Shooting Gear: My Game Bag & Goose Gun
I have had a lot of questions regarding my Game Bag so I decided to make a video covering it. I have been using the Game Bag now for around two years and its done me well despite its origin.
I have also bought myself a Goose Gun which is just a much longer shotgun with a high barrel proof for 3" magnum cartridges.
Join me in my next videos were I will be gathering some wood pigeon for my September Bushcraft Course, followed by a kit update video and sleep system video.
Thanks for watching!
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Tags: MCQbushcraft Game Bag,mcqbushcraft,mcqbushcraft tarp setup,mcqbushcraft knots,mcqbushcraft knife,mcqbushcraft axe,mcqbushcraft tarp,bushcraft skills uk,mcqbushcraft woodland,mcqbushcraft gear,mcq bushcraft,slingshot hunting,mcqbushcraft 2017,hunting,catch and cook,shotgun hunting,shotgun hunting birds,shotgun hunting squirrels
Video Transcription
hi guys it's Mike from mcq bushcraft here welcome to another video on the channel burnout doing some shooting today or as I like to call shopping hopefully some wood pigeons some gray squirrel but I've got a course coming up in two weeks time in the Lake District I've done a couple up there already and met quite a few people who've come on the course so hello to everyone out there who came on the course hope you enjoyed it on the course we do dressing of game say what I get today and tomorrow I will be freezing and then taking up to the Lake District for the game dressing part of the course where we'll all cook and eat it in the evening as well so hopefully some wood pigeon maybe some gray squirrel sadly pheasant is out of season but as the weather gets worse and winter's coming in with certainly into autumn now I thought I wanted to get a gun just that's a bit more rough and ready for the field the feisty is getting a bit of a beating a lot of scratches a lot of dings and I've refinished the stock about a year ago and I just fancied giving it a little bit of service re blowing the barrels getting it cleaned up so I decided to trade in my fault n I know it was a nice gun but never used the thing and decided to get myself a bit more of a rough-and-ready twelve ball for the field this is the gun here I believe it's imported by zabala hermanos so it's a Spanish gun and it's effectively a goose gun it's got very long barrels 32 inch barrels got a three-quarter choke on the right and a full choke on the left double trigger automatic safety no eject Asst the barrel is proofed for quite a high pressure actually given it can take three inch magnums with long barrels and tight chokes and the markings that states is pushed for steel shot so it's ideal really by the coastline and there is a lot of wild fowl down there and obviously within season you can take them but you want to be using Steel's really and my French D can't do that there is a special kind of cartridge you can get stops the steel touching the edge of the barrel but I've never been entirely comfortable with it that's just probably ignorance but again there were more reasons for buying this than just that so quite happy with the gun really looking forward to testing it out hopefully you'll join me in one of the outings tomorrow I'm gonna go out and gather some game for the course but this video isn't gonna be about the gun it's gonna be about the game back I use when I go out hunting I'll have a lot of questions about this game bag rescued it and redesigned a little bit on it just to make it usable for hunting and for going out in the field a bit like a satchel stay tuned if you're interested so I've got the game bag hung around my neck it just means I can get into it a bit easier show you what I'm carrying obviously I'd wear it normally like a satchel like you see me wearing it on all my other hunting videos when I'm out with the bank but like this obviously it's easy for me to show you guys so the origin of the bag which is the main question I get what game bags you use and where can I get it and sadly I don't have an answer for you this bag was recovered from a skip a friend of mine was clearing out his mother's house he had a skiff of things outside he said do you have any use for a bag like this I said yeah I reckon so so I went home I had some elasticated cartridge holders you can buy these online they're very very inexpensive from somewhere like ebay you can even make them it's just elastic and they do them for rifle rounds for shotgun rounds for all sorts of different kinds of ammunition and they come in a five I stitch them on to the lip of the game bag like this and it just means I have ten shots hanging by my side that I can pop two fingers in like that pull a couple of cartridges out reload really fast and ditch the empties inside this outer pocket just here and it just makes for quite a fluid setup when you're out and you want to reload because once you fire a shot with a shotgun things get a little bit disturbed obviously cuz they're pretty loud but a lot of the time the common misconception is that everything runs away from you most of the time pigeons and various other things don't really know what's going on and when you fire the shot they get startled and confused they fly around the general area sometimes real anding back where you've shot and if you reload fast enough it just
the chance to wait for any strays that are coming in or been stirred up by the shot the bag as far as I can tell I did some research online at hours and hours of googling trying to find this bag which is near enough impossible but there is an rgw sticker or sorry a label on the side there so rgw is the brand of the bag I mean maybe if you type that in Google you'll have more luck than I do so a good luck to you but your best bet is just getting something like a replica Maxpedition versa pack or Fat Boy you know the kind of bags they have I used to have one myself they're quite expensive but there are lots of replicas out there maybe you could pick one up for 30 pounds or more and get yourself something similar and just stitch some of these on if you want to customize it it's really simple to do i customized almost all my gear like the main pack I use you just make things more usable for yourself when you're out doing whatever you're doing so the knife I use when I bring this game bag out is this one here this is my neck knife from Leif Melb customs covered it in the last video just the neck air that I take out with me more of a companion knife to my main camp knife and very useful for making a start on something before you use your hands if you're dressing game the cartridges I use in these elasticated cartridge holders at the top usually anything from 28 to 32 gram in five or six shot just really depends I quite like 28 gram sixes out the feisty it's a bit of a lighter gun than the goose gun behind me there but obviously 30 grams six is what I'm using today perfect really I really get on well with that kind of cartridge so I have ten of those across the top I actually do have an SG just there as well but inside these two pouches on the outside are normally just personal gear in this mesh bit I have a whistle and whistles are pretty useful sometimes about with someone and the whistle just helps me find out where they are we're in the woods and we get kind of mixed up or they go one way and I go the other got some lip balm obviously when you spend a lot of time outside like I do I make almost every day most of the time especially this time of year you get pretty chapped lips really windy so it's kind of useful inside this patch here I have a torch this is my LD 22 from my main pack just take it out my pack before I go when I pop it in there and it's quite a useful torch sometimes it's useful for a bit of lamping here and there but I've had that torch for such a long time now and I do have a head strap for it to turn it into a head torch so I can be hands-free if I need to I often have my car keys in here as well which you can hear in this patch ear mobile phone and some bags sometimes I dress game in the field useful to have some bags like this just a bit pigeon breasts in that's normally what these little bags are for in the main compartment I have this is my where I ditch spent casings Spence cartridges basically so when I unload the gun I chuck the used cartridges in here but I have a sling for a side-by-side shotgun this is a slip-on sling so it goes over the barrels at one end and it goes over the stock just like that the other and nooses around the actual gun and it's pretty useful sometimes when you need a sling I don't always like carrying the gun around all day so a sling is pretty useful another piece of equipment I carry is something I just made is this leather cover to go on the actual buttstock but I tell you this is really not useful if you're doing clay pigeon shooting because the and you have a bit of stubble on your on your face there's what will happen is it'll rub against it and it gives you a bit of a rash and it isn't very nice at all but when you're just firing a few shots when you're out hunting it's quite useful for protecting a stock if you don't want to get your stock knocked about like I did when I refinished the fire steel my other gun you know as a bit precious of the stock that just finished it at the back we have one main compartment with a zip and that compartment has a flap in it dividing it into two and that helps if you want to separate a few things you can see the flap just there it just divides the big into - meaning you could have would pitch in one side something the other but it's it's just I've just left it there really because there's no need to get rid of it but inside I have my ear defenders with a few pigeon feathers on and I've had tinnitus now and this year here probably going on about five or six years just from using shotguns as a child and not putting my ear plugs in properly because I wanted to hear what was going on around me and that resulted in that ear getting pretty pretty damaged it's okay now and I don't even notice it and I had my hearing tested and I had perfect hearing despite having tinnitus and when they found that out they actually sent me in for an MRI scan because they thought we forgot perfect hearing and he got tinnitus which is connected to hearing loss then maybe something else is causing the problem like a lump or a brain tumor or something like that so got checked out everything was fine just really a result of using guns as a kid and being an idiot I'm not using ear protection so I get a lot of stick for wearing these in almost every video surprisingly looking after my health I guess it's that whole masculinity thing that you shouldn't be wearing any kind of protection but really it's quite the opposite you know having hearing problems can be really difficult for people and debilitating basically and I had sleepless nights for a really long time when I had tinnitus now I'm used to it the only time I heard it
again very faintly was funnily enough when I went to Sweden because it's so quiet there so quiet the time of year I went you know cuz all the birds had migrated and it's just vast wilderness and very few people living there in the North that is but these are a lifesaver and if we put them on you push a button and now I can hear perfectly and it actually amplifies a lot of ambient sounds you can hear rustling the only thing I would say they are they're not very good on is direction so you have two microphones here they're waterproof the whole thing can be rained on without a problem
so if you buy the coast wildfowling or something it's not a problem but sometimes I hear a rustle might be there and I sort of think it's there because of the microphone and I have turn and adjust myself a bit so they can be difficult but they're not as bad as being deaf and that's the main point really and they take - triple ace and they're really comfortable and what happens is is if there's a bang that's over 80 decibels they lower it to make it safe so they don't cut it all together it just brings the volume right down so these normally hang around there whilst I'm walking about if I don't need them and then I just put them on again you've seen me ease them in lots of videos and that's really one of the downsides of using a gun like this that's really loud when I go away for solo bushcraft like going out camping where I have to do some hunting as well I don't really want to take these but I kind of have to there's better technology around now little things that go in your ears I might look into that in the future but these things cost money and we don't always have that kind of money to spend if I had that kind of money to spend I wouldn't have bought a 250 quid shotgun but it does the job sometimes you just need a hammer to hammer a nail and that's what it is really so that's kind of the game bag I know it's a bit of an anti-climax you're thinking it would be some amazing game Bank but I might actually contact someone try and get something like this made quite inexpensively
that's about as complex as it gets you could say I need a med kit and things like that
I don't really carry anything like that when I'm out hunting maybe just a few bits in my cargo pocket but that's really it but thank you for watching and I'll see you very soon in another video take care guys [Music]
About the Author

I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.
Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.
I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.
Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton
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