini just here as the Philips one of the breasts that's from a female say nice and tender got some mushrooms nice kind of the way I'm gonna roll I would have walked some bread normally I would have had it in bread like a big sandwich that sounds good doesn't it let's go get some butter in this pan cast-iron heat it up and then we'll chuck in the capitaine Ian you cook it a little bit like safe it can be rare in the middle
medium rare normally what we do kapa Katie like but for me I actually like meat a little bit more well done for my sins and I know some of you out there getting upset by that but that's the way I was brought up cool nice long handle on these as well so you don't get any burning us going on let's say that was a bit happy for lugging in the backpack but I'm gonna make a leather cover for mine a bit like the tinder pack which was slightly different
and it'll just on the side of the pack and then when it's all roasted on the fire it's not gonna get all the black stuff over the backpack because this is its first painting when you're cooking on the fire like this you really don't want to just smother the embers by putting it on that little lock there and getting a bit of elevation a little bit of an air gap like that keeps it nice and hot especially you got a thin better than this easy to smother the night I left butter in my veins looking real good play hand nice and hot this is where they sing opera it's called bitter who sit and got massive boulder above us the characters obviously due to some sort of Glacia and it's got a weird acoustic thing going on so when you sing like the PI logs of time incredible I promise I'd never do that again
I absolutely love mushrooms there I think it's my most impact do you think I'm most interested in when it comes to the outdoors
I spent the lots of time in the UK almost a lot of my close friends we're expanding the mushroom season when it was most active going out into the forest a Dean and picking mushrooms always looking for boletus edulis and I found in fact they went back from Sweden when we traveled back not long ago for some weddings what we find one woodland and find lactarius deliciosa stat sacral milk cap hundreds and well thousands of them hundreds of items rare in the South of England so um it was really good actually that probably one of my favorites I've been at mushrooming here in Sweden lots of police assertiveness
lots of it here which is great because it is one of the top six done Bobby blue as well like a Christmas drink I think this is alcohol-free this one you just warm it up over the fire and it's like mulled wine that's pretty good lingonberry say that it's kind of how I like it it's probably not to everyone's lot taking I'd say that has well done for some people this is Kappa Kayleigh a bit different to be very gamey flavor what you gotta try this we've done for me
amazing come and try it you like it this good isn't it less stuck in
we were very lucky boy well that was a very nice lunch nice bit of kappa Kaylie there it's delicious yeah make he brought that back again he loved it that's probably the nicest cap Kaylie I've had actually we did season this at home with salt and pepper before we brought it out and Meggie brought this back from work so one of the hunters gave it to her just to take home and start practicing with some game and stuffed in there yeah say benefits to the job perk sorry or whatever you call it I hope you've enjoyed this video and I hope what I said earlier helped I don't know whether it did or not whether it's just me rambling on as per usual but I just want to thank David from Toronto bushcraft escape he was the chap who originally tagged me so Cheers David for the tag really appreciate it he probably tagged me just at the right time as we were just starting to get a normality back in our lives and be able to come out and do this kind of thing if he'd tagged me maybe three weeks ago we just work non-stop but um you know it's the way it has to be sometimes so I've got two people I like to tag I think that's the way it goes I've spoken to one of the guys a friend of mine back in the UK sure a lot of you know Zed from Zed outdoors so Zaid love to tanki for this show su steak challenge I know you're a vegetarian I'm not sure whether you eat fish but I don't think it has to be just about steak I didn't do steak I did a breast of a bird so you know I think it's just getting out there spreading the message and I'm sure you can do the rest and you'll do a great job so I hope you're well mate and yeah look forward to seeing your video and also a trap that I've been speaking to on Instagram I think he lives in the south of Sweden and I really enjoy following his adventures on Instagram and just actually learn that he had a YouTube channel which I felt a bit guilty about and that's Ted we room so it's heads I'm not sure that you're watching this I'm guessing your name is tad if it's not I'm really sorry again but I really love your videos I've been watching them and you've do some fantastic videography you know yeah obviously a range of different things and obviously a very seasoned thank dolls man and yeah maybe you could do a show see steak challenge and I'll put links to David's channel Turanga bushcraft escape Zed and obviously Ted we're him as well all in the description below so check those channels out if you haven't already and yeah stay tuned for the videos but we're going to enjoy our glog dog look look look no no I don't know somebody there be Swedish people in the audience I'm sure that will be telling us but we're slowly learning Swedish we can kind of introduce ourselves and go into shops and ask what whether they sell certain things and how much things are and how are people and were well and you can sort of go in and say various stuff can't you and it's a very tough language to learn though look at him at the top there he's like I've had enough moles come heads bye guys honestly he's like he's a lovely dog but he's almost too intelligent for his own good he's so so switched on isn't he yeah what's going on are you mate you're right boy you know boy boy he's slapping his crown jewels against my knee pretend you don't love it I don't love it bullet from the three of us not goodbye and hope you liked the video and you'll see we'll see you very soon I know I always say that and then it's like a month and you wonder where I am that was supposed to be episode 10 of our traveling Northern Europe series but this kind of had to come before so I might still do a little bit of going out and sort of show you a few clips in the next video
what's going on in life and yeah we're going out to do some camping soon aren't we yeah okay and off in the Jeep up and so there's some of the mountains here in the nature reserves and some amazing wilderness in this country it's just so beautiful and listen just like that everywhere yeah no airplanes droning overhead or roads or motorways in the background it's just truly beautiful wilderness so yeah thank you again guys and then we'll catch you very soon take care
say bye lumpa sniffing the camera it's all gone me don't eat your dry chewed up your dry captain we opals were
About the Author

I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.
Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.
I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.
Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton
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