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A cheap source for Rawhide - ENGLISH


This is a reallly cheap source for RAWHIDE!Do you know that a Dog Bone from an animal food store is made out of 100% rawhide? Take a look........It´s also easy to take with you on a trail because it´s small packed and wrapped up, so it don´t need much room in your pack!.........rawhide, Fallenbau, Bushcraftmesser, Bushcraftknife, Mora Bushcraft Triflex, Test, batoning, feathersticks, essbare Wildpflanzen, Signaling, Whillow Whistle, Not Pfeife, Outdoornahrung, Ray Mears, Survivalfishing, Survivalnahrung, Outdoor, Notnahrung, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Survival, Bushcraft, Survivalmesser, Bushcraftmesser, Survivalknife, Bushcraftknife, primitive living, trapping, Survivalschule.at, Austria, Germany, Salzburg, Cody Lundin, Deutsch

Tags: rawhide,Fallenbau,Bushcraftmesser,Bushcraftknife,Mora Bushcraft Triflex,Test,batoning,feathersticks,essbare Wildpflanzen,Signaling,Whillow Whistle,Not Pfeife,Outdoornahrung,Ray Mears,Survivalfishing,Survivalnahrung,Outdoor,Notnahrung,Bear Grylls,Les Stroud,Survival,Bushcraft,Survivalmesser,Survivalknife,primitive living,trapping,Survivalschule.at,Austria,Germany,Salzburg,Cody Lundin,Deutsch

Video Transcription

yeah hello my friends and subscribers and push crafters out there today I want to show you a nice little thing I touch us today it's a talk we have a dogs so they can chew on it not don't look like a bone but this is made out of rawhide and as you can see this is maybe you can't read it it's one hundred percent row height and this is really hot stuff in their head costs about two bucks of things any way around this so you can buy this at every animal food store and it's great stuff if you put it into water I have only this cold mountain river yeah so but if you put it into hot water it rolls up like that and you'll end up with purohit which is very soft and flexible and you can do findings with that or yeah anything you can do with rides so skin tips it's rolled up and if you put it in water its softness the whole material and you can use it and after it dries you it will get hard again so this is its rai one packaged already as I said I pachitea purchased this today and that's just from our friends dogs their food so maybe you can chew on it as well but at great stuff so if you don't know where to get right now I have a good source for your ride material I hope you like it and if you soon on another video and would appreciate all your comments or support see you next time Mike and Chris from survival school that 80


About the Author

Survival Mike

Survival Mike

Certified Survivaltrainer and Wildernessguide

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