Reshaping Knife With Secondary Bevel, Knots For Attaching Guylines To Tarps | #AskPaulKirtley 52
Welcome to Episode 52of #AskPaulKirtley, where I answer questions about changing boots on canoe trips, sharpening a knife with a secondary bevel, tidying up after harvesting dead, standing wood, knots for attaching guylines to tarps, billy can choices and handle clips, sickness and diarrhoea on a wilderness journey…
01:42 changing boots on canoe trips,
06:54 sharpening a knife with a secondary bevel,
09:33 tidying up after harvesting dead, standing wood,
13:33 knots for attaching guylines to tarps,
20:09 billy can choices and handle clips,
26:20 sickness and diarrhoea on a wilderness journey.
#askpaulkirtley is your chance to ask Paul Kirtley questions about wilderness bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor life.
Ask Paul Kirtley is a regular Q&A show (also available as a podcast) with leading bushcraft instructor Paul Kirtley, founder of Frontier Bushcraft and author of Paul Kirtley's Blog.
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Tags: bushcraft,survival,wilderness,camping,hiking,outdoors,question and answer,advice,questions,answers,bushcrafting,nature,self reliance,self sufficiency,outdoor skills,outdoor knowledge,Paul Kirtley,askpaulkirtley
Video Transcription
in this episode of a sport curtly we're going to be talking about changing boots while four new camping sharpening a knife with a secondary bevel tidying up after harvesting dead standing wood not for touching guidelines two tarps Billy can choices again and sickness and diarrhea while you're on a journey [Music]
welcome welcome to episode 52 of ask pool curtly where I answer your questions about wilderness bushcraft survival skills and outdoor life and it's another glorious spring day here in the South of England in Sussex where I am for a short while and after having been in Scotland in the northeast and travelling around the UK quite a bit recently back in the south where we run courses and the deprived of course running on the other side of this area where I am today just been visiting the guys at frontiers and some of the team that worked for me just visiting those guys today before they started running that program but here I am so I take the time to answer some more questions and get episode 52 recorded and we've got another bunch of varied questions and without further ado I'll jump straight into them and this is from CJ via Twitter and his question is hi Paul do you change your walking boots to something else when you're canoeing to get your feet under the seat and short answer CJ is yes I do and I don't wear walking boots or hiking boots in my canoe whether I'm travelling in the UK or whether I'm traveling further afield and in particular in Canada where I've done a few extended trips there and what I tend to wear is some sort of River shoe I used to wear an old pair of Merrill's an old pair of Meral trail shoes there they were quite flexible and not fairly even quite compact not particularly bulky and so you'd get your feet under the seat because of course and there's a couple of issues one is being comfortable and particularly kneeling for an extended period of time and for those of you that are not familiar yes you might be kneeling in the bottom of the boat but also you might be sitting on the edge of the seat so the seats in the canoe might be sitting on them and with the edge of the seat under you and dear Bom your feet tucked underneath you and if you've got big chunky shoes on it's hard to get them under the seat in the first place and also it's not comfortable to kneel in them so something comfy something that's going to withstand being wet as well so she's going to be stepping in and out as a boat specifically into the water whether that's when you're launching or maybe you're having to line maybe you're having to get out in some shallows to pull the boat through whatever it is being able to get out and walk around in the water without worrying too much about the footwear and the damage to the motor climb is a good thing and of course you want them to be quite gritty on soft mud on wet rocks those type of surfaces which are typically going to get where you're canoeing so an old pair of trail shoes is what I initially used and then what I use now is a pair of canyoneering boots which are designed not specifically for canoeing but they are specifically meant for working on slippery rocks in the water they drain very quickly they're not particularly heavy and there are like a pair of trail shoes and lightweight trainers if you like trail shoes that with some ankle protection as well and and they're made by by 510 and I like those quite a lot they're quite grippy they're good for poor Taj's as well somebody was asking me recently do you change to your hiking boots when you do a portage and typically not at all because a it's a fast you having to get boots out of a dry bag and change and then if you're walking down near to water often there is other water nearby there may be side streams coming in that you have to move forward or wade through there may be low-lying boggy areas the trail itself might be very wet and muddy so I just won't keep my keep my boat shoes on and so I like a pair of old shoes that I can walk around in water in mud it's got some grip on the trail I can kneeling them comfortably
they've got grip on rock they drain quickly to get sort of water and and they dry out quickly once you've finished so I don't like wearing a leather shoe or a leather boot for that reason although I have worn rogues as an experiment and also out of necessity sometimes that's in Footwear I had with me and yeah they will work and the rogue rb2 boots but over the times you've got leather wet for an extended period of time they're going to they're going to crack they didn't get damaged they're going to dry out and all the fully and treatment protection that's in the leather tends to leach out and then when the beach dry out they're very hard and the leathers are you know somewhat damaged and then you have to put a lot of something like dubbing back into them to get them soft again so I wouldn't recommend that occasionally if you had to yes of course but if you're going to do quite a lot of canoeing are you're going to do a trip get some shoes that's specifically for that purpose and then take some light hiking boots like the Rogues for example or something similar that you can wear around camp that are going to be good in the woods maybe if you're going to be in woodland environments when you come off the river are going to be good on rock particularly Canadian Shield again where I've done a fair amount of my Canadian canoeing actually in Canada if you like Europe on rocks and that Canadian Shield bedrock that is present everywhere in that classic to new country and something with a good grip you soul for moving around on there but you don't need a heavy walking boot you don't want something that's too guess either and you don't really need a hiking dubis was doing well in the mountains you just need the light trail boot or even an approach shoe just something lightweight you can wear at the end of the day that isn't going to take up too much room in your pack as well so that's typically what I take take a light leather boot with very flexible sole for the evenings and around camp and then I have a river shoe a canyoneering boot for when I'm paddling in the canoe and that that's the system that I've settled on that very happy with so short answer yes and then you've got the longer end sharpening a knife or secondary bevel this is also from Twitter and this is from neben xkx ethics and the question is I have a knot bushcraft knife with a small secondary bevel would you sharpen and as it is to use as a backup or grind it out I would keep the bevel as it is I think if you've got a pocketknife as a backup for light work and just in case you need to use it when you don't have your more solids belt knife or whatever it is you're using is your main bushcraft blade and I kind of hesitate to call them bushcraft ladies I mean knives and knives bushcraft bushcraft and yes people call things bushcraft knives but again I've written quite a lot about people who live off the land using knives that most first world's bush crafters would be embarrassed to have you don't need an expensive knife handmade knife as you know a lot of the a lot of the finessing that gets done is is not necessarily and the most important thing skill and knowledge is the most important things anyway I'm going off on a tangent there and but I think if this is coming from the point that this doesn't look like a bushcraft knife do I need to shape change the shape of it no it is what it is the nut the blade is the shape that it is and if you grind that down to a single flat bevel you're going to make it thinner and more likely to chip it and close to the edge I think keep it as it is yes the secondary bevel can be a bit harder to sharpen in the fields but once you practiced at it on a small slip stone you can do it and then you can use something a little bit more oriented to home use when you're back at home on the bench and you've got various jigs that you can buy lansky Gatka etc they make these jigs where you can put a knife with a second.we bevel in and get the angle that you want and get that really nice and squared off and get a nice constant angle all the way around you can do that when you're at home and then when you're out in the field you can give it a run over this slip stone the whetstone whatever you've got in your pocket if you need to you don't need to go changing the shape of that to make it useful to you in the field frankly I certainly wouldn't I would just get it sharp
and tidying up after harvesting dead standing wood this is from Instagram this is from poor below and there's a photo there which should be on your screen now if you're watching if you're listening on the podcast basically it's a late winter early spring camp snow still on the ground spring snow looks somewhat compressed a bit granular not particularly deep by the looks of it there's a foot of somebody with a Sorrell caribou boot walking slightly away there's a fire it's a little bit of a mess I have to say there's a couple of bow sores and standing up against trees and there's some split woods and there's a fire going to a couple of Billy cans and and there's some of the dead wood in the background it's clearly being snapped off for firewood and it's jagged and it's several feet above the ground above the snow where it's been snapped off and the question is hey Paul I love all of your videos and blog your efforts are very much appreciated my question is once you have harvested dead standing wood like in the picture above what would be best practice for dealing with the unsightly stumps if anything at all thanks for your time and have a great day nothing like teaching the next generation proper skills for safety and respectfully living with nature well and yeah I mean in winter you're going to use a fair amount of firewood you're going to burn more you're going to have to harvest more you are going to leave more sign in that sense the best stuff is dead standing and therefore you're going to have to be breaking down and cutting down standing wood and could you leave that a bit tidy it yeah you could you I see that you've broken them off and there is an argument for breaking things off rather than sawing them off because it kind of looks more natural and whenever you see anything sawn you know a person has done it when you see something that snapped off could be a person could be natural could be windblown something else could have fallen on it at some point another branch broken off so in some ways it looks more natural if you just leave it as it is and now clearly the whole area at the moment looks a bit of a mess but then whenever you do anything on on this snow you've got this lovely pristine white environment and then you kind of dirty it you stand on it you have a fire on it in it near it and it all starts to look and you've been splitting stuff on that log there I can see which is to that log up a bit and so yeah you what you could do if you wanted to is maybe try to break things off a bit lower down and because of course when the snow melts in the spring and it's going to be even higher relative to the ground but I think the main thing is to leave your fire site relatively tidy and not leave a load of ash and half burnt logs and I think the broken off dead standing stuff as I say that that could be natural I would just make sure that any extra stuff that maybe you haven't burned is is just discarded naturally distributed naturally isn't left in the pile and and I would just make sure everything that I had it partially burned was Birds off so that and there was little sign of me having being there and that's about as much as you can do there would be an argument from some people for saying so off the the stump slow down to make them look tidy but that's an aesthetic thing and personally I think you're probably better off just leaving them looking more natural that's it really can't think of anything else to say about that's going to City not for attaching guidelines to tarps this is from John broad all day and he says hi Paul after recently over the past few months becoming aware of your work I have to say that I love your work and your site and YouTube channel is one of my top to go to places for bushcraft info well thank you John I appreciate that and glad you found me and I'm glad you found the material that you've watched and consumed listened to read etc useful so far and if you are watching this on YouTube and you're not aware of my blog please go go to please do go to Paul correctly Cote UK because there is a lot of good information there and equally if you're on my blog check out my youtube channel because there's some fun videos on there as well subscribe to my channel please it helps the videos be more visible to other people who might be interested as well the way the YouTube engine works the more subscribers you have the more likely YouTube is to show that video to somebody else who has similar watching habits to you so if you've watched bushcraft videos and you've liked my video and subscribe to my videos then somebody else who likes similar stuff to use more likely to see it so if you're not subscribed to my youtube channel I would really love for you to subscribe to it even if that isn't the primary way that you consume my stuff if you consuming it on my blog if you listen to the podcast I'd still really appreciate it if you're on youtube at all to go to my channel and click on the link there to subscribe you can get to my youtube channel by and just typing in Paul curtly dot TV that will take you to my youtube channel or Kirtley TV anyway the question from John is my question is this which knot would you use to tie guy lines to the eyelets or grommets on the top itself
thanks and continue the awesome work well John I don't know what size top you are using but I would suggest a a couple of knots at least having a repertoire for attaching guylines to the tops a useful one if there is tape this is a tape loop on the top whether it's a large top or a small tab is a double sheet Bend double sheet Bend and that is very stable it's designed to be it will withstand being flapped around in the wind which is exactly even though you want your your tarp to be taught to you that when it flapping around in the wind too much it will withstand and being flapped around so it double sheet Bend is good and if you pass a bite through rather than the live end when you finish off the knot then it's quick release as well and as long as you cinch it up quite tight that can stay on there as long as you need it to and then you just pull the quick release and it will come out of the tape loop that's quite handy for bigger tarps where you might have longer guidelines you might have paracord on as a guideline and each Hank of of cord is quite chunky and then you're having to stuff that into a stuff sack along with the top sometimes it can be easier for packing to take the guylines off and so having that double sheet Bend it'll stand you in good stead when it's on there then comes off comes out of the tape loop you can pack them separately I'll just pack them in the top it can be sometimes just be easier to pack them in the top or all into another bag however you organize yourself but that's a good option double sheet Bend any path with the tape loop on that's useful some tarps have got little eyelets that are on a on a tape fix fixing so they're not an eyelet within the material they're an eyelet and on the edge of the material if you like sort of stitched into it not quite a tape loop but on the edge Hilla bergs I'm thinking of and particularly I've got that type and what's useful for those is a well you could just do a bowline on there and but that tends to use more cord what I think is really neat is a bunt line hitch front line HB u NT Li n E and that's kind like a kind of like a clove hitch tied around itself around the and with a loop so basically and it's closely related to a clove hitch the way that it's tied but it allows you to cinch up quite a nice neat little knot onto a little ring and you can attach those on to tape loops as well if you want to and Buntline hitch will work onto onto a little tape loop if you want to and but they don't necessarily come and done very easily which is good for small tarts where you want to keep the guylines attached so bunt likes who doesn't use a lot the line stays on nice and neat nice little hitch to know bunt line hitch is a good one and and then if you've got if you've got grommets within the tarp you know like the sort of cheaper builders tarps what you can do is round turn and two half hitches will work but it tends to bunch the material up because it pulls the corners into the grommet because you're cinching that you know if you go around a couple of times and do a couple of our tickets and pull it in it's going to squeeze the corners in so that that's when a bowline might be useful because we need to have a fixed loop so a bowling through you know round Mouse comes out the hole around the back of the tree back in the hole so basically do you loop bring bring it through the grommet and back through again so that you basically got the loop through the grommet and if you want to you can do a stopper knot on the end although you're not going to have that much tension on it generally when you're tying Bolin's they're going to have a lot of tension on them you should have a stopper and put in the context of a cheap Taff you're probably gonna pull the grommet out before the bowline would fail so those are good ones to know and trying to think of any other circumstances that something else might be might be useful now I think those are ones those ones of you can have to do a double sheet Bend with a quick-release bunt line hitch and a bowline that's going to serve you well in any circumstance however you want to attach that's the questions here we go Billy can you see is we've talked about Billy cans a little bit recently and talked about stainless cans versus other types of pots and this is another sort of vaguely related question this is from Vince Lee roid and he asks hi Paul Vince here sorry to bother you with a kit question but I'm having trouble trying to get my hands on a decent billet and interesting I see that zebra do one but the reviews all appear ambiguous to how good it is because of the plastic clips on the side it seems they melt over hope and fires I noticed you had Billy cans on the course I attended with you did you remove the clips or did you have to mod them in any way many thanks for all the great work you do Vince well good to hear from you Vince Vince was on a short course that we ran earlier in the year and yes we did have zebra Billy cans they were zebra Billy cans that you used Vince and mainly the four teams I think we had on that course of 14 centimeters and yes they do come with plastic clips on them and the point of the plastic Clips is to hold the handle up right rather than it just falling down onto the side of the Billy can now when might you want to do that well you might want to do that if you're using the Billy count on a stove so on a stove at home on a gas burner and on a camping gas burner whether it's one of those double Coleman and burners going to I said Coleman weirdly Coleman furnace completed a I think of a that speak so you know some sort of camping setup you might want to have the handle up and away from the heat source because handle gets hot and but if you're using the handle to hang it to suspend it over the fire so you're making a pot hanger simple straight stick pot hanger with a fork on the end or a notch in the end to put the Billy can over the fire whether you're using an adjustable what a lot of people call a wagon stick whether you're using a tripod whether using some sort of a cooking rig camp craft style with you know with ease or however you're arranging it if you're hanging the pot over a fire it doesn't matter whether it's got a plastic clip on and you see these stupid reviews people complaining about what's a very good robust stainless steel Billy can that everybody who's used for years we've had them you know the ones that you were using I bought when I first started frontier bushcraft in 2010 late 2010 early 2011 we've been using them almost continuously for six years we've had people using them week in week out and they're still fine and you don't need the plastic Clips if you're using them outdoors in the way that we use them on the course is it's only if you use them in a more domestic setting remember they're made in Thailand they're made in Southeast Asia yet they're not just for the bushcraft market they may be used domestically they may be used on camping stoves and if you want to use my camping stove then keeping the handle up and out of the way is is useful it's not essential but it's useful I mean the handle can still get hot if you're hanging it over a fire of course you you always want to be careful handling any pot that's been on there on a heat source
and but the plastic clips yeah they will melt if you put them in the fire but then you don't need them if you cut it in a fire and and so what I do is I just break them off I just snap them off as soon as as soon as they arrive because I don't want molten plastic on the side of the pot Oh on the side of the handle so I just as soon as I unpack their pot at the cellophane just break them off and bend them and that's that's what I do yes you can buy metal clips to fit on them to retrofit onto the Billy cans if you want to so if you are sometimes using them on a stove sometimes using them suspended over the fire yes you can buy metal clips which will allow you to do both and that's a I would say if you genuinely doing that and it genuinely bothers you that you're getting a handle in a gas flame I was getting too hot and you can't somehow get it off the stove again yeah that would be a worthwhile mod and it was something that I might consider you know if I was doing a journey where I was taking a stove with me and I was potentially going to put that over the stove sometimes particularly it was a larger burner like one of the Coleman stoves with a couple of the petrol burners on them maybe I was doing a vehicle based trip and I was sometimes going to use the Billy over that sometimes over the campfire I might consider it but it's not an essential it's one of those little fatty finessing things that people tend to spend more time worrying about when they're not in the woods then when they are in the woods it's one of those sort of bedroom mods is I would call it yeah rather than actual practical outdoor mod so yes you can do that if you want to don't worry about the plastic you know if you're going to be cooking with fires and you want a billy can for cooking with the fire you cannot go wrong with a zebra you really can't and there are other pots that you can get out there your Coleman makes them with veils on a wider and squatter and Eagle products makes them a wider and squatter and some of them have handles that will that will stay upright if you put them on a stove some of them don't it doesn't really matter it really doesn't you know there's more important things to worry about so so so that's not me having to go at you vent that's me saying don't be discouraged by those silly reviews they're good pots if you need a Billy can choose a size that suits and we tend to use 12 14 and 16 and I would say four you know one to two people for a good capacity and the 14 is a good compromise and if you want to kind of have minimal space taken up by a Billy and it's just for you go for the 12 and but it was the four teens that you used when you were with us lost me questions when sickness and diarrhea this is the last question and this comes from Chris and Chris says hi just wanted to ask your advice I've recently recovered from the bout of sickness and diarrhea I had stomach cramps etc and couldn't do much if anything how could I have survived this in the wild and keep hydrated and alive since I'm certain the illness would have destroyed my ability to do basic tasks so promoting death just wondered Chris that's a little bit black it's a little bit bleak and yeah I mean I I've had bad sickness and diarrhea and you do feel like you want to die sometimes and or you sort it to stop and having diarrhea outdoors is not much fun largely because of the lack of toilet facilities and it's just harder and also then you do have the issue of being you know if you're ill rather than just rather than just having sort of symptomatic diarrhea light like a runny tummy if you're actually feeling god-awful and you know how if you've got a temperature if you're delirious etc etc and if it's warm and you are struggling to stay hydrated yeah then there are other complications it isn't just an inconvenience and in the face of the lack of convenience it's it's also an issue in terms of your if your health and well-being of course and you just have to do your best to drink and keep something down dyra light can be helpful there's a rehydration salts those those things can be helpful but of course you've got to keep them down for them to be of of benefit and so yeah if you're making a journey then it could ruin a journey and which is why I'm always fastidious with personal hygiene hand hygiene after handling food after going to the toilet etc before preparing food and on a trip you need to be really quite festive us with making sure your hands are cleaned at those important intervals and particularly when you're with other people as well you need to be quite fastidious about water discipline in terms of water purification you need to be fastidious in terms of handling and communal equipment in terms of you know not cross contaminating things whether you're ill or not and making sure things are washed up in height and sterilized and hygienic ly cleaned properly all those sorts of things and are important to avoid stomach upsets but should you get stomach upset on a trip yeah it can be an issue if you're having to stop every five minutes to run into the bushes and back that can be an issue then there's an issue of your strength and your and your ability and maybe you just have to stop and and if you're in a remote place maybe you have to stop and wait if you're somewhere where you're able to stop the trip go and stay in don't you know if you are hiking
pretty much anywhere in the UK for example and even on a lot of popular hiking trails around the world they do tend to go through habitation from time to time and if you were near to some of those maybe you would just have to go and stay in a motel or B&B and you know even a long-distance trail that might be taking in months maybe you just have to take a couple of days out and and recover recuperate sleep drink go to toilet as Boston as you need to etc etc and it's generally better to go to the toilet than it is to take something like an odium where you're going to bomb yourself up because your body is it is got diarrhea and sickness trying to purge you of something that bothering it and keeping that held in there is not necessarily going to help the only circumstances which I would generally recommend people take something like imodium is if you have to get on a flight or even a train ride and you might want to just hold off the the symptoms for a while while you're journeying but if you're out in the wild and however while that might be then maybe you just have to stop maybe you have to you know spend a day or two in your plant and I've had people who work for me here at frontier and well we've been working courses for a number weeks and somebody got ill once and we took her down to the local village and she stayed with B&B for a couple of days because she just was acting she was out of it and feeling really rotten and she went down there she would cooperate it and we got back into the woods and she was she was fine after that so different you know depending on the exact circumstances but yeah you have to keep getting watering and and the thing I would say is however bad you feel and I felt bad in the outdoors for various reasons I've had food poisoning from immediately prior to running courses and had to run courses when I've had food poisoning and had not so much sickness but lots of diarrhea had to go to the toilet and drinking mint teams out there was wild mink growing I had minty that helps settle my stomach a little bit stop the cramps so much and having some analgesics with you as well you know if you've got a thumping headache or what-have-you that goes along with it as sickness of diarrhea just taking things that help reduce the symptoms and I think there's very little that's more debilitating to your ability to think straight and make good decisions in the outdoors and having a really bad headache so I always carry various forms of analgesia with me so that I can deal with that so that I can at least then have as much clarity in my brain as possible to make good decisions and and the thing I'm going to say as well is that you tend to be able to particularly if you're in circumstances where you've got no choice to be able to do things that maybe you would think you wouldn't otherwise be able to do so you're saying there well you know if I felt like this at home if I felt like that out in Wilde's i might have died well some people might some people might not and I very much doubt you would if you survived at home there's no reason why you wouldn't have survived it out in the woods but yes it would be harder to get water it would be harder to go to the toilet you would have to rest you'd have to make the effort to get water and rather than just kind of oh I can't be bothered to go down the hill my head's thumping I feel awful and I can't be bothered to pump this water filter or boil the water you just have to do it but at the end of the day it's not that much of an effort not that much of an effort compared to the benefit you get from it so and I would say you probably would be able to deal with it and I can't see a reason why you wouldn't but I would think if you felt really really rotten lacking in strength lacking in energy then you would possibly just have to really just hunker down stay in your shelter stay in your tents paying your tab rest up drink go to the toilet when you need to inform it when you need to if you with other people make sure that you're not washing your hands in the same place make sure that you're and not going to the toilet in the same place make sure that your your cup and your bowl and everything isn't washed up with other people's things make sure you're not handling communal cooking equipments chopping boards anything like that that you might have with you get them to wait on you in that sentiment we had one occasion when Ray Ray Goodwin he got food poisoned I wrecked it before a program we were running in the Lake District and we were camping we're wild camping and and basically he was sort of segregated in terms of cups spoons and he wasn't allowed to do any food prep that was all removed from him so that he wasn't however well he was cleaning his hands you know we just didn't want him near anything that was going to be consumed by anybody else so that there wasn't going to be any cross-contamination and he eventually got better nobody else got ill so and I think what we did there worked very well but it wasn't a pleasant experience for him having sickness and diarrhea on the outside of doors it's never been a pleasant experience to me when I've had died
outdoors I've only ever had diarrhea outdoors because of something either eating food while I've been traveling to somewhere so airports train stations that type of thing and or just somebody cooked me a chicken once and the Friday night before I started running a program on the Sunday and I don't think it was cooked properly because I had a bad stomach all week I had food poisoning all week so and it's never been anything I've done in the woods so hopefully once you get in the woods if you're not ill in the first few days if you probably gonna be alright as long as you're good with your hand washing your hygiene personal hygiene your greep water discipline your water purification discipline as long as all of those things are good you'll probably be fine so it's those transition periods which are always a tricky one so short answer is I think you'd be fine but yes it's a bit more effort and mentally you've got to be strong to do the things you know you need to do most good that's it six questions done so hopefully that was useful to you and I am a little bit tired today some of those were a little bit rambling around the edges but hopefully and the core was good I think the core of what I've said there was useful and good and thank you for the questions I appreciate them as always keep them coming in and I will see you on another asphalt curtly before too long now before I go last thing I run another podcast a lot of people refer to my podcast and I say well which one and they're like oh you do your your asphalt Curly's what what else do you mean as well the poor Curtin podcast and yes I have another podcast it's a long-form interview podcast it's not on the same subscription so it's not on the same RSS feed as this it's not in the same place on iTunes or the other really
ones but you should be able to find it relatively easily and if you can't if you go to my blog at Paul Kelly code at UK and you click on podcast at the top which is right next to a sport correctly you will get links to the podcasts you can watch and you can listen to them directly on my blog but also you can subscribe via all of the usual podcasting platforms so that you can get them on your on your phone you can download them onto your iPod if you still use an iPod and other mp3 device and you can listen to them on your laptop however you consume your you know podcasts a lot of people listen to them in their cars or on the way to work and on the bus or the plane or the Train and however they're traveling that's a good time to consume podcasts and those long-form interview podcasts are good now I had a little bit of a hiatus and I didn't do much in the first part of the year with that but now I have renewed focus on that and because a lot of people have been telling me how much they enjoy those I really enjoy the conversations I learn a lot from the conversations myself and get to meet some interesting people everyone that I've had on the portly podcast has been fascinating in one respect to another some really good conversations there if you're not aware of the porketta podcast and go back and have a listen to the back library there there's a lot of information there a lot of knowledge from all of the other people I've had on the show and I've got some good people lined up for the future and I'm going to take that podcast from strength to strength now it's one of my focus areas for the rest of these years to really build that up I've been thinking about the best ways that I can bring value to you and in terms of getting information to you regularly and with the limited amount of time that I have to produce online materials and put them out for for free and I think the podcast is it really is a really good one Ashville curtly is another really good one of course I get to answer your questions directly and but if you're not aware of the other one if you're not subscribe to the other one please do and there's going to be lots more useful information there from me and my guests and I will see you on the next asshole curtly or you will hear me and my next guest on the next podcast before too long so see you there thanks for watching thanks for listening and I will speak to you soon take care [Music]
About the Author

Paul Kirtley
Bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor safety with professional instructor Paul Kirtley.
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- Axe Techniques: Firewood Splitting On Snow
- How To Poop In The Woods
- How To Pack A Week's Food Into A PLCE Side Pocket
- Improvised Coffee Percolator
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 2 - Bivvy Bags, Tarps, Titanium Pots, Watches & Wardrobes...
- Lightweight Tarp And Bivvy Set Up
- Fire Dragon Fuel Gel From BCB - Initial Thoughts
- Water Filters, Pignut Recipes, Emergency Communications | #AskPaulKirtley 49
- Beginning Bushcraft - Which Knife To Choose?
- Survival Tins, Space Blankets, Canvas vs Synthetic, Dealing With Fear | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 27
- Bow Drill Woods To Avoid, Beech Nut Edibility, Teeth and Nails | #AskPaulKirtley 36
- How To Tie The Simplest (But Also Most Useful) Knot In The World
- Fire Safety, Winter Evenings, Billy Cans vs Other Stainless Pots | #AskPaulKirtley 50
- First Run In The Prospector This Season
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 18 - Power In The Wild, Water Purification, Chaga & What I Have In My Pockets
- Exploding Rocks, Carving Utensils, Dangerous Gases, Worn Firesteels | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 25
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 4 - Biting Insects, Wild Foods, Tree ID and Water Purification
- Ice Bucket Challenge - Paul Kirtley
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 53 - LIVE at the Bushcaft Show 2017
- Fire Watch Sleep Rotation, Tarp Set-ups, Kit Weight & Load-outs | #AskPaulKirtley 56
- Integrating Bushcraft With Modern Outdoor Life | Bushcraft Show 2014
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 20 - Ember Extenders, Natural Soaps, Safe Wild Edibles, Tapping For Sap...
- How To Hank Cordage For Bushcraft, Survival & Outdoor Life
- Water Purification, Water Sterilisation, Water Contaminants | #AskPaulKirtley 39
- Fun Slides, Rock Steps And Surfing On The Tees
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 5 - Knife Sharpening, Knives & The Law, Bears In Sweden And More...
- Winter Camping: What To Look For In A Snow Shovel
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 19 - Top 3 Bushcraft Areas, Natural Cordage Bow Drill, Beginner & Budget Axes
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 7 - Roadkill, Advice to Aspiring Instructors, A Herb Brainstorm and Snails!
- Winter Bushcraft & Survival: Generating Water From Snow
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 9 - Knife Techniques, Wool Blankets vs Hammocks, First Aid & Primitive Skills
- Bushcraft Instructing, Winter Wild Edibles, Uses Of Willow | #AskPaulKirtley 48
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 8 - Thoughts On Preppers, Frustrated Kids & Some Book Recommendations
- Carbon Steel Knives & Flint, 3-Season Bag Choice, Knowing Enough For Wilderness | #AskPaulKirtley 38
- Hygiene In The Bush: How To Stay Clean
- Winter Tinder, Meat Today vs Past, Australian Plant ID, Cameras & Tripods | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 22
- Bushcraft vs LNT
- Does Boiling Always Make Water Safe To Drink?
- Toxic Pines, Fire Plough, Navigating At Night, Paramo Clothing | #AskPaulKirtley 57
- Fighting The Tide On The Menai Strait
- Wash Day
- Bushcraft Quick Tips - How To Cut A Stick With Only A Pocket Knife
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 21 - Wild Camps, Canoeing, Knife Skills, Firesteel Quality & Drinking Urine
- Choosing An Axe For Winter Camping And Travel
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 16 - eVent Jackets, Surplus Gear For Bushcraft, Carbs, Fire and Religion
- The Value Of Using Wilderness Skills Closer To Home | Bushcraft Show 2016
- Tryweryn River Canoeing - Ray Goodwin's Eddy Challenge
- How To Pack Your Bushcraft Camping Gear Into A Rucksack
- White Water Safety And Rescue Training With Ray Goodwin
- Bear-Resistant Containers, Modern SAKs, Skis, Bushcraft and Trash | #AskPaulKirtley 34
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 13 - Boots, EDC Kit, Bow-Drill Positions, Bushcraft During Hunting Season
- Tees Training Day
- Tinders For Flint & Steel, Long Term Winter Shelters, Wild Camping In The UK | #AskPaulKirtley 46
- 21 Winter Woodland Wildcamping Tips For Bushcrafters
- Bushcraft Knife Sharpening: Achieving The Correct Bevel Angle
- BCB Crusader II Mug Review
- LNT vs Bushcraft, Overcoming Foraging Fears, Stoves, DIY Sleeping Bags | #AskPaulKirtley 32
- Survival Skills: How To Prioritise In A Survival Situation
- Can I Take My Knife, Axe Or Saw On A Plane?
- Traditional Crafts Integration, Cheaper Full-Tang Knives, Places To Camp | #AskPaulKirtley 43
- Bog Myrtle As A Natural Insect Repellent | Bushcraft Quick Tips
- Capsized On England's Largest Lake - Can They Self Rescue?
- Can You Tell If Water Is Safe To Drink Just By Looking At It?
- How To Use A Swim Line To Self Rescue A Canoe
- What Makes A Bushcraft Knife A Bushcraft Knife, Leather Belt Kits | #AskPaulKirtley 45
- The Difference Between Foraging & Living Off The Land | Bushcraft Show 2013
- Knife Grinds For Bushcraft, Pooping In The Woods & Bushcraft Kit Obsession | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 30
- What To Pack For A Day Hike In The Woods
- Accelerate Your Bushcraft Learning | Bushcraft Show 2017 Main Stage Presentation
- My Views On Survival Shows and Is Bow Drill Realistic? | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 26
- Winter Woodland Wild Camping Tips
- The River Crake Canoe Caper
- Long Log Fire Lays, Sparks From Axes, Old Man's Beard, Outdoor Fitness | #AskPaulKirtley 33
- AskPaulKirtley Ep 29 - Ray Goodwin Special
- Water Indicating Trees, Full Campfire Burnout, Ideal Winter Hot Tents | #AskPaulKirtley 58
- Weird Encounters At Night, Drugs Tests, Predators and Wild Edibles | #AskPaulKirtley Episode 42
- Live Bushcraft and Survival Questions | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 23
- How To Strike A Traditional Flint And Steel
- Foraging Calories, Expediton Menus, Selecting Trip Companions, Hike Hydration | #AskPaulKirtley 44
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 6 - Bushcraft Aspirations, Bloodvein, Weather Forecasting, Wild Camping...
- Winter Bushcraft, Survival and Camping Questions | #AskPaulKirtley 41
- Lightening The Load Part 1 - Sleep Systems
- Tarps With Canoes, Earning From Bushcraft Content, Dealing With Frowns | #AskPaulKirtley 51
- This Is Canoeing DVD Giveaway
- Bushcraft: How To Tie An Adjustable Guyline Hitch
- Outdoor Career Advice, Tarp or Tent, Martial Arts & Bushcraft, Birch Harvesting | #AskPaulKirtley 37
- How To Create Really Big Sparks With A Swedish Firesteel
- Bow Drill Fire Making - What Is The Point?
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 15 - Squeaky Bow-Drills, Firebowls, Snakes & Bugs Under Tarps
- ONE Thing For Survival, Learning Fungi, Oak Bark Tinder, Knots & Lashings | #AskPaulKirtley 40
- Bushcraft - Essential Winter Fire Lighting Techniques
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 11 - Multi-tools vs Knives, Bug Nets, Kit Storage & Bushcraft Freedom Worldwide
- After The Devastation - Canoeing The River Greta
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 17 - Bivvy Condensation, Tyvek, Wool Blankets and Wilderness Licences
- Sparks With A Stainless Steel Pocket Knife And Ferro Rod
- Paul Kirtley YouTube Channel Update May 2015
- How To Wear A Bushcraft Knife When Carrying A Rucksack
- How To Light Birch Bark With A Spark
- Bushcraft Quick Tips - How To Tell A Sedge From A Grass (And Why)
- Halloween Pumpkin Carnage
- #AskPaulKirtley 12 - Starting Bushcraft Schools, Storing Knives, Burning Trash & Cooking Starches
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 3 - Kids & Bushcraft, Ticks, Tinders, Friction Fire & Seeing Wildlife
- Bushcraft Take-Aways From The Manitoba Museum
- Tracking & Trapping, Birch Bark & Firewood, Breaking Knives | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 24
- Winter Bushcraft Skills: Tree Felling For Firewood
- Bushcraft Quick Tips - Remember The Threads
- Widowmakers, Umbrellas, Resinous Bow-Drill Wood, Shorts | #AskPaulKirtley 55
- Bushcraft Mythbusters: Bracken Beds
- A Day On The Dee: Weirs, Waves And World Heritage
- Bushcraft Quick Tips - How To Cut A Sapling Efficiently With Your Knife
- Finding Flint, Managing Fires Overnight and The Best Matches | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 28
- Electrical Storms, Trekking Poles For Tarps, When To Stop Bow Drilling | #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 31
- Tarps Are OK Until It Rains
- Bushcraft Clothes: Favourite Thermal Layer & Shell Combos For The Woods
- Bushcraft: How To Tie An Evenk Hitch
- Top Bushcraft Trees, Light Saws, Axe & Knife Home Maintenance | #AskPaulKirtley 35
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep 10 - Knife Lanyards, Hammocks vs Tarps, Tinder Boxes, NGB Awards For Bushcraft
- Canoeing The Bloodvein River (Short)
- How To Use A StrikeFire Fire Starter
- How To Stay Dry Under A Tarp
- #AskPaulKirtley Ep. 14 - Toxic Firewood, Lost In The Woods, Bushcrafter Knowledge & Rewilding
- Optimising Tinder Bundle Airflow, Finding Wildlife, Keeping Gear Dry | #AskPaulKirtley 47
- #AskPaulKirtley Episode 1 - Bushcraft Knives, Books & The Kitchen Sink
- Bushcraft Philosophy, Smoky Firewood, Iodine, Leatherworking | #AskPaulkirtley 54
- Survival: What To Do If You Get Lost Outdoors
- How Do I Know When I Have Enough Knowledge To Visit Wilderness On My Own?
- Relevant First Aid, Calculating Hiking Timings, Eating Plantain Seeds | #AskPaulKirtley 59
- Technology In The Way? Camp Set-Up Times, Rust Prevention, Slugs | #AskPaulKirtley 60
- Five Mile Rapids, French River - High Water In Late Summer
- Birch Polypore Strops, Trees & Plants To Learn, Axe Repairs | #AskPaulKirtley 61
- Campfires On Rock, Group Morale, Dangers of Woodsmoke | #AskPauKirtley 62
- Fire Saw, Wilderness Water, Tripod Withies, Personal Daily Camp Routines | #AskPaulKirtley 63
- Best Bushcraft Moments Of 2017, Match Storage, Kids & Canoe Camping | #AskPaulKirtley 64
- Tips For Fires Under Tarps, Cat-Tail Fibre Extraction, Bushcraft On TV | #AskPaulKirtley 65
- How To Get To The Northern Forest, Multi-Purpose Bivvies, Loneliness, Cooksets | #AskPaulKirtley 66
- The Best Long-Log Fire
- Roycroft Pack Frames, Sharpening & Oiling Bushcraft Knives | #AskPaulKirtley 71
- Military Surlplus vs Non-Surplus; Mediterranean Bushcraft | #AskPaulKirtley 69
- Belt Attachments For Bushcraft & Outdoor Life
- Too Many Clothes. Desert Fires. Bushcraft for Young People. Bush Music | #AskPaulKirtley 67
- How To Tie A Double Fisherman's Knot | Bushcraft & Outdoor Knots
- Eureka Moments With The Hazda. Striking Matches With Your Teeth. | #AskPaulKirtley 68
- Olight M2T Warrior Review - Initial Thoughts
- Real Survival With No Food; Banking Fires; CAT Tourniquets | #AskPaulKirtley 70
- Testing If Water Filters Work; When To Start Teaching Bushcraft | #AskPaulKirtley 75
- Inner Bark Tinder Bundles; Smokeless Fires; First Aid For Young People | AskPaulKirtley 76
- Bushcraft Show 2018 Axe Demo | Paul Kirtley | Frontier Bushcraft
- Deer Carcass Inpection; Identifying Useful Trees; Made Items | #AskPaulKirtley 72
- How To Tie A Double Sheet Bend | Bushcraft & Outdoor Knots
- Mora Garberg Review: 18 Months of Professional Use
- Moving From Survival Training To Broader Bushcraft | #AskPaulKirtley 77
- Best Woods For Featherticks; Remedying Chipped Axes | #AskPaulKirtley 74
- Fire Hardening, Froth in Filtered Water, Tarps In Rain (Again) | #AskPaulKirtley 73
- Tarp Guyline Angle Hack
- Bushcraft Show 2018 Main Stage Presentation
- Campfire Safety Risks; Boot Storage When Bivvying | #AskPaulKirtley 78
- An Announcement, A Small Rant & Some Answers | #AskPaulKirtley 79