wichtige Termine und Infos


Wichtige Termine und Infos der Survivalschule.at

Demnächst kommen ein paar coole Kurse und da noch bei dem einen oder anderen Plätze frei sind, wollte ich euch kurz mal wissen lassen, wann etwas stattfindet.

Für mehr Informationen bitte auf unserer Homepage nachsehen: www.survivalschule.at

..............Leather working, Kocher, Fallenbau, Bushcraftmesser, Bushcraftknife, Mora Messer, Knife Test, batoning, feathersticks, essbare Wildpflanzen, Signaling, Whillow Whistle, Grohmann knife, Outdoornahrung, Ray Mears, Survivalfishing, Survivalnahrung, survivalmike, Outdoor, Notnahrung, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Survival, Bushcraft, Survivalmesser, Survivalknife, primitive living, trapping, Survivalschule.at, Austria, Germany, Salzburg, Cody Lundin, Deutsch

Tags: Leather working,Kocher,Fallenbau,Bushcraftmesser,Bushcraftknife,Mora Messer,Knife Test,batoning,feathersticks,essbare Wildpflanzen,Signaling,Whillow Whistle,Grohmann knife,Outdoornahrung,Ray Mears,Survivalfishing,Survivalnahrung,survivalmike,Outdoor,Notnahrung,Bear Grylls,Les Stroud,Survival,Bushcraft,Survivalmesser,Survivalknife,primitive living,trapping,Survivalschule.at,Austria,Germany,Salzburg,Cody Lundin,Deutsch

Video Transcription

hello my name is mike and the saliva shuli punk today on item acting like a nun and iron / understand the events on Tamina on SWA Nexus walking under is the extreme survival course the viano in plots fly we harm him my accent abyss 26th my and in basic survival course were in version of played survivor the harm Anthony uni asked miss Lytton uni then advanced to a quest at Skansen oi taman technische of the home by George Gershwin border on to the harm and the Uni and then kinder extreme survivor so optically island little caution on faster maximum cannon and IM special kindda exclaims of effort i'll name the elegant elegant a Munich was inhospitable sucked onto the homepage vay vay punked survivor Shula book that he not finna do any gas and information on vs is no imelda master but it is es möglich markham that the vena convening blade setting off to the fumes teen night rush max I'm content sucks marzo exact are tender based on texture may then is the basic survivor course then let's insert by basic survival hutton very asked for cotton thus video to lose their appetites online on if you're a me for I make it an anal or the Underland I'm Nathan basics of our coolers accent I based on 6th may be cruising do after owned

yeah 3d guns guns schnell next Ibaka high-tech piece on tagged extreme survival when Theresa hat Chanel Melton and paste in cake I turn among the meat we always know applicant Conan want the so here a person can't exactly is going off aina or a maximized by plates of whom also be so bad yeah the sauce here yest on you can easy enough at first in Ottawa enjoy finish past house internat or mr. next mark I a mic from the survivor to level 30

About the Author

Survival Mike

Survival Mike

Certified Survivaltrainer and Wildernessguide

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