one of the most artistic and useful ferro rods ive owned look up rick at https://www.facebook.com/USA1Rick?fref=nf
Tags: Ferrocerium,ferro rod,survival,bushcraft,Camping,woods,wilderness,william,myers,mantis,outdoors,preparedmind101,Weekend,Survival (Multipart TV Episode),Cabin,Holiday,Cottage (Accommodation Type),Outdoor,Travel,Tent,Summer,Fun
Video Transcription
hi William Irish mass outdoors and chris is playing with the extremely high angles just get the camera down Chris went to film school two seconds ago and figured he'd play around with some extreme angles film school equals amazon.com and all the cool things you can buy but we're going to show you guys a really unique Farrell rock from one of my friends Rick Lindsay so don't go away alright guys so a friend of mine on the Pathfinder sites makes these feral rods name is Rick Lindsay and some of the most amazing artwork that I've seen I mean he's really really a skilled craftsmen as a I'm sure he would say he's not but I mean modesty he is really really really does make some good work now he had you know bear claws and you know other kind of calls and palm prints and stuff like that you know I don't kill there's you know i'm not out her hunting stuff you know I'm when animals that were familiar to me so I told him I wanted opossum and ice you know what's really cool if we could put a raccoon on the other side and he did it for me you know this first one he ever did and I think that's really cool of him you know just to for me to say hey I want this and he researched it and had it to me within a week so I'm really really thick Ferro rod we're going to test it out I'm never even struck it yet so say six inch by half inch I always recommend these real big beefy fair odds in the woods just get an extremely huge shower of sparks but let's go test it out see what happens alright guys so this like I said the first time I've used this Ferro rod let's see what see what kind of sparks should get off it I didn't even have to take the carrying off man wow that's pretty amazing let's see what we get here
they got a little bit green stuff in there I just grabbed this tender bundle with a couple seconds here we go end up the best anybody work a great sparks from this to really impress with this fair rock well definitely do the job look it's like basically the real spark in there nice that's not the greatest NFL in the world but you know just one demo this Ferro rod real quick see what it's capable of and you know for the price of this frail rock having the artwork on it and the the fancy little lanyard and all that stuff you know was crafting this towel boys how much muslin $43 that was yeah with all the stuff on it yeah that's how much these fair odds of thirty-seven dollars from several different stores and the lanyard and all that stuff I mean obviously there's plenty of places you can find these half inch dowel rods for cheaper let me see how that thing goes with that striker I gave you oh yeah yeah i like the striker because it's smaller and you can really get the detailed sparks to just fly down right where you want them that's a corona prone or sharpen our that or you could just shower I cut down just a complete shower sparks on these I'm really impressed with the Seahawk neck corona is an amazing striker you know I've never carried strikers before until Chris gaming this one it's just it's worth carrying guys all right guys we just want to kind of show off my new Pharaoh to you and if you're on facebook on any of the Pathfinder side so we're just looking up his name is Rick Lindsey on facebook they're up there workable pieces of art guys alright well that's been William Irish mass outdoors i hope you enjoyed the video and if you did go ahead and click subscribe whoa like my video helps me out a lot appreciate our reviews comments the sport hopefully we'll see out bullets yeah okay cool so I got over an hour to sound Oh have that much battery into that that's cool shot I like that at that angle you'd almost look pretty what trick is you know let's see it there oh nice
and there this is the crew standard and shoots lomography I should just spin this thing around but I'd be I'd be about the time the thing breaks and then goes fun alright guys just kind of want to show off my new Pharaoh ride to you and a few guys are on Facebook and no Rick get in touch with you not a Sparrow's guys are workable pieces of arc arc three two one I just thought three two one
About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors
Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews
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