A New Tarp, A New Fishing Rod & A Knife Talk
In this video I go out and try some new gear and new ideas. I also respond to a 3 knife tag from Norwegian Bushcraft. I think the gear worked out better than the ideas :)
Here is a link to the DD Tarp XL I use in this video:
Here is a link to the Norwegian Bushcraft channel:
Here is a link to the Bushcraft Sweden channel:
Here is a link to the Helsinkipop channel:
Here is a link to the Ute Avdelingen - Outdoors Norway channel:
Here is a link to iNatur for fishing and hunting permits:
Here is a link to the stove I used on this trip:
Here are links to the knives I talked about:
Helle Folkekniven
Strømeng KS9 Old Fashion
Mora Flex
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorwegianWoods-1274879525871214/
#norwegianwoods #scandinavia #norway #bushcraft #camping #hiking
Tags: Bushcraft,Wilderness,Survival,Camping,Hiking,Stove,Tarp,DD,DD Hammocks,Helle,Strømeng,Mora,Knife,Knives,Fishing,Rod,ABU,Ambassadeur,Pike,Zander,Trout,Fish,Gear,Rain,Wild Bore,Overnighter,Hammock,Sleeping Bag,Solo Stove,Folkekniven,Old Fashion,Flex,Norway,Sweden,Scandinavia,Nordic,Forest,Outdoor,Woods,Tag,Tagged
Video Transcription
hello there and welcome to in the region woods today I'm out in the forest again and I'm I'm hoping to to get some some wet weather tonight the forecast said it can be some really heavy rainstorms and maybe some thunder as well so I had a really nice walk through the forest to get get to this spot the place I'm I'm at is located next to this lake behind me and this lake is called stupid earlier and it's right on the border between Norway and Sweden and I'm hoping to do a little bit of fishing tomorrow
I I bought myself a new fishing rod but I'm hoping to test out and yeah I also got myself a new torque from the DD hammocks
but I'm hoping will will serve me really good in on future trips so I hopes for this one I have also been been tagged this is the first time I've been even targeted here on on YouTube I guess I have to do a little talk about what knives I brought a couple of knives yeah I think this can be a good little grip I decided to move just a little bit away from the from the water it's not I can see the water from my from a hammock but it's a little bit into the into the forest I thought that could be a good idea maybe get a little bit protection from the wind yeah I found some really nice nice trees to top this is actually a lot larger than the harp I have been using for a long time now I think this mud maybe a better tart if I need have a little bit of room around my hammock I also trying out this new idea and I picked up a a mesh hammock
underneath my am i sleeping hammock so I just tied the sleeping hammock with with the sleeping bag inside I tied it off to the to the ridgeline so I'm actually now lying in the in the mesh hammock really close to the ground maybe I need to put this a little bit further down when I'm going to bed in my in my hand and say amok but I will figure out figure it out later go to bed it's getting quite dark now so it's it's really hard to to film so I guess I have to show you this this whole setup in the morning [Applause]
I have had a really nice night sleep training tonight I woke up in the morning it was raining so I spent an extra hour inside inside my hammock which is always nice in the morning yeah I tried to put up some some new ideas for this this set up I contacted DD hammocks and agreed to send me a couple of things to check out the channel which i think is really really awesome and it's hard I used for this trip
three by four point five meter dark I think it's a pretty good good size when I contacted the guys at the DD hammocks I was actually looking for another a three by three meter torque yeah they know their stuff and basically suggested to try out this three by four point five meter torque instead I think that's that's a really good size for a ham hock setup like I did now because when it's raining they get a lot more space outside to keep keep the gear the tarp I've been using up until until this this point has been this heck start from from Hennessey this is that's they're actually a pretty nice start but it's it's designed in the way that it covers the ham hock itself really good but it takes away quite a lot of the space we get outside the ham hock and with this rectangular a little bit large at heart I managed to get some really good space in front of my hammock so I guess I could do a lot of stuff in there if I give up if I was going to spend a few days in in bad weather really really handy to have some some dry space outside the hammock I also tried tried an idea to try sleeping ham hock to the ridge line with my sleeping bag inside because I don't think the ham hock the Hennessy hummocky is not all that good to sit in and do other stuff in sleeping because it has this this bug nut that's connected to that to the hum of all the time and it also had this is internal Ridgeline system so you get this thing that the bumper pumps into it with your heads all the time when I sit in it so I wanted to try this this mesh hammock and put this underneath so I can use that to sit them during the daytime and and also it may be to keep some some gear in the night that's
- it
the ground identified and I'm used to bump into the gear that's in this was in this massive national underneath misleading here I don't know if I like that it's always some compromises this mesh hammock itself it's pretty good for sitting like this got an ethylene with lower hanging on it I don't know if I like it that much because it's falling together it's not spreading out like my nylon among the hennessy hammock so it's a little bit fiddly to get in and out of and with all this holes in the mesh it always seem to catch on to everything like buttons and I have a knife in my pocket maybe and when I was putting my gear in there all the little pockets and everything was stuck to the hammock when I was trying to get it out in the morning so I don't think the hammock like this is all that suited for that kind of setup I also tried this hammock this measure monkey
a couple of other setups I tried to put the dog back this I call the tapping the douche Croft share when I make a tripod and if it's a deem and I folded this hammock as a seat and it didn't work maybe I should try it a little bit more really not that stoked about this this hammock after the rain stopped this morning and I managed to get out of out of bed I try to to find some some blueberries because it's a lot of this blueberry bush bushes around there I think it's a little bit strange because last time I was out there was a lot of memories so I think it's a pretty good good season but I didn't find more than I found three blueberries and I was searching for an hour and I think either someone's has been a and picked them all or there are some some animals that they eat them
I'm not all that sure what animals that go around and eat absolutely all the blueberries because there's a little bit of all teeth bite the lingonberries I don't think anyone speak them it's actually quite a few of them around but I saw some really obvious signs of wild boar activity I don't need I don't know if the pigs go out and eat all the blueberries I don't know maybe there's just some some other people that spinner and pick a victim I don't know but I didn't find any of anything so I had to go for a plan B on my breakfast because I wanted to have blueberry oatmeal porridge this morning well that would be a really awesome and breakfast but I don't want to make porridge with lingonberries I don't think that we're all that nice so I just had some nuts and chocolate for breakfast I don't know if that's really the best breakfast but it was what I had that's a plan B a few days ago I was I was tagged by another youtuber this is actually the first time I've been I've been tagged here on YouTube I thought it would be fun to try to have to respond to this the guy that told me this is odd from innovation bushcraft his channel is actually one of the channels that really inspired me to start doing this this YouTube thing so yeah he put out some really good good videos and if you don't already know about him I would really suggest checking out I leave a link in the description underneath this video here on YouTube and the tank that he wanted meet responsive is to show three of my knives he wanted me to show my newest acquired knife and the cheapest knife I actually do use out in the wilderness and my favorite overall bushcraft knife
I think I can start with talking about this this muda more active this is the cheapest knife that I actually use out in the afternoons this particular model is called flex it's really thin blade it's I think it's one millimeter about one millimeter thick blade on it and it's flexible that's why they call it flex I guess and it's a really really cheap knife it's mainly made for [Music]
construction workers and carpenters and stuff to get into some tight cups with this knife but it's it looks really really similar to another knife that Mora makes that it's a fishing Philip feel at knife and I find this really really useful because it's it's often it's a really really good slicer so it's good for food prep and it's also stainless steel and with the plastic sheet is easy to clean so it's yeah it's lightweight yeah I bring this from time to time when I want to have a designated knife just for food prep so I think the wrong with with this model I have not seen any other youtubers that bring this flex model out in the woods but yeah this is my cheapest cheapest knife that I actually use out in the woods the next knife I want to talk about is my newest acquired knife this is actually the first time I bring this miss knife out in the woods I don't think it's actually I'm not done with it I'm not ready to start using it yet because yeah I'll talk more about it later
it's knife no reason knife from company up in the northern Norway all the sniffs mass drumming this model is the largest Sami knife that they they make this manufacturer is delivering a lot of knives to the Sami people that they use for yeah I think pretty much everything when I go out in the in the wilderness of North to do the red reindeer herding they used is knives for food prep for fire making for butchering for everything and this style of knife they've used for a very very long time so it's a lot of traditions around these these kind of knives and I have another one from another maker in this time may 8th inch but I really wanted to check out this disturbing knives because really traditional a family-owned company
this model is nine-inch it's called the old-fashioned it's the name of this this particular model and you can see it from the from the look of it it's it's made to look like it's yeah like it's an old knife I really like that styling on the knife I'm not too sure if I am all that stoked about the fit and finish of this knife it's not like you only buy a modder knife because then you know what to get it's perfect every time every knife is exactly the same this knifes on the other hand is yeah I think most of it is made by hand yeah I actually first bought one of them I returned it and I got another one that's this one it was a little bit better than the fit and finish but it's still not perfect yes I think this is the most expensive knife that I've actually bought up until this point and I was hoping that it would be yeah a little bit better in the fitting finish if you don't mind that the fit and finish is not perfect then I am pretty confident that this is really really really good quality knife that you can use maybe for the rest of your life if you buy something like this and they'll take care of it and use it the way it suposed to be used the the grip on it it's really really good the steel is it's a carbon steel that's supposed to be really really good yeah it wasn't it wasn't very sharp but I got it and I haven't got around to sharpen it yet also the the fitting of the have the good handy against the brass pommel is not all that nicely done the finishing of the on edge against the hungee I think it looks pretty terrible actually
and also the tip of the knife is it's not evenly and ground but after I'm finished sharpening it and straightening the tip I don't I know that this knife will perform for many many years yeah overall it's a really really good quality knife I think I hope because I spent quite a lot of bit of money on it the last knife I want to talk about which is my favorite overall this craft knife is my hell for kicking even it is the knife I've probably had for the yeah no doubt is the knife that I've used the most often out in the woods and I've had it for quite a few years now yeah or brought I think this is my reference for what a good outward life should be I am pretty confident that most people that watch this video will disagree with with this to be perfect bushcraft knife but yeah it's not a butyl knife
it is it's got the Scandinavian right scan the grime and if stainless steel is not charred from the spine of the plates not the norm and happy in spite of good I think it's part
it comes with this leather sheet that's not really all that we made in soft leather but it performs perfectly I think one of the best best things with this knife is the the shape size and how it feels when you use it it's a pretty chunky grip on it and blade it's I think it's about eight and a half centimeters long it was pretty thin probably less than three millimeters two-and-a-half millimeters or something like that I don't remember so it's a pretty good slicer it's a short plate so we get a lot of control and use it and it's stainless so it doesn't rust and yeah the price is also pretty good you can get these Snipes repeating its price of this I'm here in Norway it's one of the helis cheapest knives so we don't you're not too worried if night breaks we lose it it's nice to just keep using because
yeah I like the looks of it it looks like traditional life life it looks like an I should look I think yeah really really happy with this life I have tried quite a few nice it quote unquote nicer knifes the last year or so I've been buying a few knives I have some some plans to make a knife knife video for this channel so I'm yeah I'm in the process of doing some more knife stuff in the future and if any of the other knives I try get too far from the proportions of this displayed it just feels wrong room to me so maybe it's because I'm used to this or maybe it's just because it is a good size and I'm good shape of the knife so the only thing I can do is to talk from my perspective this yeah it's definitely this point my favorite night there are there are a couple of things with this knife from head leather type I'm not too sure I'd like like this this knife for instance it has a scratch mark on on the middle of the handle and the reason why it has this is because of the the way this belt loop is attached to the sheet when you put the knife inside the sheet and you use it over time the steel in this pocket will scratch the handle of the knife because I think it's pretty stupid but it's so taken away from the performance of the knife but it scratches off the Handy also the the heads of the knife like I said on the strim manky yes is not very good it's sharp when you get it but it's not even and it's is ground by hand I think and after that is polished and it's when you start to sharpen it you see that it's not it's not even the edge also I have a few more hella knives two of two of the knives that I bought was really not knifes nice fit and finish at all so I had to look around to find good use knives of the models I wanted to buy from Allah so I think the quality control is a little bit it's not perfect and I've also seen around on on YouTube that a lot of other buyers of the Helen Ives bad finish Northern Iceland and I bought so I think it's a good thing by Helen Ives in a store written actually look at the knife and see how it because they they say that they make hand crafted knives they call them honest knives and I think they are they're know not to do fancy and flashy it's knife sets that are made to be used out of out of the woods yeah the fit and finish is probably not the highest priority I also at one point try to contact the customer support
and didn't reply and I've heard other people that's experienced the same thing so if you buy a hell knife I think you need to rely on the the seller not the manufacturer other than that if you find a nice knife you will have a like really good knife for the rest of your life I think you can take care of it I'm supposed to tag three other channels to do this this tag and of course the tag goes as follows you need to show your overall favorite bushcraft knife you need to show you're the cheapest one that will actually take out the news in the woods and you also have to show your newest acquired knife as Bob said in his video I think that's good thing if you want to you can swap out one or two of the knives with multitude maybe a folding knife maybe an axe or some other cutting tool that's okay but the three channels I've chose to do this is three other Scandinavian channels
the first one is bushcraft Sweden it's of course Swedish channel run by my friend Matthew and the other one is a finished channel called Helsinki pop and the third is a Norwegian Auto channel it's called use of the alien outdoors Norway and yeah I hope you will do this so good luck to these three channels I'll leave links in the description to all chance will channel so it's worthwhile checking them out anyways the main reason why I picked this particular spot for this for this trip is that I wanted to try out some new fishing gear I want to try some fishing in the lake behind me yeah I've actually got myself a couple of new fishing rods this one is something I bought for for this old
ambassador real that I had had lying around at home this my dad actually bought this quite a few years ago and it's not been now all that much used and the rod I had for it was really not suitable for for this kind of fishing it was more for the fishing in the ocean so I bought this bed coastal rod for this reel
it's a nine point six foot medium light action rod its four sections so it it's really packable and compact when you and I'll take it all down so it's easy to put it in the backpack and I think it's yeah it's probably a good good choice for fishing from from from shore without the boat in these kinds of legs because I don't need all that that big loose for this this fishing rod I don't want to use that big loose and this this rod is rated for lures between 12 and 38 grams I think that's in the range of about need bit less than half ounce and almost up to one and a half ounce weight on the lures I think that's a good good range for for inland fishing and I also want to use this this rod a little bit for fishing in the in the ocean after maybe some mackerel and see it out a little bit later
yeah I hope this will perform I put some new fishing line on it yesterday it's 14 pound tests here in Norway we say it's zero point thirty five-millimeter line on it so I think it's it's strong enough for some pretty decent sized sized fish in the lake that I'm going to fish today I'll probably come back and do more fishing here in in the future it's pretty big fish out there there's a lot of pike and there's also some pretty big big trout and solomon there's Neil and there's thunder I never caught on its Andrew before so it's an interesting fish I think there's also this theoretical possibility to catch some really huge catfish out there is this we call Europe a smaller it's called wheels catfish I think I've never heard that animal had any of this fish have been caught in this in this lake but this is part of a really really huge lake system that runs pretty much all of the south of Sweden you can put about boat in this in this lake and you can drive all the way to Guttenberg and you can go into there none and you can go across to Stockholm so it's it's a lot of lakes that's connected with this channel system in the system this huge fish do exist so it's a radically possibility
but I don't think I will be able to catch a several meter in several hundred kilos or fish this light setup but maybe for some decent sized trout or Pike perch yeah hope is this setup will will perform the other rod that I have at home it's a much smaller it's a lot lighter I want to bring for this small small waters out in the out in the poorest fish for this trout and and perch so you will see that in in future videos in many lakes here in Norway you have to pay a fee to be allowed to fish in in a lot of the lakes and the rivers and the place to get these permits it's websites called me not to me I leave a link in the description because I think it can be be useful if you want to do some fishing in Norway there you can find this this Lake calls to the left and you can pay 15 of engine crawlers for the right to depreciate from one day the fishing that I have the most experience with is this spinner baits and spoon baits fishing I also have done quite a lot of worm bait fishing but as a throwing throwing rod from shore I think it will be M be interesting too to try this ice of yours because in a big leg that like this I think the ultralight setup will maybe be a little bit on the border of what's what's suitable also for the ocean fish fishing it's it's a pure that's coming in not very far from from where I live that goes into slow and it's not it's not the best fishing it's not like the West Coast or the north of Norway but you can get some get some food when you're out camping that's what I'm hoping to catch with this with this rod not fill up my my freezer at home just yet excitement experience the outdoors and catch myself a little bit of food on some of summer trips and yeah I want to try out maybe some some different kinds of bait and lures in the future and I know that a lot of people around the world has so much experience and if any of you that watch this video have some some stuff that they want to share with me or my viewers or anything I would really really appreciate if you write some comments underneath the video because sharing experiences and sharing knowledge it's it's really really good thing and there's a lot of people out there that's
that want to try this stuff and don't have an experience and don't know where to start and I think YouTube is a really really really good medium to share this kind of knowledge I like to do research for everything like outdoorsy gear and techniques skills everything I like to read books sure I like to go out and try stuff but I also have learned so much from watching other YouTube videos and I want to contribute to that that I think tradition for sharing here on the community
so now it's this day is coming to an end and I need to pack up my camp go go back to the car it's about an hour walk maybe and it's a little bit late so I hope I reach back without using my headlamp but I think I'll manage to find the car anyway I just want to say that all in all I think this has been a good trip I yeah I enjoyed the the tarp from from DD hammocks it was really nice to try something I need bit beer and tarp I've used my own my hammock before because it was raining it was really awesome to have some more space around my hammock I also think that this all of stuff performed really good it was a little bit harder to get it started then it was the first time I used it I think that's and that was because of all the the wet firewood but it wasn't any problem and just took a little bit more time before it was going to back it should I didn't actually catch any fish this time but my main goal was to try out this new fishing rod and I'm not experienced with the bait caster wheels at all so I used this another robbed a few times but yeah I need to practice that's the experience I got from this time I was getting better but I need to figure out how to adjust and get a feel for how to load the rod and get good distance in the throws I think it's it feels like it's a it's a good setup for this kind of nurse I'm hoping to use it for maybe next time I'll catch a fish with it so I guess that's it for this time I hope you hope you enjoyed this little video and I'm planning to make quite a few more videos in the not so far future so until next time take care and good bye for now
About the Author

This channel is dedicated to all kinds of outdoor and wilderness activities. The content is focused on scandinavian culture and history.
More articles from this author
- Injuries In The Wilderness
- Introduction to NorwegianWoods
- Winter Camping In Sweden
- Winter Forest Camping & Fire Making
- Bushcraft Origami - The 10 Best Tarp Setups
- Hiking in the Norwegian Wilderness
- Trout Fishing & Cooking Chili On The Bushbox XL
- Spring Season Forest Solo Adventure
- The Dragons Nest at the Old Hill Fort
- Solo Winter Hammock Wildcamping
- Comparison of 4 Fuels for Camping Stoves
- Everything About Bushcraft Saws
- Summer Camping & Cooking With The Solo Stove Titan
- A Winter Night In The Norwegian Woods
- Prepping Cars For Winter Conditions
- A Bow Drill Fire and some Little Things
- Norwegian Woods 2017
- Hiking and overnight trip in Norway
- Basic Bushcraft Cutting Tools - My Gear and My Thoughts
- Spring Season Boat Camping
- Solo Winter Overnighter & Trying Out The Dakota Fire Pit
- A Brief History of Scandinavian Bushcraft & Some Bivvy Wild Camping
- Wildcamping with my Hammock & Basic Navigation
- Camping, Hiking And Canoeing Adventure
- My Thoughts On Winterizing A Hammock
- Bushcraft Refrigerators & A Polish Poncho Tent
- Old School Norwegian Perch Fishing
- Bushcraft Firestarting - The 10 Best Firestarters
- Solo Hunting Trip & DD Frontline XL Hammock
- Fall Camping & First Impressions Of The Tentipi Olivin 2
- A Snowy Forest & 4 Flashlights From Olight And Lumonite
- Late Winter Camping, 10 Question Tag & Azden SMX-30 Microphone
- Cooking & Camping With Eagle Products & Giant Squid Microphone
- Everything About Backpacks, Bags & Pouches
- Everything About Wilderness Camping Shelters & Sleep Systems
- Solo Hunting & Fishing Weekend Trip
- Summer Camping & First Impressions Of The Amok Hammock System