Coastal Bushcraft: Trotline Fishing
I spent a few days by the coast hunting and fishing and I demonstrate in this video a static and legal method of fishing when looking to provide food for yourself.
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Video Transcription
hi there guys it's Mike from GQ bushcraft here I'm fine by the coastline just waiting for the signs a guy just started going out in about four to six hours we should be at low tide but until then I wanted to show you a few items I've got in front of me and both these items are fishing it's on the right hand side we have a freshwater fishing kit and I've demonstrated this kit or a similar kit to this in previous videos rockport fishing Lamport small rivers and streams a small kit like this is going to be very difficult to use in an environment like this you're not going to be able to get any range casting attack and the tackle is just too small this is why on my left hand side here I've got my coastal fishing kit a small pocket kit like this is very easy to make and it doesn't take an awful lot to put something like this together if you're looking to fish on the coastline if I open this up I'll show you what's inside and the first of all we have some 20 pound monofilament line this is the main line I use here on the coastline I have a fact here and I'll talk about that in a moment we got some bank line as well this is very good for ridge lines you can use 550 cord as well but the main items that I have here which are pre-made up I've made these prior to getting down here I usually have them pre-made before I obviously go out and do fishing because it takes an awful long time to assemble all of this if you're sitting on the beach these are pre-made up lines with number one hooks we've got some big sinkers there these are ass G's out of shotgun cartridges we've got 20-pound line we've got swivels and clips which are like quick connection and disconnection and the swivels allow the line to be spun and it doesn't weaken the line if the fish is on the line for a very long time because when you're out fishing at sea you're waiting for the tide to go out you're fishing in this manner the fish can be on the line for four to six hours the way this setup fits together probably seem quite unclear at this point in the video although some of you man's thumb how it goes together that's what we're going to do it we're going to set this up out at sea catch some fish for dinner I've been staying out here for about five days now and I've caught some fish and I've done a bit of hunting as well lots of meditation once in a while spinach and there's Alexander's and loads of other plants around I brought some supplies with me I've got oats and rice other forms of carbohydrate that provide you with very good energy carbohydrate can be used very quickly by the body very simple for the body to break down and use as energy and it's usually the sort of thing that's quite hard to find out nature environments like this unless you had to do a lot of digging for various types of roots and tuber but what we're going to do in this video is get the satyr together out there we're going to catch some fish let me show you how it goes together and basically how I catch fish on the coastline so let's wait for this tie to go we'll see what we can do so the tides on its way out is revealed a bit of sand for us to have a forage through and the faint we're going to be using is lugworm it's an easy bait to digger and a very good thing you can capture broad range of fish with luck I quite like using them and they're easy to put on the hook it just makes for a very clean reliable setup I'm using a shovel to dig up blood worms and I've used digging sticks before and it's a hard job especially yesterday dirty reporting can burn a lot of resources so if you've got a shovel on you I wouldn't worry about using it this one in the back of the truck there's always a ton more than happy to be easily
about ten or twelve lugworms but I'm going to get a few extra just in case these things
I've got some steaks as well he's going to form our ridge line from A to B when the tide goes out completely we'll go to the furthest point yep he states it but this is just using some green hazel and green hazel can split quite easily so we'll cover a few technical techniques later that you can use little bit less likely you don't want your setup going to pop you're losing realign
but let's go adding up space so this is exactly what I'm looking for I'm looking for lugworm we've got the excreted cats just there and the other end the breather hole and underneath the ground here or the sand will be an enormous u-shaped canal that the loved one will be in and it can go up to about half a metre deep sometimes they can go very very deep I prefer digging for lugworms at the lowest tidal point I find their numbers of far greater out there but beggars can't be choosers and we just have to make use of the time as best we can sometimes this breather hole isn't always present especially when the tides just gone out it can take away this excreted cast just from the waves but if we cover that up you'll see that the u-shaped junction could be anywhere in that area but seeing this breather hole means that I know I need to dig in this area just here to get the Lugg berm oh I'd advise a wider shovel than this sometimes because if it's quite wide like this you can take the entire canal light with the lugworm in it in to shovel fulls and not damage the worm but with a thin shovel if you're digging in sometimes you can miss areas of the canal and split it and actually chop the worm up but you just need to be careful and just see how you get on and develop your own technique and just have a bit of experience with digging them up and you'll soon know what to do I'm going to start digging this one up I usually go down twice get to shovel for Zach have a little look around sometimes you want to get your hands in just take some of the bottom slide your way sometimes the worm is in there doesn't look like it will be it's always worth checking
so now we'll check these other areas here in fact I can see the worm just here I just move the camera hopefully you can see that Mary is a big black plug worm right there and that's basically what we're looking for and it's a very very good bait so we'll get that in the pot and go digging for more one thing I advise you do is you always cover or refill the hole you dug just to be kind to the marine life but don't want to be exposed to the Sun it can kill some things you can see what hard working can be without a shovel it's always worth having a folding one with you something that's comfortable to use with this lugworm here I've just got my titanium mug it's not a bad size I've seen them way longer you can happen up to about 30 or 40 centimeters in length and we'll just pop him in there little bit of sand on top of him and they'll be fine we'll go find another
as another
that's the cast there's the breather hole barely visible but there we go a good indicator the canal is just here here we go he was in the two handfuls that I took out the bottom there's always worth double-checking I've done that so many times and always find them at the bottom to shovel fulls and a couple of handfuls and we have another one just sir Alex like a blow lugworm it's just a slightly different type of bloodworm some of them excrete a yellow dye I wouldn't worry about it as harmless
ha ha
there he is again decent size half an hour of dicking we should have good a man one
so we've got ten pretty good-sized lugworms they're some of the robits small that one there's really small I'll keep has a bit of father but this is about the size you're looking for these will be absolutely fine it's it's a mixture of different legumes here by the looks of it but what I'll do now is I'll just get these in the top they can keep in a pot like this with a bit of sand salt water for couple of days you'll be absolutely fine but I just avoid throwing them in with dead lugworms so just put the live ones in thread and lugworms away or keep them in a separate pot if you want to use them as father's wagons of the bait we'll get these in here now I'm going to dig up a couple more the tides nearly on its way out and we'll get our posts in the grain and start digging
the tides ain't far enough now I've got my stakes here we'll go get them driven in the grain so we're going to start here you don't want to start back there and work towards the tide obviously you might end up in the water is your Ridgeline Whateley Torsen er so you want to work fact that time I look the fairly low point of the tide here this should be perfect when we drive this in the ground it should be quite a few feet deep underwater which is what we want let's drive the SIP Sam can be pretty tough to hammer through just going to put some weights on it to get it going now we're going to use a beach state cameras in you may think well why not a hammer or an axe back of an axe is it will split the hazel the beach stone won't split paper is it has such an even striking surface so there we are I shouldn't go anywhere that steak was the same length as this we've hammered about this much into the ground what we do next take our rich line work backwards the way I have my ridge line tight for the fishing system is that that part of the big loop on is reserved for knotting just so I don't cut it too short because there will be loops tied into this the first knot I tie is a clove hitch just like that you're unfamiliar with the clove hitch is a useful knot it's worth looking up there should be a self-tightening lot doesn't come loose and then I can wrap it round again just time-series granny not so that should be absolutely fine we'll just reel this backward now check our length of our ridge line then we know where to put this second post pull your ridge line nice and taut stop flapping everywhere she's got a lot of stretch in it go back to the back here I should do it a bit of stretch in it you want it quite the sport
nice looking good I get my pocket fishing kit I'll show you what these loops are for and there are 11 of these on the ridge line that I pre tied to go with the 11 free tied hooks lines that I've made up and these loops just allow you to clip lying to it I'll just unravel this you'll see what I mean it has this little clip on it you just break that clip open nany goes like that to make these lines about three foot long
you can make them any length really but you just want them to be quite far away from the ridgeline and each loop is to arms legs away from you one another and this means that these can't make contact yes we have quite a large number one book that barbed one they really want a nun barb sir we'll just take that one of these lugworms there
it's a fairly small one don't worry about the sandal I usually put put straight through the head of the lagoon to see I damaged this which is a little you know it's not a problem
you want the lugworm really to be part of the line almost sequency I'm feeding it on it's sliding up the hook eventually it'll go over this knot takes a bit of persuasion to get over the knot that
if you're having trouble and always bring the foot pack Parkway get him up not like that seize over the knot now he's on to the line like this
you can just leave last part
broken and webinars fine you'll get a few that might shake but essentially something like that say the lugworm is is part of the line and hook and the hook is just poking out of the bottom and will do the rest so all our hooks our baits and everything is set whether we catch anything we'll hope you'll be down to the success what we've done here the ocean and the creatures that live within it and hopefully we'll get one or two fish on a on a setup like this so I don't imagine that we'll get to money there'll be a lot of smaller fish or other creatures picking that's our bait and that's why you set out so many this is just 11 line so ideally there'd be 25 even more and then our successes could be even higher but I'm going to retire because I've got to get up at 3 in the morning to come out here and check this so I'll see you in the morning nice good night
well guys about 3:00 a.m. and tines on its way out now I'll just come down to the coast just retracting back very gradually I'm just keeping my eye out to make sure I can spot my lights there are seals these waters here generally when you do a bit of trawling out here the seals will try and get the fish before you do and often you can just fine pads it's a fishbowl we'll just keep watching the tight guy see what we've got hey guys I'm just checking my lines hey looks like
with goldfish
there we go the dogfish that very nice one gets ice an empire is misery
so you get installed away we suffer
well guys we've got the lines recovered and all the hooks do spend some time recovering your lines hooks they're very valuable models carry spare liner purposes you've seen a bike hit I thought this dog fish out of this misery I'm quite surprised I actually got something with anything out 11 lines but you set lines up properly spend quite a bit of time making sure they're in good niche they're not going to tangle up you can actually get something was very little but as I say you want to be very long lines this you're actually active live off the map is yeah lemons not really going to cut it this is quite a nice fish he's still twitching a bit is that and they'll get this part parrot didn't support the future with success on my first nights fishing I decided to reset my lines rebate for a second night to see what I can get well guys it's early morning tides turned a little bit it ain't much later in the day than it was last night last night I came out at about half three I was pretty much ready to go getting the lines in fish was on the line we had a dogfish last night as you saw in the footage but tonight it's about us about 6:00 in the morning now I came out there at 3:00 tide was way too high so I just went back to bed for a couple of hours and I've just come out we have three fish on the line today which is a brilliant turn out big ones - got one just further down which is the biggest we've got this one here all our baits gone and a beautiful sea bass absolutely lovely we have a smaller fish just up there I think it's a goby that I'll probably let that one goes this it's pretty small this obviously just taken the bait there we'll get these bagged up and get them out of their misery because it probably been on the line quite some time
a small fish like this I would most likely use as bait for a following night so it doesn't go to waste you can actually use these small fish as bait this one's a bit too big so we have to kill it chop it up put it on the lines and hopefully that would bring in even more fish but the hook has actually killed this one it's gone straight through its brain so there's no need to actually kill that the hook is has already done the job I'm preparing these fit my freshwater for a good reason saltwater is very corrosive I use carbon steel knife if I was staying here another night climbing on catching more fish he's got to be very useful I'll let them flow back into the sea there's a quite a lot of meat there our last for a good couple of days and you can even cut this into thin slices and smoke it over a fire to preserve it it will go a long way I could put more out tomorrow and catch even more so it's a very sustainable way of cracking food the phones as well can be removed but I'll probably just slice this straight down the middle spread it open and cook it over a fire just the way it is and pick the meat off the bones are quite big in this particular fish so I don't need to worry about lots of little needles going in my mind I am eating pieces of meat should be easy to separate which is quite nice but I need to get these spines off I'm going to use a pair of scissors from my med kit to cut those off because it's a bit too dangerous use the knife and I could dull the edge on this rock if I give it a bit too much power very slippery as well but this is going to need to dry it well you
well guys tonight's my last night here and I think I'll spend this evening on the beach eating some sea bass and various other wild edibles that I'll collect unfortunately I can't film it I've got about five minutes left on this SD card and it's my last one and I've been down here for about a week doing various videos on a variety of different things so it's just the luck of the draw really but it would be nice to eat dinner in peace on the beach without a camera in some respects but I will do some cooking videos in the future showing various methods of cooking fish in combination with wild edibles but I hope you've enjoyed this video and hope you found it useful I appreciate you watching I'll see you very soon for another one take care guys
About the Author

I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.
Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.
I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.
Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton
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