Trout Fishing & Cooking Chili On The Bushbox XL
In this video you see my first experience with both trout fishing and the Bushbox XL. I also make a really nice chill casserole in the rain, in the dark and in strong wind. All in all a great little overnighter in the Norwegian wilderness.
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#norwegianwoods #scandinavia #norway #bushcraft #camping #hiking
Tags: Fishing,Trout,Lake,Pond,Water,Wilderness,Outdoor,Camping,Hiking,Hammock,Hennessy,Norway,Norwegian,Scandinavia,Forest,Woods,Gear,Natures Hangout,Natures Hang Out,Bushcraft,Bushbox,Bushbox XL,Bushcraft Essentials,Fire,Cooking,Campfire,Zebra,Zebra Pot,Eagle Products,Trangia,Chili,Marttiini,Silky,Tarp,Rain,Wet,Wind,Dark,Night,Overnighter,Wildcamping,Solo,Alone,Knife,Food,Coffee
Video Transcription
hello there and welcome to in the weeds in woods this time I'm out on another little overnighter
in the middle of the Norwegian wilderness this time it's it's summer and the forecast said that it might be a really heavy rainstorm and maybe a little bit of thunder later tonight today and tonight so it can be interesting before I pick up my mic up I want to take ladies a little bit of time and talk a little bit about gear and outdoor equipment in general I'm not an expert on outer equipment I'm learning about this stuff and I'm in this process of expanding my kit a little bit and I think this process will go on for a little while because it's quite expensive and it takes a little bit of research to get get the right stuff the reason I want to do this is because I want I want to experience some different kinds of activities out in the open wilderness and that's one of the the key things with this equipment thing I think that people bring different stuff out in the woods for different reasons because I want to do different things they have different interests different levels of experience and yeah people in general are different and as I said all my
and description on my channel here on YouTube that I want to do all kinds of different outdoor activities and to be able to do this I will need to acquire a little bit of equipment like for instance if I want to make a video about hunting and now of course this is also about my experience if I want to experience how hunting in the outdoors I need to acquire a little bit of hunting gear if I want to make a video and experience the little bit of fishing I need to get myself a little bit of fishing gear the same goes for a long distance hiking and if you want to make video about a canoe trip you need to have a commune of ailable or else it's really really difficult to make videos and experience exactly that I really don't still need to just acquire gear for for the sake of the gear I won't get the gear I need to realize my ideas and to do the kind of outdoor stuff I would like to do I hope to be able to make a little bit of variations on my activities from from video to video and show a little bit of gear and share my experiences with this with a scare as I go on so then it started to rain I managed to get my tarp up and put on my my equipment underneath it before it and started so I think I'll be all good just hoping for some some thunder tonight that will be really often [Applause]
then it looks like this this Reynes is leaving me I was hoping for some really really bad weather today but at this point it looks like it's going to be a really nice evening I can see some some blue spots up in the sky I've tried some a little bit of fishing didn't have any luck yet but maybe later or tomorrow morning we'll see but now to try out this stove see if I can make myself a little bit of coffee this stove is you know this good burning sauce that we can actually use for quite a few different things
it came with this this is the bushbox XL and this is the combination kit comes with a pouch nylon pouch seems really nicely laid and this thing to open it and to make it ready for use we made a nicely made ladle ma very soft looking looking forward to getting to know it
okay now I put this this grid plate they call it inside the inside the in the middle of the story and I want to use it with my
Trangia for this first little experiment we burn
it goes
for this first table coffee-making test burn I have put about half a liter of water inside this 12 centimeter zebra pot yeah it's it's not actually a boil test because here many people do I really don't find that kind of tests all that useful but what I would find really useful at this moment is to get some some nice one coffee so I hope this little set up on the Hellmouth with us and it looks like my water is boiling Oh
comes with two of this this bars that you can use in a lot of different ways on the stove and just cross the sensors what was on kind enough to send me two extra of this and I think that comment really handy a lot of things Oh
I really not done this and really that much of this connotation before usually are when earlier augmentation in a much larger lake further down and in this area I don't actually think that my equipment my fishing fishing rod is really good suited for this smaller bait or nurse so I for this trip I borrowed this actually a really nice fishing rod from a friend of mine and I'm using it with with my old reel I have this suspicion what the line I'm using is little bit too thick I think it's 0.2 millimeter of this new I don't know the English name for it this fiber line I really can't reach all that far out with its more small weights at the end of the on the line but I know that there is a really good fishing in this in this lake
there is
nice perch and there's also some really nice trout in this little neck so hopefully when I stop stop talking a little bit later maybe I'll be able to cut something like that I can actually so maybe some of you have some recommendations for me what kind of loose to use for this this kind of fishing hunting I have had a lot of luck with this one for a little bit larger perch down in a big lake earlier and also this one I had a lot of luck and I was fishing from from a boat and I used to do that all the time when I was a kid
drive around with a small smaller 4 horsepower engine around and around this pretty big big catching Pike and perch it was an awesome awesome times but this time I'm about to try to catch some trout maybe about hopefully one kilo that's in two and three pounds I think some of this I have a few of this old old baits I have used for years I don't know which one to use for four for this fish do you have any recommendations please please write so in the comment section under this video I'm starting to get really hungry so I make make myself a little bit of fire this time I want it's on forward that is that action stop let's see if it's if it will work in some twigs this is mostly mostly pine tree executive it's a little bit of spruce but I really don't want to use Bruce the farm of the air because it's spruce is always putting out a lot of Sparks and it has been really dry for a long long time this summer and I don't want to start the forest fire teas are working on here is a really nice fat would hopefully that would be enough this was actually quite easy to get started so the next project now is to build up a little bed of coals cook my food on I guess this is the first time I try off the stove like this I did try out this gasifier stove on my last trip and I really really hope that that's a fire stove and this this booth box will complement each other for different kinds of trips I got with this stuff and 1 mix vomit and I brought with me onion green pepper and garlic chili do this movie on cubes night and one can of chili beans and one can of tomatoes I really think this will be an awesome meal if I manage to cook it out in the rain and I also hope it could all fit we'll try this lady from centimeter set apart and in addition to these ingredients I also brought some butter my salt and pepper shaker that I think that's pretty much it so the first thing I need to do is to fry up this this ground meat perhaps together with this with this onion it is actually starting to get pretty dark already so I have managed to get for my good video of this lady's cooking experiment but I will lay down if you'd like exactly like this Ultima and the waviness before and I think like maybe it's really really nice me I hope so nice chunks that's perfect think I try to treat you in a couple of these one one they can fit them in with a bow flush with this side the side of the the top of the stove and you can flick them today go a little bit above and it looks like that's flush with these two sides I think that maybe will be for more suitable for this [Music]
better get some rain from above okay it was my little camera is waterproof it's perfect I'm not water water proof need to slip on some rain [Applause]
anyone from the local fire department watch me turn this little wood stove out here my middle of that you know Legion summer I will tell you it's raining it's pouring down think that bringing fresh meat like this how can God in the woods in the summer it's a little bit risky yatra I took it out of my my fridge this morning in the middle of the day actually please just in a few hours and it's not really really hot I think this with me will they will be nice it's perfect it looks like this project is going pretty good it's wet it's raining I don't think I need to add any water into this attack or mother nature helps now to that work [Applause]
now run my little dog is moving good down in by the by the water but we try to prepare the rest of my little little meat everything into this this is false comparison army
I think in a lot of different ways to do this probably not doing it the right way but I'm doing it eight way Cartesian fan small this is like this if it is all is going to boil together for some time and that's wrong all the flavors stay inside the spots the next thing I want to put in this dish is this chili supposed to be a really hot one so that sounds good to me this little seeds supposed to have a lot of this good stuff in it enough and I like spicy foods yeah keep them inside that pops together with everything else yeah
and this will be one spicy tomato sure into the pasta it goes as far as the rest of my ingredients though I think I will try to finish up the trying of the ground meat and onions and I will put that inside the pot together with pepper and chili and garlic add some salt and pepper first maybe and then I will fill the pot with with the cans and hopefully I will manage to get most of the beans and tomatoes in there before it goes Alton the rain is actually died down a little bit so I can bring out my little on my good camera to put in some salt and pepper because it's a lot better in low light
this larger Sony camera with a really fast lens on it yeah but it doesn't take all that much room or water before it dies I think this install is not all that hard to control when it comes to the heat it's quite good size inside it so you can put in a little bit larger pieces of wood that I can and the solar stuff but you can see that some of the course fall out on the side so it's not all that safe but it's I think it's perfectly good for this at least for these conditions that I think you can manage to make safe fires and summertime with this with this though and I just saw a fish jumping right next to my my frying pan I think he wants to get in there tomorrow I'm not sure but if you insist I would laughs I will let them in that he will face this is smelling really really good I am just started perfect this is some promising cooking I think it's actually so dark that it's a little bit hard to see yeah this is ready to go into the into the pot sure this is my this is my pot prepared all of this inside it's my skewed it smells really really good
yeah I think I'm ready for the cams serious
yes I think I'm ready for some more stuff I guess some kidney beans my next baby try to keep this hungry out of heat because it's actually getting really really hot when it gets into the flames that's not a good day I hope I'll be able to fit in some of the tomatoes I also have two of these do be on cubes I want to add infrared bit of meat the salty flavor always perfect with this inside this kind of this is the last last thing I want to put inside some Tomatoes I need to leave some of the sauce out oh yeah it's pretty food little pots my challenge now is to keep this little stove going on a pretty low heat for made an hour or so that oh this would be good eat eating I guess this I hope so don't check on this progress it's totally normal for 20 minutes or so and it's raining this is with it first time in history get it in rail in the middle of the woods on bushbox XL [Applause]
hi Rach hi would getting away it's fairly dry on the in fact I think this lead ship of the finished here for yeah I think hour and a half the liquid is reduced liquid speed it off it's nice oh it's much really nice yeah I think that's that's my dinner for tonight I think this has finally finished I'm going to give it a try it smells seriously nice
oh yeah that's good that's really good I think I left there finish this plate that twit off my hammock and probably go to bed because it's quite early and quite later oh that's pretty hot chili oh yeah
good morning I've been lying in my hammock
I was sleeping bad for a while now it's been a nice morning it's really windy and I had to see rain showers through the night and also this morning so I think I need to get out of bed make myself some breakfast and maybe try some more fishing
yeah pretty good yeah quick I left this this pot outside tonight hanging and hanging on the tree branch it's about half of food so it will be a nice lunch for me [Music]
I think maybe this is even better today than it was yesterday it was a little bit of a challenge to cook it about nice because it was raining windy windy it was dark and I had to change between my two cameras bring stuff on my heart a little bit of a challenge I think it turned out pretty decent
yes though I think performed pretty good it's a little bit of a challenge when it's windy like it was yesterday when I started the fire in the bush box it was no wind at all just a slight breeze for me and after and towards the lake and suddenly when it started to rain you in turn them picked up quite a bit and it wasn't all that easy to control the heat inside the soap because it was it was burning the woods at kind of an uneven speed because the wind gives a lot of oxygen to the fire and it also threw away some of the holes some sparks flying out of the oven stove
I don't think that's something wrong with the stove it's just the conditions I think that the goose box is it's possible to make a safe fire in the summertime with it but you need to take a little bit here we have to treat it and what kind of wood to put in it but all in all it's it seems to be a really versatile piece of equipment and it packs down really small yeah all the North I'm looking I'm looking forward to getting to know it better because I know a lot of people around and you've crossed community use this kind of salsa they really happy with them right I'm pretty sure I would be too
and just I could all the equipment you need to test it and get to know it all the time that's the only way to know how it's actually working so much flavor in this the chili pot [Applause]
I would need a knife to give you a living recommendation for a youtube channel that I enjoy a lot and the channel is called death outdoors it's run by a really nice foolish fight is in Gotham and if the documenting it he's journey without horse lately they've been doing a lot of collaboration really knowledgeable people
I think it's sharing a lot of really really useful and interesting and dr. Natale but if you don't already know about this this channel don't think about that I live there [Music]
hey check this out yeah that's a perfect fish seriously Oh I think I let him out let it go for this time I already had my dinner today with that awesome great stuff now it seems like this little trip is coming to an end for me and I got to say I'm I'm really pleased with how it turned out the food was awesome the weather was really changing I was hoping for some thunderstorms yesterday but they didn't show up so maybe that's for another video
yeah the fishing was great I almost gave up from the fishing but right before I was about the back of my fishing gear I managed to catch least raw trout yeah I will definitely come back here and try that assisting again it's a lot of fun I'm not I'm not really used to this kind of fishing but this is nice it's really really nice i'ma have quite a few of these small lakes with for perch and proud rollin in the area I live so yeah we'll definitely see more of that in the future I also enjoyed testing out this with juice box this box like excel from underscore essentials the company actually sent me this witch doctor to check out the channel and really really great with that so thanks a lot I will bring this talk on many future trips so if you're interested in interested in what I think of it which is probably much more deep more my videos because it takes a little bit of time to get getting all new equipment but the stove performs really good on this district I'm happy with it so far I guess that the only thing you actually now the back of my little come and hike back to my car it's parked as well
often our welcome here with my very heart
yeah publish with Doc coming my next trip so I'm telling them you next time they're Karen bye bye for now
About the Author

This channel is dedicated to all kinds of outdoor and wilderness activities. The content is focused on scandinavian culture and history.
More articles from this author
- Injuries In The Wilderness
- Introduction to NorwegianWoods
- Winter Camping In Sweden
- Winter Forest Camping & Fire Making
- Bushcraft Origami - The 10 Best Tarp Setups
- Hiking in the Norwegian Wilderness
- Spring Season Forest Solo Adventure
- The Dragons Nest at the Old Hill Fort
- Solo Winter Hammock Wildcamping
- Comparison of 4 Fuels for Camping Stoves
- Everything About Bushcraft Saws
- Summer Camping & Cooking With The Solo Stove Titan
- A Winter Night In The Norwegian Woods
- Prepping Cars For Winter Conditions
- A Bow Drill Fire and some Little Things
- Norwegian Woods 2017
- A New Tarp, A New Fishing Rod & A Knife Talk
- Hiking and overnight trip in Norway
- Basic Bushcraft Cutting Tools - My Gear and My Thoughts
- Spring Season Boat Camping
- Solo Winter Overnighter & Trying Out The Dakota Fire Pit
- A Brief History of Scandinavian Bushcraft & Some Bivvy Wild Camping
- Wildcamping with my Hammock & Basic Navigation
- Camping, Hiking And Canoeing Adventure
- My Thoughts On Winterizing A Hammock
- Bushcraft Refrigerators & A Polish Poncho Tent
- Old School Norwegian Perch Fishing
- Bushcraft Firestarting - The 10 Best Firestarters
- Solo Hunting Trip & DD Frontline XL Hammock
- Fall Camping & First Impressions Of The Tentipi Olivin 2
- A Snowy Forest & 4 Flashlights From Olight And Lumonite
- Late Winter Camping, 10 Question Tag & Azden SMX-30 Microphone
- Cooking & Camping With Eagle Products & Giant Squid Microphone
- Everything About Backpacks, Bags & Pouches
- Everything About Wilderness Camping Shelters & Sleep Systems
- Solo Hunting & Fishing Weekend Trip
- Summer Camping & First Impressions Of The Amok Hammock System