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Bushcraft: How To Tie A Taut Tarp Hitch



The Taut Tarp Hitch is a great knot to know for getting tension into your tarp line then tying it off securely. First attach the other end of your tarp line to a fixed point.

Tags: Bushcraft

Video Transcription

hi there I'm Paul Kelly founder of the award-winning frontier bushcraft and author of Paul Kelly's blog the leading source of wilderness bushcraft advice and information on the net in this video I'm going to share with you how to tie a tort tarp hitch one of the key knots that you need to know in setting up your top to secure the far end of the top line and take it around the tree to make sure I've got as much tension in it as possible

I lean back a little bit with some body weight I then keep that tension on and take it over the top and I pull that back just to pull a little bit more tension into this cord again across the cords over to create a bit of friction and I get more friction still by wrapping it around the tree so by the time I get around to here I should be able to fold it with very little force very little pressure bringing it back over the top create this triangle here within that triangle I then pull up a Bight and we want to remove the slack from here we do that by pulling to lock that off and create this half hitch here but that won't stay there on its own we need to lock that off by pulling another bite through here in doing so what we create is something that's also quick-release

so there you have it how to tie the talked to tarp hitch it's really useful not it's an integral part of setting up your top hope you find that useful I hope it serves you well and I look forward to seeing you in the next video you

About the Author

Paul Kirtley

Paul Kirtley

Bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor safety with professional instructor Paul Kirtley.

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