Bushcraft Sweden: Ep01 - Gear Overview
Our first hike out in southern Lapland and myself and Megan decide to go over our gear before some of the longer expeditions begin. At around 10 - 13kg each including food and water we did very well over the two weeks we were there. Megan is use to carrying a lot of gear and happily lugged 40lbs of gear for two weeks in Norway so I new she would be fine. Tried to keep her on her toes though!
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Tags: Bushcraft Sweden,mcqbushcraft sweden,mcqbushcraft jacket,bushcraft south lapland,mcqbushcraft lapland,mcqbushcraft pants,mcqbushcraft fishing lapland,mcqbushcraft fishing sweden,bushcraft sweden youtube,mcqbushcraft,mcqbushcraft backpack,mcqbushcraft woodland,mcqbushcraft canoeing,mcqbushcraft knife,wilderness,forest,camping,nature,canoeing,survival,shelter,knife,axe,mountains,mcqbushcraft axe,bushcraft canoeing,bushcraft,bushcraft backpack & gear,bushcraft gear
Video Transcription
either guys smoke from mtq bushcraft here and this is Megan my wife everyone I haven't officially introduced her on video but you may have seen in other videos on the channel we guarantee quite a bit of while camping together and we've been sponsored to come out here in we're in northern Sweden in Lapland as I mentioned on the update video on the channel that we'd be coming out here for two weeks basically doing things like fishing we might get to do a bit of hunting doing lots of wild camping and hiking just experiencing a lot of the wilderness areas that are around here but Megan's having a bit of trouble with her gear Megan's quite experienced I shouldn't knock her down too much she she does a lot of Hill walking a lot of climbing lots of cross-country running so she does a lot of activities outside but she doesn't do a massive amount of bushcraft and sort of carrying gear like this and that sort of thing in that contact so I thought I'd do a video just helping her out with their gear I'm going to take my kit apart she's going to take her kit apart we're just going to show you the kind of gear we're carrying for this trip and just kind of get ready really for the for the expeditions to come over the next two weeks
okay so I'll show you my gear first and Megan's seen it before but it'll probably just give a good breakdown of the kind of kit I've got here and I've done videos previously on the channel one very recently of how my gear is set up so this will probably be very familiar for people but I do have other things in here like food and clothing one thing I've got on the bottom of the pack is a really large Dutch army roll mat a phone one and I really like these I mean I always use a foam roll mat I have used inflatable ones in the past but I'm not mad on them and you can get really good technology out there but I just prefer the simple bomb-proof stuff and it's very light as well and this is a tea scent me too thick one how'd you feel about this mayor really a big fan to be honest it's very bulky mmm I'm not used to it my other Matt was probably about this big so yeah we'll see how we go Meg little intimated yeah I sort of tried to sell you on it before we came out here and said just stick with the the bombproof stuff it was any really because you mentioned that um yours was deflating on you yeah I need wake up and your back was cold and stuff so something like this doesn't do that for the disadvantaged is it sighs it's really bulky but at least it's light so that's on the bottom and that's where it generally lives on my pack and Meg's managed to put hers on the bottom of her pack as well but on this side here I have medical and hygiene I do you have some extra medical gear in there that I don't normally carry because right in sort of remote areas and it's just sensible to do that I also have my cook kit in this side as well which I've shown in other videos and it's a very basic kit just to steal canteen that can be used for water and boiling and such but inside the pack I'm able to have my sleeping bag in here because we're only out for a couple of nights a clothing and all that sort of thing and food is at a minimum and this is my new sleeping bag it's a synthetic bag on not really a fan of down because I'm quite a humid sleeper but it's a Mountain Hardwear synthetic bag it's the the laminar flame I believe it's called and it goes down to minus six a quite compact bag with a nought leave dry bag Megan's got something similar although you use a dime bag don't you referred I'm brought a tarp just in case you never really know so I've got a three by three that from didi to have a bit of food porridge things like flour for making bread bit of hot chocolate and there's loads of wild berries around so we'll probably include a lot of that in our cooking while right here things like extremities so I got extremities to have a towel as well can be used as a scarf or as a pillow and I've got clothing just in this bag here feel honestly the are I wouldn't really bring this amount of clothing out with me just for one night unless I was on a canoe or something and there was a chance of getting wet and carrying spares all the weather was really bad
that's the thermal side that's probably all I bring with me for later on tonight this is a t-shirt underwear socks like a change of clothes really that in direct contact with your body and I usually rotate these every couple of days but because I'm doing a clothing video later on I had to bring it out with me because I didn't fancy stripping off to show all my gear but I got a new jacket as well there's a Ridgeline bushmaster brilliant jacket and it goes over the top of my Swan dree Bush smock as well which was really happy with so I've got some water proofs and obviously adds a degree of thermal protection and then a drop of a bivi bag same giving bag that you've got military bivi bag and there is a dry sack that can line the inside of this if we get on the canoe or something you can put all your stuff or your clothing inside it or your sleep gear in case it does go under so that's really my kit one thing I forgot to mention as well as I've got an axe on the back there too and I haven't really covered kit that's on me
have my knife here got the field western I've got ferrocerium rod a little knife sharpening kit some cordage and a backer Laplander saw so these are all things you've seen before that I carry but some let's have a look at your gear mag and see ya be honest say what you're not happy with alright so I've got the same roll much as you the big chunky one and then I've got two first aid kit on the side here I don't know if you feel we should have two first aid kits and we should just keep it down to one um I think if we were going to split up and do different things and I'm definitely but we'll probably together along the time I mean how it's not really a lot of weight no it's just a so it's probably worth just hanging on to it takes something in that mine doesn't okay and then in here I thought hey don't sleeping back and the same try yours same ortley bag yeah so what you don't know what sleeping bag it's a dime bag isn't it yes what - Evan yeah memory yeah so yeah I took this to Norway with us so I'm and that did listening really well I like being snugly at night okay and then inside
I have my very important to achieve back okay yep so that's that's your personal toiletry bag yep I have some flour cool for bread yeah a nice warm fleece to keep you warm so that's like in sort of mid layer like sort of like what I'm wearing really I've not got anything under my jacket you've just got a t-shirt on Andy okay so that's your your second layer yeah my military bevy okay cool yeah it's a pair of socks nice bad yeah snood okay just a little scarf and life venture travel town okay just a towel for lot hygiene Ian I also got my filter in here if you can see that guys tough Lisa's in that two weeks is yogurt says I've got some baby wipes right hygiene okay pandit a nian pan the famous pan yeah it's been quite a lot that has food projects that's your breakfast space yeah and just you know he want a snack and some hot chocolate sachets reason I need sugar awesome I I've lost my spork guys so I had to bring him to cutlery with me yeah I forgot about that yeah I was gonna get you on was allah yeah everyone and then I've also got another oh right I can actually another lay so this is like a gel a style yeah thing okay stick here looks really warm that this yep and then I've just got some thermal okay so that's a I've got yes he's quite a thin but up to thermal um t-shirts on already that's a riff just an additional different land layer okay and these are thermal leggings yep okay so that's that's everything from my main what about on the sides level on the side I have a waterproof jacket ask this useful apps it's really easy to access easy access for amicus you got another jacket yeah so this is water resistant and you've got you've got two jackets yeah right okay yeah you don't want you don't really need two jackets and then on this side I've got my canteen and my mother set right okay yeah you've learnt me yeah that's the cylinder food Nalgene stole yeah that's good I mean you know that'll be useful um I don't know whether we need it but just yeah we'll just we'll have a look at everything afterwards just going also got my saw which is not my belt yet back a laplander yep okay just a head mount no it's a gay pray stuff yeah that's okay and also a selfie stick so let's go priest auntie gay priests are to say well that's pretty much it no it's nothing like that no I just well you're not been bringing it then skip it sir God cook sir okay sure was I was given to us by Christian from mum he can of lapland yeah made some cook fixes for us got my tow you got a head torch goods yeah can you need that and then I've got my extremities as well so I've got my snood out already and this is another snood but it doubles up as a hat to snoots it doubles up as card okay and and I got mmm seems nice nice fat gloves for me seal skins lovely yeah those are brilliant well that's all very well case so that's is that everything what about on you on me so I've got my fire steel sure you made for me yes very nice what BM you've got the field master prototype it might be small handle it fits you really well yeah perfect for for me good my my smaller hands so that's that what about in your pockets everything um yeah so my pocket I've got a bail Bob ah cool all right say that's pretty much it let's have a look at some of this gear then and we'll just take a few things out that you don't need I say make shame there Gabe you've got a good idea of mine um things that you definitely want there pretty obvious you want to talk you've got some spare batteries haven't you they're in your med kit on my other in your sort of sanitary bag ok sealskin gloves great space socks brilliant yeah the sanitary bag that's your personal bag the Snead's good you know you want to keep your neck warm neck and head and hands and your feet and your core say you know these are really warm I've got one in my bag and I definitely carry that this other one what where do you envision that coming in in there well this is this is for a hat so you know as you as you know snoods back you know they can double up into hats as well so that's so this is actually this is actually my right ok all right so I stand corrected
um I thought you might have a hat but I did have one but it was um I have a tiny head and basically it covered my eyes all the time and I got quite frustrated okay so I'm that's fine man yeah it doesn't wear a lot anyway it's just sometimes it's nice to cut down on clutter but the back eh why not I mean we can both prices would at the same time
I mean having another jacket so you've got two jackets I mean this this compress down really small but you could just wear this you could just get rid of that I mean the thing is that there's as nice as that jacket is it is a really good jacket and it does feed off the water but this this will give you more than that jacket will because this dis repels water 100% and is breathable so this could be your your outer shell and then you have your layers underneath that will give you your thermal ability and this will obviously block the winds completely as well but that's a nice jacket and yeah really nice jacket and I really like it sir thinks the new fjällräven hunter gear Sorel flexible as elasticated in lapland hybrid that's right
Lapland hybrid say I mean I'm just saying you could ditch that that that I don't know how well that will compress but it won't I don't think it will compress as small as that so that's just there's some just something really that you could do you've got two intermediate layers here I mean if you feel the cold then then why not i spose the the other thing you could have done instead of having another one of these is this could have been thicker because this is actually like a sports top that's really thin for wicking it's not it's not got a lot of thermal capability and it's not that thick um if you had like a thermal under layer like that then that probably would have assisted more and that's pretty good because that that will take the cold off your legs you know having those leggings underneath there tonight will really help you but there's not a lot you can do about that now because we're here I mean if you wanted to cut down on bulk its dependency you feel that you feel the cold a lot you do they do I wouldn't like to put one of these on now
I'll take that thank you okay I'll put that one on now I mean that is really nice I mean I might Nick that as a pillow later on it's so comfortable
that would be an amazing pillow actually say no idea I had I don't think there's too much wrong with your gear really um do you think I would need a towel for one night in reality not tonight we'll share one I mean that's not a lot of way either I mean I think the thing is is when you have a lot of things that don't weigh a lot they start away something but in your case there's not actually a lot you can do without mean you know you've got all the all the sort of basics covered and you know you've got your gear on your belt you've got good clothing and thermal gear which is which is the most important thing it's all about insulation at the end of the day I mean that the entirety of my pack is is devoted to um sleeping gear and clothing and that's what it's all about so and the rest is just kind of a few tools here and there to process the natural materials around you and this plant-eater to use we'll have no trouble with anything out here I don't think it's just really really rich environment this is your personal stuff Alena that's got quite a lot of weight it's obviously it's full of water but you know if you want that then again you know that there's a luxury that you might want and you've got a sort of frying pan here I mean that's just you know it's not a lot you can do about that night you probably don't need the fork I'd probably just go with the spoon but so maybe in the future do you think I should um get some Ziploc bags yeah yeah yeah definitely not bring the whole 64 fragrance-free if anything you'll need 64 that's just something you're not telling me but I mean that as well I've got one Emily yeah in my bag so do you need that you've got a camel back when you've got a mug inside here that you'll be you'll be drinking out of that you'll be eating out of you've got a cook setting so you could you could sort of have a small drink out
all the time so that is quite a lot of weight really and when it's full of water it'd be even heavier you don't really need that so I mean I probably ditch that ditch the fork I'm going to need a fork you know just the kind of meals will be in be eating with our hands there'll be things like breads that were making pancakes you know we'll be cooking various things up like fish and you can do all that with your hands and wither with a spoon so I wouldn't worry too much about that I mean this this here the thing about this is if you ditch this what can happen is is this will start to become a food container for when you're traveling because you've got the Camelbak just full of water when you're on the trail so this here you like it to get exactly a start to use it's a space saver put your put your spoon in there to this flour could have gone in there we've had a batter bag to put it in which we don't yeah this is why it's in there because we don't have a very good sip lock bag for it but that would compress in there and then you've got a decent sort of array of food for this evening and this this can be ditched and you've suddenly condense that down and consolidated all that space and you know you've cut down on a bit of weight as well you don't really need that stuff you probably want to put those in a ziplock bag and then you could have cut down on that too that's probably it really so I haven't done too bad no no its finest you know I maintain a you saying you weren't 100% happy with it they are dating is there's a lot wrong with it at all yeah it's just some of the bits of clothing could have better that was a nice thick thermal layer and that was a bit thicker I think um you could have ditched like a bit more than a layer capacity and made the layers work together better okay well I do have a thicker thermal layer that I can take out for our other extradition so yeah better to find that when we get back base camp yeah cool so I hope you've enjoyed this video really just a little bit on the kind of gear that we've got and and just sort of helping Meg out with a kit I don't really think there's anything too wrong with it it's just to feed things that could be taken out but that's because there's two of us not just one of us it was just her and you could really put some of that kit back in but I hope you liked the video hope it helped out just a bit of an oversight of our gear before we we get into the kind of real tracking that while right here and yeah we'll see you again in another video yeah thanks again guys take care guys
About the Author

I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.
Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.
I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.
Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton
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