The Dragons Nest at the Old Hill Fort
Here I make a nice little campfire inside a old hill fort from the 4th century AD. There is also a campfire story in this one :)
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Tags: Hill Fort,history,viking age,Old,dragon,campfire,Fortification (Building Function),bushcraft,spruce,birch bark,hiking,camping,legend,story,viking,middle ages,tolkien,jrr tolkien,the hobbit,lord of the rings,sony a7,shure vp83
Video Transcription
hello and welcome to innovation wits today it's the 15th of September so it's the first day for campfires this season I picked a pretty cool pot to do my first campfire video I picked up some stuff on the way in there so so it should be quite easy to get a fire going today the the place I'm at is called the health innovation it means something like the Dead Hill in English and it's a really really old hill fort so I think it should be cool to take a look round up there I reached the top of the top of the hill and as you can see it's really windy today so hopefully the windows into the mess up or my all my sound but it's a really good view pair the lake is in front of you is called Aspen and it's a part of the channel system they started holding and runs I think like 60 60 kilometers something like that into the country and this is one of the lakes on the way up this hill fortress is supposed to be from the fourth century AD so it's 1700 years old so it's not much left of construction structures the the build of him but on the way I saw some I saw some some rocks it remains from from Wars I guess in fences have to leave the villages around this place and come up here for protection this hill fort is dating back to the fourth century AD that's about 300 years before the Viking Age scientists and historians they don't know exactly what these this places were used for probably they say they were used as lookout points they also think that they used this these hills to light beacons to do signaling they also think that this the spots were used for really religious tasks so one thing they are pretty sure about is that this king force were used as military installments in this period it's known as the European migration period from the early Middle Ages it's also called the barbarian invasions at least that what that's what Romans called them barbarians moving moving around and a lot of things changed one of the biggest things that happened in this area is the fall of the Roman Empire a lot of European tribes were established in this in this period among others Germanic tribes and also the precursors to the Vikings I read somewhere that in in this area called last fall there's about 70 of these
he'll fortresses that's let's known on three other sides of this hill it's almost impossible to get up it's just the one side I I came up here that's it is possible to to actually just walk up without climbing with ropes and stuff so I guess it's a really good natural fortress on this little fireplace
I found myself and of the spruce tree oh this would make a nice fire for me that's on birch bark I picked up on the way up here this is some really dry spruce twigs and this is some quite dry twigs from the from the little tree I chopped off that's firewood and I have some different sizes of the of the pieces of the wood I chopped off so hopefully this will be good I'm going to make my start my fire on top of this all the holes that's been liner from before the summer I start by just putting a big bunch of birch bark these courses is actually pretty dry because this big flat rock is being bang on top of it join something
the next or Tamiya fire is this space it's important not to make it to the dance because it's important to get some air inside did you give it to go the worst park is actually part up but if it catches fire to go and get enemies that actually it wasn't too hard to make this fire
I even have some dry materials they work with some dry and good materials I think this is really cool because since this was a hill fort like 1700 years ago I'm pretty sure that the people that were staying up here did exactly this they probably even used the same materials to build the fire I wouldn't be surprised if they started the fire with summer spark dry twigs from from sniffs and I also may be used some bigger pieces of wood from that spruce as fuel for the fire
I think it's there's also another story about this place that I think is it's really cool and the story is about that I used to live a dragon on top of this on top of this mountain he was living inside this old hill fort and according to this old legend
the dragon had four openings in his fortress that he used to look out and every midsummer and every midwinter he flew out and looked around this this areas and when I got back it was guarding its his eggs that they kept inside this in fort and the legend says that the first settler in it is in this area I was called the hospital and he was really feeling a little bit upset about this dragon I was feeling a little threatened so we decided to shoot the dragon with the Golden Arrow and he actually did this short shot the Dragon and the dragon fell into the to the sea and was never seen again and when a spear went into the fortress yeah
found three golden eggs and I think this the story is actually pretty cool because it reminds me a lot of the story that Tolkien wrote about The Hobbit and probably maybe no Tolkien was really into ugly literature and it was also really known with the Scandinavian mythology so maybe just maybe I've never heard this from anyone else but I think the story is really kind of similar to the story from from The Hobbit so maybe talking about this inspiration for a part of the story from this very this very place and so in a way maybe this board development from from Tolkien was inspired by a spear that was supposedly the first sector in this area maybe this the whole place should be renamed the Lonely Mountain I don't know
that's it for this time I guess I just have to leave home hope to see you soon thank you for watching and good bye
About the Author

This channel is dedicated to all kinds of outdoor and wilderness activities. The content is focused on scandinavian culture and history.
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