Solo Five Day Hunting & Bushcraft
A documentary style video of some time I spent camping along the coastline. This is not a survival video, I'm just out enjoying some time away.
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Tags: woodland,forest,mountains,river,lake,tinder,Survival,Bushcraft,survivor,knife,knives,valley,axe,camping,tent,footwear,hunting,fishing,backpack,clothing,boots,primitive,nature,shelter,shooting,shotgun,rifle,rucksack,flashlight,torch,craft,plants,trees,education,wilderness,family,hobbies,fun,animals,game
Video Transcription
hi there guys it's been a while since I've been acting a little bit of a sail adventure
doing some hunting a bit of bushcraft and camping out down by the coastline the case lines taking a real battering in the last few months or sync is this thoughts I tight you can see it's really a bit a little bit worse for wear but it's opened up a lot of rock pools so I'll be able to find some crabs and limpet some mussels down there another shellfish to eat as well but I've already bagged to rampant this morning on the way down here got really nice mail and got it sorted out further up and brought him down and hopefully I'll decide what to do with him later whether to sort of turn you into jerky save them we'll just have a bit of him tonight and a little bit later tomorrow but I've already inspected the area have a look around and seen some wild plants we've got some naval war which is great for teas and also some alexander's which would probably be my main roughage down here at this time of year by the coastline but I'm gonna head into that ravine just up there again it's gonna be a bit of a track and it's quite steep but I'll get up there and I'll get a decent camp set up which is the most important thing thing really is the weather's really gonna take a turn for the worst
so find a decent place to place on a quote well actually we've spent some time here before in the past it's nice to find new areas but it's such a overgrown patch of land to navigate through it really is quite a resource burner sort of digging around so this is a really good spot it's well covered and they've got a big ravine basically either side sort of cliff faces up there so you're nice and shielded and I've got fresh like glowing water just here as well so it's a nice fresh spring comes out of Rock passes over Rock as well so that'll improve my hygiene and cooking and sort of general camp maintenance quite there but I'm gonna get set up now anyway before it gets stuck
the camps up and sorted and I've obviously got a bit of shelter from this rain really gone for uncial now so rain sitting quite hard and softly quite a bit of wind so droplets of rain and blowing in
I've just got to spend a bit of time looking after my kid running I've got the essentials going don't necessarily need a fire tonight I do have a little bit of you know food like the nuts and berries and things that I can just eat a little bit of water there as well so just gonna spend some fun waterproofing the gun that's it absolutely blasted and brain nice as well this is where it's quite handy to have something like like that because obviously I can cook that it and waterproof my tools and it's what I use in my leather work so very useful stuff now to use quite a bit of it things are looking pretty good you can set up and quite happy with it I'm at the rain and like it's dry which is the main thing and I've got a good bed to sleep in and it's gonna be warm and comfortable which is very important if I want to get up early get out do some rapping do some camp work get things built up a bit but while it's still daylight I've got a few things to do my fire is gonna go just that just in the outskirts my top another thermal walls can I just go in there and they even make a lot of semicircle Hazel wall just next to me here because it really helps keep the window that have to worry about when coming in behind me as I say as a cliff face there loads of trees right there in the opening of the ravine where it's coming in so I'm gonna get stuff sorted get more waterproof saunas in my jacket get I can get some wood start building up little fines like this really help this piece of Hazel's been blown over and uprooted still alive source he didn't lay over too long ago but big piece of wood like this will really help me out with other projects later down the line like making seats and hammers and mallets and tools to work with
because it's not too much young hazel sapling around I don't want to really just office it all over I've just built myself a really basic frame in the next stage of putting these large fern leaves and it really should really strength enough let's stop the wind coming in forgetting camp going was my main priority really just having a few basic things just to make my stay a bit more comfortable this will block the winds coming up the ravine and any rain and Dew or blowing onto my hammock and equipment and this here will just provide a bit of reflection I would have liked it to have been a bit higher but you know we'll be fine SAP like fire going here not nothing to because obviously polyurethane tarps you've got to be careful but I've had fires under it loads of times it's been fine just a nice chopping board man so I'm not working on stone with my blade potentially dulling it so this was my main priority today obviously I've got a few more things today need to make the drying rack my clothing equipment when I go to bed need to make something on the ground for me to stand but also need to make a fire so I'm going to need some wood but there's plenty of dead standing right
certainly enough to do something about those pops stand tomorrow dreadful there's been a tiring day and I need to recharge before I do anything else so I'm gonna get a cup of tea going and when I say tea there's plenty of blackberry leaf around so I'm going to use that make a decent tea out of it and cook up some rice and nuts and raisins and take it easy there's a sudden started to go down Binks was spoon carving been getting into it quite seriously and there's one just knocked up I think this one's particularly nice actually it's been a pretty good afternoon got a good camp going quite happy with the camp just been out got some more work out a cup of tea spots and pigeons looking for somewhere to roost so I drank one see out there with the shotgun just in case they you know flew over it gliding slowly but pretty sure the smoke that what this month but it's really important to get a good camp going it does a lot fit for this and when you're in really horrendous wet weather which is died off over tomorrow apparently it's gonna really come in strong especially tonight I want to make sure I'm gonna be okay so dispenser will really stop that mist and with cutting in and making be done in the mine but I'm not really impressive the big I'm just gonna get some dinner off let's get an early night any leftover water I'll say for a drink in the night a piece of charred wood here it's a technique of these forty times just put a piece spark it's a good technique when you've just got up in the morning with a bit of sunlight today which is nice and it's good just to take advantage of things that obviously work a lot better when they're dry like this brass here it's a lot of tinder fungus in the area obviously this kind of this kind of tinder really works well with it this plant here's good naval work this interesting plant grows almost where there's no soil but it contains almost all your B vitamins makes it very very nutritious tea so I'll take some time with my rabbit tonight just spotted this funghi on the way back to campus thought it was an edible one but it's not this is sulfur tough quite amateur sulfur tucked as the caps of starts flat Ives a bit but this can look like honey fungus or velvet shanked letter expect inspect the stamina you can see quite obviously this isn't one that I would eat the reason they're so useful is they require zero preparation and if they're dry like this one is inside simply because the rain didn't get to it it'll work straight off the tree just with a spark
I've been clambering around here looking for crumpled fungus I can stall for later I've just spotted this elder tree it's got a lot of Jews here on it which is an edible fungi it's not the most attractive looking thing to eat but it's nice to know it grows here okay so I want to make some sort of suitable price up to something much easier working with dry materials and obviously I've got some preparations for the long term if I decide to stay a bit longer
find some other tinder fungus earlier one that's quite rare in this area I'm quite familiar with it this is one I've used many times artists practice to get tinder fungus when it's dry burns for a very very long time so in combination with that dry grafts there and the bracken that's out there all over the place this will work quite well so there lots of materials in the area you can utilize long term but in the short term really it's not too difficult but now I need to go and get lots of wood because I want to cook this rabbit I'm very very hungry I've been working quite hard all day hiking almost all over the place for miles so I've got nice skin stick that up so you don't want to leave the bark on the stick when you're spit-roasting something his bark has bacteria in it I'm also good bad of embers there and some bigger logs on it should make for a good fire to last me all night Spengler mas makes really good loo roll but it does need a little bit of quenching first just to make it a bit easier to use this is looking really delicious it's been cooking for some time and it's really moist a little bit well done which is just the way I like it so I'm gonna spend the evening tucking into this
that'll be quick to beat the girls and everything I'm standing on used to be just sad these are the high tides and heavy the weather's mean all the sounds been dragged back out and it's revealed all of this fossilized wood these roots would have been from trees that stood thousands of years ago I imagine they used to be quite a large woodland down here so I've spent about a good hour just covering this area gathering the largest muscles I could find so now I'm going to assess the catch and see what I can throw back at what our key I always get carried away with foraging in the first instance you just pick everything you can and then you start getting a bit more selective I'm going to throw the smaller ones back and keep the big ones so these can be the big ones over here so I've got a pretty decent parlour of reasonable size muscles this time of year but the rest are just too small so they can go back a friend a few small ones and they're just a pata tags as well so that should keep me going with a bit of rice I'll keep my eyes peeled on the way back you see if we can find any seaweed spotted a few crabs but they're way too small it's best to come out at night for cramps it's like a good spot to have dinner it's quite a lot of rubbish on the beach unfortunately but
we got a nice view if you're really desperate to make a fire in the long run you can always use these beach stones have naturally-occurring iron in them if you're staying in areas for prolonged periods of time you may sort of question yourself about what materials or resources are available to you to substitute things like toilet roll and toothpaste and a toothbrush and soap you know various things to me maintain your person and maintain your personal hygiene
you know those are all important things and over time and even after sort of three or four days you'll start to notice you know you smell quite bad you don't feel quite as you know energetic and as well together as you were when you first begun the venture there's quite a lot of resources available to me here that I've been using I've been chewing on various plants to clean my teeth and there's also herb Robert which is a herb that you know is very good for making a mouthwash out of you know just using spagna moss as you roll you know quenching this in a in clean water and then drying it at camp you know to prepare it for a later stage and using balls of sphagnum Moss as loo roll it was also very good for cleaning various things like cleaning pots and pans and cleaning your skin and also down at the beach you saw that stream there often beach stones or what I use to clean my skin because they're obviously very porous very absorbent and they're very clean and you can scour your skin and clean yourself very easily I use the same thing on my clothes obviously not the stains I mean the river so there are lots of plants around that you can use to sustain yourself if you don't want to carry unsustainable items in your pack and you can always harness things like saponin
which is a chemical found in lots of different plants best found in birch leaves to be honest birch leaves are really rich in saponin but you can use fern and ivy certain types of ivy any way to get saponin out of those to make like al a very tight kind of soap to to clean yourself in and also you know to clean wounds and to to wash various things so there are a lot of sustainable items about just kind of knowing your environment and scaring it for resources now for a bit of Reiki this morning and noted rustling around in an edge mostly around the back of the heads just very slightly enough to push your mate and get a clean shot was make sure you get the way see there's a huge amount a trauma on the back end that scene took quite a hit on the backside it's just good to get them dressed very quickly in that case because obviously some of the shop could have probably penetrated his gut cavity there's quite a few ways to dress a rabbit one of the easiest way to squeeze all the guts out back end but when using a shotgun it's very risky to do that see this front leg is broken so this is gonna be a bit careful with that the bone can be a bit sharp see that legs really taking it give them a wash you can see there was quite a lot of trouble on this rabbit a little bit messy I've got very very healthy liver a lot of meat and I've kept the heart and kidneys so I can choose to do what I will with them I'm not here for much longer so this would probably serve me for a couple of meals so I'm probably gonna get this cooked up a bit later but it really needs cleaning up and so the white so I'm gonna take a trip down there and get washed up the temperatures are very mild out here this is not particularly warm so I don't have to worry about the meat going off very quickly I usually carry around a canvas bag with me one of fun meats really wet and I've just washed it I hang it in the campus back off my kit or wherever I may be operating let it dry out a bit if I'm gonna have the meal that night but there are lots of other things we could have used off back rabbit we give these pine pretty use the brains could use the lungs even and even the guts if I was gonna do a bit of fishing down here it almost definitely keep the guts but I'm not gonna be doing any fishing this final for me while scanning the area for resources I've noticed this from here this is a member of the unbelief Roy family so the same family as the Alexander's I've been eating the carrot and parsley family as my main source of roughage and this his hemlock water drop and it's a very dangerous plum can kill you're out right so you've got to be very careful really when having a look for wild edibles growing next to it is one of my favorite wild edibles
that's sorrel so growing here we have some rib words or narrow leaf plantain and this is more of a medicinal but also inedible I probably wouldn't eat too much of it because it will give you the runs if you start consuming tons of the stuff because it can be used to treat constipation and even diarrhea in some cases but mainly the flours better for diarrhea this one here have be used to treat sort of cuts and scrapes to help fight infection and it grows in abundance it's good to know it's around groans quite like this spot but a nice fresh flowing stream coming out of Rock and it flows very quickly it's very clean if you drink straight from it really if you wanted to just knocked up a really basic shelter there's something to keep the wind off me because I intend to spend some time here cooking some rabbit but quite like this position actually because I'm nice and enclosed I've got a good view see what's going on with the tide in the coastline and you know allows me to go out and obviously forage quite easily and there's a lot of resources in the area and just around this little bit but it is good to camp far away from the coastline really because of the high tides and heavy winds and the rain that come in and it's just a little bit warmer that further away in the ravine so now I've got the spire going and we spent some time getting a really good hotbed of embers going when you're cooking meat over a fire the last thing you really want to do is just be roasting it over open flame all the time you are really good better than burst cooking slowly you do want to sear the meat first though but then after you've seared it it really needs to go down to the Enders off of that and preparing a spit you want to use Greenwood really
stop it burning using hazel for my spit really spit roasting a rabbit will be the easiest way of cooking it there are lots of ways of cooking meat when you're outdoors I could use a frying pan and use this stone in stone bake it I could even make a piss-up and if I really wanted to there's a huge amount of that that was such a small animal I'd be probably better suited to large joints of deer or something like that then you want to cook it very slowly very thoroughly over a period of time till the rabbit I was down here for quite some time I probably wouldn't use all of the rabbit you probably smoked the past but make some jerky out of it dry the meat out and Ethier eat the rest of it while I was doing that process you know so I have something for the future early something you can do with me and it's really easy to do does it take a huge amount of effort just a bit of management throughout the day but you want to take the bark off the spit this bark has bacteria in it we don't want that seeping into the sort of meat that and making you ill it's always better to be safe than sorry oh we sharpen one end of the spits as well usually a little bit of a Sakhalin coming off at the other end the sharp end just means I can get the rabbit on the spit easier and that's them there just makes it a bit easier for me to turn especially if I want to put another stick in and weave it in and rotate it just a bit like that I've got a really healthy fire going it's just about ready for me to put the rabbit on I've still got some flame which is important is the first stage for me it's always been to sear the meat of the flame and what that does is it locks in all the juice and the moisture inside the meat and then once you allow the fires have died down after searing upon tender you slow cooking a lot better for the meat doesn't dry out while the rabbits cooking gonna take some time
lawyers use moments like that do a bit of washing the screen here is perfect for washing your clothes and out on the beach where there's plenty of wind it's not raining
these will dry out very quickly watching this rabbit cook very slowly for a long time it's been about an hour and I that's really the downfall when you like your meat well done for me I thought like things a little bit drier and a little bit more well done but if you want you know game to be a lot more moist than this it's best to leave the skin on in that respect even just throw it straight in the embers cook it you know it'll be a lot more moisten that this is banged up I'm pretty hungry obviously always washing life that's really really moist really tender so I'll be spending some time just butchering with something so now cook this rabbit it's a number of different ways off you go then and I can ease along now obviously that's what I'm going to do because I'm very hungry I'm not gonna be down here for much longer so this for me is going to be late lunch and dinner along with some edibles maybe a little bit more of something tonight maybe some rice if I get really hungry a little bit more rice left but I could always try it out a bit further and you know and store it away you can make jerky to make jerky from after you've cooked it with some of the leaner meats and dry that might or you know you could take portion of it after you've killed it eat some of it then in there and the rest you could dry over a smoky fire and make jerky then you can store that away I suppose also what I could do with it it's just savor it just like this how it is now it's cooked it's clean I can save it out away if I've got a container to put it in and I'll probably take it off of the bone once I'm left with the carcass I can then boil the carcass up into a stew get the remainder of the nutrition of it so it doesn't really just then hear there's a lot you could do with it if you really needed to you can stretch it quite far distinct drug
Oh guys it looks like a pretty bad weather fronts moving in and just in time I've had some great weather in the last few days that I've been down here really didn't expect it expected it to get very bad actually if I known it was gonna be that good out of a practice differently and probably opted for spending some time making an actual Shelton instead of sleeping in the hammock and tarp but what's done is done and had a great time good experience again it's good to come out and do these kind of things you learn a lot about the equipment you use the changes you need to make and also just practicing skills and learning new skills so you can ditch various bits appear and turn to natural resources that's what it's all about for me at the end of the day but I hope you've enjoyed the video and appreciate you watching it's probably quite a long video though I haven't edited it yet obviously cuz I'm not home but can imagine it's been quite a long video so thank you for watching and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can thanks again guys take care
About the Author

I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.
Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.
I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.
Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton
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